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4   TYPE comp_group_rec_type IS RECORD
2   --$Header: cnvmcgs.pls 115.1 2001/10/29 17:20:30 pkm ship    $
8       comp_group_start_date   cn_comp_group_hier.start_date_active%TYPE,
5      (parent_comp_group_id    cn_comp_groups.comp_group_id%TYPE
6                                         := fnd_api.g_miss_char,
7       comp_group_id           cn_comp_groups.comp_group_id%TYPE,
9       comp_group_end_date     cn_comp_group_hier.end_date_active%TYPE
10                                         := fnd_api.g_miss_date);
12 -- Start of comments
13 --    API name        : Move_Group
14 --    Type            : Private.
15 --    Function        : Move a compensation group; this may involve
16 --                      terminating the group under a particular parent and
17 --                      moving it to another parent effective the date of move
18 --                      Also update all the entries of admins adn salesreps
19 --    Pre-reqs        : The parent for this comp group should exist unless the
20 --                      the group is a toplevel group; Also this group itself
21 --                      should exist
22 --    Parameters      :
23 --    IN              :       p_api_version           IN NUMBER       Required
24 --                            Description: Standard API parameter which states
25 --                                         the api version; used to check
26 --                                         compatibility of calling code
27 --                            p_init_msg_list         IN VARCHAR2     Optional
28 --                                    Default = FND_API.G_FALSE
29 --                            Description: Standard API parameter which
30 --                                         specifies whether message stack
31 --                                         should be re-initialized
32 --                            p_commit                IN VARCHAR2     Optional
33 --                                    Default = FND_API.G_FALSE
34 --                            Description: Standard API parameter; specifies
35 --                                         whether a commit should be issued
36 --                                         on successful completion of
37 --                                         transaction
38 --                            p_validation_level      IN NUMBER       Optional
39 --                                    Default = FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
40 --                            Description: Standard API parameter; specifies
41 --                                         validation level
42 --                                         IMPORTANT: USE DEFAULT
43 --                            p_comp_group_rec        IN comp_group_rec_type Required
44 --                            Description: The record containing the
45 --                                         comp group to be moved
46 --                            p_effective_move_date       IN DATE     Required
47 --                            Description: The date on which the move is to
48 --                                         be made
49 --    OUT             :       x_return_status         OUT     VARCHAR2(1)
50 --                            Description: Contains the status of the call
51 --                                         FND_API.G_RE_STS_SUCCESS
52 --                                             - SUCCESS
53 --                                         FND_API.G_RE_STS_UNEXP_ERROR
54 --                                             - UNEXPECTED ERROR
55 --                                         FND_API.G_RE_STS_ERROR
56 --                                             - EXPECTED ERROR
57 --                            x_msg_count             OUT     NUMBER
58 --                            Description: The number of messages in the
59 --                                         message stack
60 --                            x_msg_data              OUT     VARCHAR2(2000)
61 --                            Description: Contains the message data if the
62 --                                         message count is 1
63 --    Version         : Current version       4.x?
64 --                            Changed: see timestamp
65 --                      Initial version       4.0?
66 --                            Created: 31-JAN-00  Ram Kalyanasundaram
67 --
68 --    Notes           : Note text
69 --
70 -- End of comments
72 PROCEDURE Move_Group
73   (p_api_version                 IN      NUMBER                              ,
74    p_init_msg_list               IN      VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE         ,
75   p_commit                       IN      VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE         ,
76   p_validation_level             IN      NUMBER := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
77   p_comp_group_rec               IN      comp_group_rec_type                 ,
78   p_effective_move_date          IN      date                                ,
79   p_new_parent_group_id          IN      cn_comp_groups.comp_group_id%TYPE   ,
80   x_return_status                OUT     VARCHAR2                            ,
81   x_msg_count                    OUT     NUMBER                              ,
82   x_msg_data                     OUT     VARCHAR2                            );
84 END CN_CompGroups_PVT;