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Line 210: po_vendors pov, hr_locations_all hrl1, hr_locations_all hrl2,

206: hrl2.location_code location, pll.note_to_receiver note_to_receiver
207: FROM rcv_transactions_interface rti, po_headers_trx_v pha,--CLM Changes,using CLM views instead of base tables
208: -- MOAC : changed po_line_locations to po_line_locations_all
209: po_lines_trx_v pol, rcv_shipment_headers rsh, po_line_locations_trx_v pll,
210: po_vendors pov, hr_locations_all hrl1, hr_locations_all hrl2,
211: -- MOAC : changed po_vendor_sites to po_vendor_sites_all
212: po_vendor_sites_all pvs, per_people_f ppf
213: where rti.interface_transaction_id = p_transaction_id
214: AND rti.po_header_id = pha.po_header_id(+)

Line 242: po_vendors pov, hr_locations_all hrl1, hr_locations_all hrl2,

238: pll.note_to_receiver note_to_receiver
239: FROM rcv_transactions_interface rti, po_headers_trx_v pha,--CLM Changes,using CLM views instead of base tables
240: -- MOAC : changed po_line_locations to po_line_locations_all
241: po_lines_trx_v pol, rcv_shipment_headers rsh, po_line_locations_trx_v pll,
242: po_vendors pov, hr_locations_all hrl1, hr_locations_all hrl2,
243: -- MOAC : changed po_vendor_sites to po_vendor_sites_all
244: po_vendor_sites_all pvs, per_people_f ppf
245: where rti.interface_transaction_id = p_transaction_id
246: AND rti.po_header_id = pha.po_header_id(+)

Line 432: -- , hr_locations_all hrl1

428: , rcv_shipment_lines rsl
429: -- MOAC : changed po_line_locations to po_line_locations_all
430: , po_line_locations_trx_v pll
431: , po_vendors pov
432: -- , hr_locations_all hrl1
433: -- , hr_locations_all hrl2
434: -- MOAC : changed po_vendor_sites to po_vendor_sites_all
435: , po_vendor_sites_all pvs
436: , per_people_f ppf

Line 433: -- , hr_locations_all hrl2

429: -- MOAC : changed po_line_locations to po_line_locations_all
430: , po_line_locations_trx_v pll
431: , po_vendors pov
432: -- , hr_locations_all hrl1
433: -- , hr_locations_all hrl2
434: -- MOAC : changed po_vendor_sites to po_vendor_sites_all
435: , po_vendor_sites_all pvs
436: , per_people_f ppf
437: , wms_license_plate_numbers wlpn -- Bug 3836623

Line 471: from hr_locations_all hrl1

467: Select
468: decode(l_deliver_to_location_id,null,null,hrl1.location_code)
469: deliver_to_location
470: , decode(l_location_id,null,null,hrl2.location_code) location
471: from hr_locations_all hrl1
472: , hr_locations_all hrl2
473: where hrl1.location_id = decode(l_deliver_to_location_id,null,hrl1.location_id,l_deliver_to_location_id)
474: AND hrl2.location_id = decode(l_location_id,null,hrl2.location_id,l_location_id)
475: and hrl1.location_id = hrl2.location_id;

Line 472: , hr_locations_all hrl2

468: decode(l_deliver_to_location_id,null,null,hrl1.location_code)
469: deliver_to_location
470: , decode(l_location_id,null,null,hrl2.location_code) location
471: from hr_locations_all hrl1
472: , hr_locations_all hrl2
473: where hrl1.location_id = decode(l_deliver_to_location_id,null,hrl1.location_id,l_deliver_to_location_id)
474: AND hrl2.location_id = decode(l_location_id,null,hrl2.location_id,l_location_id)
475: and hrl1.location_id = hrl2.location_id;

Line 709: , hr_locations_all hrl1

705: , rcv_shipment_headers rsh
706: -- MOAC : changed po_line_locations to po_line_locations_all
707: , po_line_locations_trx_v pll
708: , po_vendors pov
709: , hr_locations_all hrl1
710: , hr_locations_all hrl2
711: -- MOAC : changed po_vendor_sites to po_vendor_sites_all
712: , po_vendor_sites_all pvs
713: , per_people_f ppf

Line 710: , hr_locations_all hrl2

706: -- MOAC : changed po_line_locations to po_line_locations_all
707: , po_line_locations_trx_v pll
708: , po_vendors pov
709: , hr_locations_all hrl1
710: , hr_locations_all hrl2
711: -- MOAC : changed po_vendor_sites to po_vendor_sites_all
712: , po_vendor_sites_all pvs
713: , per_people_f ppf
714: WHERE pha.po_header_id(+) = all_lpn.po_header_id

Line 1412: l_deliver_to_location hr_locations_all.LOCATION_CODE%TYPE;

1408: -- Increased this variable size to the corresponding column size in the table.
1409: l_supplier_name po_vendors.VENDOR_NAME%TYPE;
1410: l_supplier_site po_vendor_sites.VENDOR_SITE_CODE%TYPE;
1411: l_requestor per_people_f.FULL_NAME%TYPE;
1412: l_deliver_to_location hr_locations_all.LOCATION_CODE%TYPE;
1413: l_location_code hr_locations_all.LOCATION_CODE%TYPE;
1414: l_note_to_receiver po_line_locations.NOTE_TO_RECEIVER%TYPE;
1416: -- END of Bug fix for 3916663

Line 1413: l_location_code hr_locations_all.LOCATION_CODE%TYPE;

1409: l_supplier_name po_vendors.VENDOR_NAME%TYPE;
1410: l_supplier_site po_vendor_sites.VENDOR_SITE_CODE%TYPE;
1411: l_requestor per_people_f.FULL_NAME%TYPE;
1412: l_deliver_to_location hr_locations_all.LOCATION_CODE%TYPE;
1413: l_location_code hr_locations_all.LOCATION_CODE%TYPE;
1414: l_note_to_receiver po_line_locations.NOTE_TO_RECEIVER%TYPE;
1416: -- END of Bug fix for 3916663