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Line 2904: -- using both wf_notification_attributes and wf_item_activity_statuses tables

2900: END Get_Ntf_Msg_From_In;
2902: --
2903: -- Bug 6677333: Modified the logic so that error message will be retrieved
2904: -- using both wf_notification_attributes and wf_item_activity_statuses tables
2905: --
2906: -- Get_Error_Ntf_Details
2907: -- Gets the Details of the Error Notification, if any
2908: function Get_Error_Ntf_Details(p_event_name in varchar2,

Line 2961: wf_item_activity_statuses wias

2957: SELECT wn.notification_id, to_char(wn.begin_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS'), subject,
2958: error_message, error_name, error_stack
2959: INTO l_nid, l_date, l_subject, l_err_msg, l_err_name, l_err_stack
2960: FROM wf_notifications wn,
2961: wf_item_activity_statuses wias
2962: WHERE wn.notification_id = l_ntf_id
2963: AND wias.notification_id = l_ntf_id
2964: AND wn.message_type = wias.item_type
2965: AND wn.item_key = wias.item_key;