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Line 980: l_sql := l_sql || qpr_sr_util.get_dblink(g_instance_id);

976: g_t_src_lines(p_src_ctr).SOURCE_REF_LINE_ID;
977: if g_meas_type = ASO_MEAS_TYPE_DEALINT then
978: begin
979: l_sql := 'select QUOTE_LINE_NUMBER from qpr_sr_quote_line_num_v';
980: l_sql := l_sql || qpr_sr_util.get_dblink(g_instance_id);
981: l_sql := l_sql || ' where quote_header_id = :1 ';
982: l_sql := l_sql || ' and quote_line_id = :2 and source_id = :3';
983: execute immediate l_sql into l_line_no using
984: g_t_src_lines(p_src_ctr).SOURCE_REF_HDR_ID,

Line 1113: l_sql := l_sql || qpr_sr_util.get_dblink(g_instance_id);

1109: g_t_src_lines(p_src_ctr).SOURCE_REF_LINE_ID;
1110: if g_meas_type = ASO_MEAS_TYPE_DEALINT then
1111: begin
1112: l_sql := 'select QUOTE_LINE_NUMBER from qpr_sr_quote_line_num_v';
1113: l_sql := l_sql || qpr_sr_util.get_dblink(g_instance_id);
1114: l_sql := l_sql || ' where quote_header_id = :1 ';
1115: l_sql := l_sql || ' and quote_line_id = :2 and source_id = :3';
1116: execute immediate l_sql into l_line_no using
1117: g_t_src_lines(p_src_ctr).SOURCE_REF_HDR_ID,

Line 1612: qpr_sr_util.get_dblink(g_instance_id) || '; end;';

1608: -- set during call. Only after this will the ui line number will generate
1609: -- proper line no.
1610: if g_meas_type = ASO_MEAS_TYPE_DEALINT then
1611: s_sql:= 'begin aso_line_num_int.RESET_LINE_NUM'||
1612: qpr_sr_util.get_dblink(g_instance_id) || '; end;';
1613: execute immediate s_sql;
1614: end if;
1616: open c_deal_line for p_sql using p_header_id;

Line 1817: db_link := qpr_sr_util.get_dblink(p_instance_id);

1813: log_debug('Starting...');
1814: select hsecs into l_start_time from v$timer;
1815: log_debug('Start time :'||
1816: to_char(sysdate,'MM/DD/YYYY:HH:MM:SS'));
1817: db_link := qpr_sr_util.get_dblink(p_instance_id);
1819: g_instance_id := p_instance_id;
1820: g_meas_type := p_meas_type;

Line 1829: if not qpr_sr_util.dm_parameters_ok then

1825: g_login_id := fnd_global.conc_login_id;
1826: g_prg_appl_id := fnd_global.prog_appl_id;
1827: g_prg_id := fnd_global.conc_program_id;
1829: if not qpr_sr_util.dm_parameters_ok then
1830: retcode:= 2;
1832: FND_MSG_PUB.Add;
1833: log_debug('One or more mandatory parameters are not filled');

Line 1978: || src_tbl_name||qpr_sr_util.get_dblink(p_instance_id)

1974: from qpr_instances
1975: where instance_id = p_instance_id);
1976: if p_quote_header_id is null then
1977: l_sql := 'select quote_header_id, quote_header_sd, source_id from '
1978: || src_tbl_name||qpr_sr_util.get_dblink(p_instance_id)
1979: || ' where quote_number = ' || p_quote_number
1980: || ' and quote_version = ' || p_quote_version ;
1981: if p_src_choice = 1 or p_src_choice = 660 then
1982: l_sql := l_sql || ' and order_type_name = ''' || p_order_type || '''';

Line 1987: || src_tbl_name||qpr_sr_util.get_dblink(p_instance_id)

1983: end if;
1984: l_sql := l_sql || ' and rownum < 2';
1985: else
1986: l_sql := 'select quote_header_id, quote_header_sd, source_id from '
1987: || src_tbl_name||qpr_sr_util.get_dblink(p_instance_id)
1988: || ' where quote_header_id = ' || p_quote_header_id;
1989: l_sql := l_sql || ' and rownum < 2';
1990: end if;
1991: log_debug('SQL: '||l_sql);

Line 2073: l_src_tbl := l_src_tbl || qpr_sr_util.get_dblink(p_instance_id);

2069: open c_src_cols(l_src_tbl);
2070: fetch c_src_cols bulk collect into g_src_cols, g_trg_cols;
2071: close c_src_cols;
2073: l_src_tbl := l_src_tbl || qpr_sr_util.get_dblink(p_instance_id);
2075: l_sql := get_deal_sql(l_src_tbl, p_tgt_tbl_name);
2077: return l_sql;