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Line 33: bom_inventory_components bic

29: and (i_product_family_id is null or
30: msik.inventory_item_id in (
31: select bic.component_item_id
32: from bom_bill_of_materials bbom,
33: bom_inventory_components bic
34: where bbom.assembly_item_id = i_product_family_id
35: and bbom.organization_id = i_org_id
36: and bbom.alternate_bom_designator is null
37: and bbom.bill_sequence_id = bic.bill_sequence_id))

Line 90: bom_inventory_components bic2

86: CURSOR all_option_items IS
87: select id from (
88: select distinct msik.inventory_item_id id, msik.concatenated_segments c_name
89: from mtl_system_items_kfv msik, bom_bill_of_materials bbom2,
90: bom_inventory_components bic2
91: where msik.organization_id = i_org_id
92: and msik.bom_enabled_flag = 'Y'
93: and msik.inventory_item_flag = 'Y'
94: and msik.bom_item_type = 2

Line 102: from bom_bill_of_materials bbom, bom_inventory_components bic

98: (msik.concatenated_segments <= i_to_item or i_to_item is null))
99: and (i_product_family_id is null or
100: msik.inventory_item_id in
101: (select bic.component_item_id
102: from bom_bill_of_materials bbom, bom_inventory_components bic
103: where bbom.assembly_item_id = i_product_family_id
104: and bbom.organization_id = i_org_id
105: and bbom.alternate_bom_designator is null
106: and bbom.bill_sequence_id = bic.bill_sequence_id))

Line 149: bom_inventory_components bic

145: and (i_product_family_id is null or
146: msik.inventory_item_id in (
147: select bic.component_item_id
148: from bom_bill_of_materials bbom,
149: bom_inventory_components bic
150: where bbom.assembly_item_id = i_product_family_id
151: and bbom.organization_id = i_org_id
152: and bbom.alternate_bom_designator is null
153: and bbom.bill_sequence_id = bic.bill_sequence_id))

Line 174: bom_inventory_components bic2

170: and msik.inventory_item_id in (
171: select bic2.component_item_id
172: from mtl_system_items_b msi2,
173: bom_bill_of_materials bbom2,
174: bom_inventory_components bic2
175: where bbom2.organization_id = i_org_id and
176: bbom2.assembly_item_id = i_assembly_item_id and
177: nvl(bbom2.alternate_bom_designator,'$$$') = nvl(i_alt_designator,'$$$') and
178: bic2.bill_sequence_id = bbom2.common_bill_sequence_id and

Line 318: bom_inventory_components bic

314: and (i_product_family_id is null or
315: msik.inventory_item_id in (
316: select bic.component_item_id
317: from bom_bill_of_materials bbom,
318: bom_inventory_components bic
319: where bbom.assembly_item_id = i_product_family_id
320: and bbom.organization_id = i_org_id
321: and bbom.alternate_bom_designator is null
322: and bbom.bill_sequence_id = bic.bill_sequence_id))