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Line 719: if(wjsi_row.start_quantity = 0 and wdj_row.job_type = wip_constants.standard) then

715: raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
716: elsif(wjsi_row.load_type = wip_constants.create_job and wjsi_row.start_quantity = 0) then
717: raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
718: elsif(wjsi_row.load_type = wip_constants.resched_job) then
719: if(wjsi_row.start_quantity = 0 and wdj_row.job_type = wip_constants.standard) then
720: raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
721: elsif(wjsi_row.start_quantity < wdj_row.quantity_completed) then
723: raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;

Line 752: wdj_row.job_type = wip_constants.nonstandard and

748: --can't have net qty when creating a ns job w/no item or rescheduling a ns job w/no item
749: elsif(wjsi_row.net_quantity is not null and wjsi_row.net_quantity <> 0 and
750: ((wjsi_row.load_type = wip_constants.create_ns_job and wjsi_row.primary_item_id is null) or
751: (wjsi_row.load_type = wip_constants.resched_job and
752: wdj_row.job_type = wip_constants.nonstandard and
753: wdj_row.primary_item_id is null))) then
754: raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
755: end if;
756: end if;

Line 767: wdj_row.job_type = wip_constants.nonstandard and

764: procedure firm_planned_flag is begin
765: if((wjsi_row.firm_planned_flag = wip_constants.yes and wjsi_row.load_type = wip_constants.create_ns_job) or
766: (wjsi_row.firm_planned_flag = wip_constants.yes and
767: wdj_row.job_type = wip_constants.nonstandard and
768: wjsi_row.load_type in (wip_constants.resched_job, wip_constants.resched_eam_job)) or
769: (wjsi_row.firm_planned_flag not in (wip_constants.yes, wip_constants.no))) then
770: raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
771: end if;

Line 1257: if(wdj_row.job_type = wip_constants.standard) then

1253: if(wjsi_row.alternate_routing_designator is not null) then
1254: if(wjsi_row.load_type = wip_constants.create_ns_job) then
1255: l_rtg_item_id := wjsi_row.routing_reference_id;
1256: elsif(wjsi_row.load_type = wip_constants.resched_job) then
1257: if(wdj_row.job_type = wip_constants.standard) then
1258: l_rtg_item_id := wdj_row.primary_item_id;
1259: else
1260: l_rtg_item_id := wdj_row.routing_reference_id;
1261: end if;

Line 1294: if(wdj_row.job_type = wip_constants.standard) then

1290: if(wjsi_row.alternate_bom_designator is not null) then
1291: if(wjsi_row.load_type = wip_constants.create_ns_job) then
1292: l_bom_item_id := wjsi_row.bom_reference_id;
1293: elsif(wjsi_row.load_type = wip_constants.resched_job) then
1294: if(wdj_row.job_type = wip_constants.standard) then
1295: l_bom_item_id := wdj_row.primary_item_id;
1296: else
1297: l_bom_item_id := wdj_row.bom_reference_id;
1298: end if;

Line 1412: wdj_row.job_type = wip_constants.nonstandard and

1408: raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
1409: end if;
1411: if(wjsi_row.load_type = wip_constants.resched_job and
1412: wdj_row.job_type = wip_constants.nonstandard and
1413: wdj_row.routing_reference_id is null and
1414: (l_date_count = 1)) then
1415: --when rescheduling a ns job and providing one date, it must have a routing
1416: raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;

Line 1666: wdj_row.job_type = wip_constants.nonstandard and

1662: end if;
1663: if(wjsi_row.scheduling_method = wip_constants.leadtime and
1664: ((wjsi_row.load_type = wip_constants.create_ns_job and wjsi_row.routing_reference_id is null) or
1665: (wjsi_row.load_type = wip_constants.resched_job and
1666: wdj_row.job_type = wip_constants.nonstandard and
1667: wdj_row.routing_reference_id is null))) then
1668: --can not do lead time for ns jobs that have no routing reference
1669: raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
1670: elsif(wjsi_row.scheduling_method = wip_constants.ml_manual) then

Line 2131: from wip_non_standard_classes_val_v

2127: select 1
2128: into g_dummy
2129: from dual
2130: where exists(select 1
2131: from wip_non_standard_classes_val_v
2132: where class_code = wjsi_row.class_code
2133: and organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id);
2135: elsif(wjsi_row.load_type = wip_constants.create_eam_job) then