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Line 50: po_line_locations pll,

46: , Nvl(pll.enforce_ship_to_location_code,'NONE') enforce_ship_to_location_code
47: , 0 rcv_transaction_id -- only need it for std_deliver
48: , pl.item_revision --only needed for std_deliver
49: FROM
50: po_line_locations pll,
51: po_lines pl,
52: po_headers ph,
53: rcv_shipment_lines rsl,
54: (SELECT DISTINCT source_line_id

Line 104: po_line_locations pll,

100: , v_task_id NUMBER)
101: IS
103: FROM
104: po_line_locations pll,
105: po_lines pl,
106: po_headers ph,
107: rcv_shipment_lines rsl,
108: (SELECT DISTINCT source_line_id

Line 171: po_line_locations pll,

167: , Nvl(pll.enforce_ship_to_location_code,'NONE') enforce_ship_to_location_code
168: , 0 rcv_transaction_id -- only need it for std_deliver
169: , pl.item_revision --only needed for std_deliver
170: FROM
171: po_line_locations pll,
172: po_lines pl,
173: po_headers ph,
174: rcv_shipment_lines rsl,
175: (SELECT DISTINCT source_line_id

Line 229: po_line_locations pll,

225: , v_task_id NUMBER)
226: IS
228: FROM
229: po_line_locations pll,
230: po_lines pl,
231: po_headers ph,
232: rcv_shipment_lines rsl,
233: (SELECT DISTINCT source_line_id

Line 296: from po_line_locations_all pll,

292: , pll.ship_to_location_id
293: , nvl(pll.enforce_ship_to_location_code,'NONE') enforce_ship_to_location_code
294: , 0 rcv_transaction_id -- only need it for std_deliver
295: , pl.item_revision --only needed for std_deliver
296: from po_line_locations_all pll,
297: po_lines_all pl,
298: po_headers_all ph
299: where ph.po_header_id = header_id
300: and pll.po_header_id = header_id

Line 346: from po_line_locations_all pll,

342: , v_task_id NUMBER)
344: IS
346: from po_line_locations_all pll,
347: po_lines_all pl
348: WHERE pll.po_header_id = header_id
349: AND pll.po_line_id = Nvl(v_po_line_id, pll.po_line_id)
350: AND pll.line_location_id = Nvl(v_po_line_location_id, pll.line_location_id)

Line 406: po_line_locations pll,

402: ,nvl(pll.enforce_ship_to_location_code,'NONE') enforce_ship_to_location_code
403: ,0 rcv_transaction_id -- only need it for std_deliver
404: ,pl.item_revision --only needed for std_deliver
405: from po_distributions pod,
406: po_line_locations pll,
407: po_lines pl,
408: po_headers ph
409: where ph.po_header_id = header_id
410: and pod.po_header_id = header_id

Line 454: po_line_locations pll,

450: , v_project_id NUMBER
451: , v_task_id NUMBER) is
452: select count(*)
453: from po_distributions pod,
454: po_line_locations pll,
455: po_lines pl
456: where pll.po_header_id = header_id
457: AND pod.po_line_id = Nvl(v_po_line_id, pod.po_line_id)
458: AND pod.line_location_id = Nvl(v_po_line_location_id, pod.line_location_id)

Line 513: po_line_locations pll,

509: ,nvl(pll.enforce_ship_to_location_code,'NONE') enforce_ship_to_location_code
510: ,rs.rcv_transaction_id
511: ,rs.item_revision
512: from po_distributions pod,
513: po_line_locations pll,
514: po_lines pl,
515: po_headers ph,
516: rcv_supply rs,
517: rcv_shipment_headers rsh,

Line 590: po_line_locations pll,

586: , v_inspection_status VARCHAR2
587: , v_lpn_id NUMBER) is
588: select count(*)
589: from po_distributions pod,
590: po_line_locations pll,
591: po_lines pl,
592: po_headers ph,
593: rcv_supply rs,
594: rcv_shipment_headers rsh,

Line 681: x_qty_rcv_exception_code po_line_locations.qty_rcv_exception_code%type;

677: x_first_trans boolean := TRUE;
678: x_sysdate DATE := sysdate;
679: current_n binary_integer := 0;
680: insert_into_table boolean := FALSE;
681: x_qty_rcv_exception_code po_line_locations.qty_rcv_exception_code%type;
682: tax_amount_factor number;
683: lastrecord boolean := FALSE;
685: po_asn_uom_qty number;