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1 Package pqh_fr_validation_periods_api  AUTHID CURRENT_USER as
2 /* $Header: pqvlpapi.pkh 120.1 2005/10/02 02:28:53 aroussel $ */
3 /*#
4  * This package contains APIs to create, update and delete service periods.
5  * @rep:scope public
6  * @rep:product per
7  * @rep:displayname Service Validation Period for France
8 */
9 --
10 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 -- |-------------------------< insert_validation_period >---------------------|
12 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 --
14 -- {Start Of Comments}
15 /*#
16  * This API validates and creates a service period record.
17  *
18  * This API validates the new service periods against the already recorded
19  * service periods for overlapping. Only periods that are marked as Validated
20  * are counted for length of service computations.
21  *
22  * <p><b>Licensing</b><br>
23  * This API is licensed for use with Human Resources.
24  *
25  * <p><b>Prerequisites</b><br>
26  * A service period can only be recorded for an existing services validation
27  * record.
28  *
29  * <p><b>Post Success</b><br>
30  * A new service period is created for the services validation in the database.
31  *
32  * <p><b>Post Failure</b><br>
33  * A service period is not created in the database and an error is raised
34  * @param p_effective_date Specifies the reference date for validating lookup
35  * values, applicable within the active date range. This date does not
36  * determine when the changes take effect.
37  * @param p_validation_id Identifier of the service validation for which the
38  * service period is being created. It references PQH_FR_VALIDATIONS.
39  * @param p_start_date Start date of a service period with a previous employer
40  * @param p_end_date End date of a service period with a previous employer
41  * @param p_previous_employer_id Identifier of the previous employer.
43  * @param p_assignment_category Specifies the working type of the employee with
44  * the previous employer. Valid values are identified by lookup type EMP_CAT.
45  * @param p_normal_hours Number of hours the employee used to work with the
46  * previous employer with respect to the given frequency
47  * @param p_frequency Unit of time with respect to which number of working
48  * hours is provided. It may be day, month etc. Valid values are identified by
49  * lookup type FREQUENCY.
50  * @param p_period_years The total effective service period taken into
51  * consideration for the employee with the employer expressed in terms of
52  * years, months and days, this parameter refers to the year fraction of the
53  * period
54  * @param p_period_months The total effective service period taken into
55  * consideration for the employee with the employer expressed in terms of
56  * years, months and days, this parameter refers to the month fraction of the
57  * period
58  * @param p_period_days The total effective service period taken into
59  * consideration for the employee with the employer expressed in terms of
60  * years, months and days, this parameter refers to the day fraction of the
61  * period
62  * @param p_comments Comment text
63  * @param p_validation_status Indicate whether the service period can be
64  * validated or not. Valid values are identified by lookup type
66  * @param p_validation_period_id The process returns the unique validation
67  * period identifier generated for the new service period record
68  * @param p_object_version_number It is set to the version number of the
69  * created service period record
70  * @rep:displayname Create Service Validation Period
73  * @rep:scope public
74  * @rep:lifecycle active
75  * @rep:ihelp PER/@scalapi APIs in Oracle HRMS
76 */
77 --
78 -- {End Of Comments}
79 --
80 procedure Insert_Validation_Period
81   (p_effective_date               in     date
82   ,p_validation_id                  in     number
83   ,p_start_date                     in     date     default null
84   ,p_end_date                       in     date     default null
85   ,p_previous_employer_id           in     number   default null
86   ,p_assignment_category            in     varchar2 default null
87   ,p_normal_hours                   in     number   default null
88   ,p_frequency                      in     varchar2 default null
89   ,p_period_years                   in     number   default null
90   ,p_period_months                  in     number   default null
91   ,p_period_days                    in     number   default null
92   ,p_comments                       in     varchar2 default null
93   ,p_validation_status              in     varchar2 default null
94   ,p_validation_period_id              out nocopy number
95   ,p_object_version_number             out nocopy number);
96 --
97 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
98 -- |-------------------------< update_validation_period >---------------------|
99 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
100 --
101 -- {Start Of Comments}
102 /*#
103  * This API validates the record when an existing service period record is
104  * changed and updates the record in the database.
105  *
106  * API validates the updated service period against the existing service
107  * periods to ensure there are no overlapping dates. The record is updated in
109  *
110  * <p><b>Licensing</b><br>
111  * This API is licensed for use with Human Resources.
112  *
113  * <p><b>Prerequisites</b><br>
114  * The record should exist with the specified object version number.
115  *
116  * <p><b>Post Success</b><br>
117  * The service period is updated in the database with the current changes.
118  *
119  * <p><b>Post Failure</b><br>
120  * The service period is not updated in the database and an error is raised
121  * @param p_effective_date Specifies the reference date for validating lookup
122  * values, applicable within the active date range. This date does not
123  * determine when the changes take effect.
124  * @param p_validation_period_id {@rep:casecolumn
126  * @param p_object_version_number Passes the current version number of the
127  * service period record to be updated. When the API completes the process
128  * returns the new version number of the updated service period record
129  * @param p_validation_id Identifier of the service validation for which the
130  * service period is being created. It references PQH_FR_VALIDATIONS.
131  * @param p_start_date Start date of a service period with a previous employer
132  * @param p_end_date End date of a service period with a previous employer
133  * @param p_previous_employer_id Identifier of the previous employer.
135  * @param p_assignment_category Specifies the working type of the employee with
136  * the previous employer. Valid values are identified by lookup type EMP_CAT.
137  * @param p_normal_hours Number of hours the employee used to work with the
138  * previous employer with respect to the given frequency
139  * @param p_frequency It is the unit of time with respect to which number of
140  * working hours is provided. It may be day, month etc. Valid values are
141  * identified by lookup type FREQUENCY.
142  * @param p_period_years The total effective service period taken into
143  * consideration for the employee with the employer expressed in terms of
144  * years, months and days, this parameter refers to the year fraction of the
145  * period
146  * @param p_period_months The total effective service period taken into
147  * consideration for the employee with the employer expressed in terms of
148  * years, months and days, this parameter refers to the month fraction of the
149  * period
150  * @param p_period_days The total effective service period taken into
151  * consideration for the employee with the employer expressed in terms of
152  * years, months and days, this parameter refers to the day fraction of the
153  * period
154  * @param p_comments Comment text
155  * @param p_validation_status Indicate whether the Service Period can be
156  * validated or is impossible to validate. Valid values are identified by
157  * lookup type FR_PQH_VALIDATION_STATUS.
158  * @rep:displayname Update Service Validation Period
160  * @rep:category MISC_EXTENSIONS HR_USER_HOOKS
161  * @rep:scope public
162  * @rep:lifecycle active
163  * @rep:ihelp PER/@scalapi APIs in Oracle HRMS
164 */
165 --
166 -- {End Of Comments}
167 --
168 procedure Update_Validation_Period
169   (p_effective_date               in     date
170   ,p_validation_period_id         in     number
171   ,p_object_version_number        in out nocopy number
172   ,p_validation_id                in     number    default hr_api.g_number
173   ,p_start_date                   in     date      default hr_api.g_date
174   ,p_end_date                     in     date      default hr_api.g_date
175   ,p_previous_employer_id         in     number    default hr_api.g_number
176   ,p_assignment_category          in     varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
177   ,p_normal_hours                 in     number    default hr_api.g_number
178   ,p_frequency                    in     varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
179   ,p_period_years                 in     number    default hr_api.g_number
180   ,p_period_months                in     number    default hr_api.g_number
181   ,p_period_days                  in     number    default hr_api.g_number
182   ,p_comments                     in     varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
183   ,p_validation_status            in     varchar2  default hr_api.g_varchar2
184   );
185 --
186 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
187 -- |-------------------------< delete_validation_period >---------------------|
188 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
189 --
190 -- {Start Of Comments}
191 /*#
192  * This API deletes a service period record from the database.
193  *
194  * The record is deleted from PQH_FR_VALIDATION_PERIODS table
195  *
196  * <p><b>Licensing</b><br>
197  * This API is licensed for use with Human Resources.
198  *
199  * <p><b>Prerequisites</b><br>
200  * The record should exist with the specified object version number.
201  *
202  * <p><b>Post Success</b><br>
203  * A service period record is deleted from the database.
204  *
205  * <p><b>Post Failure</b><br>
206  * A service period record is not deleted from the database and an error is
207  * raised
208  * @param p_validation_period_id {@rep:casecolumn
210  * @param p_object_version_number Current version number of the service period
211  * record to be deleted
212  * @rep:displayname Delete Service Validation Period
214  * @rep:category MISC_EXTENSIONS HR_USER_HOOKS
215  * @rep:scope public
216  * @rep:lifecycle active
217  * @rep:ihelp PER/@scalapi APIs in Oracle HRMS
218 */
219 --
220 -- {End Of Comments}
221 --
222 Procedure Delete_Validation_Period
223   (p_validation_period_id                        in     number
224   ,p_object_version_number                in     number);
225 --