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Line 33: per_addresses has no underscore.

29: assignments status usages
30: dcasemor 19-MAR-2002 115.13 Added chk_utf8_col_length.
31: dcasemor 22-MAR-2002 115.14 Added address_line1, 2 and 3 to
32: chk_utf8_col_length because
33: per_addresses has no underscore.
34: dcasemor 26-MAR-2002 115.15 Scaled down use of
35: chk_utf8_col_length because this
36: has been replaced by
37: hr_utf8_triggers.

Line 1322: ,per_addresses adr

1318: ,per_all_assignments_f ass
1319: ,per_business_groups_perf bg
1320: ,hr_locations_all loc
1321: ,hr_all_organization_units org
1322: ,per_addresses adr
1323: WHERE ass.person_id(+) = per.person_id
1324: AND NVL(ass.primary_flag(+),'Y') = 'Y'
1325: AND NVL(ass.assignment_type(+),'E') = 'E'
1326: AND p_session_date BETWEEN NVL(ass.effective_start_date(+),p_session_date) AND NVL(ass.effective_end_date(+),p_session_date)

Line 1649: ,per_addresses adr

1645: ,per_all_assignments_f ass
1646: ,hr_all_organization_units_tl bg
1647: ,hr_locations_all_tl loc
1648: ,hr_all_organization_units_tl org
1649: ,per_addresses adr
1650: where ass.person_id(+) = per.person_id
1651: and ass.primary_flag(+) = 'Y'
1652: and ass.assignment_type(+) = 'E'
1653: and per.business_group_id = p_business_group_id

Line 1751: ,per_addresses adr

1747: ,per_all_assignments_f ass
1748: ,per_business_groups_perf bg
1749: ,hr_locations_all loc
1750: ,hr_all_organization_units org
1751: ,per_addresses adr
1752: WHERE ass.person_id(+) = per.person_id
1753: AND NVL(ass.primary_flag(+),'Y') = 'Y'
1754: AND NVL(ass.assignment_type(+),'E') = 'E'
1755: AND l_session_date BETWEEN NVL(ass.effective_start_date(+),l_session_date) AND NVL(ass.effective_end_date(+),l_session_date)