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1 package body pay_kr_yea_don_efile_pkg as
2 /* $Header: pykrydef.pkb 120.4 2012/01/19 10:15:38 rpahune ship $ */
3 --
4 -- Constants
5 --
6 c_package constant varchar2(31) := '  pay_kr_yea_don_efile_pkg.';
7 --
8 report_for_var varchar2(50);
10 procedure populate_a
11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 is
13         l_proc  varchar2(61) := c_package || 'populate_a';
14         --
15         cursor csr_a is
16         select  count(distinct hoi2.org_information2||hoi3.org_information9)
17          from    hr_organization_information     hoi3,
18                  hr_organization_information     hoi2,
19                  hr_organization_units           bp2,
20                  hr_organization_information     hoi1,
21                  hr_organization_units           bp1
22          where   bp1.organization_id           = g_business_place_id
23          and     hoi1.organization_id          = bp1.organization_id
24          and     hoi1.org_information_context  = 'KR_BUSINESS_PLACE_REGISTRATION'
25          and     bp2.business_group_id         = bp1.business_group_id
26          and     (      (report_for_var = 'A')
27     		     or (        (hoi2.organization_id  in ( select posev.ORGANIZATION_ID_child
28  							     from   PER_ORG_STRUCTURE_ELEMENTS posev
29 							     where  posev.org_structure_version_id=(pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('ORG_STRUC_VERSION_ID'))
30 								    and exists ( select null
31 										 from   hr_organization_information
32 										 where  organization_id = posev.ORGANIZATION_ID_child
33 											and org_information_context = 'CLASS'
34 											and org_information1 = 'KR_BUSINESS_PLACE'
35 										)
36 								    start with ORGANIZATION_ID_PARENT = (decode(report_for_var,'S',null,'SUB',g_business_place_id))
37 								    connect by prior ORGANIZATION_ID_child = ORGANIZATION_ID_PARENT
38 							    )
39 				  )
40          		       or (hoi2.organization_id = g_business_place_id
41 				  )
42 			 )
43 		 )
44          and     hoi2.organization_id          = bp2.organization_id
45          and     hoi2.org_information_context  = 'KR_BUSINESS_PLACE_REGISTRATION'
46          and     hoi2.org_information10        = hoi1.org_information10
47          and     hoi3.organization_id          = hoi2.organization_id
48          and     hoi3.org_information_context  = 'KR_INCOME_TAX_OFFICE'
49          and     exists(
50                          select  null
51                          from    pay_assignment_actions  paa,
52                                  pay_payroll_actions     ppa
53                          where   ppa.report_type       = 'YEA'
54                          and     ppa.report_qualifier  = 'KR'
55                          and     ppa.business_group_id = bp1.business_group_id
56                          -- Bug 3248513
57 	                 and     ( (ppa.report_category in (g_normal_yea, g_interim_yea, g_re_yea)) or (ppa.payroll_action_id = g_payroll_action_id) )
58                          and     to_number(to_char(ppa.effective_date, 'YYYY')) = g_target_year
59                          --
60                          and     ppa.action_type in ('B','X')
61                          and     paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
62                          and     paa.tax_unit_id       = bp2.organization_id
63                          and     paa.action_status     = 'C');
64 begin
65         if g_business_place_id is null then
66                 g_business_place_id := to_number(pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('PRIMARY_BP_ID'));
67 		report_for_var	:= pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('REPORT_FOR');
68                 --
69                 open csr_a;
70                 fetch csr_a into g_b_records;
71                 close csr_a;
72         end if;
73 end populate_a;
74 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
75 -- Package initialization section
76 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
77 begin
78         declare
79 		l_report_type	varchar2(3);
81         begin
82        	     --
83              g_payroll_action_id := to_number(pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('PAYROLL_ACTION_ID') );
84              g_target_year       := to_number(pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TARGET_YEAR'));
85 	     g_assignment_set_id := to_number(pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('ASSIGNMENT_SET_ID'));
86              --
87              if g_payroll_action_id is null then
89                 	l_report_type         := pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('REPORT_TYPE');
91 			if l_report_type       is null then
92 				g_normal_yea   := 'N';
93 				g_interim_yea  := 'I';
94 				g_rep_period_code := '1'; -- Bug 9251570
96 			elsif l_report_type    = 'N' then
97 				g_normal_yea   := 'N';
98 				g_rep_period_code := '1'; -- Bug 9251570
100 			elsif l_report_type    = 'I' then
101 				g_interim_yea  := 'I';
102 				g_rep_period_code := '3'; -- Bug 9251570
104 			elsif l_report_type    = 'R' then
105 				g_re_yea       := 'R';
106 				g_rep_period_code := '3'; -- Bug 9251570
108 			elsif l_report_type    = 'NI' then
109 				g_normal_yea   := 'N';
110 				g_interim_yea  := 'I';
111 				g_rep_period_code := '1'; -- Bug 9251570
113 			elsif l_report_type    = 'NR' then
114 				g_normal_yea   := 'N';
115 				g_re_yea       := 'R';
116 				g_rep_period_code := '1'; -- Bug 9251570
118 			end if;
119 	     end if;
120 	     --
121              populate_a;
122 	     --
123         end;
124 end pay_kr_yea_don_efile_pkg;