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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 49

      select person_id, full_name
        from per_all_people_f
       where person_id = p_person_id
         and sysdate between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 180

      select acty.name,
      from ame_action_types acty
      where  acty.created_by <> 1 and
        not exists (select null
                    from ame_action_types
                    where procedure_name = acty.procedure_name and
                      created_by = 1 and
                      sysdate between start_date and
                         nvl(end_date - (ame_util.oneSecond), sysdate)) and
        sysdate between acty.start_date and
                    nvl(acty.end_date - (ame_util.oneSecond), sysdate);
Line: 196

      select acty.name action_type
        ,act.description action
        ,act.parameter source_attribute
      from ame_actions act,
        ame_action_types acty
      where act.action_type_id = acty.action_type_id and
        acty.name in (dynamicPreApprover, dynamicPostApprover) and
        sysdate between act.start_date and nvl(act.end_date - (ame_util.oneSecond), sysdate) and
        sysdate between acty.start_date and nvl(acty.end_date - (ame_util.oneSecond), sysdate);
Line: 375

      select 'Y'
      from all_tables
      where table_name = 'AME_ACTION_USAGES'
        and owner      = table_owner;
Line: 386

      select distinct oldappr.person_id person_id
        from ame_temp_old_approver_lists oldappr
       where oldappr.person_id is not null
         and not exists (select null
                         from wf_roles wf
                          where wf.orig_system_id = oldappr.person_id
                            and wf.orig_system = 'PER'
                            and wf.status      = 'ACTIVE'
                            and (wf.expiration_date is null or
                                sysdate < wf.expiration_date)
                            and rownum < 2);
Line: 401

      select distinct del.person_id person_id
        from ame_temp_deletions del
       where del.person_id is not null
         and not exists (select null from wf_roles wf
                          where wf.orig_system_id = del.person_id
                            and wf.orig_system    = 'PER'
                            and wf.status         = 'ACTIVE'
                            and (wf.expiration_date is null or
                                 sysdate < wf.expiration_date)
                            and rownum < 2);
Line: 415

      select distinct ins.person_id person_id
        from ame_temp_insertions ins
       where ins.person_id is not null
         and not exists (select null from wf_roles wf
                          where wf.orig_system_id = ins.person_id
                            and wf.orig_system    = 'PER'
                            and wf.status         = 'ACTIVE'
                            and (wf.expiration_date is null or
                                 sysdate < wf.expiration_date)
                            and rownum < 2);
Line: 429

      select distinct cond.condition_id
             ,cond.parameter_two person_id
        from ame_conditions cond
       where cond.parameter_one in ('any_approver_person_id','final_approver_person_id')
         and not exists (select null from wf_roles wf
                          where wf.orig_system_id = cond.parameter_two
                            and wf.orig_system    = 'PER'
                            and wf.status         = 'ACTIVE'
                            and (wf.expiration_date is null or
                                 sysdate < wf.expiration_date)
                            and rownum < 2);
Line: 445

      select distinct grpitems.approval_group_id
             ,parameter person_id
        from ame_approval_group_items grpitems
          ,ame_approval_groups grp
       where grpitems.parameter_name = ame_util.approverPersonId
         and grp.approval_group_id = grpitems.approval_group_id
         and grp.start_date = (select max(start_date)
                               from ame_approval_groups
                               where approval_group_id = grp.approval_group_id)
         and not exists (select null from wf_roles wf
                          where wf.orig_system_id = grpitems.parameter
                            and wf.orig_system    = 'PER'
                            and wf.status         = 'ACTIVE'
                            and (wf.expiration_date is null or
                                 sysdate < wf.expiration_date)
                            and rownum < 2);
Line: 466

      select  distinct grpmem.approval_group_id
              ,grpmem.parameter person_id
        from ame_approval_group_members grpmem
          ,ame_approval_groups grp
       where grpmem.parameter_name = ame_util.approverPersonId
         and grp.approval_group_id = grpmem.approval_group_id
         and grp.start_date = (select max(start_date)
                               from ame_approval_groups
                               where approval_group_id = grp.approval_group_id)
         and not exists (select null from wf_roles wf
                          where wf.orig_system_id = grpmem.parameter
                            and wf.orig_system    = 'PER'
                            and wf.status         = 'ACTIVE'
                            and (wf.expiration_date is null or
                                 sysdate < wf.expiration_date)
                            and rownum < 2);
Line: 487

      select substrb(config1.variable_value, 11, instrb(config1.variable_value,',')-11) person_id
        from ame_config_vars config1
       where config1.variable_name = 'adminApprover'
         and config1.variable_value like 'person_id%'
         and not exists (select null from ame_config_vars config2
                          where config2.rowid = config1.rowid
                           --and config2.variable_value like 'person_id:,user_id%'
                           and substrb(config2.variable_value,1,12) in ('person_id:,u','person_id:0,'))
         and not exists (select null from wf_roles wf
                          where wf.orig_system_id = substrb(config1.variable_value, 11, instrb(config1.variable_value,',')-11)
                            and wf.orig_system    = 'PER'
                            and wf.status         = 'ACTIVE'
                            and (wf.expiration_date is null or
                                 sysdate < wf.expiration_date)
                            and rownum < 2);
Line: 506

      select distinct action_id, substrb(parameter, instrb(parameter,':')+1) person_id, description
      from ame_actions
      where parameter like 'person_id:%'
        and exists (select null
                    from ame_action_types
                    where name = ame_util.substitutionTypeName
                     and action_type_id = ame_actions.action_type_id
                     and rownum < 2)
        and not exists (select null
                        from wf_roles wf
                        where wf.orig_system_id = substrb(ame_actions.parameter, instrb(ame_actions.parameter,':')+1)
                          and wf.orig_system    = 'PER'
                          and wf.status         = 'ACTIVE'
                          and (wf.expiration_date is null or
                             sysdate < wf.expiration_date)
                          and rownum < 2);
Line: 529

      select distinct oldappr.person_id person_id
        from ame_temp_old_approver_lists oldappr
       where oldappr.person_id is not null
         and exists (select null
                       from wf_roles wf
                     where wf.orig_system_id = oldappr.person_id
                       and wf.orig_system = 'PER'
                       and wf.status      = 'ACTIVE'
                       and (wf.expiration_date is null or
                          sysdate < wf.expiration_date)
                       and name like 'AME_MIGRATION%'
                       and rownum < 2);
Line: 545

      select distinct del.person_id person_id
        from ame_temp_deletions del
       where del.person_id is not null
         and exists (select null
                     from wf_roles wf
                     where wf.orig_system_id = del.person_id
                       and wf.orig_system    = 'PER'
                       and wf.status         = 'ACTIVE'
                       and (wf.expiration_date is null or
                           sysdate < wf.expiration_date)
                       and name like 'AME_MIGRATION%'
                       and rownum < 2);
Line: 561

      select distinct ins.person_id person_id
        from ame_temp_insertions ins
       where ins.person_id is not null
         and exists (select null
                     from wf_roles wf
                     where wf.orig_system_id = ins.person_id
                       and wf.orig_system    = 'PER'
                       and wf.status         = 'ACTIVE'
                       and (wf.expiration_date is null or
                            sysdate < wf.expiration_date)
                       and name like 'AME_MIGRATION%'
                       and rownum < 2);
Line: 577

      select distinct cond.condition_id
             ,substrb(cond.parameter_two, instrb(cond.parameter_two,'AME_MIGRATION_')+14) person_id
        from ame_conditions cond
       where cond.parameter_one in ('any_approver','final_approver')
         and cond.parameter_two like 'AME_MIGRATION%'
         and exists (select null
                     from wf_roles wf
                     where wf.name = cond.parameter_two
                       and wf.orig_system    = 'PER'
                       and wf.status         = 'ACTIVE'
                       and (wf.expiration_date is null or
                            sysdate < wf.expiration_date)
                       and rownum < 2);
Line: 596

      select distinct grpitems.approval_group_id
             ,substrb(parameter, instrb(parameter,'AME_MIGRATION_')+14) person_id
        from ame_approval_group_items grpitems
          ,ame_approval_groups grp
       where grpitems.parameter_name = 'wf_roles_name'
         and grp.approval_group_id = grpitems.approval_group_id
         and grp.start_date = (select max(start_date)
                               from ame_approval_groups
                               where approval_group_id = grp.approval_group_id)
         and parameter like 'AME_MIGRATION%'
         and exists (select null from wf_roles wf
                     where wf.name = grpitems.parameter
                       and wf.orig_system    = 'PER'
                       and wf.status         = 'ACTIVE'
                       and (wf.expiration_date is null or
                            sysdate < wf.expiration_date)
                       and rownum < 2);
Line: 619

      select  distinct grpmem.approval_group_id
              ,substrb(grpmem.parameter,instrb(grpmem.parameter,'AME_MIGRATION_')+14) person_id
        from ame_approval_group_members grpmem
          ,ame_approval_groups grp
       where grpmem.parameter_name = 'wf_roles_name'
         and grp.approval_group_id = grpmem.approval_group_id
         and grp.start_date = (select max(start_date)
                               from ame_approval_groups
                               where approval_group_id = grp.approval_group_id)
         and grpmem.parameter like 'AME_MIGRATION%'
         and exists (select null from wf_roles wf
                     where wf.name = grpmem.parameter
                       and wf.orig_system    = 'PER'
                       and wf.status         = 'ACTIVE'
                       and (wf.expiration_date is null or
                            sysdate < wf.expiration_date)
                       and rownum < 2);
Line: 642

      select substrb(config1.variable_value, instrb(config1.variable_value,'AME_MIGRATION_')+14) person_id
        from ame_config_vars config1
       where config1.variable_name = 'adminApprover'
         and config1.variable_value like 'AME_MIGRATION%'
         and exists (select null from wf_roles wf
                     where name = config1.variable_value
                       and wf.orig_system    = 'PER'
                       and wf.status         = 'ACTIVE'
                       and (wf.expiration_date is null or
                            sysdate < wf.expiration_date)
                       and rownum < 2);
Line: 657

      select distinct action_id, substrb(parameter, instrb(parameter,'AME_MIGRATION_')+14) person_id, description
      from ame_actions
      where parameter like 'AME_MIGRATION%'
        and exists (select null
                    from ame_action_types
                    where name = ame_util.substitutionTypeName
                     and action_type_id = ame_actions.action_type_id
                     and rownum < 2)
        and exists (select null
                    from wf_roles wf
                    where wf.name = ame_actions.parameter
                      and wf.orig_system    = 'PER'
                      and wf.status         = 'ACTIVE'
                      and (wf.expiration_date is null or
                         sysdate < wf.expiration_date)
                      and rownum < 2);
Line: 680

      select distinct oldappr.user_id
             ,fnd.employee_id person_id
        from ame_temp_old_approver_lists oldappr
          ,fnd_user fnd
       where oldappr.user_id is not null
         and oldappr.person_id is null
         and fnd.employee_id is not null
         and oldappr.user_id = fnd.user_id;
Line: 693

      select distinct del.user_id user_id
            ,fnd.employee_id person_id
        from ame_temp_deletions del
          ,fnd_user fnd
       where del.user_id   is not null
         and del.person_id is null
         and fnd.employee_id is not null
         and fnd.user_id = del.user_id;
Line: 706

      select distinct ins.user_id user_id
            ,fnd.employee_id person_id
        from ame_temp_insertions ins
          ,fnd_user fnd
       where ins.user_id   is not null
         and ins.person_id is null
         and fnd.employee_id is not null
         and fnd.user_id = ins.user_id;
Line: 719

      select distinct condition_id
            ,cond.parameter_two user_id
            ,fnd.employee_id person_id
        from ame_conditions cond
          ,fnd_user fnd
       where cond.parameter_one in ('any_approver_user_id','final_approver_user_id')
         and fnd.employee_id is not null
         and cond.parameter_two = to_char(fnd.user_id);
Line: 732

      select distinct grp.name
             ,grpitems.parameter user_id
            ,fnd.employee_id person_id
        from ame_approval_group_items grpitems
          ,ame_approval_groups grp
          ,fnd_user fnd
       where grpitems.parameter_name = 'user_id'
         and fnd.employee_id is not null
         and grpitems.parameter = to_char(fnd.user_id)
         and grp.approval_group_id = grpitems.approval_group_id
         and grp.start_date = (select max(start_date)
                               from ame_approval_groups
                               where approval_group_id = grp.approval_group_id);
Line: 750

      select distinct grp.name
             ,grpmems.parameter user_id
            ,fnd.employee_id person_id
        from ame_approval_group_members grpmems
          ,ame_approval_groups grp
          ,fnd_user fnd
       where grpmems.parameter_name = 'user_id'
         and fnd.employee_id is not null
         and grpmems.parameter = to_char(fnd.user_id)
         and grp.approval_group_id = grpmems.approval_group_id
         and grp.start_date = (select max(start_date)
                               from ame_approval_groups
                               where approval_group_id = grp.approval_group_id);
Line: 768

      select distinct substrb(config1.variable_value, instrb(config1.variable_value,':',-1)+1 ) user_id
            ,fnd.employee_id person_id
        from ame_config_vars config1
          ,fnd_user fnd
       where config1.variable_name = 'adminApprover'
         and config1.variable_value like 'person_id:%'
         and lengthb(substrb(config1.variable_value, instrb(config1.variable_value,':',-1)+1 )) > 0
         and fnd.employee_id is not null
         and substrb(config1.variable_value, instrb(config1.variable_value,':',-1)+1 ) = to_char(fnd.user_id);
Line: 782

      select distinct action_id
             ,substrb(parameter, instrb(parameter,':')+1) user_id
            ,fnd.employee_id person_id
        from ame_actions
          ,fnd_user fnd
       where parameter like 'user_id:%'
         and fnd.employee_id is not null
         and substrb(parameter, instrb(parameter,':')+1) = to_char(fnd.user_id)
         and exists (select null
                       from ame_action_types
                      where name           = ame_util.substitutionTypeName
                        and action_type_id = ame_actions.action_type_id
                        and rownum < 2);
Line: 883

               ,source => 'ame_temp_insertions'
               ,source_object => 'n/a'
               ,description => 'n/a'
               ,approvers => approversToBeMigrated);
Line: 976

                 ,source => 'ame_temp_insertions'
                 ,source_object => 'n/a'
                 ,description => 'n/a'
                 ,approvers => migratedApprovers);
Line: 1031

                 ,source_object => 'ame_temp_insertions'
                 ,description => null
                 ,approvers => invalidUsers);