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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 58

       select so that if the buyer id is not valid and does not
       exist in po_buyers_val_v we we assign null */

        SELECT full_name
        INTO   x_buyer
        FROM   po_buyers_val_v
        WHERE  employee_id = x_buyer_id;
Line: 416

	SELECT nvl(max(line_num), 0)
	INTO   x_max_line_num
	FROM   po_requisition_lines
	WHERE  requisition_header_id = x_header_id;
Line: 433

  PROCEDURE NAME:	update_modified_by_agent_flag


PROCEDURE update_modified_by_agent_flag(x_req_line_id    IN  NUMBER,
					x_agent_id	 IN  NUMBER)

x_progress  VARCHAR2(3) := NULL;
Line: 448

   UPDATE po_requisition_lines
   SET    modified_by_agent_flag = 'Y',
          reqs_in_pool_flag      = NULL,
 	  purchasing_agent_id    = x_agent_id,
	  last_update_date       = SYSDATE,
          last_updated_by        = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
          last_update_login      = FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID
   WHERE  requisition_line_id    = x_req_line_id;
Line: 461

			      x_progress, sqlcode);
Line: 464

END update_modified_by_agent_flag;
Line: 529

     SELECT primary_unit_of_measure
     INTO   x_primary_uom
     FROM   mtl_system_items
     WHERE  inventory_item_id = x_item_id
     AND    organization_id   = x_organization_id;
Line: 574

  PROCEDURE NAME:	update_transfer_price


PROCEDURE update_transfer_price (p_request_id	IN  	NUMBER)

     x_transaction_id            NUMBER;
Line: 603

  SELECT transaction_id, item_id, quantity, uom_code, source_organization_id, destination_organization_id, source_type_code, unit_price,
  trunc(nvl(nvl(pri.rate_date,pri.gl_date),pri.creation_date)) rate_date
  FROM po_requisitions_interface pri
  WHERE request_id = p_request_id;
Line: 631

	SELECT to_number(src.org_information3) src_ou, to_number(dest.org_information3) dest_ou
	INTO x_from_ou, x_to_ou
	FROM hr_organization_information src, hr_organization_information dest
	WHERE src.organization_id = x_from_organization_id
	AND src.org_information_context = 'Accounting Information'
	AND dest.organization_id = x_to_organization_id
	AND dest.org_information_context = 'Accounting Information';
Line: 686

		UPDATE po_requisitions_interface pri
			 SET pri.unit_price = x_unit_price , pri.base_unit_price = x_unit_price
		WHERE transaction_id = x_transaction_id;
Line: 702

END update_transfer_price;