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APPS.PA_TRX_IMPORT dependencies on PA_UTILS2

Line 1465: IF pa_utils2.CheckExporg(p_incurred_by_org_id,p_exp_item_date) = 'N' then

1462: IF PG_DEBUG = 'Y' THEN
1463: log_message('log_message: Validating exp dates -> Exp Org Level' );
1464: END IF;
1465: IF pa_utils2.CheckExporg(p_incurred_by_org_id,p_exp_item_date) = 'N' then
1466: x_err_msg_cd := 'PA_EXP_ORG_NOT_ACTIVE' ;
1467: x_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR ;
1468: RETURN ;
1469: END IF;

Line 1901: G_Business_Group_Id := pa_utils2.GetBusinessGroupId(X_Business_Group_Name);

1897: ELSIF G_Prev_Business_Group_Name = X_Business_Group_Name THEN
1899: G_Business_Group_Id := G_Prev_Business_Group_Id ;
1900: ELSE
1901: G_Business_Group_Id := pa_utils2.GetBusinessGroupId(X_Business_Group_Name);
1903: IF G_Business_Group_Id is NULL THEN
1905: X_status := 'PA_INVALID_BUSINESS_GROUP';

Line 2144: pa_utils2.GetEmpId( G_business_Group_id,

2140: END IF;
2141: -- Fixed Bug 1534973, 1581184
2142: -- Passing X_Ei_Date parameter to GetEmpId
2144: pa_utils2.GetEmpId( G_business_Group_id,
2145: X_enum,
2146: G_person_id,
2147: P_person_type, /* cwk */
2148: X_Ei_Date );

Line 2150: IF ( pa_utils2.G_return_status IS NOT NULL ) THEN

2146: G_person_id,
2147: P_person_type, /* cwk */
2148: X_Ei_Date );
2150: IF ( pa_utils2.G_return_status IS NOT NULL ) THEN
2151: X_status := pa_utils2.G_return_status ;
2152: pa_cc_utils.reset_curr_function;
2153: RETURN;
2154: ELSE

Line 2151: X_status := pa_utils2.G_return_status ;

2147: P_person_type, /* cwk */
2148: X_Ei_Date );
2150: IF ( pa_utils2.G_return_status IS NOT NULL ) THEN
2151: X_status := pa_utils2.G_return_status ;
2152: pa_cc_utils.reset_curr_function;
2153: RETURN;
2154: ELSE
2155: last_empno := X_enum;

Line 2469: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'Calling pa_utils2.CheckExporg';

2465: IF G_org_id is not NULL THEN
2466: IF pa_trx_import.g_skip_tc_flag <> 'Y' and PA_TRX_IMPORT.Get_GVal_ProjTskEi_Date = 'Y' then /* Added for Bug # 2170237 */
2467: -- Modified the above condition for BUG6931833
2468: IF PG_DEBUG = 'Y' THEN
2469: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'Calling pa_utils2.CheckExporg';
2470: log_message('log_message: ' || pa_debug.G_err_Stage);
2471: log_message('log_message: ' || 'G_org_id = ' || G_org_id);
2472: END IF;
2473: IF pa_utils2.CheckExporg(G_org_id,X_ei_date) = 'N' then

Line 2473: IF pa_utils2.CheckExporg(G_org_id,X_ei_date) = 'N' then

2469: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'Calling pa_utils2.CheckExporg';
2470: log_message('log_message: ' || pa_debug.G_err_Stage);
2471: log_message('log_message: ' || 'G_org_id = ' || G_org_id);
2472: END IF;
2473: IF pa_utils2.CheckExporg(G_org_id,X_ei_date) = 'N' then
2474: X_status := 'PA_EXP_ORG_NOT_ACTIVE';
2475: pa_cc_utils.reset_curr_function;
2476: RETURN;
2477: END IF;

Line 2556: IF pa_utils2.CheckExporg(G_override_to_org_id, X_ei_date) = 'N' THEN

2552: pa_cc_utils.reset_curr_function;
2553: RETURN;
2554: ELSIF pa_trx_import.g_skip_tc_flag <> 'Y' and PA_TRX_IMPORT.Get_GVal_ProjTskEi_Date = 'Y' THEN /* Added for Bug # 2170237 */
2555: --Modified above condition for bug6931833
2556: IF pa_utils2.CheckExporg(G_override_to_org_id, X_ei_date) = 'N' THEN
2557: X_status := 'PA_OVERRIDE_ORG_NOT_ACTIVE';
2558: pa_cc_utils.reset_curr_function;
2559: RETURN;
2560: END IF;

Line 2920: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'Calling pa_utils2.GetLaborCostMultiplier';

2916: pa_cc_utils.reset_curr_function;
2917: RETURN;
2918: ELSE
2919: IF PG_DEBUG = 'Y' THEN
2920: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'Calling pa_utils2.GetLaborCostMultiplier';
2921: log_message('log_message: ' || pa_debug.G_err_Stage);
2922: END IF;
2923: G_lcm := pa_utils2.GetLaborCostMultiplier(G_Task_id);
2924: last_task := X_tnum;

Line 2923: G_lcm := pa_utils2.GetLaborCostMultiplier(G_Task_id);

2919: IF PG_DEBUG = 'Y' THEN
2920: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'Calling pa_utils2.GetLaborCostMultiplier';
2921: log_message('log_message: ' || pa_debug.G_err_Stage);
2922: END IF;
2923: G_lcm := pa_utils2.GetLaborCostMultiplier(G_Task_id);
2924: last_task := X_tnum;
2925: END IF;
2927: END IF;

Line 4449: X_gl_date := pa_utils2.get_prvdr_gl_date( X_ei_date, l_appl_id , l_SobId) ;

4445: into l_SobId
4446: from pa_implementations_all
4447: where nvl(org_id,-99) = nvl(X_org_id,-99);
4449: X_gl_date := pa_utils2.get_prvdr_gl_date( X_ei_date, l_appl_id , l_SobId) ;
4451: END IF;
4452: */

Line 4719: unaccounted case, we call PA_UTILS2.GetPrjOrgId to get

4715: /* IC Change: we need to get receiver org ID regarldess
4716: of accounted or unaccounted transaction. For accounted
4717: case, we call PA_CC_IDENT.pa_cc_identify_txn_adj to
4718: get receiver org ID along with other info. For
4719: unaccounted case, we call PA_UTILS2.GetPrjOrgId to get
4720: only the reciever org id info. */
4721: ELSE
4722: /* IC Changes: Get receiver organization ID */
4723: IF PG_DEBUG = 'Y' THEN

Line 4724: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'Calling PA_UTILS2.GetPrjOrgId';

4720: only the reciever org id info. */
4721: ELSE
4722: /* IC Changes: Get receiver organization ID */
4723: IF PG_DEBUG = 'Y' THEN
4724: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'Calling PA_UTILS2.GetPrjOrgId';
4725: log_message('log_message: ' || pa_debug.G_err_Stage);
4726: END IF;
4727: G_RecvrOrgId := PA_UTILS2.GetPrjOrgId(p_project_id => G_project_id,
4728: p_task_id => NULL);

Line 4727: G_RecvrOrgId := PA_UTILS2.GetPrjOrgId(p_project_id => G_project_id,

4723: IF PG_DEBUG = 'Y' THEN
4724: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'Calling PA_UTILS2.GetPrjOrgId';
4725: log_message('log_message: ' || pa_debug.G_err_Stage);
4726: END IF;
4727: G_RecvrOrgId := PA_UTILS2.GetPrjOrgId(p_project_id => G_project_id,
4728: p_task_id => NULL);
4729: END IF; -- End gl_accted_flag = Y
4730: -- ==========================================================================

Line 4956: --pa_utils2.get_period_information to derive the accrual period information for the original

4953: END IF; --Accted = Y and Period_End = N
4955: --If transaction is accounted or unaccounted, period end accrual transaction then call
4956: --pa_utils2.get_period_information to derive the accrual period information for the original
4957: --and reversing line.
4958: IF ( l_period_end_txn = 'Y' ) THEN
4960: IF PG_DEBUG = 'Y' THEN

Line 4966: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'Calling pa_utils2.get_accrual_period_information';

4962: log_message('log_message: ' || pa_debug.G_err_Stage);
4963: END IF;
4965: IF PG_DEBUG = 'Y' THEN
4966: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'Calling pa_utils2.get_accrual_period_information';
4967: log_message('log_message: ' || pa_debug.G_err_Stage);
4968: END IF;
4970: G_GlDate := X_gl_date;

Line 4973: pa_utils2.get_accrual_period_information (

4970: G_GlDate := X_gl_date;
4972: --Call get_accrual_period_information API for the original line
4973: pa_utils2.get_accrual_period_information (
4974: p_expenditure_item_date => X_ei_date --in
4975: ,x_prvdr_accrual_date => G_AccDate --in/out. For original item this is passed OUT
4976: ,x_recvr_accrual_date => G_RecvrAccDate --in/out. For original item this is passed OUT
4977: ,p_prvdr_org_id => X_org_id --in

Line 5028: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'Calling pa_utils2.get_accrual_period_information for the reversing line';

5024: G_RevAccDate := G_AccDate;
5025: G_RevRecvrAccDate := G_RecvrAccDate;
5027: IF PG_DEBUG = 'Y' THEN
5028: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'Calling pa_utils2.get_accrual_period_information for the reversing line';
5029: log_message('log_message: ' || pa_debug.G_err_Stage);
5030: END IF;

Line 5034: pa_utils2.get_accrual_period_information (

5030: END IF;
5033: --Call get_accrual_period_information API for the reversing line
5034: pa_utils2.get_accrual_period_information (
5035: p_expenditure_item_date => X_ei_date
5036: ,x_prvdr_accrual_date => G_RevAccDate --in/out (both)
5037: ,x_recvr_accrual_date => G_RevRecvrAccDate --in/out (both)
5038: ,p_prvdr_org_id => X_org_id

Line 5960: G_OrgNameBGId := pa_utils2.GetBusinessGroupId(business_group_name);

5956: RETURN G_OrgNameOrgName;
5958: Else
5960: G_OrgNameBGId := pa_utils2.GetBusinessGroupId(business_group_name);
5962: BEGIN
5964: pa_utils2.GetEmpId ( P_Business_Group_Id => G_OrgNameBGId

Line 5964: pa_utils2.GetEmpId ( P_Business_Group_Id => G_OrgNameBGId

5960: G_OrgNameBGId := pa_utils2.GetBusinessGroupId(business_group_name);
5962: BEGIN
5964: pa_utils2.GetEmpId ( P_Business_Group_Id => G_OrgNameBGId
5965: , P_Employee_Number => employee_number
5966: , X_Employee_Id => X_emp_id
5967: , P_Person_Type => person_type
5968: , P_EiDate => expenditure_item_date);

Line 12317: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'Calling PA_UTILS2.GetPrjOrgId';

12314: END IF;
12316: IF PG_DEBUG = 'Y' THEN
12317: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'Calling PA_UTILS2.GetPrjOrgId';
12318: log_message('log_message: ' || pa_debug.G_err_Stage);
12319: END IF;
12320: G_RecvrOrgId := PA_UTILS2.GetPrjOrgId(p_project_id => G_project_id,
12321: p_task_id => NULL);

Line 12320: G_RecvrOrgId := PA_UTILS2.GetPrjOrgId(p_project_id => G_project_id,

12316: IF PG_DEBUG = 'Y' THEN
12317: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'Calling PA_UTILS2.GetPrjOrgId';
12318: log_message('log_message: ' || pa_debug.G_err_Stage);
12319: END IF;
12320: G_RecvrOrgId := PA_UTILS2.GetPrjOrgId(p_project_id => G_project_id,
12321: p_task_id => NULL);
12323: IF PG_DEBUG = 'Y' THEN
12324: pa_debug.G_err_stage := 'Calling API to derive/validate assignment and work type info';