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1 Package Body pqh_prvcalc as
2 /* $Header: pqprvcal.pkb 120.1 2005/07/05 17:13:19 hsajja noship $ */
3 -- global package variable for the purpose of hr_utility.
5 g_package varchar2(2000) := 'pqh_prvcalc.';
8 --
9 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 -- |------------------------< list_attribute_privs >----------------------------|
11 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 --
13 -- to be used for debugging results with trace on
14 --
15 procedure list_attribute_privs is
16 begin
17 for i in g_result.first .. g_result.last loop
18    hr_utility.set_location('form_col :'||g_result(i).form_column_name||' Mod : '||g_result(i).mode_flag||' Req :'||g_result(i).reqd_flag,10);
19 end loop;
20 end;
21 --
22 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
23 -- |------------------------< task_task_reqd_comp_flag >------------------------|
24 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
25 --
27 procedure task_task_reqd_comp_flag (p_task1_reqd_flag in varchar2,
28                                     p_task2_reqd_flag in varchar2,
29                                     p_result_reqd_flag   out nocopy varchar )
30 as
31 l_proc varchar2(2000) := g_package||'task_task_reqd_comp_flag' ;
32 begin
33     hr_utility.set_location('Entering'||l_proc,10);
34     if p_task1_reqd_flag = 'Y' or p_task2_reqd_flag ='Y' then
35        p_result_reqd_flag := 'Y' ;
36     else
37        p_result_reqd_flag := 'N' ;
38     end if;
39     hr_utility.set_location('Exiting'||l_proc,10000);
40 exception when others then
41 p_result_reqd_flag := null;
42 raise;
43 end task_task_reqd_comp_flag;
45 --
46 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
47 -- |------------------------< attribute_flag_result >------------------------|
48 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
49 --
50 procedure attribute_flag_result (p_edit_flag   in varchar2,
51                                  p_view_flag   in varchar2,
52                                  p_result_flag    out nocopy varchar2 )
53 as
54   l_proc varchar2(2000) := g_package||'attribute_flag_result' ;
55 begin
56 --    hr_utility.set_location('Entering'||l_proc,10);
57     /*
58     This procedure is used for calculating the result flag based on the
59     values of the edit flag and the view flag which are taken as input.
60      If edit flag is Yes then result is E irrespective of the value of the View flag.
61      if edit flag is No then view flag determines the value of the result flag.
62      if view flag is yes and edit flag is no then result flag is V else result flag is N.
63     */
64   if p_edit_flag = 'Y' then
65      p_result_flag := 'E';
66   elsif p_view_flag = 'Y' then
67      p_result_flag := 'V' ;
68   else
69      p_result_flag := 'N' ;
70   end if;
71   hr_utility.set_location('edit'||p_edit_flag||' view '||p_view_flag||' result '||p_result_flag||l_proc,20);
72 --  hr_utility.set_location('Exiting'||l_proc,10000);
73 exception when others then
74 p_result_flag := null;
75 raise;
76 end attribute_flag_result;
78 --
79 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
80 -- |------------------------< task_task_mode_comp_flag >------------------------|
81 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
82 --
83 procedure task_task_mode_comp_flag(p_task1_flag in varchar2,
84                                    p_task2_flag in varchar2,
85                                    p_result_flag   out nocopy varchar2 )
86 as
87   l_proc varchar2(2000) := g_package||'task_task_mode_comp_flag' ;
88 begin
89 --    hr_utility.set_location('Entering'||l_proc,10);
90     /*
91     This procedure is used for calculating result of the comparison of the
92     flags associated with an attribute of a task.
93     Task1  task2 are the input parameters . Flags can have possible values
94     (E,V,N ) listed in the order of heirarchy . In the task flag comparison ,
95     higher flag is to be returned as result.  if any of the flag is E then
96     result is E which is the highest value for the flag. which represents
97     that the attribute is editable for the task.  if both the flags are N
98     then result is N which means that attribute is not even viewable for
99     the task.
100     */
101     if p_task1_flag ='E' or p_task2_flag = 'E' then
102         p_result_flag := 'E' ;
103     elsif p_task1_flag = 'V' or p_task2_flag = 'V' then
104         p_result_flag := 'V' ;
105     else
106         p_result_flag := 'N' ;
107     end if;
108     hr_utility.set_location('task1'||p_task1_flag||' task2 '||p_task2_flag||' result '||p_result_flag||l_proc,20 );
109 --    hr_utility.set_location('Exiting'||l_proc,10000);
110 exception when others then
111 p_result_flag := null;
112 raise;
113 end task_task_mode_comp_flag;
115 --
116 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
117 -- |------------------------< domain_task_mode_comp_flag >------------------------|
118 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
119 --
120 procedure domain_task_mode_comp_flag(p_domain_mode_flag in varchar2,
121                                      p_task_mode_flag   in varchar2,
122                                      p_result_flag         out nocopy varchar2 )
123 as
124    l_proc varchar2(2000) := g_package||'domain_task_mode_comp_flag' ;
125 begin
126 --    hr_utility.set_location('Entering'||l_proc,10);
127     /*
128     This procedure is used for calculating the result of comparison of
129     domain flag and task flag associated with the attribute. Flag can have
130     values (E,V,N) . Minimum of the two flags is to be calculated as result.
131     */
132     if p_domain_mode_flag = 'E' then
133         if p_task_mode_flag = 'E' then
134             p_result_flag := 'E' ;
135         elsif p_task_mode_flag ='V' then
136             p_result_flag := 'V' ;
137         else
138             p_result_flag := 'N' ;
139         end if;
140     elsif p_domain_mode_flag = 'V' then
141         if p_task_mode_flag ='N' then
142             p_result_flag := 'N' ;
143         else
144             p_result_flag := 'V' ;
145         end if;
146     else
147         p_result_flag := 'N' ;
148     end if;
149     hr_utility.set_location('domain'||p_domain_mode_flag||' task '||p_task_mode_flag||' result '||p_result_flag||l_proc,20 );
150 --    hr_utility.set_location('Exiting'||l_proc,10000);
151 exception when others then
152 p_result_flag := null;
153 raise;
154 end domain_task_mode_comp_flag;
156 --
157 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
158 -- |------------------------< domain_result_calc >------------------------|
159 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
160 --
161 procedure domain_result_calc (p_domain in pqh_template_attributes.template_id%type,
162                               p_result    out nocopy t_attid_priv)
163 as
164   l_count number := 1;
165   l_result_flag varchar2(1) ;
166   l_result t_attid_priv;
167   cursor c1(l_template_id number) is
168       select edit_flag,view_flag,attribute_id
169       from pqh_template_attributes
170       where template_id = l_template_id;
171   l_proc varchar2(2000) := g_package||'domain_result_calc' ;
172 begin
173     hr_utility.set_location('Entering'||l_proc,10);
174     /*
175     This procedure is used for calculating the attribute and result flag
176     associated to a domain.  domain template id is taken as input parameter
177     and result is stored in the pl/sql table of records. Call to attribute
178     flag result is made to find out nocopy the result flag for each attribute.
179     */
180   l_count := 1 ;
181   for l_domain_rec in c1(p_domain) loop
182 --    hr_utility.set_location('# '||to_char(l_count)||' attribute '||to_char(l_domain_rec.attribute_id)||l_proc,20 );
183     attribute_flag_result(p_edit_flag   => l_domain_rec.edit_flag,
184                           p_view_flag   => l_domain_rec.view_flag,
185                           p_result_flag => l_result_flag);
186     p_result(l_count).attribute_id := l_domain_rec.attribute_id;
187     p_result(l_count).mode_flag := l_result_flag;
188 -- domain 's required flag is not considered for computing the required flag of attribute.
189     p_result(l_count).reqd_flag := '';
190 -- domain's task type is also not considered
191     p_result(l_count).task_type := '';
192     l_count := l_count + 1 ;
193   end loop;
194   hr_utility.set_location('Exiting'||l_proc,10000);
195   exception when others then
196   p_result := l_result;
197   raise;
198 end;
200 --
201 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
202 -- |------------------------< task_result_update >------------------------|
203 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
204 --
205 procedure task_result_update (p_task       in pqh_template_attributes.template_id%type,
206 			      p_task_type  in varchar2,
207                               p_result_int in out nocopy t_attid_priv)
208 as
209 	l_result_int t_attid_priv := p_result_int;
210   l_res_count number ;
211   l_result_flag varchar2(1);
212   l_reqd_flag varchar2(1);
213   l_ins_result varchar2(1);
214   l_task_last_count number ;
215   cursor c1(l_task_template_id number) is
216       select edit_flag,view_flag,attribute_id,required_flag
217       from pqh_template_attributes
218       where template_id = l_task_template_id;
219   l_proc varchar2(2000) := g_package||'task_result_update' ;
220 begin
221 --    hr_utility.set_location('Entering'||l_proc,10);
222     /*
223     This procedure is used to update internal result table which stores result
224     flags for the attributes associated with the list of tasks. Internal result
225     table and task template id are the input parameters and internal result
226     table after updation is passed back as result.
227     for the task, attributes  their flags are fetched from the database. Result
228     flag is calculated using attribute flag result procedure.
229     Presence of the attribute is checked in the internal result table. if the
230     attribute is available in the internal result table then flag comparison
231     is made and result is stored back in internal result table. if no match is
232     made for the attribute then attribute is added in the internal result
233     table with the result flag.
234     */
235     hr_utility.set_location('task is'||p_task||l_proc,15 );
236     for i in c1(p_task) loop
237 --        hr_utility.set_location('Values task, attribute '||to_char(i.attribute_id)||'edit '||i.edit_flag||' view '||i.view_flag||l_proc,20 );
238         attribute_flag_result(p_edit_flag   => i.edit_flag,
239                               p_view_flag   => i.view_flag,
240                               p_result_flag => l_result_flag);
241         l_reqd_flag := substr(nvl(i.required_flag,'N'),1,1) ;
242         l_res_count := 1;
243         l_ins_result := 'Y';
244         l_task_last_count := p_result_int.count;
245         for l_res_count in 1..l_task_last_count loop
246             if p_result_int(l_res_count).attribute_id = i.attribute_id then
247                l_ins_result := 'N' ;
248 --	       hr_utility.set_location('Table has'||p_result_int(l_res_count).task_type||' adding '||p_task_type||l_proc,30);
249 	       if p_result_int(l_res_count).task_type = 'T' then
250 		  if p_task_type ='T' then
251 -- max of the attribute flags is stored in the table
252  --                    hr_utility.set_location('Attribute flags updated '||l_proc,40);
253                      task_task_mode_comp_flag(p_task1_flag  => p_result_int(l_res_count).mode_flag,
254                                               p_task2_flag  => l_result_flag,
255                                               p_result_flag => p_result_int(l_res_count).mode_flag);
256                      task_task_reqd_comp_flag(p_task1_reqd_flag  => p_result_int(l_res_count).reqd_flag,
257                                               p_task2_reqd_flag  => l_reqd_flag,
258                                               p_result_reqd_flag => p_result_int(l_res_count).reqd_flag);
259 -- else attribute flags of the reference template are not considered in comparison to task attribute flags
260 		  end if;
261 	       else
262 		  if p_task_type ='T' then
263 -- table stores Reference and compared with task , task attribute flags replae reference template attribute flags
264 		     p_result_int(l_res_count).mode_flag := l_result_flag;
265 		     p_result_int(l_res_count).reqd_flag := l_reqd_flag;
266 		     p_result_int(l_res_count).task_type := 'T';
267 		  else
268 -- max of the attribute flags is stored in the table
269                      task_task_mode_comp_flag(p_task1_flag  => p_result_int(l_res_count).mode_flag,
270                                               p_task2_flag  => l_result_flag,
271                                               p_result_flag => p_result_int(l_res_count).mode_flag);
272                      task_task_reqd_comp_flag(p_task1_reqd_flag  => p_result_int(l_res_count).reqd_flag,
273                                               p_task2_reqd_flag  => l_reqd_flag,
274                                               p_result_reqd_flag => p_result_int(l_res_count).reqd_flag);
275 		  end if;
276 	       end if;
277             end if;
278         end loop;
279         if l_ins_result ='Y' then
280 --           hr_utility.set_location('New attribute added '||l_proc,50);
281            l_res_count := l_task_last_count + 1;
282            p_result_int(l_res_count).attribute_id := i.attribute_id;
283            p_result_int(l_res_count).mode_flag := l_result_flag ;
284            p_result_int(l_res_count).reqd_flag := l_reqd_flag;
285            p_result_int(l_res_count).task_type := p_task_type;
286         end if;
287     end loop;
288 --  hr_utility.set_location('Exiting'||l_proc,10000);
289 exception when others then
290 p_result_int := l_result_int;
291 raise;
292 end task_result_update;
294 --
295 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
296 -- |------------------------< task_references >------------------------|
297 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
298 --
300 procedure task_references(p_task       in pqh_template_attributes.template_id%type,
301                           p_result_int in out nocopy t_attid_priv)
302 as
304 l_result_int t_attid_priv := p_result_int;
305   cursor c2(p_template_id number) is
306   select base_template_id
307   from pqh_ref_templates
308   where parent_template_id = p_template_id
309   and reference_type_cd = 'REFERENCE';
311   l_proc varchar2(2000) := g_package||'task_references' ;
312 begin
313     hr_utility.set_location('Entering'||l_proc,10);
314     /*
315     This procedure is used for finding out nocopy reference tasks associated with
316     each task and also taking into account their flag values and updating
317     those into the internal result table.  for each reference task associated
318     with a task, call to task_result update is made.
319     */
320     for i in c2(p_task) loop
321        hr_utility.set_location('values fetched are attribute '||to_char(i.base_template_id)||l_proc,20 );
322        task_result_update(p_task       => i.base_template_id,
323 			  p_task_type  => 'R',
324                           p_result_int => p_result_int);
325     end loop;
326     hr_utility.set_location('Exiting'||l_proc,10000);
328 exception when others then
329 p_result_int := l_result_int;
330 raise;
331 end task_references;
333 procedure check_priv_calc is
334   p_domain pqh_template_attributes.template_id%type;
335   p_tasks  t_task_templ;
336   p_result t_attname_priv;
337   p_transaction_category_id number;
338   l_proc varchar2(256) := g_package||'check_priv_calc';
339 begin
340   p_domain := 1;
341   p_tasks(1) := 2;
342   priviledge_calc(p_domain => p_domain,
343                   p_tasks  => p_tasks,
344 		  p_transaction_category_id => p_transaction_category_id,
345                   p_result => p_result);
346   for i in 1..p_result.last loop
347       hr_utility.set_location('att'||p_result(i).form_column_name||'mode'||p_result(i).mode_flag||'reqd'||p_result(i).reqd_flag||l_proc,200);
348   end loop;
349 end check_priv_calc;
351 procedure get_row_prv( p_row in number,
352                        p_form_column_name out nocopy pqh_txn_category_attributes.form_column_name%type,
353                        p_mode_flag out nocopy varchar2,
354                        p_reqd_flag out nocopy varchar2)
355 is
356  l_proc varchar2(256) := g_package||'get_row_prv';
357 begin
358   p_form_column_name := g_result(p_row).form_column_name;
359   p_mode_flag      := g_result(p_row).mode_flag;
360   p_reqd_flag      := g_result(p_row).reqd_flag;
361   hr_utility.set_location('exiting'||l_proc,10000);
362 end get_row_prv;
364 procedure priviledge_calc_count (p_domain       in pqh_template_attributes.template_id%type,
365                                  p_tasks        in t_task_templ,
366 				 p_transaction_category_id in number,
367 			         p_result_count    out nocopy number )
368 is
369   l_temp_flag         varchar2(1);
370   l_task_count        number  := 1;
371   l_error_flag        boolean := FALSE;
372   l_task_last_count   number  := 1;
373   l_domain_last_count number  := 1;
374   l_att_count         number  := 1;
375   l_res_count         number  := 1;
376   l_int_res_count     number  := 1;
377   l_count             number  := 1;
378   l_task_att_count    number ;
379   l_chg_result        varchar2(1) := 'Y' ;
380   l_task_template_id  pqh_template_attributes.template_id%type;
381   l_form_column_name  pqh_txn_category_attributes.form_column_name%type;
382   l_result_flag       varchar2(1) ;
383   l_result_task_int   t_attid_priv;
384   l_result_domain_int t_attid_priv;
385   cursor c1(p_attribute_id number) is
386           select form_column_name
387       from pqh_txn_category_attributes
388       where attribute_id = p_attribute_id
389       and transaction_category_id = p_transaction_category_id;
390   l_proc varchar2(2000) := g_package||'priviledge_calc_count' ;
391 begin
392     hr_utility.set_location('Entering'||l_proc,10);
393     /*
394     This is the main procedure . It takes domain template id and an table of tasks as input
395     and passes the attributes and their flag values as result .
396     This procedure has three parts.
397     1) Internal result table is computed according to the tasks and their references attributes and flags.
398     2) Result table is computed according to the domain attributes and their flags.
399     3) Internal result table is applied on result table to take the minimum of the attribute flag
400        value and result is stored in the result table .
401     4) form_column name is fetched corresponding to the attribute_id from the database and flag values are
402        stored in the table and this table of records is passed as out nocopy parameter
403     */
404 /* Check the input data validity, if domain is null then raise error and don't process the whole procedure */
406     l_task_last_count := p_tasks.count;
407     if p_domain is null then
408        l_error_flag := TRUE;
409        hr_utility.set_location('domain reqd'||l_proc,20);
410     elsif l_task_last_count = 0  then
411        l_error_flag := TRUE;
412        hr_utility.set_location('tasks reqd'||l_proc,30);
413     end if;
415     -- Part1 starts here
416     /*
417     for each task in the task table internal result table is updated call to Task
418     references is made
419     */
420     if l_error_flag = FALSE then
421        for l_task_count in 1..l_task_last_count loop
422          l_task_template_id := p_tasks(l_task_count) ;
423          task_result_update(p_task       => p_tasks(l_task_count),
424                             p_task_type  => 'T',
425                             p_result_int => l_result_task_int) ;
426          task_references(p_task       => p_tasks(l_task_count),
427                          p_result_int => l_result_task_int) ;
428        end loop;
429        l_task_att_count := l_result_task_int.count;
430        for i in 1..l_task_att_count loop
431 	   hr_utility.set_location('att '||l_result_task_int(i).attribute_id||'mode '||l_result_task_int(i).mode_flag||'reqd '||l_result_task_int(i).reqd_flag||l_proc,35);
432        end loop;
434 -- Part2 : Computation of result table , corresponding to domain template
435        domain_result_calc(p_domain => p_domain,
436                           p_result => l_result_domain_int);
438 -- Part3 starts here
439   /*
440   Applying internal result table on the result table to find out nocopy the minimum of the
441   flag value applicable to the attribute
442   Call to domain_task_comp flag is made for each comparison.
443   if an attribute is not there in the internal result table then result table is updated
444   for that attribute and flag is made N.
445   */
446        l_domain_last_count := l_result_domain_int.count;
447        l_res_count := 1;
448        for l_res_count in 1..l_domain_last_count loop
449          l_int_res_count := 1;
450          l_chg_result := 'Y' ;
451          l_task_last_count := l_result_task_int.count;
452          for l_int_res_count in 1..l_task_last_count loop
453            if l_result_domain_int(l_res_count).attribute_id = l_result_task_int(l_int_res_count).attribute_id then
454                l_chg_result := 'N' ;
455 	       hr_utility.set_location('attribute in task'||to_char(l_result_task_int(l_int_res_count).attribute_id)||l_proc,95);
456 -- mode flag is taken as minimum of domain and task privledges
460                l_result_domain_int(l_res_count).mode_flag := l_temp_flag;
457                domain_task_mode_comp_flag(p_domain_mode_flag => l_result_domain_int(l_res_count).mode_flag,
458                                           p_task_mode_flag   => l_result_task_int(l_int_res_count).mode_flag,
459                                           p_result_flag      => l_temp_flag);
461 -- while required flag is solely task priviledge
462                l_result_domain_int(l_res_count).reqd_flag := l_result_task_int(l_int_res_count).reqd_flag ;
463            end if;
464          end loop;
465          if l_chg_result = 'Y' then
466 -- selected tasks don't have priviledge on this attribute
467            l_result_domain_int(l_res_count).mode_flag := 'N' ;
468            l_result_domain_int(l_res_count).reqd_flag := 'N' ;
469          end if;
470        end loop;
472 -- Part 4 start
473 -- The results stored in l_result_domain_int table are to be transfered to result table which will have attribute name
474        p_result_count := l_result_domain_int.count;
475        for i in 1..p_result_count loop
476            open c1(l_result_domain_int(i).attribute_id) ;
477            fetch c1 into l_form_column_name;
478            close c1;
479            g_result(i).form_column_name := l_form_column_name;
480            g_result(i).mode_flag := l_result_domain_int(i).mode_flag;
481            g_result(i).reqd_flag := l_result_domain_int(i).reqd_flag;
482 	   hr_utility.set_location('att'||g_result(i).form_column_name||'mode'||g_result(i).mode_flag||'reqd'||g_result(i).reqd_flag||l_proc,200);
483        end loop;
484    else
485        hr_utility.set_location('errors , cannot execute'||l_proc,100);
486    end if;
487   hr_utility.set_location('Exiting'||l_proc,10000);
488   exception when others then
489   p_result_count := null;
490   raise;
491 end priviledge_calc_count;
493 --
494 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
495 -- |------------------------< priviledge_calc >------------------------|
496 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
497 --
499 procedure priviledge_calc (p_domain in pqh_template_attributes.template_id%type,
500                            p_tasks  in t_task_templ,
501 			   p_transaction_category_id in number,
502 			   p_result    out nocopy t_attname_priv )
503 is
504   l_temp_flag         varchar2(1);
505   l_result	t_attname_priv;
506   l_task_count        number  := 1;
507   l_error_flag        boolean := FALSE;
508   l_task_last_count   number  := 1;
509   l_domain_last_count number  := 1;
510   l_att_count         number  := 1;
511   l_res_count         number  := 1;
512   l_int_res_count     number  := 1;
513   l_count             number  := 1;
514   l_task_att_count    number ;
515   l_chg_result        varchar2(1) := 'Y' ;
516   l_task_template_id  pqh_template_attributes.template_id%type;
517   l_form_column_name  pqh_txn_category_attributes.form_column_name%type;
518   l_result_flag       varchar2(1) ;
519   l_result_task_int   t_attid_priv;
520   l_result_domain_int t_attid_priv;
521   cursor c1(p_attribute_id number) is
522           select form_column_name
523       from pqh_txn_category_attributes
524       where attribute_id = p_attribute_id
525       and transaction_category_id = p_transaction_category_id;
526   l_proc varchar2(2000) := g_package||'priviledge_calc' ;
527 begin
528     hr_utility.set_location('Entering'||l_proc,10);
529     /*
530     This is the main procedure . It takes domain template id and an table of tasks as input
531     and passes the attributes and their flag values as result .
532     This procedure has three parts.
533     1) Internal result table is computed according to the tasks and their references attributes and flags.
534     2) Result table is computed according to the domain attributes and their flags.
535     3) Internal result table is applied on result table to take the minimum of the attribute flag
536        value and result is stored in the result table .
537     4) form_column_name is fetched corresponding to the attribute_id from the database and flag values are
538        stored in the table and this table of records is passed as out nocopy parameter
539     */
540 /* Check the input data validity, if domain is null then raise error and don't process the whole procedure */
542     l_task_last_count := p_tasks.count;
543     if p_domain is null then
544        l_error_flag := TRUE;
545        hr_utility.set_location('domain reqd'||l_proc,20);
546     elsif l_task_last_count = 0  then
547        l_error_flag := TRUE;
548        hr_utility.set_location('tasks reqd'||l_proc,30);
549     end if;
551     -- Part1 starts here
552     /*
553     for each task in the task table internal result table is updated call to Task
554     references is made
555     */
556     if l_error_flag = FALSE then
557        for l_task_count in 1..l_task_last_count loop
558          l_task_template_id := p_tasks(l_task_count) ;
559          task_result_update(p_task       => p_tasks(l_task_count),
560                             p_task_type  => 'T',
561                             p_result_int => l_result_task_int) ;
562          task_references(p_task       => p_tasks(l_task_count),
563                          p_result_int => l_result_task_int) ;
564        end loop;
565        l_task_att_count := l_result_task_int.count;
566        for i in 1..l_task_att_count loop
570 -- Part2 : Computation of result table , corresponding to domain template
567 	   hr_utility.set_location('att '||l_result_task_int(i).attribute_id||'mode '||l_result_task_int(i).mode_flag||'reqd '||l_result_task_int(i).reqd_flag||l_proc,35);
568        end loop;
571        domain_result_calc(p_domain => p_domain,
572                           p_result => l_result_domain_int);
574 -- Part3 starts here
575   /*
576   Applying internal result table on the result table to find out nocopy the minimum of the
577   flag value applicable to the attribute
578   Call to domain_task_comp flag is made for each comparison.
579   if an attribute is not there in the internal result table then result table is updated
580   for that attribute and flag is made N.
581   */
582        l_domain_last_count := l_result_domain_int.count;
583        l_res_count := 1;
584        for l_res_count in 1..l_domain_last_count loop
585          l_int_res_count := 1;
586          l_chg_result := 'Y' ;
587          l_task_last_count := l_result_task_int.count;
588          for l_int_res_count in 1..l_task_last_count loop
589            if l_result_domain_int(l_res_count).attribute_id = l_result_task_int(l_int_res_count).attribute_id then
590                l_chg_result := 'N' ;
591 	       hr_utility.set_location('attribute in task'||to_char(l_result_task_int(l_int_res_count).attribute_id)||l_proc,95);
592 -- mode flag is taken as minimum of domain and task privledges
593                domain_task_mode_comp_flag(p_domain_mode_flag => l_result_domain_int(l_res_count).mode_flag,
594                                           p_task_mode_flag   => l_result_task_int(l_int_res_count).mode_flag,
595                                           p_result_flag      => l_temp_flag);
596                l_result_domain_int(l_res_count).mode_flag := l_temp_flag;
597 -- while required flag is solely task priviledge
598                l_result_domain_int(l_res_count).reqd_flag := l_result_task_int(l_int_res_count).reqd_flag ;
599            end if;
600          end loop;
601          if l_chg_result = 'Y' then
602 -- selected tasks don't have priviledge on this attribute
603            l_result_domain_int(l_res_count).mode_flag := 'N' ;
604            l_result_domain_int(l_res_count).reqd_flag := 'N' ;
605          end if;
606        end loop;
608 -- Part 4 start
609 -- The results stored in l_result_domain_int table are to be transfered to result table which will have attribute name
610        l_count := l_result_domain_int.count;
611        for i in 1..l_count loop
612            open c1(l_result_domain_int(i).attribute_id) ;
613            fetch c1 into l_form_column_name;
614            close c1;
615            p_result(i).form_column_name := l_form_column_name;
616            p_result(i).mode_flag := l_result_domain_int(i).mode_flag;
617            p_result(i).reqd_flag := l_result_domain_int(i).reqd_flag;
618 	   hr_utility.set_location('att'||p_result(i).form_column_name||'mode'||p_result(i).mode_flag||'reqd'||p_result(i).reqd_flag||l_proc,200);
619        end loop;
620    else
621        hr_utility.set_location('errors , cannot execute'||l_proc,100);
622    end if;
623   hr_utility.set_location('Exiting'||l_proc,10000);
624   exception when others then
625   p_result := l_result;
626   raise;
627 end priviledge_calc;
629 --
630 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
631 -- |------------------------< template_attrib_reqd_calc >------------------------|
632 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
633 --
635 procedure template_attrib_reqd_calc (p_tasks in t_task_templ,
636 				     p_transaction_category_id in number,
637                                      p_result   out nocopy t_attname_priv)
638 as
639   l_task_count                number := 1;
640   i                           binary_integer := 1;
641   l_task_template_id          pqh_template_attributes.template_id%type;
642   l_form_column_name          pqh_txn_category_attributes.form_column_name%type;
643   l_result_task_int           t_attid_priv;
644   l_result		      t_attname_priv;
646   cursor c1(p_attribute_id number) is
647         select form_column_name
648         from   pqh_txn_category_attributes
649         where  attribute_id = p_attribute_id
650 	and transaction_category_id = p_transaction_category_id;
652   l_proc varchar2(2000) := g_package||'template_attrib_reqd_calc' ;
653 begin
654   hr_utility.set_location('Entering'||l_proc,10);
655   for l_task_count in 1..p_tasks.count loop
656     l_task_template_id := p_tasks(l_task_count) ;
657     task_result_update(p_task       => p_tasks(l_task_count),
658 		       p_task_type  => 'T',
659                        p_result_int => l_result_task_int) ;
660     task_references(p_task       => p_tasks(l_task_count),
661                     p_result_int => l_result_task_int) ;
662   end loop;
663   for i in 1..l_result_task_int.count loop
664       open c1(l_result_task_int(i).attribute_id) ;
665       fetch c1 into l_form_column_name;
666       close c1;
667       p_result(i).form_column_name := l_form_column_name;
668       p_result(i).mode_flag := l_result_task_int(i).mode_flag;
669       p_result(i).reqd_flag := l_result_task_int(i).reqd_flag;
670   end loop;
671   hr_utility.set_location('Exiting'||l_proc,10000);
672   exception when others then
673   p_result := l_result;
674   raise;
675 end template_attrib_reqd_calc;
676 --
677 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
678 -- |------------------------< get_attribute_mode >----------------------------|
679 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
680 --
682 function get_attribute_mode(
683     p_form_column_name       in varchar2)
684 return varchar2 is
685 begin
686 for i in g_result.first .. g_result.last loop
687   if g_result(i).form_column_name = p_form_column_name then
688     return g_result(i).mode_flag;
689   end if;
690 end loop;
691 return 'N';
692 exception
693 when others then
694 return 'N';
695 end;
696 --
697 end;