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1 PACKAGE xla_jelines_rpt_pkg AUTHID CURRENT_USER AS
2 -- $Header: xlarpjel.pkh 120.18 2011/07/26 10:52:01 vgopiset ship $
3 /*===========================================================================+
4 |  Copyright (c) 2003 Oracle Corporation BelmFont, California, USA           |
5 |                          ALL rights reserved.                              |
6 +============================================================================+
7 | FILENAME                                                                   |
8 |    xlarpjel.pkh                                                            |
9 |                                                                            |
10 | PACKAGE NAME                                                               |
11 |     xla_jelines_rpt_pkg                                                    |
12 |                                                                            |
13 | DESCRIPTION                                                                |
14 |     Package specification. This provides XML extract for Journal Entry     |
15 |     Report                                                                 |
16 |                                                                            |
17 | HISTORY                                                                    |
18 |     04/15/2005  V. Kumar        Created                                    |
19 |     06/30/2005  V. Kumar        Bug 4311267 Added p_dummy_event_class      |
20 |                                     parameter to run report                |
21 |     12/23/2005  V. Kumar        Changed the package to use Data template   |
22 |     03/28/06    V. Swapna       Bug 5105786 : Change to the size of        |
23 |                                      the parameters.                       |
24 |     05/12/06    A. Wan          5162050 - add 10 custom param: 6-15        |
25 |     02/16/09    N. K. Surana    Added new parameters to handle more than   |
26 |                                 50 event classes per application for FSAH. |
27 |     03/12/09    N. K. Surana    Added P_PERIOD_TYPE to filter based on     |
28 |                                 whether period is Adj/Normal/Both.         |
29 |     03/18/09    N. K. Surana    Added P_TRX_NUM_FROM,P_TRX_NUM_TO to filter|
30 |                                 based on transaction number range for AR.  |
31 |     05/18/09    N. K. Surana    Added P_ORDER_BY,P_ORDER_BY_CLAUSE to      |
32 |                                 append order by for Subledger Report(ex.AP)|
33 |     08/10/09    N. K. Surana    Added p_custom_query_flag to build the     |
34 |                                 Report/Application specific query.         |
35 +===========================================================================*/
38 --
39 -- To be used in query as bind variable
40 --
42 p_resp_application_id             NUMBER;
43 p_ledger_id                       NUMBER;
44 p_coa_id                          NUMBER;
45 p_ledger                          VARCHAR2(300);
46 p_legal_entity_id                 NUMBER;
47 p_legal_entity                    VARCHAR2(300);
48 p_trx_legal_entity_id             NUMBER;
49 p_trx_legal_entity                VARCHAR2(300);
50 p_period_from                     VARCHAR2(30);
51 p_period_to                       VARCHAR2(30);
52 p_gl_date_from                    DATE;
53 p_gl_date_to                      DATE;
54 p_creation_date_from              DATE;
55 p_creation_date_to                DATE;
56 p_transaction_date_from           DATE;
57 p_transaction_date_to             DATE;
58 p_je_status_code                  VARCHAR2(30);
59 p_je_status                       VARCHAR2(300);
60 p_posting_status_code             VARCHAR2(30);
61 p_posting_status                  VARCHAR2(30);
62 p_je_source                       VARCHAR2(30);
63 p_je_source_name                  VARCHAR2(300);
64 p_process_category_rowid          VARCHAR2(30);
65 p_process_category                VARCHAR2(300);
66 p_dummy_event_class               VARCHAR2(30);
67 p_event_class_rowid               VARCHAR2(30);
68 p_event_class                     VARCHAR2(300);
69 p_transaction_view                VARCHAR2(30);
70 p_acct_sequence_name              VARCHAR2(240);
71 p_acct_sequence_version           NUMBER;
72 p_acct_sequence_num_from          NUMBER;
73 p_acct_sequence_num_to            NUMBER;
74 p_rpt_sequence_name               VARCHAR2(240);
75 p_rpt_sequence_version            NUMBER;
76 p_rpt_sequence_num_from           NUMBER;
77 p_rpt_sequence_num_to             NUMBER;
78 p_doc_sequence_name               VARCHAR2(240);
79 p_doc_sequence_num_from           NUMBER;
80 p_doc_sequence_num_to             NUMBER;
81 p_party_type_code                 VARCHAR2(30);
82 p_party_type                      VARCHAR2(300);
83 p_party_id                        NUMBER;
84 p_party_name                      VARCHAR2(360);
85 p_party_number_from               VARCHAR2(100);
86 p_party_number_to                 VARCHAR2(100);
87 p_je_category                     VARCHAR2(30);
88 p_je_category_name                VARCHAR2(300);
89 p_balance_type_code               VARCHAR2(30);
90 p_balance_type                    VARCHAR2(300);
91 p_budget_version_id               NUMBER;
92 p_budget_name                     VARCHAR2(300);
93 p_encumbrance_type_id             NUMBER;
94 p_encumbrance_type                VARCHAR2(300);
95 p_include_zero_amount_flag        VARCHAR2(30);
96 p_include_zero_amount_lines       VARCHAR2(30);
97 p_entered_currency                VARCHAR2(30);
98 p_accounted_amount_from           NUMBER;
99 p_accounted_amount_to             NUMBER;
100 p_balancing_segment_from          VARCHAR2(30);
101 p_balancing_segment_to            VARCHAR2(30);
102 p_account_segment_from            VARCHAR2(30);
103 p_account_segment_to              VARCHAR2(30);
104 p_account_flexfield_from          VARCHAR2(780);
105 p_account_flexfield_to            VARCHAR2(780);
106 p_side_code                       VARCHAR2(30);
107 p_side                            VARCHAR2(300);
108 p_valuation_method                VARCHAR2(30);
109 p_security_id_int_1               NUMBER;
110 p_security_id_int_2               NUMBER;
111 p_security_id_int_3               NUMBER;
112 p_security_id_char_1              VARCHAR2(30);
113 p_security_id_char_2              VARCHAR2(30);
114 p_security_id_char_3              VARCHAR2(30);
115 p_post_acct_program_rowid         VARCHAR2(30);
116 p_post_accounting_program         VARCHAR2(240);
117 p_user_trx_id_column_1            VARCHAR2(30);
118 p_user_trx_id_value_1             VARCHAR2(240);
119 p_user_trx_id_column_2            VARCHAR2(30);
120 p_user_trx_id_value_2             VARCHAR2(240);
121 p_user_trx_id_column_3            VARCHAR2(30);
122 p_user_trx_id_value_3             VARCHAR2(240);
123 p_user_trx_id_column_4            VARCHAR2(30);
124 p_user_trx_id_value_4             VARCHAR2(240);
125 p_user_trx_id_column_5            VARCHAR2(30);
126 p_user_trx_id_value_5             VARCHAR2(240);
127 p_gl_batch_name                   VARCHAR2(240);
128 p_include_user_trx_id_flag        VARCHAR2(30);
129 p_include_user_trx_identifiers    VARCHAR2(30);
130 p_include_tax_details_flag        VARCHAR2(30);
131 p_include_tax_details             VARCHAR2(30);
132 p_include_le_info_flag            VARCHAR2(30);
133 p_ytd_carriedfwd_flag             VARCHAR2(30);
134 p_ytd_carriedfwd_info             VARCHAR2(30);
135 p_include_legal_entity_info       VARCHAR2(240);
136 p_custom_parameter_1              VARCHAR2(240);
137 p_custom_parameter_2              VARCHAR2(240);
138 p_custom_parameter_3              VARCHAR2(240);
139 p_custom_parameter_4              VARCHAR2(240);
140 p_custom_parameter_5              VARCHAR2(240);
141 p_custom_parameter_6              VARCHAR2(240);
142 p_custom_parameter_7              VARCHAR2(240);
143 p_custom_parameter_8              VARCHAR2(240);
144 p_custom_parameter_9              VARCHAR2(240);
145 p_custom_parameter_10             VARCHAR2(240);
146 p_custom_parameter_11             VARCHAR2(240);
147 p_custom_parameter_12             VARCHAR2(240);
148 p_custom_parameter_13             VARCHAR2(240);
149 p_custom_parameter_14             VARCHAR2(240);
150 p_custom_parameter_15             VARCHAR2(240);
151 /* 16-30 Custom Parameters added for bug12699905 */
152 P_CUSTOM_PARAMETER_16           VARCHAR2(240);
153 P_CUSTOM_PARAMETER_17           VARCHAR2(240);
154 P_CUSTOM_PARAMETER_18           VARCHAR2(240);
155 P_CUSTOM_PARAMETER_19           VARCHAR2(240);
156 P_CUSTOM_PARAMETER_20           VARCHAR2(240);
157 P_CUSTOM_PARAMETER_21           VARCHAR2(240);
158 P_CUSTOM_PARAMETER_22           VARCHAR2(240);
159 P_CUSTOM_PARAMETER_23           VARCHAR2(240);
160 P_CUSTOM_PARAMETER_24           VARCHAR2(240);
161 P_CUSTOM_PARAMETER_25           VARCHAR2(240);
162 P_CUSTOM_PARAMETER_26           VARCHAR2(240);
163 P_CUSTOM_PARAMETER_27           VARCHAR2(240);
164 P_CUSTOM_PARAMETER_28           VARCHAR2(240);
165 P_CUSTOM_PARAMETER_29           VARCHAR2(240);
166 P_CUSTOM_PARAMETER_30           VARCHAR2(240);
167 /* end of changes for bug12699905 */
168 p_legal_audit_flag             VARCHAR2(240);
169 p_fetch_from_gl			  VARCHAR2(10);
170 p_doc_seq_name                    VARCHAR2(240);
172 p_sla_legal_ent_col               VARCHAR2(2000):=' ';
173 p_sla_legal_ent_from              VARCHAR2(1000):=' ';
174 p_sla_legal_ent_join              VARCHAR2(1000):=' ';
175 p_gl_legal_ent_col                VARCHAR2(2000):=' ';
176 p_gl_legal_ent_from               VARCHAR2(1000):=' ';
177 p_gl_legal_ent_join               VARCHAR2(1000):=' ';
178 p_party_details                   VARCHAR2(4000):=' ';
179 p_party_details_col               VARCHAR2(4000):=
180    ',TABLE1.party_number                   PARTY_NUMBER
181     ,TABLE1.party_name                     PARTY_NAME
182     ,TABLE1.party_site_number              PARTY_SITE_NUMBER
183     ,TABLE1.party_site_name                PARTY_SITE_NAME
184     ,TABLE1.party_type_taxpayer_id         PARTY_TYPE_TAXPAYER_ID
185     ,TABLE1.party_tax_registration_number  PARTY_TAX_REGISTRATION_NUMBER
186     ,TABLE1.party_site_tax_rgstn_number    PARTY_SITE_TAX_RGSTN_NUMBER  ';
187 p_gl_party_details                VARCHAR2(2000) := ' ';
188 p_party_from                      VARCHAR2(240)  := ' ';
189 p_party_join                      VARCHAR2(1000) := ' ';
190 p_sla_qualifier_segment           VARCHAR2(4000) := ' ';
191 p_sla_seg_desc_from               VARCHAR2(1000) := ' ';
192 p_sla_seg_desc_join               VARCHAR2(1000) := ' ';
193 p_gl_qualifier_segment            VARCHAR2(4000) := ' ';
194 p_gl_seg_desc_from                VARCHAR2(1000) := ' ';
195 p_gl_seg_desc_join                VARCHAR2(1000) := ' ';
196 p_trx_identifiers                 VARCHAR2(32000):= ' ';
197 p_gl_view                         VARCHAR2(1000) := ' ';
198 p_other_param_filter              VARCHAR2(8000) := ' ';
199 p_gl_join                         VARCHAR2(1000) := ' ';
200 p_gl_columns                      VARCHAR2(1000) := ' ';
201 p_le_col                          VARCHAR2(4000) := ' ';
202 p_le_from                         VARCHAR2(2000) := ' ';
203 p_le_join                         VARCHAR2(2000) := ' ';
204 p_sla_col_1                       VARCHAR2(8000) := ' ';
205 p_sla_col_2                       VARCHAR2(8000) := ' ';
206 p_sla_col_3                       VARCHAR2(8000) := ' ';
207 p_sla_from                        VARCHAR2(4000) := ' ';
208 p_sla_join                        VARCHAR2(4000) := ' ';
209 p_gl_col_1                        VARCHAR2(8000) := ' ';
210 p_gl_col_2                        VARCHAR2(8000) := ' ';
211 p_gl_from                         VARCHAR2(4000) := ' ';
212 p_gl_where                        VARCHAR2(4000) := ' ';
213 p_union_all                       VARCHAR2(30)   := ' ';
214 p_trx_id_filter                   VARCHAR2(3000) := ' ';
215 p_tax_query                       VARCHAR2(32000);
216 p_ytd_carriedfwd		  VARCHAR2(32000);
217 p_created_query                   VARCHAR2(32000);
218 p_posted_query                    VARCHAR2(32000);
219 p_approved_query                    VARCHAR2(32000);
220 p_commercial_query                  VARCHAR2(32000);
221 p_vat_registration_query                  VARCHAR2(32000);
224 --Added for bug 7580995
225 p_trx_identifiers_1                VARCHAR2(32000):= ' ';
226 p_trx_identifiers_2                VARCHAR2(32000):= ' ';
227 p_trx_identifiers_3                VARCHAR2(32000):= ' ';
228 p_trx_identifiers_4                VARCHAR2(32000):= ' ';
229 p_trx_identifiers_5                VARCHAR2(32000):= ' ';
231 p_period_type                      VARCHAR2(1):='B'; --bug 7645837
232 p_trx_num_from                     VARCHAR2(240);    --bug 8337868
233 p_trx_num_to                       VARCHAR2(240);    --bug 8337868
234 p_order_by                         VARCHAR2(30):= ' ';  --bug 7159772
235 p_order_by_clause                  VARCHAR2(40):= ' ';  --bug 7159772
237 --Bug 8683445 Added for Custom Query
238 p_custom_query_flag                VARCHAR2(1);
239 p_custom_header_query              VARCHAR2(32000);
240 p_custom_line_query                VARCHAR2(32000);
242 -- Bug 9205753
243 p_long_report                      VARCHAR2(2);
244 p_main_col_start                   VARCHAR2(32000):= ' ';
245 p_segment_col                      VARCHAR2(32000):= ' ';
246 p_uti_col                          VARCHAR2(32000):= ' ';
247 p_main_col_end                     VARCHAR2(32000):= ' ';
248 p_other_union                      VARCHAR2(32000):= ' ';
249 p_other_from                       VARCHAR2(32000):= ' ';
250 p_other_join                       VARCHAR2(32000):= ' ';
255 END xla_jelines_rpt_pkg;