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Line 13488: FROM fnd_concurrent_requests

13484: FOR UPDATE OF object_version_number NOWAIT;
13486: CURSOR fnd_concur_csr(p_conc_req_id IN NUMBER) IS
13487: SELECT 'x'
13488: FROM fnd_concurrent_requests
13489: WHERE REQUEST_ID = p_conc_req_id;
13491: record_locked EXCEPTION;
13492: pragma exception_init (record_locked, -54);

Line 13539: l_req_status := FND_CONCURRENT.GET_REQUEST_STATUS(request_id => undeleted_parent.parent_conc_request_id,

13535: -- cleanup any orphaned rows left from other parent requests.
13536: FOR undeleted_parent IN get_undeleted_parents(p_parent_conc_request_id) LOOP
13537: /* not needed - check only child conc request status
13538: -- check parent status.
13539: l_req_status := FND_CONCURRENT.GET_REQUEST_STATUS(request_id => undeleted_parent.parent_conc_request_id,
13540: --appl_shortname => 'AHL',
13541: --program => 'AHLUEFF',
13542: phase => l_rphase,
13543: status => l_rstatus,

Line 13551: -- delete all rows where child conc request is NULL and when parent concurrent does not exist in fnd_concurrent_request table.

13547: IF (l_req_status = TRUE) AND (l_dphase = 'COMPLETE' OR l_dphase IS NULL) THEN
13548: */
13550: G_DEBUG_LINE_NUM := 312;
13551: -- delete all rows where child conc request is NULL and when parent concurrent does not exist in fnd_concurrent_request table.
13552: OPEN fnd_concur_csr(undeleted_parent.parent_conc_request_id);
13553: FETCH fnd_concur_csr INTO l_junk;
13554: IF (fnd_concur_csr%NOTFOUND) THEN
13555: G_DEBUG_LINE_NUM := 315;

Line 13566: l_req_status := FND_CONCURRENT.GET_REQUEST_STATUS(request_id => undeleted_child.child_conc_request_id,

13562: CLOSE fnd_concur_csr;
13564: FOR undeleted_child IN get_undeleted_child(undeleted_parent.parent_conc_request_id) LOOP
13565: G_DEBUG_LINE_NUM := 320;
13566: l_req_status := FND_CONCURRENT.GET_REQUEST_STATUS(request_id => undeleted_child.child_conc_request_id,
13567: --appl_shortname => 'AHL',
13568: --program => 'AHLWUEFF',
13569: phase => l_rphase,
13570: status => l_rstatus,

Line 13575: -- check if request exists in fnd_concurrent_requests table

13571: dev_phase => lc_dphase,
13572: dev_status => l_dstatus,
13573: message => l_message);
13574: IF NOT(l_req_status) THEN
13575: -- check if request exists in fnd_concurrent_requests table
13576: OPEN fnd_concur_csr(undeleted_child.child_conc_request_id);
13577: FETCH fnd_concur_csr INTO l_junk;
13578: IF (fnd_concur_csr%NOTFOUND) THEN
13579: G_DEBUG_LINE_NUM := 325;