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Line 96: okc_k_headers_all_b a, okc_statuses_b b

92: CURSOR getServiceContractsFreshRun IS
93: select
94: a.id as contract_id
95: from
96: okc_k_headers_all_b a, okc_statuses_b b
97: where application_id = 515
98: and a.sts_code = b.code
99: and b.ste_code in ('ACTIVE', 'EXPIRED', 'SIGNED')
100: and trunc(a.end_date) between trunc(l_current_run_ref_date) and

Line 108: okc_k_headers_all_b a, okc_statuses_b b

104: CURSOR getServiceContractsDeltaRun is
105: select
106: a.id as contract_id
107: from
108: okc_k_headers_all_b a, okc_statuses_b b
109: where application_id = 515
110: and a.sts_code = b.code
111: and b.ste_code in ('ACTIVE', 'EXPIRED', 'SIGNED')
112: and trunc(a.end_date) between trunc(l_program_ref_date+1)