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1 PACKAGE utl_raw IS
3   ------------
4   --  OVERVIEW
5   --
6   --     This package provides SQL functions for raws that concat,
7   --     substr, etc. to/from raws.  This package is necessary
8   --     because normal SQL functions do not operate on raws and
9   --     PL/SQL does not allow overloading between a raw and a char
10   --     datatype.  Also included are routines which convert various
11   --     COBOL number formats to/from raws.
13   --     UTL_RAW is not specific to the database environment and may
14   --     actually be used in other environments as it exists here.
15   --     For this reason, the prefix UTL has been given to the package
16   --     instead of DBMS.
18   -------
19   -- USES
20   --
21   --     The are many possible uses for the raw functions.  The
22   --     functionality allows a raw "record" to be composed
23   --     of many elements.  By using the raw datatype, character
24   --     set conversion will not be performed keeping the raw in
25   --     its original format when being transferred via rpc.
26   --     The raw functions also give the ability to manipulate
27   --     binary data which was previously limited to the hextoraw
28   --     and rawtohex functions.
30   -------------
31   --  CONSTANTS
32   --
33   -- Define constants to control endianess behavior, used by
34   -- cast_to_binary_integer and cast_from_binary_integer
35   big_endian         CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := 1;
36   little_endian      CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := 2;
37   machine_endian     CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := 3;
39   ---------------------------
42   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
43   /*  CONCAT                                                        */
44   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
46                   r2  IN RAW DEFAULT NULL,
47                   r3  IN RAW DEFAULT NULL,
48                   r4  IN RAW DEFAULT NULL,
49                   r5  IN RAW DEFAULT NULL,
50                   r6  IN RAW DEFAULT NULL,
51                   r7  IN RAW DEFAULT NULL,
52                   r8  IN RAW DEFAULT NULL,
53                   r9  IN RAW DEFAULT NULL,
54                   r10 IN RAW DEFAULT NULL,
55                   r11 IN RAW DEFAULT NULL,
56                   r12 IN RAW DEFAULT NULL) RETURN RAW;
59   --  Concatenate a set of 12 raws into a single raw.  If the
60   --    concatenated size exceeds 32K, an error is returned.
62   --  Input parameters:
63   --    r1....r12 are the raw items to concatenate.
65   --  Defaults and optional parameters: None
67   --  Return value:
68   --    raw - containing the items concatenated.
70   --  Errors:
71   --    VALUE_ERROR exception raised (to be revised in a future release)
72   --        If the sum of the lengths of the inputs exceeds the maximum
73   --        allowable length for a RAW.
75   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
76   /*  CAST_TO_RAW                                                   */
77   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
79     pragma RESTRICT_REFERENCES(cast_to_raw, WNDS, RNDS, WNPS, RNPS);
81   --  Cast a varchar2 to a raw
82   --    This function converts a varchar2 represented using N data bytes
83   --    into a raw with N data bytes.
84   --    The data is not modified in any way, only its datatype is recast
85   --    to a RAW datatype.
87   --  Input parameters:
88   --    c - varchar2 or nvarchar2 to be changed to a raw
90   --  Defaults and optional parameters: None
92   --  Return value:
93   --    raw - containing the same data as the input varchar2 and
94   --          equal byte length as the input varchar2 and without a
95   --          leading length field.
96   --    null - if c input parameter was null
98   --  Errors:
99   --     None
101   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
102   /*  CAST_TO_VARCHAR2                                              */
103   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
104   FUNCTION cast_to_varchar2(r IN RAW) RETURN VARCHAR2;
105     pragma RESTRICT_REFERENCES(cast_to_varchar2, WNDS, RNDS, WNPS, RNPS);
107   --  Cast a raw to a varchar2
108   --    This function converts a raw represented using N data bytes
109   --    into varchar2 with N data bytes.
110   --    NOTE: Once the value is cast to a varchar2, string
111   --          operations or server->client communication will assume
112   --          that the string is represented using the database's
113   --          character set.  "Garbage" results are likely if these
114   --          operations are applied to a string that is actually
115   --          represented using some other character set.
117   --  Input parameters:
118   --    r - raw (without leading length field) to be changed to a
119   --             varchar2)
121   --  Defaults and optional parameters: None
123   --  Return value:
124   --    varchar2 - containing having the same data as the input raw
125   --    null     - if r input parameter was null
127   --  Errors:
128   --     None
130   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
131   /*  CAST_TO_NVARCHAR2                                             */
132   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
133   FUNCTION cast_to_nvarchar2(r IN RAW) RETURN NVARCHAR2;
134     pragma RESTRICT_REFERENCES(cast_to_nvarchar2, WNDS, RNDS, WNPS, RNPS);
136   --  Cast a raw to a nvarchar2
137   --    This function converts a raw represented using N data bytes
138   --    into nvarchar2 with N data bytes.
139   --    NOTE: Once the value is cast to a nvarchar2, string
140   --          operations or server->client communication will assume
141   --          that the string is represented using the database's
142   --          NCHAR character set.  "Garbage" results are likely if these
143   --          operations are applied to a string that is actually
144   --          represented using some other character set.
146   --  Input parameters:
147   --    r - raw (without leading length field) to be changed to a
148   --             nvarchar2)
150   --  Defaults and optional parameters: None
152   --  Return value:
153   --    nvarchar2 - containing having the same data as the input raw
154   --    null      - if r input parameter was null
156   --  Errors:
157   --     None
159   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
160   /*  LENGTH                                                        */
161   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
165   --  Return the length in bytes of a raw r.
167   --  Input parameters:
168   --    r - the raw byte stream to be measured
170   --  Defaults and optional parameters: None
172   --  Return value:
173   --    number - equal to the current length of the raw.
175   --  Errors:
176   --     None
178   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
179   /*  SUBSTR                                                        */
180   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
181   FUNCTION substr(r   IN RAW,
182                   pos IN BINARY_INTEGER,
186   --  Return a substring portion of raw r beginning at pos for len bytes.
187   --    If pos is positive, substr counts from the beginning of r to find
188   --    the first byte.  If pos is negative, substr counts backwards from the
189   --    end of the r.  The value pos cannot be 0.  If len is omitted,
190   --    substr returns all bytes to the end of r.  The value len cannot be
191   --    less than 1.
193   --  Input parameters:
194   --    r    - the raw byte-string from which a portion is extracted.
195   --    pos  - the byte pisition in r at which to begin extraction.
196   --    len  - the number of bytes from pos to extract from r (optional).
198   --  Defaults and optional parameters:
199   --    len - position pos thru to the end of r
201   --  Return value:
202   --    Portion of r beginning at pos for len bytes long
203   --    null - if r input parameter was null
205   --  Errors:
206   --    VALUE_ERROR exception raised (to be revised in a future release)
207   --       when pos = 0
208   --       when len < 0
210   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
211   /*  TRANSLATE                                                     */
212   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
213   FUNCTION translate(r        IN RAW,
214                      from_set IN RAW,
215                      to_set   IN RAW) RETURN RAW;
216     pragma RESTRICT_REFERENCES(translate, WNDS, RNDS, WNPS, RNPS);
218   --  Translate the bytes in the input r raw according to the bytes
219   --    in the translation raws, from_set and to_set.  If a byte
220   --    in r has a matching byte in from_set, then it is replaced by the
221   --    byte in the corresponding position in to_set, or deleted.
222   --    Bytes in r but undefined in from_set are copied to the result.
223   --    Only the first (leftmost) occurrence of a byte in from_set is
224   --    used, subsequent duplicates are not scanned and are ignored.
225   --    If to_set is shorter than from_set, the extra from_set bytes
226   --    have no translation correspondence and any bytes in r matching
227   --    such uncorresponded bytes are deleted from the result raw.
229   --    Noted difference from TRANSLITERATE:
230   --       translation raws have no defaults.
231   --       r bytes undefined in the to_set translation raw are deleted.
232   --       result raw may be shorter than input r raw.
234   --  Input parameters:
235   --    r        - raw source byte-string to be translated
236   --    from_set - raw byte-codes to be translated, if present in r
237   --    to_set   - raw byte-codes to which corresponding from_str bytes
238   --               are translated
240   --  Defaults and optional parameters: None
242   --  Return value:
243   --    raw  - translated byte-string
245   --  Errors:
246   --    VALUE_ERROR exception raised (to be revised in a future release)
247   --       when r        is null and/or has 0 length
248   --       when from_set is null and/or has 0 length
249   --       when to_set   is null and/or has 0 length
251   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
252   /*  TRANSLITERATE                                                 */
253   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
254   FUNCTION transliterate(r        IN RAW,
255                          to_set   IN RAW DEFAULT NULL,
256                          from_set IN RAW DEFAULT NULL,
257                          pad      IN RAW DEFAULT NULL) RETURN RAW;
258     pragma RESTRICT_REFERENCES(transliterate, WNDS, RNDS, WNPS, RNPS);
260   --  Transliterate the bytes in the input r raw according to the bytes
261   --    in the transliteration raws, from_set and to_set.
262   --    Successive bytes in r are looked-up in the from_set and, if not
263   --    found, copied unaltered to the result raw, or if found, replaced
264   --    in the result raw by either corresponding bytes in the to_set or
265   --    the pad byte when no correspondence exists.
266   --    Bytes in r but undefined in from_set are copied to the result.
267   --    Only the first (leftmost) occurrence of a byte in from_set is
268   --    used, subsequent duplicates are not scanned and are ignored.
269   --    The result raw is always the same length as r.
270   --    from_set and to_set may be of any length.
271   --    If the to_set is shorter than the from_set, then the pad byte is
272   --    placed in the result raw when a selected from_set byte has no
273   --    corresponding to_set byte (as if the to_set were extended to the
274   --    same length as the from_set with pad bytes).
276   --    Noted difference from TRANSLATE:
277   --       r bytes undefined in to_set are padded.
278   --       result raw is always same length as input r raw.
280   --  Input parameters:
281   --    r        - raw input byte-string to be transliterated
282   --    from_set - raw byte-codes to be translated ,if present in r
283   --    to_set   - raw byte-codes to which corresponding from_set bytes
284   --               are translated
285   --    pad      - 1 byte used when to-set is shorter than the from_set
287   --  Defaults and optional parameters:
288   --    from_set - x'00 through x'ff.
289   --    to_set   - to the null string and effectively extended
290   --               with pad to the length of from_set as necessary.
291   --    pad      - x'00'.
293   --  Return value:
294   --    raw  - transliterated byte-string
296   --  Errors:
297   --    VALUE_ERROR exception raised (to be revised in a future release)
298   --       when r is null and/or has 0 length
300   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
301   /*  OVERLAY                                                       */
302   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
303   FUNCTION overlay(overlay_str IN RAW,
304                    target      IN RAW,
305                    pos         IN BINARY_INTEGER DEFAULT 1,
306                    len         IN BINARY_INTEGER DEFAULT NULL,
307                    pad         IN RAW            DEFAULT NULL) RETURN RAW;
308     pragma RESTRICT_REFERENCES(overlay, WNDS, RNDS, WNPS, RNPS);
310   --  Overlay the specified portion of target raw with overlay raw,
311   --    starting from byte position pos of target and proceding for len
312   --    bytes.
313   --    If overlay has less than len bytes, it is extended to len bytes
314   --    using the pad byte.  If overlay exceeds len bytes, the extra
315   --    bytes in overlay are ignored.
316   --    If len bytes beginning at position pos of target exceeds the
317   --    length of target, target will be extended to contain the entire
318   --    length of overlay.
319   --    len, if specified, must be => 0.
320   --    pos, if specified, must be => 1.
321   --    If pos exceeeds the length of target, target will be padded with
322   --    pad bytes to position pos, and then target is further extended
323   --    with overlay bytes.
325   --  Input parameters:
326   --    overlay_str - byte-string used to overlay target
327   --    target  - byte-string which is to be overlayed
328   --    pos     - position in target (numbered from 1) to start overlay
329   --    len     - the number of target bytes to overlay
330   --    pad     - pad byte used when overlay len exceeds overlay length
331   --              or pos exceeds target length.
333   --  Defaults and optional parameters:
334   --    pos     - 1.
335   --    len     - to the length of overlay.
336   --    pad     - x'00'.
338   --  Return value:
339   --    raw  - The target byte_string overlayed as specified
341   --  Errors:
342   --    VALUE_ERROR exception raised (to be revised in a future release)
343   --       when overlay is null and/or has 0 length
344   --       when target  is missing or undefined
345   --       when length of target exceeds maximum length of a raw
346   --       when len < 0
347   --       when pos < 1
349   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
350   /*  COPIES                                                        */
351   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
352   FUNCTION copies(r IN RAW,
353                   n IN NUMBER) RETURN RAW;
356   --  Return n copies of r concatenated together.
358   --  Input parameters:
359   --    r - raw to be copied
360   --    n - number of times to copy the raw (must be positive)
362   --  Defaults and optional parameters: None
364   --  Return value:
365   --    The raw copied n times.
367   --  Errors:
371   --       when length of result exceeds maximum length of a raw
368   --    VALUE_ERROR exception raised (to be revised in a future release)
369   --       r is missing, null and/or 0 length
370   --       n < 1
373   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
374   /*  XRANGE                                                        */
375   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
376   FUNCTION xrange(start_byte IN RAW DEFAULT NULL,
377                   end_byte   IN RAW DEFAULT NULL) RETURN RAW;
380   --  Returns a raw containing all valid 1-byte encodings in succession
381   --    beginning with the value start_byte and ending with the value
382   --    end_byte.
383   --    If start_byte is greater than end_byte, the succession of
384   --    result bytes begin with start_byte, wrap thru 'FF'x to '00'x,
385   --    and end at end_byte.
386   --    If specified, start_byte and end_byte must be single byte raws.
388   --  Input parameters:
389   --    start_byte - beginning byte-code value of resulting sequence
390   --    end_byte   - ending    byte-code value of resulting sequence
392   --  Defaults and optional parameters:
393   --    start_byte - x'00'
394   --    end_byte   - x'FF'
396   --  Return value:
397   --    raw - containing succession of 1-byte hexadecimal encodings
399   --  Errors:
400   --     None
402   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
403   /*  REVERSE                                                       */
404   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
405   FUNCTION reverse(r IN RAW) RETURN RAW;
406     pragma RESTRICT_REFERENCES(reverse, WNDS, RNDS, WNPS, RNPS);
408   --  Reverse a byte sequence in raw r from end to end.
409   --    For example, x'0102F3' would be reversed into x'F30201' and
410   --    'xyz' would be reversed into 'zyx'.
411   --    The result length is the same as the input raw length.
413   --  Input parameters:
414   --    r - raw to reverse
416   --  Defaults and optional parameters: None
418   --  Return value:
419   --    raw - containing the "reverse" of r
421   --  Errors:
422   --    VALUE_ERROR exception raised (to be revised in a future release)
423   --       when r is null and/or has 0 length
425   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
426   /*  COMPARE                                                       */
427   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
428   FUNCTION compare(r1  IN RAW,
429                    r2  IN RAW,
430                    pad IN RAW DEFAULT NULL)  RETURN NUMBER;
431     pragma RESTRICT_REFERENCES(compare, WNDS, RNDS, WNPS, RNPS);
433   --  Compares raw r1 against raw r2.  Returns 0 if r1 and r2 are
434   --    identical, otherwise, returns the position of the first byte
435   --    from r1 that does not match r2.
436   --    If r1 and r2 differ in length, the shorter raw is extended on
437   --    the right with pad if necessary.
438   --    right with pad if necessary.  The default pad byte is x'00'.
440   --  Input parameters:
441   --    r1  - 1st raw to be compared, may be null and/or 0 length
442   --    r2  - 2nd raw to be compared, may be null and/or 0 length
443   --    pad - byte to extend whichever of r1 or r2 is shorter
445   --  Defaults and optional parameters:
446   --    pad - x'00'
448   --  Return value:
449   --    number = 0 if raw byte strings are both null or identical; or,
450   --           = position (numbered from 1) of first mismatched byte
452   --  Errors:
453   --     None
455   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
456   /*  CONVERT                                                       */
457   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
458   FUNCTION convert(r            IN RAW,
459                    to_charset   IN VARCHAR2,
460                    from_charset IN VARCHAR2) RETURN RAW;
461     pragma RESTRICT_REFERENCES(convert, WNDS, RNDS, WNPS, RNPS);
463   --  Convert raw r from character set from_charset to character set
464   --    to_charset and return the resulting raw.
465   --    Both from_charset and to_charset must be supported character sets
466   --    defined to the Oracle server.
468   --  Input parameters:
469   --    r            - raw byte-string to be converted.
470   --    to_charset   - name of NLS character set to which r is converted.
471   --    from_charset - name of NLS character set in which r is supplied.
473   --  Defaults and optional parameters: None
475   --  Return value:
476   --    raw - bytestring r converted according to the specified
477   --          character sets.
479   --  Errors:
480   --    VALUE_ERROR exception raised (to be revised in a future release)
481   --      r missing, null and/or 0 length
482   --      from_charset or to_charset missing, null and/or 0 length
483   --      from_charset or to_charset names invalid or unsupported
485   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
486   /*  BIT_AND                                                       */
487   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
488   FUNCTION bit_and(r1 IN RAW,
489                    r2 IN RAW) RETURN RAW;
493   --    and return the "anded" result raw.
490     pragma RESTRICT_REFERENCES(bit_and, WNDS, RNDS, WNPS, RNPS);
492   --  Perform bitwise logical "and" of the values in raw r1 with raw r2
494   --    If r1 and r2 differ in length, the "and" operation is terminated
495   --    after the last byte of the shorter of the two raws, and the
496   --    unprocessed portion of the longer raw is appended to the partial
497   --    result.
498   --    The result length equals the longer of the two input raws.
500   --  Input parameters:
501   --    r1 - raw to "and" with r2
502   --    r2 - raw to "and" with r1
504   --  Defaults and optional parameters: None
506   --  Return value:
507   --    raw  - containing the "and" of r1 and r2
508   --    null - if either r1 or r2 input parameter was null
510   --  Errors:
511   --    None
513   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
514   /*  BIT_OR                                                        */
515   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
516   FUNCTION bit_or(r1 IN RAW,
517                   r2 IN RAW) RETURN RAW;
520   --  Perform bitwise logical "or" of the values in raw r1 with raw r2
521   --    and return the "or'd" result raw.
522   --    If r1 and r2 differ in length, the "or" operation is terminated
523   --    after the last byte of the shorter of the two raws, and the
524   --    unprocessed portion of the longer raw is appended to the partial
525   --    result.
526   --    The result length equals the longer of the two input raws.
528   --  Input parameters:
529   --    r1 - raw to "or" with r2
530   --    r2 - raw to "or" with r1
532   --  Defaults and optional parameters: None
534   --  Return value:
535   --    raw  - containing the "or" of r1 and r2
536   --    null - if either r1 or r2 input parameter was null
538   --  Errors:
539   --    None
541   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
542   /*  BIT_XOR                                                       */
543   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
544   FUNCTION bit_xor(r1 IN RAW,
545                    r2 IN RAW) RETURN RAW;
546     pragma RESTRICT_REFERENCES(bit_xor, WNDS, RNDS, WNPS, RNPS);
548   --  Perform bitwise logical "exclusive or" of the values in raw r1
549   --    with raw r2 and return the "xor'd" result raw.
550   --    If r1 and r2 differ in length, the "xor" operation is terminated
551   --    after the last byte of the shorter of the two raws, and the
552   --    unprocessed portion of the longer raw is appended to the partial
553   --    result.
554   --    The result length equals the longer of the two input raws.
556   --  Input parameters:
557   --    r1 - raw to "xor" with r2
558   --    r2 - raw to "xor" with r1
560   --  Defaults and optional parameters: None
562   --  Return value:
563   --    raw  - containing the "xor" of r1 and r2
564   --    null - if either r1 or r2 input parameter was null
566   --  Errors:
567   --    None
569   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
570   /*  BIT_COMPLEMENT                                                */
571   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
572   FUNCTION bit_complement(r IN RAW) RETURN RAW;
573     pragma RESTRICT_REFERENCES(bit_complement, WNDS, RNDS, WNPS, RNPS);
575   --  Perform bitwise logical "complement" of the values in raw r
576   --    and return the "complement'ed" result raw.
577   --    The result length equals the input raw r length.
579   --  Input parameters:
580   --    r - raw to perform "complement" operation.
582   --  Defaults and optional parameters: None
584   --  Return value:
585   --    raw - which is the "complement" of r1
586   --    null - if r input parameter was null
588   --  Errors:
589   --    None
591   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
592   /*  CAST_TO_NUMBER                                                */
593   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
594   FUNCTION cast_to_number(r IN RAW) RETURN NUMBER;
595     pragma RESTRICT_REFERENCES(cast_to_number, WNDS, RNDS, WNPS, RNPS);
597   --  Perform a casting of the binary representation of the number (in RAW)
598   --  into a NUMBER.
600   --  Input parameters:
601   --    r - RAW value to be cast as a NUMBER
603   --  Return value:
604   --    number
605   --    null - if r input parameter was null
607   --  Errors:
608   --    None
610   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
611   /*  CAST_FROM_NUMBER                                              */
612   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
613   FUNCTION cast_from_number(n IN NUMBER) RETURN RAW;
614     pragma RESTRICT_REFERENCES(cast_from_number, WNDS, RNDS, WNPS, RNPS);
617   --  Returns the binary representation of a NUMBER in RAW.
619   --  Input parameters:
620   --    n - NUMBER to be returned as RAW
622   --  Return value:
623   --    raw
624   --    null - if n input parameter was null
626   --  Errors:
627   --    None
631   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
629   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
630   /*  CAST_TO_BINARY_INTEGER                                        */
632   FUNCTION cast_to_binary_integer(r IN RAW,
633                                   endianess IN PLS_INTEGER
634                                      DEFAULT 1)
635                                   RETURN BINARY_INTEGER;
636     pragma RESTRICT_REFERENCES(cast_to_binary_integer, WNDS, RNDS, WNPS, RNPS);
638   --  Perform a casting of the binary representation of the raw
639   --  into a binary integer.  This function will handle PLS_INTEGER as well
640   --  as binary integer.
641   --  In the 4 byte, 2 byte, and 1 byte integer cases, here is how the
642   --  bytes are mapped into a RAW depending on the endianess of the platform:
643   --
644   --                   4-byte raw    2-byte raw   1-byte raw
645   --                     0 1 2 3          0 1           0
646   --
647   --     Big-endian      0 1 2 3      - - 0 1     - - - 0
648   --
649   --     Little-endian   3 2 1 0      - - 1 0     - - - 0
650   --
651   --  Machine-endian refers to the endianess of the database host and
652   --  can be either big or little endian.  In this case, the bytes are
653   --  copied straight across into the integer value without endianess
654   --  handling.
655   --
656   --  Machine-endian-lze refers to treating the raw as an unsigned
657   --  quantity.  This applies only in the 1,2,3-byte cases, as the
658   --  4-byte case is forced to be signed by our binary_integer datatype.
659   --  In the case of a 4-byte input and machine-endian-lze, we will treat
660   --  this as a signed 4-byte quantity - the same as machine-endian.
661   --
662   --  Input parameters:
663   --    r - RAW value to be cast to binary integer
664   --    endianess - PLS_INTEGER representing endianess.  Valid values are
665   --                big_endian,little_endian,machine_endian
666   --                Default=big_endian.
668   --  Defaults and optional parameters: endianess defaults to big_endian
670   --  Return value:
671   --    binary_integer value
672   --    null - if r input parameter was null
674   --  Errors:
675   --    None
677   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
678   /*  CAST_FROM_BINARY_INTEGER                                      */
679   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
680   FUNCTION cast_from_binary_integer(n         IN BINARY_INTEGER,
681                                     endianess IN PLS_INTEGER
682                                       DEFAULT 1)
683                                     RETURN RAW;
684     pragma RESTRICT_REFERENCES(cast_from_binary_integer,WNDS,RNDS,WNPS,RNPS);
686   --  Return the RAW representation of a binary_integer value.  This function
687   --  will handle PLS_INTEGER as well as binary integer.  The mapping applies
688   --  as follows for little and big-endian platforms:
689   --
690   --                    4-byte int
691   --                     0 1 2 3
692   --
693   --     Big-endian      0 1 2 3
694   --
695   --     Little-endian   3 2 1 0
696   --
698   --  Input parameters:
699   --    n - binary integer to be returned as RAW
700   --    endianess - big or little endian PLS_INTEGER constant
702   --  Defaults and optional parameters: endianess defaults to big_endian
704   --  Return value:
705   --    raw
706   --    null - if n input parameter was null
708   --  Errors:
709   --    None
711   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
712   /*  CAST_FROM_BINARY_FLOAT                                        */
713   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
714   FUNCTION cast_from_binary_float(n         IN BINARY_FLOAT,
715                                   endianess IN PLS_INTEGER
716                                     DEFAULT 1)
717                                   RETURN RAW;
718     pragma RESTRICT_REFERENCES(cast_from_binary_float,WNDS,RNDS,WNPS,RNPS);
720   --  Return the RAW representation of a binary_float value.
721   --
722   --  A 4-byte binary_float value maps to the the IEEE 754 single-precision
723   --  format as follows:
724   --    byte 0: bit 31 ~ bit 24
725   --    byte 1: bit 23 ~ bit 16
726   --    byte 2: bit 15 ~ bit  8
727   --    byte 3: bit  7 ~ bit  0
728   --
729   --  The parameter endianess describes how the bytes of binary_float are
730   --  mapped to the bytes of raw. In the following table, rb0 ~ rb3 refer
731   --  to the bytes in raw and fb0 ~ fb3 refer to the bytes in binary_float.
732   --
733   --                     rb0   rb1   rb2   rb3
734   --                    +----------------------+
735   --     big_endian     |fb0 | fb1 | fb2 | fb3 |
736   --                    |----------------------|
737   --     little_endian  |fb3 | fb2 | fb1 | fb0 |
738   --                    +----------------------+
739   --
740   --  In case of machine-endian, the 4 bytes of the binary_float argument
741   --  are copied straight across into the raw return value. The effect is
742   --  the same if the user has passed big_endian on a big endian machine,
743   --  or little_endian on a little endian machine.
744   --
745   --  Input parameters:
746   --    n - binary_float to be returned as RAW
747   --    endianess - big, little or machine endian PLS_INTEGER constant
748   --
749   --  Defaults and optional parameters: endianess defaults to big_endian
750   --
754   --
751   --  Return value:
752   --    raw
753   --    null - if n input parameter was null
755   --  Errors:
756   --    None
759   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
760   /*  CAST_TO_BINARY_FLOAT                                        */
761   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
762   FUNCTION cast_to_binary_float(r IN RAW,
763                                 endianess IN PLS_INTEGER
764                                   DEFAULT 1)
765                                 RETURN BINARY_FLOAT;
766     pragma RESTRICT_REFERENCES(cast_to_binary_float, WNDS, RNDS, WNPS, RNPS);
768   --  Perform a casting of the binary representation of the raw
769   --  into a binary_float.
770   --
771   --  A 4-byte binary_float value maps to the the IEEE 754 single-precision
772   --  format as follows:
773   --    byte 0: bit 31 ~ bit 24
774   --    byte 1: bit 23 ~ bit 16
775   --    byte 2: bit 15 ~ bit  8
776   --    byte 3: bit  7 ~ bit  0
777   --
778   --  The parameter endianess describes how the bytes of binary_float are
779   --  mapped to the bytes of raw. In the following table, rb0 ~ rb3 refer
780   --  to the bytes in raw and fb0 ~ fb3 refer to the bytes in binary_float.
781   --
782   --                     rb0   rb1   rb2   rb3
783   --                    +----------------------+
784   --     big_endian     |fb0 | fb1 | fb2 | fb3 |
785   --                    |----------------------|
786   --     little_endian  |fb3 | fb2 | fb1 | fb0 |
787   --                    +----------------------+
788   --
789   --  In case of machine-endian, the 4 bytes of the raw argument
790   --  are copied straight across into the binary_float return value.
791   --  The effect is the same if the user has passed big_endian on a
792   --  big endian machine, or little_endian on a little endian machine.
793   --
794   --  Input parameters:
795   --    r - RAW value to be cast to binary_float
796   --    endianess - big, little or machine endian PLS_INTEGER constant
797   --
798   --  Defaults and optional parameters: endianess defaults to big_endian
799   --
800   --  Note:
801   --    If the RAW argument is more than 4 bytes, only the first 4
802   --    bytes are used and the rest of the bytes are ignored. If the
803   --    result is -0, +0 is returned. If the result is NaN, the value
804   --    BINARY_FLOAT_NAN is returned.
805   --
806   --  Return value:
807   --    binary_float value
808   --    null - if r input parameter was null
809   --
810   --  Errors:
811   --    If the RAW argument is less than 4 bytes, VALUE_ERROR exception
812   --    is raised (to be revised in a future release).
814   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
815   /*  CAST_FROM_BINARY_DOUBLE                                        */
816   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
817   FUNCTION cast_from_binary_double(n         IN BINARY_DOUBLE,
818                                    endianess IN PLS_INTEGER
819                                      DEFAULT 1)
820                                    RETURN RAW;
821     pragma RESTRICT_REFERENCES(cast_from_binary_double,WNDS,RNDS,WNPS,RNPS);
823   --  Return the RAW representation of a binary_double value.
824   --
825   --  An 8-byte binary_double value maps to the the IEEE 754 double-precision
826   --  format as follows:
827   --    byte 0: bit 63 ~ bit 56
828   --    byte 1: bit 55 ~ bit 48
829   --    byte 2: bit 47 ~ bit 40
830   --    byte 3: bit 39 ~ bit 32
831   --    byte 4: bit 31 ~ bit 24
832   --    byte 5: bit 23 ~ bit 16
833   --    byte 6: bit 15 ~ bit  8
834   --    byte 7: bit  7 ~ bit  0
835   --
836   --  The parameter endianess describes how the bytes of binary_double are
837   --  mapped to the bytes of raw. In the following table, rb0 ~ rb7 refer
838   --  to the bytes in raw and db0 ~ db7 refer to the bytes in binary_double.
839   --
840   --                   rb0   rb1   rb2   rb3   rb4   rb5   rb6   rb7
841   --                  +----------------------------------------------+
842   --   big_endian     |db0 | db1 | db2 | db3 | db4 | db5 | db6 | db7 |
843   --                  |----------------------------------------------|
844   --   little_endian  |db7 | db6 | db5 | db4 | db3 | db2 | db1 | db0 |
845   --                  +----------------------------------------------+
846   --
847   --  In case of machine-endian, the 8 bytes of the binary_double argument
848   --  are copied straight across into the raw return value. The effect is
849   --  the same if the user has passed big_endian on a big endian machine,
850   --  or little_endian on a little endian machine.
851   --
852   --  Input parameters:
853   --    n - binary_double to be returned as RAW
854   --    endianess - big, little or machine endian PLS_INTEGER constant
855   --
856   --  Defaults and optional parameters: endianess defaults to big_endian
857   --
858   --  Return value:
859   --    raw
860   --    null - if n input parameter was null
861   --
862   --  Errors:
863   --    None
866   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
867   /*  CAST_TO_BINARY_DOUBLE                                        */
868   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
869   FUNCTION cast_to_binary_double(r IN RAW,
870                                  endianess IN PLS_INTEGER
871                                    DEFAULT 1)
875   --  Perform a casting of the binary representation of the raw
872                                  RETURN BINARY_DOUBLE;
873     pragma RESTRICT_REFERENCES(cast_to_binary_double, WNDS, RNDS, WNPS, RNPS);
876   --  into a binary_double.
877   --
878   --  An 8-byte binary_double value maps to the the IEEE 754 double-precision
879   --  format as follows:
880   --    byte 0: bit 63 ~ bit 56
881   --    byte 1: bit 55 ~ bit 48
882   --    byte 2: bit 47 ~ bit 40
883   --    byte 3: bit 39 ~ bit 32
884   --    byte 4: bit 31 ~ bit 24
885   --    byte 5: bit 23 ~ bit 16
886   --    byte 6: bit 15 ~ bit  8
887   --    byte 7: bit  7 ~ bit  0
888   --
889   --  The parameter endianess describes how the bytes of binary_double are
890   --  mapped to the bytes of raw. In the following table, rb0 ~ rb7 refer
891   --  to the bytes in raw and db0 ~ db7 refer to the bytes in binary_double.
892   --
893   --                   rb0   rb1   rb2   rb3   rb4   rb5   rb6   rb7
894   --                  +----------------------------------------------+
895   --   big_endian     |db0 | db1 | db2 | db3 | db4 | db5 | db6 | db7 |
896   --                  |----------------------------------------------|
897   --   little_endian  |db7 | db6 | db5 | db4 | db3 | db2 | db1 | db0 |
898   --                  +----------------------------------------------+
899   --
900   --  In case of machine-endian, the 8 bytes of the raw argument
901   --  are copied straight across into the binary_double return value.
902   --  The effect is the same if the user has passed big_endian on a
903   --  big endian machine, or little_endian on a little endian machine.
904   --
905   --  Input parameters:
906   --    r - RAW value to be cast to binary_double
907   --    endianess - big, little or machine endian PLS_INTEGER constant
908   --
909   --  Defaults and optional parameters: endianess defaults to big_endian
910   --
911   --  Note:
912   --    If the RAW argument is more than 8 bytes, only the first 8
913   --    bytes are used and the rest of the bytes are ignored. If the
914   --    result is -0, +0 is returned. If the result is NaN, the value
915   --    BINARY_DOUBLE_NAN is returned.
916   --
917   --  Return value:
918   --    binary_double value
919   --    null - if r input parameter was null
920   --
921   --  Errors:
922   --    If the RAW argument is less than 8 bytes, VALUE_ERROR exception
923   --    is raised (to be revised in a future release).
925   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/