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2 /* $Header: frmdimgb.pls 120.0.12000000.3 2007/03/01 20:13:17 ghooker ship $ */
3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 --  PACKAGE:      ADI_Image                                                   --
5 --                                                                            --
6 --  DESCRIPTION:  Displays an image embedded within an HTML file.  Images     --
7 --                will be displayed as part of the HTML file, whilst Xcel     --
8 --                files, word documents, etc will be downloaded onto the      --
9 --                file system (if the link is clicked on).                    --
10 --                                                                            --
11 --  MODIFICATION HISTORY                                                      --
12 --  Date       Username  Description                                          --
13 --  23-JUN-99  CCLYDE    Initial Creation                                     --
14 --  07-AUG-99  CCLYDE    Added Function GetFileListenerAddress                --
15 --  28-AUG-99  CCLYDE    Added Exception clauses to all procedures which      --
16 --                       contained a SQL statement.   (Task: 3275)            --
17 --  22-NOV-99  CCLYDE    Added a test for the trailing '/' at the end of the  --
18 --                       File Listener declaration.   (Task: 3757)            --
19 --                            (GetFileListenerAddress)                        --
20 --  16-FEB-00   CCLYDE     Added Package_Revision procedure to see if we can  --
21 --                         capture the revision number of the package during  --
22 --                         runtime.          (Task:  3858)                    --
23 --  12-Mar-00  DJANCIS   Modified SHOW to get data from fnd_lobs table in     --
24 --                       addition to the fnd_document_long_raw table.         --
25 --                       (TASK: 3769 )                                        --
26 --  16-MAY-00  GSANAP    Moved the $Header comment from the top to under      --
27 --                       the CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE stmt.                  --
28 --  29-JUN-00  GSANAP    Modified Debug statements to include package names   --
29 --                       Task 4425                                            --
30 --  13-NOV-02  GHOOKER   Bugs 2279439, 2618782 Images not displayed in RM8    --
31 --  09-MAY-02  GHOOKER   SQL Bind Compliance - update Show Procedure          --
32 --  28-JUN-06  GHOOKER   Stubbed out GetFileListenerAddress                   --
33 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
35 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
36 --  PROCEDURE:    Show                                                        --
37 --                                                                            --
38 --  DESCRIPTION:  Displays an image embedded within an HTML file.  Images     --
39 --                will be displayed as part of the HTML file, whilst Xcel     --
40 --                files, word documents, etc will be downloaded onto the      --
41 --                file system (if the link is clicked on).                    --
42 --                                                                            --
43 --  PARAMETERS:   Media Id     Unique identified from FND_DOCUMENT_LONG_RAW   --
44 --                File         File name stored in FND_DOCUMENTS_TL.file_name --
45 --                             (potentially, there may be multiple files with --
46 --                             the same file name, so calling ADI_Image with  --
47 --                             the file name is not a good idea.  If multiple --
48 --                             files exist, the procedure will only display   --
49 --                             the first retrieved file, based on update      --
50 --                             date).                                         --
51 --                                                                            --
52 --  MODIFICATION HISTORY                                                      --
53 --  Date       Username  Description                                          --
54 --  23-JUN-99  CCLYDE    Initial Creation                                     --
55 --  12-Mar-00  DJANCIS   Modified to get data from fnd_lobs table in          --
56 --                       addition to the fnd_document_long_raw table.         --
57 --                       (Task: 3769 )                                        --
58 --  29-JUN-00  GSANAP    Modified Debug statements to include package names   --
59 --                       Task 4425                                            --
60 --  14-NOV-02  GHOOKER   Bugs 2279439, 2618782 Images not displayed RM8       --
61 --  27-JUN-06  GHOOKER   Bug 5127461 Sec Updates in 11.5.10                   --
62 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
63 PROCEDURE Show (p_documentId IN  NUMBER DEFAULT 0,
64                 p_file  IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '') IS
65    v_query         VARCHAR2 (3000);
66    v_cursor        NUMBER;
67    v_dummy         NUMBER;
68    v_file          VARCHAR2(350);
69    v_media_id      NUMBER;
70    v_datatype_id   NUMBER;
71    v_descr         VARCHAR2(255);
72    v_file_name     VARCHAR2(2048);
73    v_cat_appid     NUMBER;
74    v_cat_name      VARCHAR2(255);
75    v_display_flag  BOOLEAN;
76    v_function_name VARCHAR2(255);
77    v_access        NUMBER;
80    v_query := '';
81    v_query := v_query || 'SELECT DOCS.DOCUMENT_ID || ''_'' || DOCS.FILE_NAME ';
82    v_query := v_query || ', MEDIA_ID, DATATYPE_ID  ';
83    v_query := v_query || ', DESCRIPTION, FILE_NAME  ';
84    v_query := v_query || ', CATEGORY_APPLICATION_ID, CATEGORY_DESCRIPTION  ';
85    v_query := v_query || 'FROM   FND_DOCUMENTS_VL DOCS ';
87    IF (p_file IS NOT NULL) THEN
88       v_query := v_query || 'WHERE LOWER (DOCS.FILE_NAME) = LOWER (:pfile) ';
89    ELSE
90       v_query := v_query || 'WHERE DOCS.DOCUMENT_ID = :docId ';
91    END IF;
92    v_cursor := DBMS_SQL.OPEN_CURSOR;
93    DBMS_SQL.PARSE (v_cursor, v_query, DBMS_SQL.NATIVE);
94    -- G HOOKER 09-May-2003 SQL Bind Compliance
95    IF (p_file IS NOT NULL) THEN
96       DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE(v_cursor, ':pfile', P_FILE);
97    ELSE
98       DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE(v_cursor, ':docId', P_DOCUMENTID);
99    END IF;
101    DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN (v_cursor, 1, v_file, 350);
102    DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN (v_cursor, 2, v_media_id);
103    DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN (v_cursor, 3, v_datatype_id);
104    DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN (v_cursor, 4, v_descr, 255);
105    DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN (v_cursor, 5, v_file_name, 2048);
106    DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN (v_cursor, 6, v_cat_appid);
107    DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN (v_cursor, 7, v_cat_name, 255);
109    v_dummy := DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE (v_cursor);
110    v_dummy := DBMS_SQL.fetch_rows (v_cursor);
111    DBMS_SQL.column_value (v_cursor, 1, v_file);
113    -- Added items for fnd_lobs changes
114    DBMS_SQL.column_value (v_cursor, 2, v_media_id);
115    DBMS_SQL.column_value (v_cursor, 3, v_datatype_id);
116    DBMS_SQL.column_value (v_cursor, 4, v_descr);
117    DBMS_SQL.column_value (v_cursor, 5, v_file_name);
118    DBMS_SQL.column_value (v_cursor, 6, v_cat_appid);
119    DBMS_SQL.column_value (v_cursor, 7, v_cat_name);
121    DBMS_SQL.close_cursor(v_cursor);
123  if (icx_sec.validateSession) then
124    if (v_datatype_id = 6) then
125       v_display_flag := FALSE;
126       -- ghooker 27-JUN-06 Bug 5127461
127       -- adding our extra checks here only.
128       if ((v_cat_appid = 265) AND (v_cat_name = 'ADI Kiosk Image')) then
129          if (v_descr = 'image/gif') then
130             -- file is a seeded gif file and can be displayed without further
131             -- checks.
132             v_display_flag := TRUE;
133          else
134             -- now we go and retrieve the function name from the file_name
135             -- test if it is an xls file, then do the function security check.
136                if (v_descr = 'application/vnd.ms-excel') then
137                  v_function_name := substr(v_file_name, 1, instr(v_file_name, '_', 1, 1) -1);
138 				 if (v_function_name is NULL) then
139 				   v_function_name := v_file_name;
140 				 end if;
141 			   else
142 			     -- ghooker 26-FEB-07 bug 5873313
143            -- now it is possible that this is a 3rd party file upload and we still have a form
144            -- funtions to enable us to display the file.
145 			     v_function_name := v_file_name;
146 			   end if;
147 			   -- ghooker 26-FEB-07 bug 5873313
148 			   if (fnd_function.test(v_function_name)) then
149                  v_display_flag := TRUE;
150                end if;
151             end if;
152       end if;
153       if (v_display_flag) then
154          v_access := fnd_gfm.authorize(v_media_id);
155          fnd_gfm.download(v_media_id, v_access);
156       else
157          -- using -1 to force a access denied error message to be returned to
158          -- calling page.
159          v_access := fnd_gfm.authorize(-1);
160          fnd_gfm.download(v_media_id, v_access);
161       end if;
162    else
163      -- -- ghooker 26-FEB-07 bug 5873313
164      -- As all this is for 11i and abover all files should be coming from
165 	 -- fnd_lobs in ADI and RM we will fail any file that does not meet
166 	 -- the criteria above.
167      -- using -1 to force a access denied error message to be returned to
168      -- calling page.
169      v_access := fnd_gfm.authorize(-1);
170      fnd_gfm.download(v_media_id, v_access);
171    end if;
173  end if;
176       ICX_UTIL.Add_Error ('ADI_Binary_File.Show - ' || SQLERRM);
177       ICX_ADMIN_SIG.Error_Screen ('ADI_Binary_File.Show - ' || SQLERRM);
178 END Show;
180 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
181 --  PROCEDURE:    PackageRevision                                             --
182 --                                                                            --
183 --  DESCRIPTION:  Checks the revision number of the package during runtime.   --
184 --                                                                            --
185 --  Modification History                                                      --
186 --  Date        Username   Description                                        --
187 --  16-FEB-00   CCLYDE     Initial Creation                                   --
188 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
189 PROCEDURE PackageRevision (p_showOwner IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '') IS
190    v_revisionDetails    VARCHAR2(100);
191    v_firstDelimLoc      NUMBER;
192    v_secondDelimLoc     NUMBER;
193    v_packageName        VARCHAR2(40) DEFAULT 'ADI_Binary_File';
194    v_fileName           VARCHAR2(20);
195    v_versionNumber      NUMBER;
196    v_dateCheckedIn      VARCHAR2(30);
197    v_shipStatus         VARCHAR2(10);
198    v_developer          VARCHAR2(15);
199    v_testRevision       VARCHAR2(30);
201    v_testRevision    := '$Revision: 120.0.12000000.3 $';
202    v_revisionDetails := '$Header: frmdimgb.pls 120.0.12000000.3 2007/03/01 20:13:17 ghooker ship $';
204    --  Retrieving the filename
205    v_firstDelimLoc  := INSTR (v_revisionDetails, ' ', 1, 1);
206    v_secondDelimLoc := INSTR (v_revisionDetails, ' ', 1, 2);
207    v_fileName       := SUBSTR (v_revisionDetails, (v_firstDelimLoc + 1), ((v_secondDelimLoc)-(v_firstDelimLoc + 1)));
209    --  Retrieving the version number
210    v_firstDelimLoc  := INSTR (v_revisionDetails, ' ', 1, 2);
211    v_secondDelimLoc := INSTR (v_revisionDetails, ' ', 1, 3);
212    v_versionNumber  := SUBSTR (v_revisionDetails, (v_firstDelimLoc + 1), ((v_secondDelimLoc)-(v_firstDelimLoc + 1)));
214    --  Retrieving the Checked in Date
215    v_firstDelimLoc  := INSTR (v_revisionDetails, ' ', 1, 3);
216    v_secondDelimLoc := INSTR (v_revisionDetails, ' ', 1, 5);
217    v_dateCheckedIn  := SUBSTR (v_revisionDetails, (v_firstDelimLoc + 1), ((v_secondDelimLoc)-(v_firstDelimLoc + 1)));
219    --  Retrieving Shipped Status
220    v_firstDelimLoc  := INSTR (v_revisionDetails, ' ', 1, 5);
221    v_secondDelimLoc := INSTR (v_revisionDetails, ' ', 1, 6);
222    v_developer      := SUBSTR (v_revisionDetails, (v_firstDelimLoc + 1), ((v_secondDelimLoc)-(v_firstDelimLoc + 1)));
224    --  Retrieving Shipped Status
225    v_firstDelimLoc  := INSTR (v_revisionDetails, ' ', 1, 6);
226    v_secondDelimLoc := INSTR (v_revisionDetails, ' ', 1, 7);
227    v_shipStatus     := SUBSTR (v_revisionDetails, (v_firstDelimLoc + 1), ((v_secondDelimLoc)-(v_firstDelimLoc + 1)));
229    --  Building the table of revision information
230    htp.htmlOpen;
231 --   ADI_Header_Footer.htmlhead ('Revision: ' || v_packageName);
232    htp.bodyOpen;
233 --   ADI_Header_Footer.pagebanner ('Package Revision Details', 'WEBR.REVI');
234    htp.para;
236    htp.tableOpen ('BORDER=1', null, null, null, 'CELLPADDING=6');
238    htp.tableRowOpen;
239    htp.tableHeader ('<FONT COLOR=#FFFFFF> Package Revision Details <FONT>', 'CENTER', null, 'NOWRAP', null, 2, 'BGCOLOR=#336699');
240    htp.tableRowClose;
242    htp.tableRowOpen;
243       htp.tableData (htf.strong ('Filename'), 'LEFT', null, 'NOWRAP', null, null, null);
244       htp.tableData (v_fileName, 'LEFT', null, 'NOWRAP', null, null, null);
245    htp.tableRowClose;
247    htp.tableRowOpen;
248       htp.tableData (htf.strong ('Package'), 'LEFT', null, 'NOWRAP', null, null, null);
249       htp.tableData (v_packageName, 'LEFT', null, 'NOWRAP', null, null, null);
250    htp.tableRowClose;
252    htp.tableRowOpen;
253       htp.tableData (htf.strong ('Version'), 'LEFT', null, 'NOWRAP', null, null, null);
254       htp.tableData (v_versionNumber, 'LEFT', null, 'NOWRAP', null, null, null);
255    htp.tableRowClose;
257    htp.tableRowOpen;
258       htp.tableData (htf.strong ('Checked In'), 'LEFT', null, 'NOWRAP', null, null, null);
259       htp.tableData (v_dateCheckedIn, 'LEFT', null, 'NOWRAP', null, null, null);
260    htp.tableRowClose;
262    htp.tableRowOpen;
263       htp.tableData (htf.strong ('Ship Status'), 'LEFT', null, 'NOWRAP', null, null, null);
264       htp.tableData (v_shipStatus, 'LEFT', null, 'NOWRAP', null, null, null);
265    htp.tableRowClose;
267    IF (LOWER (p_showOwner) = 'big_cheese') THEN
268       htp.tableRowOpen;
269          htp.tableData (htf.strong ('Developer'), 'LEFT', null, 'NOWRAP', null, null, null);
270          htp.tableData (v_developer, 'LEFT', null, 'NOWRAP', null, null, null);
271       htp.tableRowClose;
272    END IF;
274    htp.tableClose;
276 --   ADI_Header_Footer.pagefoot;
278 END PackageRevision;
280 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
281 END ADI_Binary_File;