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Line 28: ---hr_utility.trace_on('Y','WF-1');

25: l_er_count integer;
26: l_error_count integer;
27: begin
28: ---hr_utility.trace_on('Y','WF-1');
29: l_request_id :=
30: wf_engine.GetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
31: itemkey => itemkey,
32: aname => 'REQUEST_ID');

Line 38: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow --> FATAL error .. request_id = '||l_request_id);

34: l_retry_request_id := wf_engine.GetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
35: itemkey => itemkey,
36: aname => 'RETRY_REQUEST_ID');
38: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow --> FATAL error .. request_id = '||l_request_id);
39: open fatal_error_cursor;
40: fetch fatal_error_cursor into l_error_count;
41: close fatal_error_cursor;

Line 43: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow --> FATAL error .. count = '||l_er_count);

39: open fatal_error_cursor;
40: fetch fatal_error_cursor into l_error_count;
41: close fatal_error_cursor;
43: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow --> FATAL error .. count = '||l_er_count);
44: open count_er;
45: fetch count_er into l_er_count;
46: close count_er;

Line 48: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow --> FATAL error .. count = '||l_error_count);

44: open count_er;
45: fetch count_er into l_er_count;
46: close count_er;
48: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow --> FATAL error .. count = '||l_error_count);
49: if (l_er_count + l_error_count) = 0 then
51: elsif (l_er_count > 0) AND (l_error_count > 0) THEN

Line 247: ---hr_utility.trace_on('Y','WF-1');

243: l_param_string varchar2(1000);
244: effort_manual_override_flag varchar2(10); --added for bug 4106614: Effort Manual Override
246: begin
247: ---hr_utility.trace_on('Y','WF-1');
248: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow --> 100');
249: if funcmode = 'RUN' then
250: l_initiator_rname :=
251: wf_engine.GetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

Line 248: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow --> 100');

244: effort_manual_override_flag varchar2(10); --added for bug 4106614: Effort Manual Override
246: begin
247: ---hr_utility.trace_on('Y','WF-1');
248: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow --> 100');
249: if funcmode = 'RUN' then
250: l_initiator_rname :=
251: wf_engine.GetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
252: itemkey => itemkey,

Line 292: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow --> count =0 req_id='||to_char(l_request_id));

288: fetch wf_item_key_cur bulk collect into wf_rname_array, wf_ikey_array;
289: close wf_item_key_cur;
291: if wf_rname_array.count = 0 then
292: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow --> count =0 req_id='||to_char(l_request_id));
293: --dbms_output.put_line('INIT APPROVALS:no recs for approval.. raise error');
294: ---- raise error here, with appropriate error;
295: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
296: end if;

Line 310: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow --> LOOP START ');

306: where erd.effort_report_id = er.effort_report_id
307: and er.request_id = l_request_id
308: and er.status_code = 'N');
309: k := 1;
310: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow --> LOOP START ');
311: loop
312: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow --> INSIDE LOOP ');
313: if k > wf_rname_array.count then
314: exit;

Line 312: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow --> INSIDE LOOP ');

308: and er.status_code = 'N');
309: k := 1;
310: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow --> LOOP START ');
311: loop
312: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow --> INSIDE LOOP ');
313: if k > wf_rname_array.count then
314: exit;
315: end if;
316: -- call workflow

Line 429: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow --> 1000 ');

425: k := k + 1;
426: end loop;
427: wf_ikey_array.delete;
429: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow --> 1000 ');
430: result := 'COMPLETE';
431: end if; --- funcmode = RUN
433: result := 'COMPLETE';

Line 436: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow --> err '||sqlerrm);

433: result := 'COMPLETE';
434: exception
435: when others then
436: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow --> err '||sqlerrm);
437: result := 'ERROR';
438: wf_core.context('PSP_EFFORT_REPORTS', 'INIT_APPROVALS', itemtype, itemkey, to_char(actid), funcmode);
439: raise;
440: end;

Line 640: ---hr_utility.trace_on('Y','WF-1');

636: end if;
637: /*End of changes for the bug 10185794 */
639: l_same_approval_level := 'N';
640: ---hr_utility.trace_on('Y','WF-1');
642: l_user_id := fnd_global.user_id;
643: l_login_id := fnd_global.login_id;
644: if funcmode = 'RUN' then

Line 760: hr_utility.trace(' ER workflow -> order number = '||l_next_approver(1).approver_order_number);

756: (select er.effort_report_id
757: from psp_eff_reports er
758: where er.request_id = l_request_id
759: and er.status_code = 'N');
760: hr_utility.trace(' ER workflow -> order number = '||l_next_approver(1).approver_order_number);
761: -- copy the previous approvers overwrites to the new approver
762: if l_next_approver(1).approver_order_number > 1 then
763: update psp_eff_report_approvals A1
764: set (A1.actual_cost_share, A1.overwritten_effort_percent, comments,

Line 797: hr_utility.trace(' ER workflow -> update count= '||sql%rowcount);

793: where er.request_id = l_request_id
794: and er.effort_report_id = erd.effort_report_id
795: and erd.ame_transaction_id = ame_txn_id_array(i)
796: and er.status_code = 'N');
797: hr_utility.trace(' ER workflow -> update count= '||sql%rowcount);
798: end if;
801: end if;

Line 864: hr_utility.trace('GET_NEXT value for temp_approver_order ='|| l_approver_order_num);

860: ||'&requestId='||l_request_id
861: ||'&wfRoleName='||l_wf_rname
862: ||'&approverOrderNum='||l_approver_order_num); */
864: hr_utility.trace('GET_NEXT value for temp_approver_order ='|| l_approver_order_num);
865: wf_engine.SetItemAttrNumber(itemtype => itemtype,
866: itemkey => itemkey,
867: aname => 'TEMP_APPROVER_ORDER',
868: avalue => l_approver_order_num);

Line 870: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow --> GET NEXT APPROVER jsp string='||

866: itemkey => itemkey,
867: aname => 'TEMP_APPROVER_ORDER',
868: avalue => l_approver_order_num);
870: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow --> GET NEXT APPROVER jsp string='||
871: 'JSP:/OA_HTML/OA.jsp?OAFunc=PSP_WF_ER_DETAILS&wfItemKey='||itemkey
872: ||'&requestId='||l_request_id
873: ||'&wfRoleName='||l_wf_rname
874: ||'&approverOrderNum='||l_approver_order_num);

Line 987: ---hr_utility.trace_on('Y','WF-1');

983: l_approver_order_num integer;
985: begin
986: l_recipnt_role := 'PSP_PAST_APPROVERS_'||itemkey;
987: ---hr_utility.trace_on('Y','WF-1');
988: if funcmode = 'RUN' then
989: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow -->1 ');
990: l_request_id :=
991: wf_engine.GetItemAttrNumber(itemtype => itemtype,

Line 989: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow -->1 ');

985: begin
986: l_recipnt_role := 'PSP_PAST_APPROVERS_'||itemkey;
987: ---hr_utility.trace_on('Y','WF-1');
988: if funcmode = 'RUN' then
989: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow -->1 ');
990: l_request_id :=
991: wf_engine.GetItemAttrNumber(itemtype => itemtype,
992: itemkey => itemkey,
993: aname => 'REQUEST_ID');

Line 1015: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow -->2 ');

1011: approver_rec.orig_system := l_orig_system;
1012: approver_rec.orig_system_id := l_orig_system_id;
1013: approver_rec.approval_status:= 'REJECTED';
1015: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow -->2 ');
1016: open get_txn_id_cur;
1017: loop
1018: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow -->3 ');
1019: fetch get_txn_id_cur into l_txn_id;

Line 1018: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow -->3 ');

1015: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow -->2 ');
1016: open get_txn_id_cur;
1017: loop
1018: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow -->3 ');
1019: fetch get_txn_id_cur into l_txn_id;
1020: if get_txn_id_cur%notfound then
1021: close get_txn_id_cur;
1022: exit;

Line 1024: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow -->5 ');

1020: if get_txn_id_cur%notfound then
1021: close get_txn_id_cur;
1022: exit;
1023: end if;
1024: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow -->5 ');
1026: ame_api2.updateapprovalstatus(applicationidin => 8403,
1027: transactiontypein => 'PSP-ER-APPROVAL',
1028: transactionidin => l_txn_id,

Line 1030: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow -->6 ');

1026: ame_api2.updateapprovalstatus(applicationidin => 8403,
1027: transactiontypein => 'PSP-ER-APPROVAL',
1028: transactionidin => l_txn_id,
1029: approverin => approver_rec);
1030: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow -->6 ');
1031: end loop;
1033: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow -->7 ');
1034: update psp_eff_report_approvals era

Line 1033: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow -->7 ');

1029: approverin => approver_rec);
1030: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow -->6 ');
1031: end loop;
1033: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow -->7 ');
1034: update psp_eff_report_approvals era
1035: set era.approval_status = 'S',
1036: era.response_date = sysdate,
1037: era.last_update_date = sysdate,

Line 1067: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow -->8 ');

1063: where er.effort_report_id = erd.effort_report_id
1064: and erd.effort_report_detail_id = era.effort_report_detail_id
1065: and er.status_code = 'S' );
1067: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow -->8 ');
1068: open effort_report_id_cur;
1069: loop
1070: fetch effort_report_id_cur into l_effort_report_id;
1071: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow -->9 ');

Line 1071: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow -->9 ');

1067: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow -->8 ');
1068: open effort_report_id_cur;
1069: loop
1070: fetch effort_report_id_cur into l_effort_report_id;
1071: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow -->9 ');
1072: if effort_report_id_cur%notfound then
1073: close effort_report_id_cur;
1074: exit;
1075: end if;

Line 1082: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow -->19 ');

1078: last_update_date = sysdate,
1079: last_update_login = fnd_global.login_id,
1080: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id
1081: where effort_report_id = l_effort_report_id;
1082: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow -->19 ');
1083: end loop;
1085: l_initiator_rname :=
1086: wf_engine.GetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,

Line 1092: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow -->29 ');

1088: aname => 'INITIATOR');
1090: wf_directory.createAdhocRole(l_recipnt_role,
1091: l_recipnt_role);
1092: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow -->29 ');
1093: open past_approvers_cur;
1094: loop
1095: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow -->39 ');
1096: fetch past_approvers_cur into l_rname;

Line 1095: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow -->39 ');

1091: l_recipnt_role);
1092: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow -->29 ');
1093: open past_approvers_cur;
1094: loop
1095: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow -->39 ');
1096: fetch past_approvers_cur into l_rname;
1097: if past_approvers_cur%notfound then
1098: close past_approvers_cur;
1099: exit;

Line 1101: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow -->49 ');

1097: if past_approvers_cur%notfound then
1098: close past_approvers_cur;
1099: exit;
1100: end if;
1101: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow -->49 ');
1102: wf_directory.AddUsersToAdHocRole
1103: (role_name => l_recipnt_role,
1104: role_users => l_rname);
1105: end loop;

Line 1107: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow -->59 ');

1103: (role_name => l_recipnt_role,
1104: role_users => l_rname);
1105: end loop;
1107: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow -->59 ');
1108: wf_engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => 'PSPERAVL',
1109: itemkey => itemkey,
1110: aname => 'NOTIFY_REJECTIONS_ROLE',
1111: avalue => l_recipnt_role);

Line 1112: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow -->69 ');

1108: wf_engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype => 'PSPERAVL',
1109: itemkey => itemkey,
1110: aname => 'NOTIFY_REJECTIONS_ROLE',
1111: avalue => l_recipnt_role);
1112: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow -->69 ');
1114: result := 'COMPLETE:REJECTED';
1115: open same_approval_level_cur(l_approver_order_num);
1116: fetch same_approval_level_cur into l_rname;

Line 1123: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow -->79 ');

1119: if same_approval_level_cur%found then
1120: result := 'COMPLETE:MORE_RESP_REQD';
1121: end if;
1122: close same_approval_level_cur;
1123: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow -->79 ');
1124: end if; --- funcmode
1125: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow -->89 ');
1126: exception
1127: when others then

Line 1125: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow -->89 ');

1121: end if;
1122: close same_approval_level_cur;
1123: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow -->79 ');
1124: end if; --- funcmode
1125: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow -->89 ');
1126: exception
1127: when others then
1128: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow -->when others then exception occured Error = '||sqlerrm);
1129: result := 'ERROR';

Line 1128: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow -->when others then exception occured Error = '||sqlerrm);

1124: end if; --- funcmode
1125: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow -->89 ');
1126: exception
1127: when others then
1128: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow -->when others then exception occured Error = '||sqlerrm);
1129: result := 'ERROR';
1130: wf_core.context('PSP_EFFORT_REPORTS', 'PROCESS_REJECTIONS', itemtype, itemkey, to_char(actid), funcmode);
1131: --- debug;
1132: raise;

Line 1496: ---hr_utility.trace_on('Y','WF-1');

1492: END IF;
1493: END IF;
1495: if funcmode in ('TRANSFER', 'FORWARD') then
1496: ---hr_utility.trace_on('Y','WF-1');
1497: hr_utility.trace('Post Notification...TRANSFER . FORWARD');
1498: l_rname := wf_engine.GetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
1499: itemkey => itemkey,
1500: aname => 'APPROVER_ROLE_NAME');

Line 1497: hr_utility.trace('Post Notification...TRANSFER . FORWARD');

1493: END IF;
1495: if funcmode in ('TRANSFER', 'FORWARD') then
1496: ---hr_utility.trace_on('Y','WF-1');
1497: hr_utility.trace('Post Notification...TRANSFER . FORWARD');
1498: l_rname := wf_engine.GetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
1499: itemkey => itemkey,
1500: aname => 'APPROVER_ROLE_NAME');
1501: hr_utility.trace('role name from T and F = '||l_rname);

Line 1501: hr_utility.trace('role name from T and F = '||l_rname);

1497: hr_utility.trace('Post Notification...TRANSFER . FORWARD');
1498: l_rname := wf_engine.GetItemAttrText(itemtype => itemtype,
1499: itemkey => itemkey,
1500: aname => 'APPROVER_ROLE_NAME');
1501: hr_utility.trace('role name from T and F = '||l_rname);
1503: open get_orig_system;
1504: fetch get_orig_system into l_orig_system_id, l_orig_system;
1505: close get_orig_system;

Line 1517: hr_utility.trace('post notification...Transfer . Forwardee='||l_rname2||' nid ='||l_nid);

1513: open get_forwarde_details;
1514: fetch get_forwarde_details into l_orig_system2, l_orig_system_id2,l_role_display_name2;
1515: close get_forwarde_details;
1516: forward_rec.name := l_rname2;
1517: hr_utility.trace('post notification...Transfer . Forwardee='||l_rname2||' nid ='||l_nid);
1518: forward_rec.orig_system := l_orig_system2;
1519: forward_rec.orig_system_id := l_orig_system_id2;
1520: forward_rec.approval_status:= ame_util.notifiedStatus;
1521: update psp_eff_report_approvals

Line 1557: hr_utility.trace('Transfer mode CALLING UPDATEAME txn_id ='||l_txn_id);

1553: if get_txn_id_cur%notfound then
1554: close get_txn_id_cur;
1555: exit;
1556: end if;
1557: hr_utility.trace('Transfer mode CALLING UPDATEAME txn_id ='||l_txn_id);
1558: ame_api2.updateapprovalstatus(applicationidin => 8403,
1559: transactiontypein => 'PSP-ER-APPROVAL',
1560: transactionidin => l_txn_id,
1561: approverin => approver_rec,

Line 1571: hr_utility.trace('funcmode, role name from RUN = '||funcmode||','||l_rname);

1567: aname => 'APPROVER_ROLE_NAME');
1571: hr_utility.trace('funcmode, role name from RUN = '||funcmode||','||l_rname);
1572: end if; ---funcmode
1574: -- BUG 4334816 START
1575: -- New code added to capture the Notification id in psp_eff_report_approvals table

Line 1837: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow --> start_int: reqid ='||to_char(p_request_id));

1833: wf_engine.CreateProcess(itemtype => 'PSPERAVL',
1834: itemkey => l_wf_itemkey,
1835: process => 'INITIATOR_PROCESS');
1837: hr_utility.trace('er_workflow --> start_int: reqid ='||to_char(p_request_id));
1839: /*Added for bug 7004679 */
1840: wf_engine.setitemowner(itemtype => 'PSPERAVL',
1841: itemkey => l_wf_itemkey,

Line 2087: ---hr_utility.trace('er_workflow --> 120'||l_debug);

2084: exception
2085: when others then
2086: ---l_debug := sqlerrm;
2087: ---hr_utility.trace('er_workflow --> 120'||l_debug);
2088: result := 'ERROR';
2089: wf_core.context('PSP_EFFORT_REPORTS', 'CREATE_FRP_ROLE', itemtype, itemkey, to_char(actid), funcmode);
2090: end;

Line 2339: hr_utility.trace('PDF_ATTACHMENT attribute exists');

2335: --Bug 7135471
2336: If itemkey is not null then
2338: if(item_attribute_exists(itemtype,itemkey,'PDF_ATTACHMENT')) then
2339: hr_utility.trace('PDF_ATTACHMENT attribute exists');
2340: else
2341: wf_engine.additemattr
2342: (itemtype => itemtype,
2343: itemkey => itemkey,