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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 71

       fetched. If header_id changes, then update GROUPING_RULE_ID for the header
       and continue the FOR loop until header_id changes again.  */

    /* Bug #2060360
     * Added NVL for from_subinventory_code to allocate lines
     * where from sub is not specified.
    --bug 2307649
    --type codes have changed, so we need to handle situation
    -- where p_move_order_type = 99 (all lines)

    -- kkoothan Bug Fix:2352405
    -- Added one more column to_account_id
    -- in the cursor below which is later used to update
    -- the distribution_account_id of MMTT

    /* Restructured the Following Cursor SQL as part of
           Performance Fix: 2853526.
           Removed NVLs around from and to Subinventory Codes and
           used base tables mtl_txn_request_headers and
           mtl_txn_request_lines instead of the View mtl_txn_request_lines_v*/
    /* FP-J PAR Replenishment Counts: Introduced 3 more columns to be fetched
       viz., header_id, project_id and task_id. Also, the cursor is now ordered by
       mtrl.header_id so that update of GROUPING_RULE_ID of mtrh (for header_id) is
       done efficiently knowing the fact that the cursor may fetch multiple lines
       from same header and across headers. column header_id is used to update GROUPINNG_RULE_ID
       of MTRH, project_id and task_id are used as input parameters for the new call
       INV_PR_PICK_SLIP_NUMBER.GET_PICK_SLIP_NUMBER() to generate the pick slip number.*/
    CURSOR c_move_order_lines IS
      SELECT   mtrl.line_id
             , mtrl.inventory_item_id
             , mtrh.move_order_type
             , mtrl.to_account_id
             , mtrl.header_id
             , mtrl.project_id
             , mtrl.task_id
          FROM mtl_txn_request_lines mtrl, mtl_txn_request_headers mtrh
         WHERE mtrl.line_status IN(3, 7)
           AND mtrl.header_id = mtrh.header_id
           AND mtrl.organization_id = p_org_id
               (p_move_order_type IN(1, 2)
                AND mtrh.move_order_type = p_move_order_type)
               OR(p_move_order_type = 99
                  AND mtrh.move_order_type IN(1, 2))
           AND mtrl.quantity > NVL(mtrl.quantity_detailed, 0)
           AND mtrh.request_number = NVL(p_transfer_order, mtrh.request_number)
           AND mtrl.created_by = NVL(p_requested_by, mtrl.created_by)
           AND(p_source_subinv IS NULL
               OR mtrl.from_subinventory_code = p_source_subinv)
           AND(p_dest_subinv IS NULL
               OR mtrl.to_subinventory_code = p_dest_subinv)
      ORDER BY mtrl.header_id;
Line: 127

      SELECT transaction_temp_id
           , subinventory_code
           , locator_id
           , transfer_subinventory
           , transfer_to_location
           , revision
        FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
       WHERE move_order_line_id = v_line_id
         AND pick_slip_number IS NULL;
Line: 185

       /* FP-J PAR Replenishment Count: Code block to update GROUPING_RULE_ID of mtrh
         only once per header_id change in the set of mtrls fetched in the cursor.
         This approach works because cursor is ordered by mtrl.header_id.
         Implied inline branching between I and J here is to check whether
         p_pick_slip_group_rule_id IS NULL or not. In FP-I, concurrent program
         cannot pass p_pick_slip_group_rule_id(hence default NULL). */
      IF move_ord_rec.header_id <> mtrh_header_change_track
         AND p_pick_slip_group_rule_id IS NOT NULL THEN
        mtrh_header_change_track  := move_ord_rec.header_id;
Line: 199

        UPDATE mtl_txn_request_headers
           SET grouping_rule_id = p_pick_slip_group_rule_id
         WHERE header_id = move_ord_rec.header_id;
Line: 204

Line: 207

      SELECT serial_number_control_code
        INTO serial_control_code
        FROM mtl_system_items
       WHERE inventory_item_id = move_ord_rec.inventory_item_id
         AND organization_id = p_org_id;
Line: 217

      SELECT mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL
        INTO v_header_id
        FROM DUAL;
Line: 243

      UPDATE mtl_txn_request_lines
         SET quantity_detailed = (nvl(quantity_delivered,0) + v_detailed_qty) -- against bug : 4155230
            ,secondary_quantity_detailed = DECODE(v_secondary_detailed_qty,0,NULL,v_secondary_detailed_qty)
       WHERE line_id = v_line_id
         AND organization_id = p_org_id;
Line: 276

          UPDATE mtl_material_transactions_temp
             SET pick_slip_number = v_pick_slip_no
           WHERE transaction_temp_id = v_mmtt.transaction_temp_id;
Line: 290

        UPDATE mtl_material_transactions_temp
           SET distribution_account_id = move_ord_rec.to_account_id
         WHERE move_order_line_id = v_line_id;
Line: 396

        SELECT COUNT(*)
        INTO l_count_item_category_set
        FROM mtl_item_categories
        WHERE inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
        AND organization_id = p_organization_id
        AND category_set_id = l_prof_category_set_id;
Line: 456

           INTO   v_lcm_enabled_flag
           WHERE  ORGANIZATION_ID = p_ship_to_org_id;
Line: 467

             SELECT NVL(DROP_SHIP_FLAG, 'N')
             INTO   v_drop_ship_flag
             WHERE  LINE_LOCATION_ID = p_po_line_location_id;
Line: 479

                SELECT  'N' INTO v_all_expense_flag
                FROM    dual
                WHERE   EXISTS ( SELECT 1
                FROM    po_distributions_all pod
                WHERE   pod.destination_type_code <> 'EXPENSE'
                AND     pod.line_location_id = p_po_line_location_id);
Line: 495

           INTO   v_stock_enabled_flag,v_inv_asset_flag
           WHERE  INVENTORY_ITEM_ID = p_inventory_item_id
           AND    ORGANIZATION_ID = p_ship_to_org_id;
Line: 510

               SELECT 'N'
               INTO   v_emp_flag
               FROM   po_vendors
               WHERE  vendor_type_lookup_code = 'EMPLOYEE'
               AND    vendor_id = p_vendor_id;
Line: 531

           	  SELECT  nvl(ORG_ID,-1)
		      INTO    v_vs_ou_id
		      WHERE VENDOR_SITE_ID = p_vendor_site_id;
Line: 536

 			  SELECT  To_number(hoi2.org_information3)
			  INTO v_org_ou_id
			  FROM  hr_organization_information hoi2
			  WHERE organization_id = p_ship_to_org_id
              AND ( hoi2.org_information_context || '' ) = 'Accounting Information';
Line: 610

      SELECT   a.application_column_name
          FROM fnd_id_flex_segments_vl a
         WHERE a.application_id = 401
           AND a.id_flex_code = flex_code
           AND a.id_flex_num = (SELECT id_flex_num
                                  FROM fnd_id_flex_structures
                                 WHERE id_flex_code = flex_code)
           AND a.enabled_flag = 'Y'
           AND a.display_flag = 'Y'
      ORDER BY a.segment_num;
Line: 623

    SELECT id_flex_num
      INTO v_flex_num
      FROM fnd_id_flex_structures
     WHERE id_flex_code = 'MTLL';
Line: 628

    SELECT project_reference_enabled
      INTO v_proj_ref_enabled
      FROM mtl_parameters
     WHERE organization_id = x_org_id;
Line: 649

            SELECT DISTINCT project_number
                       INTO v_proj_name
                       FROM mtl_project_v
                      WHERE project_id = (SELECT NVL(TO_NUMBER(segment19), 0)
                                            FROM mtl_item_locations
                                           WHERE inventory_location_id = x_loc_id
                                             AND organization_id = x_org_id);
Line: 664

            SELECT DISTINCT a.task_number
                       INTO v_task_name
                       FROM mtl_task_v a
                      WHERE a.task_id = (SELECT NVL(TO_NUMBER(segment20), 0)
                                           FROM mtl_item_locations
                                          WHERE inventory_location_id = x_loc_id
                                            AND organization_id = x_org_id)
                        AND a.project_id = (SELECT NVL(TO_NUMBER(segment19), a.project_id)
                                              FROM mtl_item_locations
                                             WHERE inventory_location_id = x_loc_id
                                               AND organization_id = x_org_id);
Line: 705

            'select ' || v_loc_str || ' from mtl_item_locations where inventory_location_id = :loc_id ' || ' and organization_id = :org_id';
Line: 770

    SELECT NVL(mp.wms_enabled_flag,'N')
     INTO l_wms_enabled_flag
    WHERE mp.organization_id=v_org_id ;
Line: 774

    SELECT NVL(ccicv.item_cost, 0)
      INTO v_item_cost
      FROM cst_cg_item_costs_view ccicv, mtl_parameters mp
     WHERE v_locator_id IS NULL
       AND ccicv.organization_id = v_org_id
       AND ccicv.inventory_item_id = v_item_id
       AND ccicv.organization_id = mp.organization_id
       AND ccicv.cost_group_id = DECODE(mp.primary_cost_method, 1, 1, NVL(mp.default_cost_group_id, 1))
    SELECT NVL(ccicv.item_cost, 0)
      FROM mtl_item_locations mil, cst_cg_item_costs_view ccicv, mtl_parameters mp
     WHERE v_locator_id IS NOT NULL
       AND mil.organization_id = v_org_id
       AND mil.inventory_location_id = v_locator_id
       AND mil.project_id IS NULL
       AND ccicv.organization_id = mil.organization_id
       AND ccicv.inventory_item_id = v_item_id
       AND ccicv.organization_id = mp.organization_id
    AND ccicv.cost_group_id = DECODE(mp.primary_cost_method, 1, 1, DECODE(l_wms_enabled_flag,'Y',ccicv.cost_group_id, NVL(mp.default_cost_group_id, 1)))
    SELECT NVL(ccicv.item_cost, 0)
      FROM mtl_item_locations mil, mrp_project_parameters mrp, cst_cg_item_costs_view ccicv, mtl_parameters mp
     WHERE v_locator_id IS NOT NULL
       AND mil.organization_id = v_org_id
       AND mil.inventory_location_id = v_locator_id
       AND mil.project_id IS NOT NULL
       AND mrp.organization_id = mil.organization_id
       AND mrp.project_id = mil.project_id
       AND ccicv.organization_id = mil.organization_id
       AND ccicv.inventory_item_id = v_item_id
       AND ccicv.organization_id = mp.organization_id
       AND ccicv.cost_group_id = DECODE(mp.primary_cost_method, 1, 1, NVL(mrp.costing_group_id, 1));