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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 39

 |               ic_item_mst_insert and Create_Lot if they occur            |

( p_api_version      IN  NUMBER
, p_init_msg_list    IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE
, p_commit           IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE
, p_validation_level IN  NUMBER   := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
, p_item_rec         IN  GMIGAPI.item_rec_typ
, x_ic_item_mst_row  OUT NOCOPY ic_item_mst%ROWTYPE
, x_ic_item_cpg_row  OUT NOCOPY ic_item_cpg%ROWTYPE
, x_return_status    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
, x_msg_count        OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
, x_msg_data         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
  l_api_name         VARCHAR2(30) := 'G_Create_Item';
Line: 94

    /*  If no errors were found then proceed with the database inserts */
    IF GMIVDBL.ic_item_mst_insert(x_ic_item_mst_row, x_ic_item_mst_row)
	-- TKW 9/11/2003 B2378017
 	-- Moved call to gmi_item_categories from ic_item_mst_insert to here.
	-- It is now called with new signature.
	GMIVDBL.gmi_item_categories(p_item_rec, x_ic_item_mst_row);
Line: 108

        IF GMIVDBL.ic_item_cpg_insert(x_ic_item_cpg_row, x_ic_item_cpg_row)
Line: 120

      /*  still set up the row(s) ready for insertion into the database. */

      l_lot_rec.lot_no := GMIGUTL.IC$DEFAULT_LOT;
Line: 151

    ELSE  /* Bug 2513463 - Handle possbile errors with ic_item_insert */
      x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR;
Line: 260

    /*  If no errors were found then proceed with the database inserts */

    IF GMIVDBL.ic_lots_mst_insert(x_ic_lots_mst_row, x_ic_lots_mst_row)
      -- Jatinder - B3158806 - Removed SY$CPG_INSTALL check
      x_ic_lots_cpg_row.lot_id := x_ic_lots_mst_row.lot_id;
Line: 266

      IF GMIVDBL.ic_lots_cpg_insert(x_ic_lots_cpg_row, x_ic_lots_cpg_row)
Line: 396

    /*  If no errors were found then proceed with the database insert */
    /* Bug 1741321 */
    /* Set token for uom type to be displayed in the success message */
    IF GMIVDBL.ic_item_cnv_insert(x_ic_item_cnv_row, x_ic_item_cnv_row)

Line: 490

 |                            summary is updated correctly for status       |
 |                            immediate.                                    |
 | 01/Nov/2001    Ajay Kumar  Bug 1834743 - For manual document ordering,   |
 |                            insert the journal number which is passed     |
 |                            from the flat file.                           |
 |                                                                          |
 | 14-Mar-2002 Ajay Kumar     BUG#1834743 - Added code to validate the      |
 |                            journal number entered, when manual document  |
 |                            ordering is done.                             |
 | 07/24/02    Jalaj Srivastava Bug 2483656                                 |
 |                         Modified inventory_posting to let users create   |
 |                         journals through APIs.                           |
 |                         Backed out fix for bug 2033879 as the correct    |
 |                         place for the fix would be GMIVTXN package
 |                         'coz the call to APIs from the form does not     |
 |                         go through this procedure.
 | 10-Mar-04   Jalaj Srivastava Bug 3282770                                 |
 |             Move allocations while doing   |
 |             a move immediate if all the criterion are satisfied.         |

PROCEDURE Inventory_Posting
( p_api_version      IN  NUMBER
, p_init_msg_list    IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE
, p_commit           IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE
, p_validation_level IN  NUMBER   := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
, p_qty_rec          IN  GMIGAPI.qty_rec_typ
, p_ic_item_mst_row  IN  ic_item_mst%ROWTYPE
, p_ic_item_cpg_row  IN  ic_item_cpg%ROWTYPE
, p_ic_lots_mst_row  IN  ic_lots_mst%ROWTYPE
, p_ic_lots_cpg_row  IN  ic_lots_cpg%ROWTYPE
, x_ic_jrnl_mst_row  OUT NOCOPY ic_jrnl_mst%ROWTYPE
, x_ic_adjs_jnl_row1 OUT NOCOPY ic_adjs_jnl%ROWTYPE
, x_ic_adjs_jnl_row2 OUT NOCOPY ic_adjs_jnl%ROWTYPE
, x_return_status    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
, x_msg_count        OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
, x_msg_data         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
  l_ic_lots_mst_row  ic_lots_mst%ROWTYPE;
Line: 546

    SELECT assignment_type
    FROM   sy_docs_seq
    WHERE  orgn_code = p_qty_rec.orgn_code
    AND    doc_type = 'JRNL';
Line: 556

  SELECT count(*)
  FROM   ic_jrnl_mst
  WHERE  journal_no = l_qty_rec.journal_no
  AND    orgn_code = l_qty_rec.orgn_code;
Line: 563

    SELECT count(1)
    FROM   ic_jrnl_mst j, ic_adjs_jnl a
    where  j.journal_no  = l_qty_rec.journal_no
    AND    j.orgn_code   = l_qty_rec.orgn_code
    AND    j.delete_mark = 0
    AND    j.posted_ind  = 0
    AND    a.orgn_code   = j.orgn_code
    AND    a.journal_id  = j.journal_id
    AND    a.trans_type  = x_ic_adjs_jnl_row1.trans_type;
Line: 574

    SELECT nvl(max(doc_line),0) + 1
    FROM ic_adjs_jnl
    WHERE orgn_code  = x_ic_adjs_jnl_row1.orgn_code AND
          journal_id = x_ic_adjs_jnl_row1.journal_id;
Line: 796

IF GMIVDBL.ic_jrnl_mst_insert(x_ic_jrnl_mst_row, x_ic_jrnl_mst_row) THEN
      x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
Line: 813

  IF GMIVDBL.ic_adjs_jnl_insert(x_ic_adjs_jnl_row1,x_ic_adjs_jnl_row1) THEN
     x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
Line: 839

        IF GMIVDBL.ic_adjs_jnl_insert(x_ic_adjs_jnl_row2, x_ic_adjs_jnl_row2) THEN
	  x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
Line: 867

                   ( p_api_version          => 1.0
                    ,p_init_msg_list        => fnd_api.g_false
                    ,p_commit               => fnd_api.g_false
                    ,p_validation_level     => fnd_api.g_valid_level_full
                    ,x_return_status        => x_return_status
                    ,x_msg_count            => x_msg_count
                    ,x_msg_data             => x_msg_data
                    ,pdoc_id                => l_tran_rec.doc_id
                    ,pto_whse_code          => x_ic_adjs_jnl_row2.whse_code
                    ,pto_location           => nvl(x_ic_adjs_jnl_row2.location,fnd_profile.value('IC$DEFAULT_LOCT'))
Line: 890

	ELSE --GMIVDBL.ic_adjs_jnl_insert(x_ic_adjs_jnl_row2, x_ic_adjs_jnl_row2)
	   x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR;
Line: 892

        END IF; --GMIVDBL.ic_adjs_jnl_insert(x_ic_adjs_jnl_row2, x_ic_adjs_jnl_row2)
Line: 894

  ELSE --GMIVDBL.ic_adjs_jnl_insert(x_ic_adjs_jnl_row1,x_ic_adjs_jnl_row1)
    x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR;
Line: 896

  END IF; --GMIVDBL.ic_adjs_jnl_insert(x_ic_adjs_jnl_row1,x_ic_adjs_jnl_row1)
Line: 897

ELSE --GMIVDBL.ic_jrnl_mst_insert(x_ic_jrnl_mst_row, x_ic_jrnl_mst_row)
  x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR;