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APPS.PAY_GB_P11D_MAGTAPE dependencies on DUAL

Line 225: FROM dual;

221: -- Create the assignment_action to represent the preson / tax unit combination
222: --
223: SELECT pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
224: INTO l_ass_act_id
225: FROM dual;
226: --
227: -- insert into pay_assignment_actions.
228: hr_utility.set_location ('assignment id ' || asgrec.assignment_id, 1);

Line 287: from dual;

283: 1,lpad(trunc(l_input_value),l_cut_to_size,0),
284: 0,lpad(trunc(l_input_value),l_cut_to_size,0),
285: -1,'-' || lpad(trunc(abs(l_input_value)),l_cut_to_size-1,0)
286: ) into l_output_value
287: from dual;
288: return l_output_value;
289: Exception
290: when others then
291: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, 'Error: ' || sqlerrm);