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1 package body AD_ZD_TABLE as
2 /* $Header: ADZDTMB.pls 120.78.12020000.27 2013/06/21 13:24:42 rputchak ship $ */
4   C_PACKAGE    constant varchar2(80) := 'ad.plsql.ad_zd_table.';
6 /*
7 ** --------------------------------------------------------------------
8 **    Internal
9 ** --------------------------------------------------------------------
10 */
12 -- log shortcut
13 procedure LOG(X_MODULE varchar2, X_LOG_TYPE varchar2, X_MESSAGE varchar2) is
14 begin
15   ad_zd.log(x_module, x_log_type, x_message);
16 end;
18 -- error shortcut
19 procedure ERROR(X_MODULE varchar2, X_MESSAGE varchar2) is
20 begin
21   ad_zd.error(x_module, x_message);
22 end;
24 -- exec shortcut (varchar2)
25 procedure EXEC(
26   X_SQL        in varchar2,
27   X_LOG_MOD    in varchar2,
28   X_IGNORE     in boolean default false,
29   X_PHASE      in varchar2 default null) is
30 begin
31   if x_phase is null then
32     -- immediate execution
33     ad_zd.exec(x_sql, x_log_mod, x_ignore);
34   else
35     -- deferred execution: < Control won't come here as of 22-Aug-2012 >
36     ad_zd_parallel_exec.load(
37       x_phase   => x_phase,
38       x_sql     => x_sql,
39       x_unique  => true );
40   end if;
41 end;
43 -- exec shortcut (clob)
44 procedure EXEC(
45   X_SQL        in clob,
46   X_LOG_MOD    in varchar2,
47   X_IGNORE     in boolean default false,
48   X_PHASE      in varchar2 default null) is
49 begin
50   if x_phase is null then
51     -- immediate execution
52     ad_zd.exec(x_sql, x_log_mod, x_ignore);
53   else
54     -- deferred execution: <Control won't come here as of 22-Aug-2012 >
55     ad_zd_parallel_exec.load(
56       x_phase  => x_phase,
57       x_sql    => x_sql,
58       x_unique => true);
59   end if;
60 end;
62 -- Util function to get Newline
63 --
64 function local_chr(ascii_chr in number) return varchar2 is
65     lang varchar2(255);
66  begin
67     lang := userenv('LANGUAGE');
68     return(convert(chr(ascii_chr),
69                    substr(lang, instr(lang,'.') + 1), 'US7ASCII'));
70  end local_chr;
72 /*
73 ** Stores patched table name for finalize and cutover processing
75 **   'N' - New
76 **   'C' - Completed
77 **   'U' - Updated
78 */
79 procedure STORE(X_TABLE_OWNER in varchar2, X_TABLE_NAME  in varchar2) is
80   L_STATUS varchar2(1);
81 begin
83   -- Get existing table status
84   select status
85   into   l_status
86   from   ad_patched_tables
87   where  owner = x_table_owner
88   and    name  = x_table_name;
90   -- Set "Completed" table back "Updated" status
91   if (l_status = 'C') then
92     update ad_patched_tables
93     set status='U'
94     where owner = x_table_owner
95     and   name  = x_table_name;
96     commit;
97   end if;
99 exception when no_data_found then
100   -- Add missing table with "New" status
101   insert into ad_patched_tables(owner, name, status)
102   values (x_table_owner, x_table_name, 'N');
103   commit;
105 end STORE;
109 /* ==========================================================================================
110 **
111 **    Editioning View Tools
112 **
113 ** =========================================================================================*/
115 --
116 -- Check if Editioning View exists for this table
117 --   return: 'Y' or 'N'
118 --
119 function EV_EXISTS(
120   X_TABLE_OWNER in varchar2,
121   X_TABLE_NAME  in varchar2) return varchar2
122 is
123   L_EV_NAME        varchar2(30);
124 begin
125   select ev.view_name
126   into   l_ev_name
127   from   dba_editioning_views ev
128   where  ev.owner     = x_table_owner
129   and    ev.view_name = ad_zd_table.ev_view(x_table_name);
131   return 'Y';
133 exception
134   when no_data_found then
135     return 'N';
136 end EV_EXISTS;
138 --
139 -- Return Editioning View name for given Table
140 --
141 function EV_VIEW(
142   X_TABLE_NAME in varchar2) return varchar2
143 is
144 begin
145   return substrb(x_table_name,1,29)||'#';
146 end EV_VIEW;
148 --
149 -- Return Table name for given Editioning View
150 --   Note: EV must exist
151 --
152 function EV_TABLE( X_EV_OWNER in varchar2,
153                    X_EV_NAME  in varchar2) return varchar2
154 is
155   L_TABLE_NAME varchar2(30);
156 begin
157   select ev.table_name
158   into   l_table_name
159   from   dba_editioning_views ev
160   where  ev.owner     = x_ev_owner
161   and    ev.view_name = replace(x_ev_name, '$', '#');
163   return l_table_name;
164 end EV_TABLE;
166 --
167 -- Return EV View Column name for given Table Column
168 --
169 function EV_VIEW_COLUMN(
170   X_COLUMN_NAME in varchar2) return varchar2
171 is
172 begin
173   if x_column_name like '%#_%' then
174     -- this is a versioned column, strip the version
175     return substrb(x_column_name, 1, instrb(x_column_name,'#',-1)-1);
176   end if;
177   return x_column_name;
180 --
181 -- Return Table Column for given EV View Column
182 -- In other words, translate logical table.column to actual table.column
183 --   Note: EV must exist
184 --
185 function EV_TABLE_COLUMN(
186   X_EV_OWNER    in varchar2,
187   X_EV_NAME     in varchar2,
188   X_COLUMN_NAME in varchar2) return varchar2
189 is
190   L_COLUMN_NAME varchar2(30);
191 begin
192   select evc.table_column_name
193   into   l_column_name
194   from   dba_editioning_view_cols evc
195   where  evc.owner     = replace(x_ev_owner, '$', '#')
196     and  evc.view_name = x_ev_name
197     and  evc.view_column_name = x_column_name;
199   return l_column_name;
202 --
203 -- Returns the Table Column Revision Tag for
204 -- a given column name. Returns '0' if the
205 -- column name does not have revision tag.
206 --
208   X_COLUMN_NAME in varchar2) return varchar2
209 is
210   l_col_revision varchar2(10);
211 begin
212   if x_column_name like '%#_%' then
213     return substrb(x_column_name, instrb(x_column_name,'#', -1) + 1, length(x_column_name));
214   end if;
215   return '0';
216 end;
219 /*
220 ** Is the table a Seed Data Table?  Returns'Y'/'N'
221 */
222 function IS_SEED(
223   X_TABLE_OWNER in varchar2,
224   X_TABLE_NAME  in varchar2) return varchar2
225 is
226   L_IS_SEED        varchar2(1);
227 begin
228   begin
229     select 'Y'
230     into   l_is_seed
231     from   dba_tab_columns c
232     where  c.owner        = x_table_owner
233     and    c.table_name   = x_table_name
234     and    c.column_name  = 'ZD_EDITION_NAME';
235   exception
236     when no_data_found then
237       return 'N';
238   end;
240   return 'Y';
241 end;
244 /*
245 ** Fetch Multiple DDLs
246 **   x_object_type  - object type (TRIGGER)
247 **   x_object_owner - Trigger owner
248 **   x_object_name  - trigger name
249 */
250 function FETCH_MULTIPLE_DDLS (
251   X_OBJECT_OWNER in varchar2,
252   X_OBJECT_NAME  in varchar2,
253   X_OBJECT_TYPE  in varchar2) return SYS.KU$_DDLS
254 is
255    C_MODULE             varchar2(80) := c_package||'fetch_multiple_ddls';
256    L_OPEN_HANDLE        number;
257    L_TRANSFORM_HANDLE   number;
258    L_DDL_STMTS          sys.ku$_ddls;
259 begin
260   log(c_module, 'STATEMENT',
261       'Getting DDLs for '||x_object_owner||'.'||x_object_name||', '|| x_object_type);
263   l_open_handle := dbms_metadata.open(x_object_type);
264   dbms_metadata.set_filter(l_open_handle, 'SCHEMA', x_object_owner);
265   dbms_metadata.set_filter(l_open_handle, 'NAME', x_object_name);
266   l_transform_handle := dbms_metadata.add_transform(l_open_handle, 'DDL');
267   dbms_metadata.set_transform_param(l_transform_handle, 'SQLTERMINATOR', false);
269   l_ddl_stmts := dbms_metadata.fetch_ddl(l_open_handle);
270   dbms_metadata.close(l_open_handle);
272   return l_ddl_stmts;
276 /*
277 ** Alter triggers for a given table
278 **
279 ** X_MODE - COMPILE or 'ENABLE' or 'DISABLE' the trigger
280 **
281 */
282 procedure ALTER_TRIGGER( X_TRIGGER_OWNER in varchar2,
283                          X_TRIGGER_NAME  in varchar2,
284                          X_MODE          in varchar2)
285 is
286   C_MODULE            varchar2(80) :=  c_package||'alter_trigger';
287   L_STMT              varchar2(256);
288 begin
289   l_stmt := 'alter trigger "'||x_trigger_owner||'"."'|| x_trigger_name ||'" '||x_mode;
290   exec (l_stmt, c_module, false); -- ignore errors
291 end;
293 --
294 -- This procedure copies the Object grants from Table to EV.
295 --
296 -- NOTE: All grants can NOT be copied because some grants may not
297 --       be applicable on a VIEW while same may be applicable on
298 --       a table.
299 --
300 --   View PRIVILEGES
301 --   ==============
303 --
305 --   ==================
307 --
308 procedure COPY_GRANTS(
309   X_TABLE_OWNER in varchar2,
310   X_TABLE_NAME  in varchar2,
311   X_EV_NAME     in varchar2)
312 is
314 C_MODULE          varchar2(127) := c_package||'COPY_GRANTS';
315 L_STR varchar2(1026);
316 L_EV_STR_PRIVILEGE varchar2(1024);
317 cursor C_GRANTS(P_TABLE_OWNER varchar2,
318                 P_TABLE_NAME varchar2,
319                 P_VIEW_NAME varchar2) is
320       select distinct
321           tpt.grantee
322         , tpt.privilege
323         , tpt.grantable
324         , tpt.hierarchy
325       from
326           dba_tab_privs tpt
327       where tpt.owner = p_table_owner
328         and tpt.table_name  = p_table_name
329         and tpt.privilege in ('SELECT', 'UPDATE', 'INSERT', 'DELETE', 'DEBUG')
330         and tpt.grantee <> 'SYSTEM'
331         and not exists
332             ( select 'x'
333               from   dba_tab_privs tpv
334               where  tpv.owner      = tpt.owner
335                 and  tpv.table_name = p_view_name
336                 and  tpv.grantee    = tpt.grantee
337                 and  tpv.privilege  = tpt.privilege
338              )
339        order by grantee;
341 begin
343   l_ev_str_privilege := 'GRANT ';
345   begin
346     for grant_rec in c_grants (x_table_owner, x_table_name, x_ev_name)
347     loop
349       l_ev_str_privilege := l_ev_str_privilege || grant_rec.privilege || ' ON "' ||
350                             x_table_owner || '"."'||x_ev_name || '" TO "' ||
351                             grant_rec.grantee || '" ' ;
353       if (nvl(grant_rec.grantable, 'NO') = 'YES' ) then
354        l_ev_str_privilege := l_ev_str_privilege || ' WITH GRANT OPTION ';
355       end if;
357       if (nvl(grant_rec.hierarchy, 'NO') = 'YES' and grant_rec.privilege='SELECT' ) then
358        l_ev_str_privilege := l_ev_str_privilege || ' WITH HIERARCHY OPTION ';
359       end if;
361       -- Ignore if any error
362       exec(l_ev_str_privilege, c_module, true);
363       l_ev_str_privilege := 'GRANT ';
365    end loop;
366   exception
367    when others then
368     raise;
369   end;
371 end COPY_GRANTS;
373 --
374 -- Moves a trigger defined on a table / EV to a table synonym
375 -- This signature becomes non-public, after the changes for Bug 13597311
376 -- GB TODO: use EV instead of synonym
377 procedure MOVE_TRIGGER(
378   X_TRIGGER_OWNER  varchar2,
379   X_TRIGGER_NAME   Varchar2,
380   X_TRIGGER_STATUS varchar2,
381   X_VALID_STATUS   varchar2,
382   X_TABLE_OWNER    varchar2,
383   X_TABLE_NAME     varchar2,
384   X_SYNONYM_OWNER  varchar2,
385   X_SYNONYM_NAME   varchar2 )
386 is
387  C_MODULE         varchar2(127) := c_package ||'move_trigger';
388  L_DDL_LOB        clob;
389  L_INDEX          pls_integer :=0;
390  L_SYN_OWNER      varchar2(30);
391  L_SYNONYM_NAME   varchar2(30);
392  L_DDL_STMTS      sys.ku$_ddls;
394  -- Match#1 : exact owner.table
395  L_REG_EXP_PATTERN_1 varchar2(127):= '[[:space:]]ON[[:space:]]*("?' || X_TABLE_OWNER ||
396                                      '"?)[.]?"?'|| X_TABLE_NAME ||'"?[[:space:]]';
398  -- Match#2 : owner.EV
399  L_REG_EXP_PATTERN_2   varchar2(127) := '[[:space:]]ON[[:space:]]*("?' || X_TABLE_OWNER ||
400                                         '"?)[.]?"?'|| ev_view(X_TABLE_NAME) ||'"?[[:space:]]';
402  -- Match#2_1 : trg-owner.EV
403  -- SSTOMAR:
404  --  It has been found if synonym points to EV then DBMS_METADATA returns
405  --  [... ON "trg-owner"."EV-name"] , NOT [ ... ON "ev-owner"."ev-name" ]
406  L_REG_EXP_PATTERN_2_1 varchar2(127) := '[[:space:]]ON[[:space:]]*("?' || X_TRIGGER_OWNER ||
407                                         '"?)[.]?"?'|| ev_view(X_TABLE_NAME) ||'"?[[:space:]]';
409  -- Match#3 : Generic and
410  -- For SYNONYM: will be modified for each synonym before match.
411  L_REG_EXP_PATTERN_3 varchar2(127):= '[[:space:]]ON[[:space:]]*("?[A-Z_0-9]*"?)[.]?"?' ||
412                                      X_TABLE_NAME ||'"?[[:space:]]';
414  -- This is used to replace  ALTER TRIGGER ... ENABLE/DISABLE statement
415  -- Bug 12820852 ( some triggers has $ in name)
416  L_ALTER_REG_PATTERN varchar2(127):= 'ALTER[[:space:]]*TRIGGER[[:space:]]*("?'
417                                      || X_TRIGGER_OWNER || '"?)[.]?"?' ||
418                                      replace(replace(X_TRIGGER_NAME, '$', '\$'), '+', '\+') ||
419                                      '"?[[:space:]]*[A-Z]*(;?)';
421  -- Match regular pattern will be replaced with following string [ ON  APPS.<TABLE-SYNONYM> ]
422  -- Added new-line for bug-12800936
423  L_REG_EXP_REPLACE_STR varchar2(127):= local_chr(10) || ' ON  "' || X_SYNONYM_OWNER || '"."'|| X_SYNONYM_NAME ||'"  ';
425  -- NOTE : if there is any issue with below SQL
426  --        revert back to old one because this has to use only for
427  --        'MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B'  table is not being replaced as
428  --        synonym is defined on APPS synonym.
429  --
430  -- Non-Apps synonyms
431  --
432  cursor C_TAB_SYN (P_TABLE_OWNER varchar2, P_TABLE_NAME varchar2) is
433    with p( owner, synonym_name) as
434      (
435          select owner, synonym_name
436          from   dba_synonyms
437          where  table_name= p_table_name
438          and    table_owner = p_table_owner
439       union all
440          select s.owner , s.synonym_name
441          from   dba_synonyms s,
442                 p
443          where s.table_name = p.synonym_name
444          and   s.table_owner = p.owner
445          and   s.table_owner in
446                ( select oracle_username
447                  from system.fnd_oracle_userid
448                  where  read_only_flag in ('A','B', 'E', /*'U',*/ 'C')
449                 )
450      )
451      cycle owner, synonym_name set cyclemarker to 'Y' default 'N'
452      select distinct synonym_name from p where cyclemarker = 'N'  ;
455   pragma exception_init(suceess_with_compile_err, -24344);
456 begin
458   log(c_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'begin: ' ||x_trigger_owner||'.'||x_trigger_name);
459   --
460   -- Bug 13597311. If trigger is in invalid state, then attempt to compile it
461   -- If compilation fails with hard ORA error like
462   -- ORA-25006: cannot specify this column in UPDATE OF clause
463   -- then abort moving the table name to synonym.
464   --
465   if (upper(x_valid_status) <> 'VALID') THEN
466     begin
467       alter_trigger(x_trigger_owner, x_trigger_name, 'COMPILE');
468     exception
469       when suceess_with_compile_err then
470         -- progress, assuming the compilation error will go away subsequently
471         null;
472       when others then
473         -- ORA-04045: errors during recompilation/revalidation of ...
474         -- ORA-25006: cannot specify this column in UPDATE OF clause
475         if((sqlcode = -25006) or
476            (sqlcode = -4045 and instr (sqlerrm, 'ORA-25006') > 0 ) ) then
477           -- disable the trigger and abandon the movement
478           log(c_module, 'ERROR', 'The trigger ' ||x_trigger_owner||'.'||x_trigger_name ||
479                              ' is invalid and it could not be compiled.  Autopatch will disable the trigger.' ||
480                       ' You must not attempt to use the system before resolving the error with Oracle Support.' ||
481                       ' Data consistency may be compromised if you start using the system before resolving the error.' ||
482                       ' Error message follows.');
483           log(c_module, 'ERROR', sqlerrm);
484           -- Can NOT DISABLE a trigger which has ORA-25006 issue.
485           --alter_trigger(x_trigger_owner, x_trigger_name, 'DISABLE');
486           return;
487         end if;
488         -- In ALL other cases raise error, so AD_ZD_TABLE.UPGRADE call will be marked as FAILED,
489         -- and worker would consider in next attempt.
490         log(c_module, 'ERROR', x_trigger_owner||'.'||x_trigger_name || ': '|| sqlerrm);
491         raise;
492     end;
493   end if;
495   -- Get DDLs of this trigger.
496   l_ddl_stmts := fetch_multiple_ddls(x_trigger_owner,x_trigger_name, 'TRIGGER');
497   if(l_ddl_stmts is not null and l_ddl_stmts.count > 0 ) then
498     for i in 1 .. l_ddl_stmts.count loop
499       l_ddl_lob := l_ddl_stmts(i).ddltext;
500       -- Actual trigger definition will have "ON" keyword
501       if(i = 1) then
502         -- Match <tabe owner>.<table name>
503         l_index := regexp_instr(l_ddl_lob, l_reg_exp_pattern_1, 1,1,0, 'i' );
504         if(l_index > 0 ) then  -- MATCH#1:
505           log(c_module, 'STATEMENT','Index->' || l_index || ' Found match of-> '|| l_reg_exp_pattern_1  );
506           -- Start search from that point, replace the owner.table-name with syn-owner.sysn-name
507           l_ddl_lob := regexp_replace(l_ddl_lob,
508                                        l_reg_exp_pattern_1,
509                                        l_reg_exp_replace_str,
510                                        l_index, 1, 'i' );    -- first occurrence only
511         else
512           -- MATCH#2: match <tabl owner>.<EV name>
513           l_index := regexp_instr(l_ddl_lob, l_reg_exp_pattern_2, 1,1,0, 'i' );
514           if(l_index > 0) then
515               log(c_module, 'STATEMENT',
516                   'Found match of '||ev_view(X_TABLE_NAME)||' in trigger definition');
517               l_ddl_lob := regexp_replace(l_ddl_lob,
518                                           l_reg_exp_pattern_2,
519                                           l_reg_exp_replace_str, l_index, 1, 'i' );
520           else
521             -- MATCH#2_1: Match <Trigger owner>.<EV name>
522             l_index := regexp_instr(l_ddl_lob, l_reg_exp_pattern_2_1, 1,1,0, 'i' );
523             if(l_index > 0) then
524                log(c_module, 'STATEMENT', 'Found match of <trigger owner>.'
525                                            || ev_view(X_TABLE_NAME) ||' in trigger definition');
526                l_ddl_lob := regexp_replace(l_ddl_lob,
527                                            l_reg_exp_pattern_2_1,
528                                            l_reg_exp_replace_str, l_index, 1, 'i' );
529             else
530               log(c_module, 'STATEMENT',
531                           'No match found so far and in last step of matching: ->'   );
532               -- MATCH#3: Match with <generic owner name>.<table name>
533               l_index := regexp_instr(l_ddl_lob, l_reg_exp_pattern_3, 1,1,0, 'i' );
534               if( l_index > 0 ) then
535                 log(c_module, 'STATEMENT', 'Match found at index : ->'  || l_index );
536                 l_ddl_lob := regexp_replace(l_ddl_lob,
537                                              l_reg_exp_pattern_3,
538                                              l_reg_exp_replace_str, l_index, 1,  'i' );
539               else
540                 -- Check if trigger has been defined on any other SYNONYMs ( other than APPS synonym)
541                 l_index := 0;
542                 log(c_module, 'STATEMENT','Checking if it has been defined on a table-synonym'  );
543                 for syn_rec in  c_tab_syn (x_table_owner, x_table_name)  loop
544                   l_synonym_name := syn_rec.synonym_name;
545                   l_reg_exp_pattern_3 :=  '[[:space:]]ON[[:space:]]*("?[A-Z_0-9]*"?)[.]?"?' || l_synonym_name ||'"?[[:space:]]';
546                   l_index := regexp_instr(l_ddl_lob, l_reg_exp_pattern_3, 1,1,0, 'i' );
547                   exit when l_index > 0;
548                 end loop;
550                 if(l_index > 0 ) then
551                   log(c_module, 'STATEMENT',
552                            'Found match, Trigger has been defined on table-synonym : ->' ||
553                            l_index || ' Pattern->' || l_reg_exp_pattern_3 );
554                   l_ddl_lob := regexp_replace(l_ddl_lob,
555                                              l_reg_exp_pattern_3,
556                                              l_reg_exp_replace_str,
557                                              l_index, /* from that position */
558                                              1,       /* first occurrence */
559                                              'i'      /* case-insensitive */
560                                             );
561                  end if;
562                end if; --- end of MATCH#3
563              end if; --- end of MATCH#2_1
564            end if; -- end of MATCH#2
565          end if;  -- end of MATCH#1
567          -- Drop trigger
568          exec(x_sql => 'DROP TRIGGER "' || x_trigger_owner || '"."' || x_trigger_name || '"',
569               x_log_mod => c_module,
570               x_ignore => false);
572        end if; -- end of if [ i =1 ]
574        exec(x_sql => l_ddl_lob, x_log_mod => c_module, x_ignore => false);
575      end loop;
576    end if;
578    log(c_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'end');
579 exception
580   when others then
581     raise;
585 --
586 -- Move triggers from Table to EV.
587 --
588 -- So:  [ TRIGGERS ] --> [ SYNONYM ] --> [ EV ]---> [ TABLE ]
589 --
590 -- Steps
591 --   1- Drop Trigger
592 --   2- Recreate Trigger with same definition on top of synonym (EV)
593 --
594 procedure MOVE_TRIGGERS(
595   X_TABLE_OWNER  varchar2,
596   X_TABLE_NAME   varchar2,
597   X_EV_NAME      varchar2)
598 is
599   C_MODULE        varchar2(127) := c_package||'move_triggers';
600   L_VALID_STATUS  varchar2(10);
601   L_EV_NAME       varchar2(30);
602   L_SYNONYM_NAME  varchar2(30);
603   L_SYNONYM_OWNER varchar2(30);
605  -- triggers defined on a table
606   CURSOR c_trg is
607     select owner, trigger_name, trigger_type, status
608     from dba_triggers
609     where table_owner in
610      ( select oracle_username from system.fnd_oracle_userid
611        where  read_only_flag in ('A','B', 'E', 'U', 'C') )
612     -- EXCLUDE: trigger generated by the Oracle Text Indexing
613     and trigger_name not like 'DR$%'
614     -- EXCLUDE: Editioned Data Storage Maintenance Trigger Name
615     and trigger_name <> ad_zd_seed.eds_trigger(x_table_name)
616     and trigger_name <> ad_zd_seed.eds_fcet(x_table_name)
617     -- EXCLUDE: cross edition triggers.
618     and crossedition = 'NO'
619     and table_owner = x_table_owner
620     and (
621          (table_name = x_table_name and base_object_type='TABLE')
622         or
623          (table_name=ev_view(x_table_name) and base_object_type='VIEW')
624         )
625     and owner in
626        (select oracle_username from system.fnd_oracle_userid
627         where  read_only_flag in ('A','B', 'E', 'U', 'C') );
629 begin
630   log(C_MODULE, 'PROCEDURE', 'begin: '||x_table_owner||'.'||x_table_name);
632   l_ev_name := nvl(X_EV_NAME, ev_view(X_TABLE_NAME));
634   -- Get APPS synonym of that table or synonym pointing to table EV
635   begin
636     select syn.owner, syn.synonym_name
637     into   l_synonym_owner, l_synonym_name
638     from   dba_synonyms syn
639     where syn.owner  = ad_zd.apps_schema
640       and syn.table_owner = x_table_owner
641       and syn.table_name  = l_ev_name
642       and rownum < 2;
643   exception
644     when no_data_found then
645       -- internal error, should probably fail here
646       log(c_module, 'ERROR', 'APPS synonym not found for table '||x_table_owner||'.'||x_table_name);
647       l_synonym_owner := x_table_owner;
648       l_synonym_name  := x_table_name;
649   end;
651   begin
652     for trg_rec in c_trg loop
654       -- Bug 13597311. Adding valid state to decide
655       -- whether to force recompile a trigger or not.
656       -- This can be also done in CURSOR c_trg by joining
657       -- dba_objects. At present there is a huge performance
658       -- drop in the resultant query. Taking suggestion from
659       -- perf team.
660       -- TODO: If perf team can suggest a single query, it would
661       --       help optimize further.
663       select status
664       into   l_valid_status
665       from   dba_objects
666       where  owner = trg_rec.owner
667       and    object_name = trg_rec.trigger_name
668       and    object_type = 'TRIGGER';
670       move_trigger(
671            trg_rec.owner,
672            trg_rec.trigger_name,
673            trg_rec.status,
674            l_valid_status,
675            x_table_owner,
676            x_table_name,
677            l_synonym_owner,
678            l_synonym_name);
679     end loop;
680   exception
681     when others then
682       raise;
683   end;
684   log(C_MODULE, 'PROCEDURE', 'end');
687 --
688 -- Moves VPD policies from table to EV
689 --
690 procedure MOVE_VPD_POLICIES(
691   X_TABLE_OWNER in varchar2,
692   X_TABLE_NAME  in varchar2,
693   X_EV_NAME     in varchar2 )
694 is
695   c_module          varchar2(127) := c_package||'move_vpd_policies';
697   l_object_owner    varchar2(30);
698   l_object_name     varchar2(30);
699   l_policy_group    varchar2(30);
700   l_policy_name     varchar2(30);
701   l_pf_owner        varchar2(30);
702   l_package         varchar2(30);
703   l_function        varchar2(65);
704   l_sel             varchar2(3);
705   l_ins             varchar2(3);
706   l_upd              varchar2(3);
707   l_del              varchar2(3);
708   l_idx              varchar2(3);
710   l_policy_type       varchar2(24);
711   l_chk_option       varchar2(5) ;
712   l_enable           varchar2(5);
713   l_static_policy    varchar2(5);
714   l_long_predicate    varchar2(5);
717   -- variables to store 'true' or 'false' boolean value as string
718   l_b_chk_option        varchar2(5) ;
719   l_b_enable            varchar2(5);
720   l_b_static_policy     varchar2(5);
721   l_b_long_predicate    varchar2(5);
724   l_stmt_types        varchar2(64);
725   l_first BOOLEAN := true;
726   l_sql varchar2(32767) ;
727   l_ev_name         varchar2(30);
729   cursor C_VPD (X_OWNER varchar2, X_NAME varchar2)
730   is
731     select  object_owner    ,
732             object_name     ,
733             policy_group    ,
734             policy_name     ,
735             pf_owner        ,
736             package          ,
737             function         ,
738             sel              ,
739             ins              ,
740             upd              ,
741             del              ,
742             idx              ,
743             -- chk_option       ,
744             decode(chk_option, 'YES', 'true', 'false'),
745             --enable           ,
746             decode(enable, 'YES', 'true', 'false'),
747             --static_policy    ,
748             decode(static_policy ,'YES', 'true', 'false'),
749             policy_type      ,
750             --long_predicate
751             decode(long_predicate, 'YES', 'true', 'false')
752    from   dba_policies
753    where  object_owner = x_owner
754    and    object_name  = x_name
755    and    policy_name  = UPPER(policy_name)   -- EXCLUDE: internal polciy, if any.
756    and    lower(policy_name) <> 'ad_zd_seed'; -- EXCLUDE: AD_ZD_SEED policies .
758 begin
759   log(c_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'begin: '||x_table_owner||'.'||x_table_name);
760   begin
761     l_ev_name := nvl(X_EV_NAME, ev_view(X_TABLE_NAME));
762     open c_vpd(x_table_owner, x_table_name);
763     fetch c_vpd INTO
764                     l_object_owner    ,
765                     l_object_name     ,
766                     l_policy_group    ,
767                     l_policy_name     ,
768                     l_pf_owner        ,
769                     l_package         ,
770                     l_function        ,
771                     l_sel             ,
772                     l_ins             ,
773                     l_upd             ,
774                     l_del             ,
775                     l_idx             ,
776                     l_chk_option      ,
777                     l_enable          ,
778                     l_static_policy   ,
779                     l_policy_type     ,
780                     l_long_predicate  ;
782     while (c_vpd%found) loop
783       log(c_module, 'EVENT', 'Drop VPD policy: ' ||l_policy_name||' from '||x_table_owner||'.'||x_table_name );
784       -- If here, policy exist for this table
785       -- Drop from table
786       l_sql := 'BEGIN  DBMS_RLS.DROP_POLICY ( ' ||
787                       ' object_schema =>''' || X_TABLE_OWNER || ''', '  ||
788                       ' object_name  => ''' || X_TABLE_NAME || ''', '  ||
789                       ' policy_name => ''' || l_policy_name || '''); END; ' ;
790       -- Drop policy from table
791       exec(l_sql, c_module);
793       -- SELECT
794       if( l_sel = 'YES' ) then
795         l_stmt_types :=  'SELECT ';
796         l_first := false;
797       end if;
799       -- INSERT
800       if( l_ins = 'YES' ) then
801         if l_first then
802           l_stmt_types :=  'INSERT';
803           l_first := false;
804          else
805           l_stmt_types :=  l_stmt_types || ', INSERT';
806          END if;
807       end if;
809       -- UPDATE
810       if( l_upd = 'YES' ) then
811         if l_first then
812           l_stmt_types :=  'UPDATE';
813           l_first := false;
814          else
815           l_stmt_types :=  l_stmt_types || ', UPDATE';
816          end if;
817       end if;
819       -- DELETE
820       if( l_del = 'YES' ) then
821          if l_first then
822           l_stmt_types :=  'DELETE';
823           l_first := false;
824          else
825           l_stmt_types :=  l_stmt_types || ', DELETE';
826          end if;
827       end if;
829       -- INDEX
830       if( l_idx = 'YES' ) then
831         if l_first then
832           l_stmt_types :=  'INDEX';
833           l_first := false;
834          else
835           l_stmt_types :=  l_stmt_types || ', INDEX';
836          end if;
837       end if;
839       if(l_package is not null ) then
840        -- "pkg_name"."fun_name"
841        l_function :=  l_package || '.' || l_function   ;
842       end if;
844       if(l_policy_type is not null ) then
845         l_policy_type := 'DBMS_RLS.' || l_policy_type;
846       end if;
848       -- ReAssign VPD to EV
849       l_sql := 'BEGIN  DBMS_RLS.ADD_GROUPED_POLICY( ' ||
850                     ' object_schema=>''' || x_table_owner || ''', ' ||
851                     ' object_name=>''' || l_ev_name || ''', ' ||
852                     ' policy_group=>'''  || l_policy_group || ''', ' ||
853                     ' policy_name=>'''  || l_policy_name  || ''', ' ||
854                     ' function_schema=>''' ||  l_pf_owner || ''', ' ||
855                     ' policy_function=>''' || l_function || ''', ' ||
856                     ' statement_types=>''' || l_stmt_types || ''', ' || /* statement_types =>'SELECT,INDEX, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE.*/
857                     ' update_check=>' ||  l_chk_option || ', ' ||       /* BOOLEAN value, so extra single quote required otherwise that would become
858                                                                            string */
859                     ' enable=>' ||  l_enable || ', ' ||                 /* BOOLEAN */
860                     ' static_policy=>' ||  l_static_policy || ', ' ||   /* BOOLEAN */
861                     ' policy_type=>' ||  l_policy_type || ', ' ||       /* integer VALUE */
862                     ' long_predicate=>' || l_long_predicate || ', ' ||  /* BOOLEAN */
863                     ' sec_relevant_cols=>NULL, ' ||
864                     ' sec_relevant_cols_opt=>NULL); END; '  ;
866        log(c_module, 'EVENT', 'Add VPD policy: ' ||l_policy_name||' to '||x_table_owner||'.'||l_ev_name );
867        exec(l_sql, c_module);
869        fetch c_vpd INTO
870             l_object_owner    ,
871             l_object_name     ,
872             l_policy_group    ,
873             l_policy_name     ,
874             l_pf_owner        ,
875             l_package          ,
876             l_function         ,
877             l_sel              ,
878             l_ins              ,
879             l_upd              ,
880             l_del              ,
881             l_idx              ,
882             l_chk_option       ,
883             l_enable           ,
884             l_static_policy    ,
885             l_policy_type      ,
886             l_long_predicate  ;
888     end loop;
890     if c_vpd%isopen  then  -- cursor was not already closed
891        close c_vpd;
892     end if;
894   exception
895     when others then
896      if c_vpd%isopen  then  -- cursor was not already closed
897        close c_vpd;
898      end if;
900      log(c_module, 'ERROR', substr(sqlerrm, 1, 2000));
901      raise;
902   end;
903   log(c_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'end');
906 --
907 --  Drops public synonyms and re-create corresponding synonyms in dependent
908 --  schema.
909 --
910 procedure FIX_PUBLIC_SYNONYM (x_table_owner   varchar2,
911                               x_table_name    varchar2,
912                               x_synonym_name  varchar2,
913                               x_ev_name       varchar2)
914 is
915   c_module  varchar2(127) := c_package||'fix_public_synonym';
916   l_sql     varchar2(1024);
918   -- MV tables already will be excluded by AD_ZD_TABLE.UPGRADE API
919   -- Check recursive dependency as well:
920   -- e.g: View --> synonym --> public-synonym
921   --
922   cursor c_dependents (p_synonym_name varchar2) is
923      select distinct d.owner --, d1.name, d1.type
924      from   dba_dependencies d
925      where  d.owner in ( select oracle_username
926                           from system.fnd_oracle_userid
927                           where  read_only_flag in ('A','B', 'E', 'U', 'C' )
928                           )
929      and    d.referenced_type  = 'SYNONYM'
930      and    d.referenced_owner = 'PUBLIC'
931      and    d.referenced_name  = p_synonym_name
932      and not exists ( select 1
933                        from  dba_synonyms
934                        where owner = d.owner
935                        and   synonym_name= p_synonym_name
936                        and   table_owner = x_table_owner
937                        and   table_name  in (x_table_name, x_ev_name)
938                        );
940 begin
942   log(c_module, 'PROCEDURE',
943       'begin: '||x_table_owner||'.'||x_table_name||', '||x_synonym_name);
945   for dependent in c_dependents ( x_synonym_name) loop
947     l_sql := 'CREATE SYNONYM "' || dependent.owner|| '"."' || x_synonym_name ||
948              '" FOR "'|| x_table_owner || '"."' || nvl(x_ev_name, ev_view(x_table_name)) || '"' ;
950     log(c_module, 'EVENT', 'Create Synonym: "' || dependent.owner || '"."' || x_synonym_name ||'"') ;
951     exec(l_sql, c_module, false);
952   end loop;
954   -- drop public synonym
955   l_sql := 'DROP PUBLIC SYNONYM "' || x_synonym_name || '" FORCE' ;
956   log(c_module, 'EVENT', 'Drop Public Synonym: "' || x_synonym_name ||'"');
957   exec (l_sql, c_module, true);
959   log(c_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'end');
962 --
963 --  Drops public synonyms and re-create corresponding synonyms in dependent
964 --  schema.
965 --
966 procedure FIX_PUBLIC_SYNONYMS(x_table_owner  varchar2,
967                               x_table_name   varchar2,
968                               x_ev_name      varchar2)
969 is
970  c_module          varchar2(127) := c_package||'fix_public_synonyms';
972  cursor c_pub_syn is
973    select syn.synonym_name
974    from  dba_synonyms syn,
975          DBA_TABLES tab
976    where syn.owner='PUBLIC'
977    and   syn.table_owner in ( select oracle_username
978                               from system.fnd_oracle_userid
979                               where  read_only_flag in ('E', 'A', 'B', 'C')
980                              )
981    and syn.table_owner = x_table_owner
982    and syn.table_name  = x_table_name
983    and tab.owner       = syn.table_owner
984    and tab.table_name  = syn.table_name;
987 begin
988   log(c_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'begin: '||x_table_owner||'.'||x_table_name);
990   for pub_syn in c_pub_syn loop
991     fix_public_synonym(x_table_owner, x_table_name, pub_syn.synonym_name, x_ev_name);
992   end loop;
994   log(c_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'end');
998 --
999 -- Generate Editioning View
1000 --
1001 -- Generates an Editioning View for the specified table.
1002 -- Table columns have names with the following structure
1003 --
1004 --       <logical_name>[#<version>]
1005 --
1006 -- The generated editioning view will map each logical column name
1007 -- to the latest version table column for that logical name.
1008 --
1009 procedure GENERATE_EV(
1010   X_TABLE_OWNER       varchar2,
1011   X_TABLE_NAME        varchar2 )
1012 is
1013   C_MODULE            varchar2(127) := c_package||'generate_ev';
1014   L_EV_NAME           varchar2(30);
1015   L_EV_STMT           varchar2(32676);
1016   L_EV_LOB_STMT       clob;
1017   L_EV_FIRST          boolean;
1019   cursor C_EV_COLUMNS(X_TABLE_OWNER varchar2, X_TABLE_NAME varchar2) is
1020     select
1021         ad_zd_table.ev_view_column(col.column_name) view_column_name
1022       , max(col.column_name) table_column_name
1023       , min(nvl(evc.view_column_id, 1000+col.column_id)) view_column_id
1024     from   dba_tab_columns col,
1025            dba_editioning_view_cols evc
1026     where  col.owner = x_table_owner
1027       and  col.table_name = x_table_name
1028       and  evc.owner(+)            = col.owner
1029       and  evc.view_name(+)        = ad_zd_table.ev_view(col.table_name)
1030       and  evc.view_column_name(+) = ad_zd_table.ev_view_column(col.column_name)
1031     group by ad_zd_table.ev_view_column(col.column_name)
1032     order by view_column_id;
1034 begin
1036   -- set up EV creation statement
1037   l_ev_name := ev_view(x_table_name);
1038   l_ev_stmt := 'create or replace editioning view  "'||
1039                 x_table_owner||'"."'||l_ev_name||'" as select ';
1041   log(c_module, 'EVENT', 'Generate EV '||x_table_owner||'.'||l_ev_name);
1043   begin
1044     -- Loop thru each EV column
1045     l_ev_first := true;
1046     for evcrec in c_ev_columns(x_table_owner, x_table_name) loop
1048       -- add initial statement or separater as needed
1049       if l_ev_first then
1050         l_ev_first := false;
1051         dbms_lob.createtemporary (l_ev_lob_stmt, false, DBMS_LOB.CALL);
1052         dbms_lob.writeappend(lob_loc => l_ev_lob_stmt,
1053                              amount  => length(l_ev_stmt),
1054                              buffer  => l_ev_stmt);
1055       else
1056         l_ev_stmt := ', ';
1057         dbms_lob.writeappend(lob_loc => l_ev_lob_stmt,
1058                              amount  => length(l_ev_stmt),
1059                              buffer  => l_ev_stmt);
1060       end if;
1062       -- add column mapping to EV creation statement
1063       l_ev_stmt := evcrec.table_column_name||' '||evcrec.view_column_name;
1064       dbms_lob.writeappend(lob_loc => l_ev_lob_stmt,
1065                            amount  => length(l_ev_stmt),
1066                            buffer  => l_ev_stmt);
1068     end loop;
1070     -- complete the EV creation statement and execute
1071     if (l_ev_lob_stmt is not null and dbms_lob.getlength(l_ev_lob_stmt) > 0 ) then
1073       l_ev_stmt := ' from "'||x_table_owner||'"."'||x_table_name||'"';
1074       dbms_lob.writeappend(lob_loc => l_ev_lob_stmt,
1075                            amount  => length(l_ev_stmt),
1076                            buffer  => l_ev_stmt);
1078       -- Immediate execute. [patching case]
1079       exec(l_ev_lob_stmt, c_module);
1080     end if;  -- END : If l_ev_lob_stmt is not null and dbms_lob.getlength(l_ev_lob_stmt) > 0
1082     if (dbms_lob.isTemporary(l_ev_lob_stmt)=1) then
1083       dbms_lob.freeTemporary(l_ev_lob_stmt);
1084     end if;
1086   exception
1087     when others then
1088       if (dbms_lob.isTemporary(l_ev_lob_stmt)=1) then
1089         dbms_lob.freeTemporary(l_ev_lob_stmt);
1090       end if;
1091       log(c_module, 'ERROR',
1092           x_table_owner||'.'||x_table_name || ': ' || substr(sqlerrm, 1, 2000));
1093       raise;
1094   end;
1096 end GENERATE_EV;
1099 --
1100 -- Install Editioning View
1101 --
1102 -- Only needed for first time installation of an EV.
1103 --   - moves table-level VPD policies to editioning view
1104 --   - copies table-level grants to editioning view
1105 --   - Points table synonyms to editioning view
1106 --
1107 -- Note: assumes EV is already generated
1108 --
1109 procedure INSTALL_EV(
1110   X_TABLE_OWNER   varchar2,
1111   X_TABLE_NAME    varchar2 )
1112 is
1113   C_MODULE        varchar2(80) := c_package||'install_ev';
1114   C_APPS_SCHEMA   varchar2(30) := ad_zd.apps_schema;
1115   L_EV_NAME       varchar2(30);
1116   L_SYN_OWNER     varchar2(30);
1117   L_SYN_NAME      varchar2(30);
1118   L_STMT          varchar2(32000);
1119   L_SYN_EXISTS    boolean;
1121   cursor C_SYNONYMS(x_table_owner varchar2, x_table_name varchar2, x_ev_name varchar2) is
1122     select
1123         syn.owner         owner
1124       , syn.synonym_name  synonym_name
1125       , syn.table_name    table_name
1126     from dba_synonyms syn
1127     where syn.table_owner = x_table_owner
1128     and syn.table_name  in (x_table_name, x_ev_name)
1129     and syn.owner in
1130           ( select oracle_username
1131             from   system.fnd_oracle_userid
1132             where  read_only_flag in ('A','B', 'E', 'U', 'C') );
1134 begin
1135   log(c_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'begin: '||X_TABLE_OWNER||'.'||X_TABLE_NAME);
1137   l_ev_name := ev_view(x_table_name);
1139   -- loop through synonyms for table/EV
1140   l_syn_exists := false;
1141   for synrec in c_synonyms(x_table_owner, x_table_name, l_ev_name) loop
1142     l_syn_exists := true;
1144     -- Point table synonyms to EV
1145     if synrec.table_name <> l_ev_name then
1146        l_stmt := 'create or replace synonym "'||synrec.owner||'"."'||
1147                  synrec.synonym_name||'" for "'||x_table_owner||'"."' || l_ev_name ||'"' ;
1149        log(c_module, 'EVENT',
1150            'Point Synonym "'||synrec.owner||'"."'||synrec.synonym_name||'" to EV');
1151        exec(l_stmt, c_module);
1152     end if;
1153   end loop;
1155   -- Move VPD policies to EV
1156   move_vpd_policies(x_table_owner, x_table_name, l_ev_name);
1157   -- Copy Table Grants to EV
1158   copy_grants(x_table_owner, x_table_name, l_ev_name);
1160   -- Create a synonym in APPS schema if there are none.
1161   -- This is for new table installation.
1162   if not l_syn_exists then
1163     l_stmt := 'create synonym "'||c_apps_schema|| '"."' ||x_table_name||
1164               '" for "'||x_table_owner||'"."'||l_ev_name||'"';
1165     log(c_module, 'EVENT',
1166         'Create Synonym '||c_apps_schema||'.'||x_table_name||' to EV');
1167     exec(l_stmt, c_module, true);
1168   end if;
1170   log(c_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'end');
1171 end INSTALL_EV;
1176 --
1177 -- Upgrade Effectively Editioned Table
1178 --    - Generate and Install Editioning View
1179 --    - Fix table synonyms to point to EV
1180 --    - Move triggers to EV
1181 --
1182 procedure UPGRADE(
1183   X_TABLE_OWNER in  varchar2,
1184   X_TABLE_NAME  in  varchar2 )
1185 is
1186   C_MODULE          varchar2(80) := c_package||'upgrade';
1187   L_TABLE_OWNER     varchar2(30);
1188   L_TABLE_NAME      varchar2(30);
1190 begin
1191   log(c_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'begin: '||x_table_owner||'.'||x_table_name);
1193   -- Verify table exists
1194   begin
1195     select tab.owner, tab.table_name
1196     into   l_table_owner, l_table_name
1197     from   dba_tables tab
1198     where  tab.owner      = x_table_owner
1199     and    tab.table_name = x_table_name;
1200   exception
1201     when no_data_found then
1202       error(c_module, 'Table '||nvl(x_table_owner,'<null>')||'.'||nvl(x_table_name,'<null>')||' does not exist.');
1203   end;
1205   -- Generate Editioning View
1206   generate_ev(x_table_owner, x_table_name);
1208   -- Install Editioning View (handles synonyms, VPD policies)
1209   install_ev(x_table_owner, x_table_name);
1211   -- Move triggers to SYNONYM from table
1212   move_triggers(x_table_owner, x_table_name, ad_zd_table.ev_view(x_table_name));
1214   -- cleanup PUBLIC synonyms
1215   fix_public_synonyms(x_table_owner, x_table_name, ad_zd_table.ev_view(x_table_name));
1217   -- upgrade seed data tables
1218   if is_seed(x_table_owner, x_table_name) = 'Y' then
1219     ad_zd_seed.upgrade(x_table_name);
1220   end if;
1222   commit;
1223   log(c_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'end '||x_table_owner ||'.'|| x_table_name);
1224 end UPGRADE;
1228 --
1229 -- Upgrade all developer-managed EBS tables with an editioning view
1230 --
1231 -- Note: we maintain an explicit list of known application-managed
1232 -- tables that are excluded from upgrade (the regexp_like section).
1233 -- This application-managed table name patterns must stay in synch
1234 -- with what is documented in the Database Object Development .
1235 --
1236 procedure UPGRADE_DB
1237 is
1239   C_MODULE     varchar2(127) := c_package||'upgrade_db';
1241   -- EBS Tables that need EVs
1242   --   - owned by EBS product schema
1243   --   - not a known DB internal table pattern
1244   --   - not a known application managed table pattern
1245   --   - not an AD internal table
1246   --   - not a Queue Table
1247   --   - not a Materialized View Container Table
1248   --   - has an APPS synonym
1249   cursor C_UPGRADE_TABLES is
1250     select
1251         tab.owner        table_owner
1252       , tab.table_name   table_name
1253     from  dba_tables tab
1254     where tab.owner in
1255             ( select oracle_username from   system.fnd_oracle_userid
1256               where  read_only_flag in ('A','E','B') )
1257       and tab.temporary = 'N'
1258       and tab.secondary = 'N'
1259         /* not an application-managed dynamic table */
1260       and not regexp_like(tab.table_name, '^AQ\$', 'c')
1261       and not regexp_like(tab.table_name, '^AW\$', 'c')
1262       and not regexp_like(tab.table_name, '^MLOG\$', 'c')
1263       and not regexp_like(tab.table_name, '^BSC_DI_[0-9_]+$', 'c')
1264       and not regexp_like(tab.table_name, '^BSC_D_.+$', 'c')
1265       and not regexp_like(tab.table_name, '^FA_ARCHIVE_ADJUSTMENT_.+$', 'c')
1266       and not regexp_like(tab.table_name, '^FA_ARCHIVE_DETAIL_.+$', 'c')
1267       and not regexp_like(tab.table_name, '^FA_ARCHIVE_SUMMARY_.+$', 'c')
1268       and not regexp_like(tab.table_name, '^GL_DAILY_POST_INT_.+$', 'c')
1269       and not regexp_like(tab.table_name, '^GL_INTERCO_BSV_INT_[0-9]+$', 'c')
1270       and not regexp_like(tab.table_name, '^GL_MOVEMERGE_BAL_[0-9]+$', 'c')
1271       and not regexp_like(tab.table_name, '^GL_MOVEMERGE_INTERIM_[0-9]+$', 'c')
1272       and not regexp_like(tab.table_name, '^XLA_GLT_[0-9]+$', 'c')
1273       and not regexp_like(tab.table_name, '^ICX_POR_C[0-9]+.*$', 'c')
1274       and not regexp_like(tab.table_name, '^ICX_POR_UPLOAD_[0-9]+.*$', 'c')
1275       and not regexp_like(tab.table_name, '^IGI_SLS_[0-9]+$', 'c')
1276       and not regexp_like(tab.table_name, '^JTF_TAE_[0-9]+.*$', 'c')
1277       and not regexp_like(tab.table_name, '^JTY_[0-9]+_.*$', 'c')
1278       and not regexp_like(tab.table_name, '^ZPBDATA[0-9]+_EXCPT_T$', 'c')
1279       and not regexp_like(tab.table_name, '^ZX_DATA_UPLOAD_.*$', 'c')
1280         /* not an AD infrastructure table table */
1281       and tab.table_name not in
1282             ( 'AD_DEFERRED_JOBS',
1283               'AD_TABLE_INDEX_INFO',
1284               'FND_INSTALL_PROCESSES' )
1285       and not exists /* not a queue table */
1286             ( select qt.owner, qt.queue_table
1287               from   dba_queue_tables qt
1288               where  qt.owner       = tab.owner
1289               and    qt.queue_table = tab.table_name )
1290       and not exists /* not an MV container table */
1291             ( select mv.owner, mv.container_name
1292               from   dba_mviews mv
1293               where  mv.owner          = tab.owner
1294               and    mv.container_name = tab.table_name )
1295       and exists /* has apps synonym to base table */
1296             ( select syn.table_owner, syn.table_name
1297               from   dba_synonyms syn
1298               where  syn.table_owner = tab.owner
1299               and    syn.table_name  = tab.table_name
1300               and    syn.owner       = ad_zd.apps_schema )
1301       and not exists /* not an obsolete table */
1302             ( select
1303                   fou.oracle_username owner
1304                 , aoo.object_name   object_name
1305               from
1306                   system.fnd_oracle_userid fou
1307                 , fnd_product_installations fpi
1308                 , ad_obsolete_objects aoo
1309               where fpi.application_id  = aoo.application_id
1310                 and fou.oracle_id       = fpi.oracle_id
1311                 and fou.oracle_username = tab.owner
1312                 and aoo.object_name     = tab.table_name
1313                 and aoo.object_type = 'TABLE' )
1314     order by tab.owner, tab.table_name;
1316   -- EV Tables that are not fully upgraded
1317   --   - synonyms that point to base table
1318   --   - triggers on base table
1319   --   - TODO: vpd policies on base table
1320   cursor C_REUPGRADE_TABLES is
1321     select ev.owner table_owner, ev.table_name
1322     from   dba_editioning_views ev
1323     where ev.owner in
1324             ( select oracle_username from   system.fnd_oracle_userid
1325               where  read_only_flag in ('A','E','B') )
1326       and ( exists /* uncoverted synonyms */
1327               ( select syn.synonym_name
1328                 from   dba_synonyms syn
1329                 where syn.owner in
1330                         ( select oracle_username from   system.fnd_oracle_userid
1331                           where  read_only_flag in ('A', 'B', 'C', 'E', 'U') )
1332                   and syn.table_owner = ev.owner
1333                   and syn.table_name  = ev.table_name ) or
1334             exists /* unmoved triggers */
1335               ( select trg.trigger_name
1336                 from   dba_triggers trg
1337                 where  trg.owner in
1338                         ( select oracle_username from   system.fnd_oracle_userid
1339                           where  read_only_flag in ('A', 'B', 'C', 'E', 'U') )
1340                   and  trg.trigger_name not like '%$%' /* system trigger */
1341                   and  trg.crossedition = 'NO'
1342                   and  trg.table_owner = ev.owner
1343                   and  trg.table_name  = ev.table_name )
1344           )
1345     order by table_owner, table_name;
1347  begin
1348    log(c_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'begin: no parameter(s)' );
1350    -- Process tables that need upgrade
1351    for tab_rec in c_upgrade_tables loop
1352      log(c_module, 'STATEMENT', 'Store Upgrade action for table '||tab_rec.table_name );
1353      ad_zd_parallel_exec.load(
1354        x_phase  => ad_zd_parallel_exec.c_phase_upgrade_table,
1355        x_sql    => 'begin ad_zd_table.upgrade('''||tab_rec.table_owner ||''', '''|| tab_rec.table_name || '''); end;' ,
1356        x_unique => false );
1357    end loop;
1359    -- Process tables that need re-upgrade.
1360    for tab_rec in c_reupgrade_tables loop
1361      log(c_module, 'STATEMENT', 'Store Re-Upgrade action for table '||tab_rec.table_name );
1362      ad_zd_parallel_exec.load(
1363        x_phase  => ad_zd_parallel_exec.c_phase_upgrade_table,
1364        x_sql    => 'begin ad_zd_table.upgrade('''||tab_rec.table_owner ||''', '''|| tab_rec.table_name || '''); end;' ,
1365        x_unique => false);
1367    end loop;
1369    log(c_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'end' );
1371  end UPGRADE_DB;
1374 /*
1375 ** Downgrade Table (remove EV layer)
1376 **
1377 **   X_TABLE_OWNER / X_TABLE_NAME - the table
1378 ** TODO: move triggers and VPD policies back to Table
1379 */
1380 procedure DOWNGRADE(
1381   X_TABLE_OWNER in  varchar2,
1382   X_TABLE_NAME  in  varchar2)
1383 is
1384   C_MODULE          varchar2(80) := c_package||'downgrade';
1385   L_EV_NAME         varchar2(30);
1386   L_TABLE_OWNER     varchar2(30);
1387   L_TABLE_NAME      varchar2(30);
1389   cursor C_SYNONYMS(x_table_owner varchar2, x_table_name varchar2) is
1390     select syn.owner owner, syn.synonym_name name
1391     from   dba_synonyms syn
1392     where  syn.table_owner = x_table_owner
1393     and    syn.table_name  = ad_zd_table.ev_view(x_table_name)
1394     and    syn.owner         <> 'PUBLIC';
1396 begin
1397   log( c_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'begin: '||x_table_owner||'.'||x_table_name);
1399   -- Verify table exists
1400   begin
1401     select tab.owner, tab.table_name
1402     into   l_table_owner, l_table_name
1403     from   dba_tables tab
1404     where  tab.owner      = x_table_owner
1405     and    tab.table_name = x_table_name;
1406   exception
1407     when no_data_found then
1408       error(c_module, 'Table '||nvl(x_table_owner,'<null>')||'.'||nvl(x_table_name,'<null>')||' does not exist.');
1409   end;
1411   -- Change synonyms
1412   for synrec in c_synonyms(x_table_owner, x_table_name) loop
1413     log(c_module, 'EVENT',
1414         'Point Synonym back to Table: '||synrec.owner||'.'||synrec.name);
1415     exec('create or replace synonym "'||
1416          synrec.owner||'"."'||synrec.name||'" for "'||
1417          x_table_owner||'"."'||x_table_name||'"', c_module);
1418   end loop;
1420   -- Drop EV
1421   l_ev_name := ad_zd_table.ev_view(x_table_name);
1422   log(c_module, 'EVENT', 'Drop EV '||x_table_owner||'.'||l_ev_name);
1423   exec('drop view "'||x_table_owner||'"."'||l_ev_name ||'"', c_module, true);
1425   log( c_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'end');
1426 end DOWNGRADE;
1429 /*
1430 ** --------------------------------------------------------------------
1431 **    Forward Crossedition Trigger Tools
1432 ** --------------------------------------------------------------------
1433 */
1436 --
1437 -- Update table (fake update) in order to apply Crossedition Trigger.
1438 --   If X_EV_NAME is supplied, the update is executed on the EV instead of the table.
1439 --   This is used for seed data synchronization.
1440 --
1441 procedure UPDATE_4FCET(
1442   X_TABLE_OWNER    varchar2,
1443   X_TABLE_NAME     varchar2,
1444   X_TRIGGER_NAME   varchar2,
1445   X_COLUMN_NAME    varchar2,
1446   X_EV_NAME        varchar2)
1447 is
1448   C_MODULE         varchar2(80) := c_package || 'update_4fcet';
1449   L_STMT           varchar2(1024);
1450   L_STATUS         number;
1451   L_TASK_NAME      varchar2(64);
1452   L_ERROR          varchar2(32000);
1454   DUPLICATE_TASK_ERROR exception;
1455     pragma exception_init(duplicate_task_error, -29497);
1457   -- Conflict Triggers will block the apply of a forward crossedition trigger
1458   --   - directly on the table
1459   --   - owned by other than the current user
1460   cursor C_CONFLICT_TRIGGERS(X_TABLE_OWNER varchar2, X_TABLE_NAME varchar2) is
1461     select
1462         trg.owner         owner
1463       , trg.trigger_name  trigger_name
1464       , trg.status        status
1465     from
1466         dba_triggers trg
1467     where trg.owner       <> user
1468       and trg.table_owner  = x_table_owner
1469       and trg.table_name   = x_table_name
1470     order by 1, 2;
1471 begin
1472   -- disable any conflict triggers (workaround for DB Bug 13951889)
1473   -- TODO: remember explicit list of disabled triggers, only reenable those
1474   for crec in c_conflict_triggers(x_table_owner, x_table_name) loop
1475     if (crec.status = 'ENABLED') then
1476       log(c_module, 'STATEMENT', 'Disable conflict trigger '||crec.owner||'.'||crec.trigger_name);
1477       exec('alter trigger "'||crec.owner||'"."'||crec.trigger_name||'" disable', c_module);
1478     end if;
1479   end loop;
1481   -- For large table, do parallel update
1482   l_stmt := 'update /*+ rowid (tbl) */ '||
1483                 x_table_owner||'.'||nvl(x_ev_name, x_table_name)||' tbl set '||
1484                 x_column_name||'='||x_column_name||' where rowid between :start_id and :end_id ';
1486   log(c_module, 'STATEMENT', 'Parallel Update for '||x_trigger_name);
1487   log(c_module, 'STATEMENT', 'SQL: '||l_stmt);
1489   -- create task, handle possible conflicting task
1490   l_task_name := x_trigger_name;
1491   begin
1492     log(c_module, 'STATEMENT', 'Create task: '||l_task_name);
1493     dbms_parallel_execute.create_task(l_task_name);
1494   exception
1495     when duplicate_task_error then
1496       log(c_module, 'STATEMENT', 'Drop duplicate task: '||l_task_name);
1497       dbms_parallel_execute.drop_task(l_task_name);
1498       log(c_module, 'STATEMENT', 'Create task (retry): '||l_task_name);
1499       dbms_parallel_execute.create_task(l_task_name);
1500   end;
1502   dbms_parallel_execute.create_chunks_by_rowid(
1503       l_task_name, x_table_owner, x_table_name, true, 10000);
1505   -- 'apply_crossedition_trigger' parameter is required to make cross edition trigger fire
1506   -- 'parallel_level' of null uses default parallelism.
1507   dbms_parallel_execute.run_task(
1508       l_task_name, l_stmt, dbms_sql.native,
1509       apply_crossedition_trigger=>'"'||x_trigger_name ||'"', parallel_level=>null);
1511   -- If any error, Try again
1512   l_status := dbms_parallel_execute.task_status(l_task_name);
1513   if (l_status = dbms_parallel_execute.processed_with_error or
1514       l_status = dbms_parallel_execute.crashed ) then
1515     log(c_module, 'WARNING', 'Update failed, status='||to_char(l_status)||', Retrying...');
1516     dbms_parallel_execute.resume_task(l_task_name);
1517   end if;
1519   -- If still error, report problem
1520   l_status := dbms_parallel_execute.task_status(l_task_name);
1521   if (l_status = dbms_parallel_execute.processed_with_error or
1522       l_status = dbms_parallel_execute.crashed ) then
1523     error(c_module, 'Update failed, status = '||to_char(l_status));
1524   end if;
1526   log(c_module, 'STATEMENT', 'Successful Parallel Update, dropping task: '||l_task_name);
1527   dbms_parallel_execute.drop_task(l_task_name);
1529   -- re-enable conflict triggers
1530   -- TODO: Enable only those triggers which were DISABLED by this API.
1531   for crec in c_conflict_triggers(x_table_owner, x_table_name) loop
1532     if (crec.status = 'DISABLED') then
1533       log(c_module, 'STATEMENT', 'Re-enable conflict trigger '||crec.owner||'.'||crec.trigger_name);
1534       exec('alter trigger "'||crec.owner||'"."'||crec.trigger_name||'" enable', c_module, true);
1535     end if;
1536   end loop;
1538 exception
1539   when others then
1540     l_error := sqlerrm;
1541     begin
1542       dbms_parallel_execute.drop_task(l_task_name);
1543     exception
1544       when others then null;
1545     end;
1546     error(c_module, l_error);
1547 end update_4fcet;
1549 --
1550 -- Apply Crossedition Trigger
1551 --
1552 -- Enables crossedition trigger, then applies to table
1553 -- If the trigger "follows" other triggers or non-existant
1554 -- triggers, this procedure will recursively enable or create
1555 -- the referenced triggers first, as needed.
1556 --
1557 -- Note: we expect the trigger to be created already.
1558 --
1559 -- Multilple crossedition triggers may be applied on the same table. For
1560 -- performance purposes, only the APPLY call for the last trigger will
1561 -- will be executed, which will fire all triggers on the table in a single
1562 -- pass update.
1563 --
1564 procedure APPLY(X_CET_NAME  in varchar2)
1565 is
1566   C_MODULE          varchar2(80) := c_package||'apply';
1567   C_CET_OWNER       varchar2(30) := ad_zd.apps_schema;
1568   L_STATUS          varchar2(8);
1569   L_CROSSEDITION    varchar2(8);
1570   L_TABLE_OWNER     varchar2(30);
1571   L_TABLE_NAME      varchar2(30);
1572   L_UPD_COLUMN      varchar2(30);
1573   L_UPD_EV_NAME     varchar2(30);
1574   L_UPD_CET_NAME    varchar2(30);
1575   L_STMT            varchar2(1000);
1576   L_ERROR           varchar2(2000);
1577   L_EXISTS          varchar2(1);
1578   L_SCN             number := null;
1580   -- predecessor triggers must fire before the trigger to be applied
1581   cursor C_PREDECESSORS(X_OWNER varchar2, X_NAME varchar2) is
1582     select
1583         tord.referenced_trigger_owner ref_trg_owner
1584       , tord.referenced_trigger_name  ref_trg_name
1585       , rtrg.status                   trg_status
1586     from
1587         dba_trigger_ordering tord
1588       , dba_triggers rtrg
1589     where tord.trigger_owner    = x_owner
1590       and tord.trigger_name     = x_name
1591       and tord.ordering_type    = 'FOLLOWS'
1592       and rtrg.owner(+)         = tord.referenced_trigger_owner
1593       and rtrg.trigger_name(+)  = tord.referenced_trigger_name
1594     order by 1, 2;
1596   cursor C_PREDECESSOR_CHAIN(X_OWNER varchar2, X_NAME varchar2) is
1597     select
1598         tord.referenced_trigger_owner ref_trg_owner
1599       , tord.referenced_trigger_name  ref_trg_name
1600     from
1601         dba_trigger_ordering tord
1602     start with
1603           tord.trigger_owner = x_owner
1604       and tord.trigger_name  = x_name
1605       and tord.ordering_type = 'FOLLOWS'
1606     connect by
1607           tord.trigger_owner = prior tord.referenced_trigger_owner
1608       and tord.trigger_name  = prior tord.referenced_trigger_name
1609       and tord.ordering_type = 'FOLLOWS';
1611 begin
1612   log(c_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'begin: '||x_cet_name);
1614   -- Get CET info
1615   begin
1616     select trg.status, trg.crossedition, trg.table_owner, trg.table_name
1617     into   l_status, l_crossedition, l_table_owner, l_table_name
1618     from   dba_triggers trg
1619     where  trg.crossedition in ('FORWARD', 'REVERSE')
1620     and    trg.owner        = c_cet_owner
1621     and    trg.trigger_name = x_cet_name;
1622   exception
1623     when no_data_found then
1624       error(c_module, 'Crossedition Trigger '||c_cet_owner||'.'||x_cet_name||' does not exist');
1625   end;
1627   -- If CET is already enabled, we are done
1628   if l_status = 'ENABLED' then
1629     log(c_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'end - noop');
1630     return;
1631   end if;
1633   log(c_module, 'EVENT', 'Apply Crossedition Trigger: '||c_cet_owner||'.'||x_cet_name);
1635   -- check for missing/disabled predecessor triggers
1636   -- TODO: what about RCET "PRECEDES" ordering_type?
1637   for prerec in c_predecessors(c_cet_owner, x_cet_name) loop
1638     if prerec.trg_status is NULL then
1640       -- missing predecessor trigger, create stub trigger to satisfy dependency
1641       log(c_module, 'STATEMENT', 'Creating Stub CET: '|| c_cet_owner||'.'||prerec.ref_trg_name);
1643       -- use first column of base table as triggering column for stub trigger
1644       -- this is to minimize uncessary firing of the stub
1645       select col.column_name into l_upd_column
1646       from   dba_tab_columns col
1647       where  col.owner      = l_table_owner
1648         and  col.table_name = l_table_name
1649         and  col.column_id  = 1;
1651       -- create stub trigger, enabled
1652       l_stmt :=
1653         'create trigger "'||prerec.ref_trg_owner||'"."'||prerec.ref_trg_name||
1654         '"  before insert or update of '||l_upd_column||' on "'||
1655         l_table_owner||'"."'||l_table_name||
1656         '" for each row '||l_crossedition||' crossedition begin null; end; ';
1658       exec(l_stmt, c_module);
1660     elsif prerec.trg_status = 'DISABLED' then
1662       -- disabled predecessor, apply it (recurses to first trigger)
1663       apply(prerec.ref_trg_name);
1665     end if;
1666   end loop;
1668   -- TODO: check for triggering columns, these are NOT supported
1669   -- because column assignments from preceding triggers do not count as
1670   -- triggering column updates for following triggers.
1672   -- Compile/Enable CET
1673   -- TODO: slight risk this is done already by a parallel thread, should check
1674   exec('alter trigger "'||c_cet_owner||'"."'||x_cet_name||'" compile', c_module);
1675   exec('alter trigger "'||c_cet_owner||'"."'||x_cet_name||'" enable', c_module);
1677   -- If this is a reverse crossedition trigger, we are done.
1678   if l_crossedition = 'REVERSE' then
1679     log(c_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'end - reverse');
1680     return;
1681   end if;
1683   -- If this is not the final trigger in FCET firing order, we are done.
1684   begin
1685     select 'Y' into l_exists from dual where exists
1686       ( select tord.trigger_name
1687         from   dba_trigger_ordering tord
1688         where  tord.referenced_trigger_owner = c_cet_owner
1689           and  tord.referenced_trigger_name  = x_cet_name
1690           and  tord.ordering_type            = 'FOLLOWS' );
1692     log(c_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'end: '|| c_cet_owner || '.' ||  x_cet_name || ' - update deferred');
1693     return;
1694   exception
1695     when no_data_found then null;
1696   end;
1698   -- At this point we are applying the final trigger of the FCET firing chain
1699   -- Execute the table update to apply all FCET triggers in the firing chain
1701   -- Wait on pending DML so that update will not be overwritten by stale data
1702   log(c_module, 'STATEMENT', 'Waiting on pending DML for '||l_table_owner||'.'||l_table_name);
1703   if not dbms_utility.wait_on_pending_dml(l_table_owner||'.'||l_table_name, null, l_scn) then
1704     exec('alter trigger "'||c_cet_owner||'"."'||x_cet_name||'" disable', c_module);
1705     error(c_module, 'Pending transactions block apply of '||x_cet_name);
1706   end if;
1708   -- Get Update Column
1709   --   Any column will do, but should be least-indexed and smallest column for best performance
1710   if (x_cet_name = ad_zd_seed.eds_fcet(l_table_name)) then
1712     -- for seed data sync FCET, update least indexed smallest column in EV
1713     l_upd_ev_name := ad_zd_table.ev_view(l_table_name);
1714     select x.view_column_name into l_upd_column from
1715       ( select evc.view_column_name, count(idc.index_name), col.data_length
1716         from   dba_tab_columns col, dba_ind_columns idc, dba_editioning_view_cols evc
1717         where  col.owner      = l_table_owner
1718           and  col.table_name = l_table_name
1719           and  evc.owner      = col.owner
1720           and  evc.view_name  = l_upd_ev_name
1721           and  evc.table_column_name = col.column_name
1722           and  idc.table_owner(+) = col.owner
1723           and  idc.table_name(+)  = col.table_name
1724           and  idc.column_name(+) = col.column_name
1725         group by evc.view_column_name, col.data_length
1726         order by count(idc.index_name), col.data_length ) x
1727     where rownum = 1;
1729   else
1731     -- for ordinary FCET, update least indexed smallest column in base table
1732     l_upd_ev_name := NULL;
1733     select x.column_name into l_upd_column from
1734       ( select col.column_name, count(idc.index_name), col.data_length
1735         from   dba_tab_columns col, dba_ind_columns idc
1736         where  col.owner      = l_table_owner
1737           and  col.table_name = l_table_name
1738           and  idc.table_owner(+) = col.owner
1739           and  idc.table_name(+)  = col.table_name
1740           and  idc.column_name(+) = col.column_name
1741         group by col.column_name, col.data_length
1742         order by count(idc.index_name), col.data_length ) x
1743     where rownum = 1;
1745   end if;
1747   -- Get Update FCET
1748   --   First in FCET in trigger firing order, will be last returned from this query
1749   l_upd_cet_name := x_cet_name;
1750   for cetrec in c_predecessor_chain(c_cet_owner, x_cet_name) loop
1751     l_upd_cet_name := cetrec.ref_trg_name;
1752   end loop;
1754   -- update table
1755   begin
1756     ad_zd_table.update_4fcet(l_table_owner, l_table_name, l_upd_cet_name, l_upd_column, l_upd_ev_name);
1757   exception
1758     when others then
1759       l_error := substrb(sqlerrm, 1, 2000);
1760       -- disable the trigger
1761       exec('alter trigger "'||c_cet_owner||'"."'||x_cet_name||'" disable', c_module);
1762       error(c_module, 'Could not apply Crossedition Trigger "'||
1763                        c_cet_owner||'"."'||x_cet_name||'": '||l_error);
1764   end;
1766   log(c_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'end - update');
1767 end APPLY;
1772 /*===================================================================================
1773 **
1774 **    Index Tools
1775 **
1776 ** ===================================================================================
1777 */
1779 -- Revised Index Name from Original Index Name
1780 function REVISED_INDEX_NAME(X_ORIGINAL_INDEX_NAME in varchar2) return varchar2 is
1781 begin
1782   return translate(x_original_index_name, '_', '~');
1785 -- Regular expression for Revised Index Names
1786 function REVISED_INDEX_REGEXP return varchar2 is
1787 begin
1788   return '^[A-Z][0-9A-Z~$]*~[0-9A-Z$]*$';
1791 -- Original Index Name from Revised Index Name
1792 function ORIGINAL_INDEX_NAME(X_REVISED_INDEX_NAME in varchar2) return varchar2 is
1793 begin
1794   return translate(x_revised_index_name, '~', '_');
1797 -- Regular expression for Original Index Names
1798 function ORIGINAL_INDEX_REGEXP return varchar2 is
1799 begin
1800   return '^[A-Z][0-9A-Z_$]*_[0-9A-Z$]*$';
1804 /*
1805 ** Revise Index
1806 **
1807 ** Generates a revised index using the latest revised columns:
1808 **   1) query the columns for the original index
1809 **   2) use editioning view to map logical columns to new columns
1810 **   3) create new index using new columns
1811 **
1812 ** TODO: Constraints
1813 */
1814 procedure REVISE_INDEX(
1815   X_INDEX_OWNER in varchar2,
1816   X_INDEX_NAME  in varchar2)
1817 is
1818   C_MODULE          varchar2(80) := c_package||'revise_index';
1819   L_REVISED_NAME    varchar2(30);
1820   L_TABLE_OWNER     varchar2(30);
1821   L_TABLE_NAME      varchar2(30);
1822   L_PRE_STMT        varchar2(1000);
1823   L_COL_STMT        varchar2(30000);
1824   L_POST_STMT       varchar2(1000);
1825   L_NEW_COLUMN      varchar2(4000);
1826   L_FIRST           boolean;
1828   cursor C_INDEX_COLUMNS(x_owner varchar2, x_name varchar2) is
1829     select idc.column_name
1830     from   dba_ind_columns idc
1831     where  idc.index_owner = x_owner
1832       and  idc.index_name  = x_name
1833     order by column_position;
1834 begin
1835   log(c_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'begin: '||x_index_owner||'.'||x_index_name);
1837   -- drop existing revised index, if any
1838   begin
1839     select idx.index_name
1840     into   l_revised_name
1841     from   dba_indexes idx
1842     where  idx.owner      = x_index_owner
1843     and    idx.index_name = ad_zd_table.revised_index_name(x_index_name);
1845     exec('drop index "'||x_index_owner||'"."'||l_revised_name||'"', c_module);
1846   exception
1847     when no_data_found then
1848       null;
1849   end;
1851   -- generate pre/post statement
1852   -- TODO: use DBMS_METADATA
1853   select table_owner, table_name,
1854          'create '||
1855            decode(index_type,
1856              'NORMAL', decode(uniqueness, 'UNIQUE', 'UNIQUE', ''),
1857              index_type)||
1858            ' index "'||owner||'"."'||ad_zd_table.revised_index_name(index_name)||'"'||
1859            ' on "'||table_owner||'"."'||table_name||'"' I_HEADER,
1860            decode(nvl(tablespace_name,'???'),'???','','tablespace '||tablespace_name)||
1861            ' storage (initial '||nvl(initial_extent, 128*1024)/1024||'K '||
1862                      'next '||nvl(next_extent, 128*1024)/1024||'K)'
1863   into   l_table_owner, l_table_name, l_pre_stmt, l_post_stmt
1864   from   dba_indexes
1865   where  owner = x_index_owner
1866     and  index_name = x_index_name;
1868   -- prepare column clause
1869   l_col_stmt  := ' (';
1870   l_first     := TRUE;
1871   -- for each old index column...
1872   for icolrec in c_index_columns(x_index_owner, x_index_name) loop
1873     -- get new revised column name
1874     if icolrec.column_name = 'ZD_EDITION_NAME' then
1875       l_new_column := icolrec.column_name;
1876     else
1877       l_new_column :=
1878         ev_table_column(l_table_owner, ev_view(l_table_name), ev_view_column(icolrec.column_name));
1879     end if;
1881     -- add new column to index creation statement
1882     if l_first then
1883       l_first := FALSE;
1884     else
1885       l_col_stmt := l_col_stmt||', ';
1886     end if;
1887     l_col_stmt := l_col_stmt||l_new_column;
1888   end loop;
1889   l_col_stmt := l_col_stmt||') ';
1891   -- Create Revised Index
1892   -- try ONLINE first, then regular mode.
1893   begin
1894     log(c_module, 'EVENT', 'Revise Index: '||x_index_name);
1896     exec(l_pre_stmt||l_col_stmt||l_post_stmt||' online', c_module);
1897   exception
1898     when others then
1899       -- maximum key length exceeded error?
1900       -- try to build the index without the ONLINE keyword
1901       if sqlcode = -1450 then
1902        exec(l_pre_stmt || l_col_stmt || l_post_stmt, c_module);
1903       else
1904         raise;
1905       end if;
1906   end;
1908   log(c_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'end');
1911 end REVISE_INDEX;
1914 /*
1915 ** Revise Indexes for Table
1916 **
1917 **   Locates each out-of-date index for a table, and revises that index
1918 **
1919 ** TODO: Index Orgainized Talbes
1920 */
1921 procedure REVISE_INDEXES(
1922   X_TABLE_OWNER in varchar2,
1923   X_TABLE_NAME  in varchar2)
1924 is
1925   C_MODULE          varchar2(80) := c_package||'revise_indexes';
1926   L_INDEX_OWNER     varchar2(30);
1927   L_INDEX_NAME      varchar2(30);
1929   -- Out Of Date indexes for a table
1930   --   A) Original Index with out of date columns and no Revised Index
1931   --   B) Revised Index with out of date columns
1932   cursor c_ood_indexes(x_table_owner varchar2, x_table_name varchar2) is
1933     select idx.owner, idx.index_name, idx.index_type, idx.partitioned
1934     from  dba_indexes idx
1935     where idx.owner in
1936             ( select oracle_username from system.fnd_oracle_userid
1937               where  read_only_flag in ('A', 'B', 'E', 'U') )
1938       and idx.owner       = idx.table_owner
1939       and idx.table_owner = x_table_owner
1940       and idx.table_name  = x_table_name
1941       and regexp_like(idx.index_name, ad_zd_table.original_index_regexp, 'c')
1942       and (
1943             (
1944               /* Revised Index does not exist and Original Index is out of date */
1945               not exists
1946                 ( select idt.index_name
1947                   from   dba_indexes idt
1948                   where  idt.owner = idx.owner
1949                     and  idt.index_name = ad_zd_table.revised_index_name(idx.index_name) )
1950               and exists
1951                 ( select col.column_name
1952                   from   dba_tab_columns col, dba_ind_columns idc
1953                   where  col.owner       = idx.table_owner
1954                     and  col.table_name  = idx.table_name
1955                     and  idc.index_owner = idx.owner
1956                     and  idc.index_name  = idx.index_name
1957                     and  ad_zd_table.ev_view_column(idc.column_name)=ad_zd_table.ev_view_column(col.column_name)
1958                     and  col.column_name > idc.column_name )
1959             )
1960             or
1961             (
1962               /* Revised Index exists, but is out of date */
1963               exists
1964                 ( select idt.index_name
1965                   from   dba_indexes idt
1966                   where  idt.owner = idx.owner
1967                     and  idt.index_name = ad_zd_table.revised_index_name(idx.index_name) )
1968               and exists
1969                 ( select col.column_name
1970                   from   dba_tab_columns col, dba_ind_columns idc
1971                   where  col.owner       = idx.table_owner
1972                     and  col.table_name  = idx.table_name
1973                     and  idc.index_owner = idx.owner
1974                     and  idc.index_name  = ad_zd_table.revised_index_name(idx.index_name)
1975                     and  ad_zd_table.ev_view_column(idc.column_name)=ad_zd_table.ev_view_column(col.column_name)
1976                     and  col.column_name > idc.column_name )
1977              )
1978           )
1979     order by 1, 2;
1981 begin
1982   log(c_module, 'PROCEDURE',
1983       'begin: '||nvl(x_table_owner, 'NULL')||'.'||nvl(x_table_name, 'NULL'));
1985   -- revise each out-of-date index for the table
1986   for idxrec in c_ood_indexes(x_table_owner, x_table_name) loop
1987     if idxrec.index_type = 'IOT - TOP' then
1988       error(c_module, 'Automatic Revision of Index Organized Table not yet implemented: '||idxrec.owner||'.'||idxrec.index_name);
1989     elsif idxrec.index_type = 'FUNCTION-BASED NORMAL' then
1990       error(c_module, 'Automatic Revision of Function-based Index not yet implemented: '||idxrec.owner||'.'||idxrec.index_name);
1991     elsif idxrec.index_type = 'DOMAIN' then
1992       error(c_module, 'Automatic Revision of Domain Index not yet implemented: '||idxrec.owner||'.'||idxrec.index_name);
1993     elsif idxrec.partitioned = 'YES' then
1994       error(c_module, 'Automatic Revision of Partitioned Index not yet implemented: '||idxrec.owner||'.'||idxrec.index_name);
1995     else
1996       revise_index(idxrec.owner, idxrec.index_name);
1997     end if;
1998   end loop;
2000   log(c_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'end');
2004 /*
2005 ** Cutover to revised Indexes for given table
2006 **
2007 ** X_TABLE_OWNER - table owner filter (match any owner if NULL)
2008 ** X_TABLE_NAME  - table name filter (match any table if NULL)
2009 **
2010 ** TODO: Constraints
2011 */
2012 procedure CUTOVER_INDEXES(
2013   X_TABLE_OWNER in varchar2,
2014   X_TABLE_NAME  in varchar2)
2015 is
2016   C_MODULE    varchar2(80) := c_package||'cutover_indexes';
2017   -- revised indexes
2018   cursor C_REVISED_INDEXES(X_TABLE_OWNER varchar2, X_TABLE_NAME varchar2) is
2019     select
2020         ridx.owner          owner
2021       , ridx.index_name     revised_index
2022       , ridx.table_owner    table_owner
2023       , ridx.table_name     table_name
2024       , oidx.index_name     original_index
2025       , con.constraint_name constraint_name
2026     from
2027         dba_indexes ridx
2028       , dba_indexes oidx
2029       , dba_constraints con
2030     where ridx.owner in
2031             ( select oracle_username from system.fnd_oracle_userid
2032               where  read_only_flag in ('A', 'B', 'E', 'U') )
2033       and ridx.table_owner = x_table_owner
2034       and ridx.table_name  = x_table_name
2035       and regexp_like(ridx.index_name, ad_zd_table.revised_index_regexp, 'c')
2036       and oidx.owner(+)      = ridx.owner
2037       and oidx.index_name(+) = ad_zd_table.original_index_name(ridx.index_name)
2038       and con.owner(+)       = ridx.table_owner
2039       and con.table_name(+)  = ridx.table_name
2040       and con.index_owner(+) = ridx.owner
2041       and con.index_name(+)  = ad_zd_table.original_index_name(ridx.index_name)
2042     order by 1, 2;
2044 begin
2045   log(c_module, 'PROCEDURE',
2046       'begin: '||nvl(x_table_owner,'NULL')||'.'||nvl(x_table_name,'NULL'));
2048    -- for each new/revised index
2049   for idxrec in c_revised_indexes(x_table_owner, x_table_name) loop
2051     log( c_module,'EVENT', 'Cutover index: '||idxrec.owner||'.'||idxrec.revised_index);
2053     -- drop unique constraint or index, if it exists
2054     if idxrec.constraint_name is not null then
2055       exec('alter table "'||idxrec.table_owner||'"."'||idxrec.table_name||
2056            '" drop constraint "'||idxrec.constraint_name||'" cascade keep index', c_module);
2057     end if;
2058     if idxrec.original_index is not null then
2059       exec('drop index "'||idxrec.owner||'"."'||idxrec.original_index||'"', c_module);
2060     end if;
2062     -- rename the revised index to the original name
2063     exec('alter index "'||idxrec.owner||'"."'||idxrec.revised_index||'" '||
2064          'rename to "'||original_index_name(idxrec.revised_index)||'"', c_module);
2066   end loop;
2068   log( c_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'end');
2074 /*
2075 ** --------------------------------------------------------------------
2076 **    Event Interfaces
2077 ** --------------------------------------------------------------------
2078 */
2081 /*
2082 ** Patch Table
2083 **
2084 ** X_TABLE_OWNER - table owner
2085 ** X_TABLE_NAME  - table name
2086 **
2087 ** This procedure must be called after an existing table is patched with
2088 **   - Add column
2089 **   - Create index
2090 */
2091 procedure PATCH(
2092   X_TABLE_OWNER in varchar2,
2093   X_TABLE_NAME  in varchar2)
2094 is
2095   C_MODULE          varchar2(80) := c_package||'patch';
2097 begin
2098   log(c_module,'EVENT',  'Patch Table: '||x_table_owner||'.'||x_table_name);
2100   -- If there is an EV then do related processing
2101   if ad_zd_table.ev_exists(x_table_owner, x_table_name) = 'Y' then
2103     -- Cannot regenerate EV from RUN edition if PATCH edition exists
2104     if ad_zd.get_edition_type = 'RUN' and ad_zd.get_edition('PATCH') is not null then
2105       error(c_module, 'Cannot PATCH table from Run Edition while Patch Edition exists');
2106    end if;
2108     -- Generate revised editioning view
2109     generate_ev(x_table_owner, x_table_name);
2111     -- For seed data tables, call patch processing in seed data manager
2112     if is_seed(x_table_owner, x_table_name) = 'Y' then
2113       ad_zd_seed.patch(x_table_owner, x_table_name);
2114     end if;
2116   end if;
2118   -- Store table for Finalize/Cutover processing
2119   store(x_table_owner, x_table_name);
2121 end PATCH;
2124 /*
2125 ** Finalize Tables (get ready for cutover)
2126 **
2127 ** Process tables that have been marked as Patched
2128 **   Check for un-applied Forward Crossedition Triggers
2129 **   Revise Out-of-date Indexes
2130 */
2131 procedure FINALIZE is
2132   C_MODULE          varchar2(80) := c_package||'finalize';
2134   cursor C_PATCHED_TABLES is
2135     select owner, name, status
2136     from   ad_patched_tables
2137     where  status in ('N', 'U');
2138 begin
2139   log(c_module,'PROCEDURE', 'begin: no parameter(s)');
2141   -- TODO: check for unapplied (disabled) CETS
2143   for tablerec in c_patched_tables loop
2144     log(c_module,  'STATEMENT', 'Process table '|| tablerec.owner||'.'||tablerec.name);
2146     -- Revise Out-of-date Indexs
2147     revise_indexes(tablerec.owner, tablerec.name);
2149     -- Store cutover action: Check for uniqueness also:22-Aug-2012
2150     if (tablerec.status = 'N') then
2151       ad_zd_parallel_exec.load(
2152         x_phase  => ad_zd_parallel_exec.c_phase_cutover,
2153         x_sql     => 'begin ad_zd_table.cutover('||
2154                      ''''||tablerec.owner||''', '||
2155                      ''''||tablerec.name||'''); end;',
2156         x_unique => true);
2157     end if;
2159     -- Mark as Complete
2160     update ad_patched_tables
2161     set status = 'C'
2162     where owner = tablerec.owner
2163     and   name  = tablerec.name;
2164     commit;
2166   end loop;
2168   log(c_module,'PROCEDURE', 'end');
2169 end FINALIZE;
2173 /*
2174 ** Cutover Table
2175 **
2176 ** X_TABLE_OWNER - table owner filter (match any owner if NULL)
2177 ** X_TABLE_NAME  - table name filter (match any table if NULL)
2178 **
2179 ** Cutover revised indexes
2180 ** Set obsolete columns to nullable
2181 ** remove obsolete column constraints
2182 **
2183 ** Note: X_EXECUTE is unused and should be eliminated.  Storage of cutover DDL
2184 ** is done in the FINALIZE call.
2185 */
2186 procedure CUTOVER(
2187   X_TABLE_OWNER  varchar2,
2188   X_TABLE_NAME   varchar2,
2189   X_EXECUTE      boolean default true)
2190 is
2191   C_MODULE   varchar2(80) := c_package||'cutover';
2193   -- Obsolete columns
2194   cursor C_OBSOLETE_COLUMNS(X_OWNER varchar2, X_TABLE_NAME varchar2) is
2195     select col.owner, col.table_name, col.column_name, col.nullable, col.data_default
2196     from  dba_tables tab
2197         , dba_tab_columns col
2198         , dba_editioning_views ev
2199     where tab.owner in
2200             ( select oracle_username
2201               from   system.fnd_oracle_userid
2202               where  read_only_flag in ('A','E','B') )
2203       and col.owner       = tab.owner
2204       and col.table_name  = tab.table_name
2205       and col.owner       = x_owner
2206       and col.table_name  = x_table_name
2207       and col.column_name <> 'ZD_EDITION_NAME'
2208       and ev.owner      = col.owner
2209       and ev.view_name  = substrb(col.table_name, 1, 29)||'#'
2210       and not exists
2211              ( select evc.table_column_name
2212                from   dba_editioning_view_cols evc
2213                where evc.owner     = ev.owner
2214                  and evc.view_name = ev.view_name
2215                  and evc.table_column_name = col.column_name )
2216     order by col.owner, col.table_name, col.column_name;
2218   -- Multi-Column constraints on obsolete column
2219   cursor C_COLUMN_CONSTRAINTS(X_OWNER varchar2, X_TABLE_NAME varchar2, X_COLUMN_NAME varchar2) is
2220     select cc.constraint_name
2221     from  dba_cons_columns cc
2222     where cc.owner       = x_owner
2223       and cc.table_name  = x_table_name
2224       and cc.column_name = x_column_name;
2225 begin
2226  log(c_module, 'PROCEDURE',
2227       'begin: '||nvl(x_table_owner,'ALL')||'.'||nvl(x_table_name,'ALL'));
2229   -- Cutover Indexes
2230   cutover_indexes(x_table_owner, x_table_name);
2232   -- Remove constraints from obsolete columns
2233   --   - Not Null Constraints
2234   --   - Multi-column constraints
2235   for colrec in  c_obsolete_columns(x_table_owner, x_table_name) loop
2237     -- remove Not Null constraint if column has no default value
2238     if (colrec.nullable = 'N' and
2239         (colrec.data_default is null or upper(colrec.data_default) = 'NULL')) then
2240       log(c_module, 'STATEMENT',
2241           'Alter obsolete column to be nullable: '||
2242            colrec.owner||'.'||colrec.table_name||'.'||colrec.column_name);
2244       exec('alter table "'||colrec.owner||'"."'||colrec.table_name||'"'||
2245            '  modify ("'||colrec.column_name||'" null)', c_module);
2246     end if;
2248     -- remove multi-column constraints involving this column, if any
2249     for conrec in c_column_constraints(colrec.owner, colrec.table_name, colrec.column_name) loop
2250       log(c_module, 'STATEMENT',
2251           'Drop Obsolete column constraint: '||
2252            colrec.owner||'.'||colrec.table_name||'.'||conrec.constraint_name);
2254       exec('alter table "'||colrec.owner||'"."'||colrec.table_name||'"'||
2255            '  drop constraint "'||conrec.constraint_name||'"', c_module);
2256     end loop;
2258   end loop;
2260   begin
2261     delete from ad_patched_tables
2262     where owner = x_table_owner
2263     and   name  = x_table_name;
2264   exception
2265     when no_data_found then
2266       null;
2267   end;
2269   log(c_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'end');
2270 end CUTOVER;
2273 /*
2274 ** Cleanup Table
2275 **
2276 ** X_TABLE_OWNER - filter for tables to clean (match any owner if NULL)
2277 ** X_TABLE_NAME  - filter for tables to clean (match any table if NULL)
2278 ** X_CLEAN_MODE - how to clean
2279 **   'QUICK'  - standard post-patch cleanup, drops indexes, triggers
2280 **   'FULL'   - include obsolete columns (danger, should be fully actualized)
2281 **
2282 ** Drop CETS
2283 ** Mark obsolete columns as unused (FULL)
2284 **
2285 ** TODO: use parallel workers to process cleanup actions more quickly.
2286 ** But this cleanup API must not return control until all cleanup
2287 ** processing is complete.
2288 */
2289 procedure CLEANUP(
2290   X_TABLE_OWNER in varchar2 default NULL,
2291   X_TABLE_NAME  in varchar2 default NULL,
2292   X_CLEAN_MODE  in varchar2 default 'QUICK')
2293 is
2294   C_MODULE          varchar2(80) := c_package||'cleanup';
2295   L_INDEX_OWNER     varchar2(30);
2296   L_INDEX_NAME      varchar2(30);
2297   L_TABLE_OWNER     varchar2(30);
2298   L_TABLE_NAME      varchar2(30);
2299   L_COLUMN_NAME     varchar2(30);
2301   -- Crossedition Triggers
2302   cursor C_CETS(X_TABLE_OWNER varchar2, X_TABLE_NAME varchar2) is
2303     select trg.owner, trg.trigger_name
2304     from   dba_triggers trg
2305     where  trg.crossedition in ('FORWARD', 'REVERSE')
2306       and  trg.table_owner = nvl(x_table_owner, trg.table_owner)
2307       and  trg.table_name  = nvl(x_table_name,  trg.table_name)
2308     order by trg.owner, trg.trigger_name;
2310   -- Obsolete Columns
2311   cursor C_OBSOLETE_COLUMNS(X_TABLE_OWNER varchar2, X_TABLE_NAME varchar2) is
2312     select col.owner, col.table_name, col.column_name
2313     from   dba_tab_columns col
2314          , dba_editioning_views ev
2315     where ev.owner in
2316             ( select oracle_username
2317               from   system.fnd_oracle_userid
2318               where  read_only_flag in ('A','E','B')
2319              )
2320       and ev.owner        = nvl(x_table_owner, col.owner)
2321       and ev.table_name   = nvl(x_table_name,  col.table_name)
2322       and col.column_name <> 'ZD_EDITION_NAME'
2323       and ev.owner        = col.owner
2324       and ev.table_name   = col.table_name
2325       and not exists
2326             ( select evc.table_column_name
2327               from  dba_editioning_view_cols evc
2328               where evc.owner     = ev.owner
2329               and   evc.view_name = ev.view_name
2330               and   evc.table_column_name = col.column_name
2331              )
2332     order by col.owner, col.table_name, col.column_name;
2335   -- EV Tables with unused columns
2336   -- Currently not used, but in future, use this to find tables that need online redef
2337   cursor C_UNUSED_COL_TABS(X_TABLE_OWNER varchar2, X_TABLE_NAME varchar2) is
2338     select ev.owner, ev.table_name
2339     from   dba_unused_col_tabs uct, dba_editioning_views ev
2340     where  uct.owner in
2341             ( select oracle_username
2342               from   system.fnd_oracle_userid
2343               where  read_only_flag in ('A','E','B') )
2344       and  uct.owner       = nvl(x_table_owner, uct.owner)
2345       and  uct.table_name  = nvl(x_table_name,  uct.table_name)
2346       and  ev.owner      = uct.owner
2347       and  ev.table_name = uct.table_name
2348     order by 1, 2;
2350 begin
2351   log(c_module, 'PROCEDURE',
2352       'begin: '||nvl(x_table_owner,'ALL')||'.'||nvl(x_table_name,'ALL')||', '||x_clean_mode);
2354   -- Disable CETS
2355   log(c_module, 'EVENT', 'Disable Crossedition Triggers');
2356   for cetrec in c_cets(x_table_owner, x_table_name) loop
2357     exec('alter trigger "'||cetrec.owner||'"."'||cetrec.trigger_name||'" DISABLE', c_module, true);
2358   end loop;
2360   -- Cleanup CETS
2361   log(c_module, 'EVENT', 'Drop Crossedition Triggers');
2362   for cetrec in c_cets(x_table_owner, x_table_name) loop
2363     exec('drop trigger "'||cetrec.owner||'"."'||cetrec.trigger_name||'"', c_module, true);
2364   end loop;
2366   -- Additional actions for FULL cleanup
2367   if x_clean_mode = 'FULL' then
2369     -- Mark unused columns
2370     log(c_module, 'EVENT', 'Mark unused columns');
2371     for colrec in c_obsolete_columns(x_table_owner, x_table_name) loop
2372       exec('alter table "'||colrec.owner||'"."'||colrec.table_name||'"'||
2373            '  set unused ('||colrec.column_name||')', c_module, true);
2374     end loop;
2376   end if;
2378   log(c_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'end');
2379 end CLEANUP;
2382 /*
2383 ** Abort patch edition
2384 **
2385 **   Drop new or revised indexes
2386 **   Remove unused column not null constratints
2387 **   Note: CETS are dropped when the Patch Edition is dropped
2388 **   Note: Unused columns are handled during FULL cleanup
2389 */
2390 procedure ABORT is
2391   C_MODULE          varchar2(80) := c_package||'abort';
2393   -- Patched Indexes: created since the patch edition
2394   cursor C_PATCHED_INDEXES is
2395     select idx.owner, idx.index_name,
2396            con.owner table_owner, con.table_name, con.constraint_name
2397     from
2398         dba_indexes idx
2399       , dba_constraints con
2400     where idx.owner in
2401             ( select oracle_username from system.fnd_oracle_userid
2402               where  read_only_flag in ('A', 'B', 'E', 'U') )
2403       and regexp_like(idx.index_name, ad_zd_table.revised_index_regexp, 'c')
2404       and con.owner(+)      = idx.table_owner
2405       and con.table_name(+) = idx.table_name
2406       and con.index_name(+) = idx.index_name
2407     order by 1, 2;
2409   -- Unused Not-Null columns with no default
2410   cursor C_UNUSED_NN_COLUMNS is
2411     select col.owner, col.table_name, col.column_name, col.data_default
2412     from  dba_tab_columns col
2413         , dba_editioning_views ev
2414     where col.owner in
2415             ( select oracle_username
2416               from   system.fnd_oracle_userid
2417               where  read_only_flag in ('A','E','B') )
2418       and col.nullable = 'N'
2419 	  and col.table_name not like '%#'
2420       and (col.default_length is null or col.default_length = 4)
2421       and ev.owner     = col.owner
2422       and ev.view_name = substrb(col.table_name, 1, 29)||'#'
2423       and not exists
2424              ( select evc.table_column_name
2425                from  dba_editioning_view_cols evc
2426                where evc.owner     = ev.owner
2427                  and evc.view_name = ev.view_name
2428                  and evc.table_column_name = col.column_name )
2429     order by col.owner, col.table_name, col.column_name;
2431 begin
2432   log(c_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'begin: no parameter(s)');
2434   -- Drop patched indexes
2435   for idxrec in c_patched_indexes loop
2436     if idxrec.constraint_name is not null then
2437       log(c_module, 'EVENT', 'Drop patched constraint: '||
2438             idxrec.table_owner||'.'||idxrec.table_name||'/'||idxrec.constraint_name);
2439       exec('alter table '||idxrec.table_owner||'."'||idxrec.table_name||'" '||
2440               'drop constraint "'||idxrec.constraint_name||'" cascade', c_module, true);
2441     end if;
2442     log(c_module, 'EVENT', 'Drop patched index: '||idxrec.owner||'.'||idxrec.index_name);
2443     exec('drop index "'||idxrec.owner||'"."'||idxrec.index_name||'"', c_module, true);
2444   end loop;
2446   -- Alter unused not-null columns with no default value to be nullable
2447   for colrec in c_unused_nn_columns loop
2448     if colrec.data_default is null or upper(colrec.data_default) = 'NULL' then
2449       log(c_module, 'EVENT', 'Alter unused column to be nullable: '||
2450           colrec.owner||'.'||colrec.table_name || '.' || colrec.column_name );
2451       exec('alter table "'||colrec.owner||'"."'||colrec.table_name||'"'||
2452            '  modify ('||colrec.column_name||' null)', c_module, true);
2453     end if;
2454   end loop;
2456   -- Clear patched table list
2457   delete from ad_patched_tables;
2458   commit;
2460   log(c_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'end');
2461 end ABORT;
2463 /*
2464  * Drop an editioned table
2465  *
2466  *   TODO: Drop Synonyms pointing to Editioning View
2467  *   Drop VPD policies on Editioning View
2468  *   Drop Editioning View
2469  *   If Running in PATCH edition
2470  *          Store deferred DDL to drop table in CLEANUP
2471  *   If running in RUN edition
2472  *          Drop table immediately
2473  *
2474  */
2475 procedure DROP_TABLE (
2476               X_TABLE_OWNER    in  varchar2,
2477               X_TABLE_NAME     in  varchar2,
2478               X_DROP_STMT      in  varchar2,
2479               X_UPD_STMT       in  varchar2,
2480               X_DROPPED        out nocopy varchar2 )
2481 is
2482   C_MODULE varchar2(80) := c_package || 'DROP';
2483   l_table_owner varchar2(30);
2484   l_ev_name     varchar2(30);
2485   l_count       varchar2(30);
2486   l_appsname    varchar2(30);
2487   l_defer_stmt  varchar2(2000);
2489   cursor C_SYNONYMS(x_table_owner varchar2, x_ev_name varchar2) is
2490     select syn.owner owner, syn.synonym_name name
2491     from   dba_synonyms syn
2492     where  syn.table_owner = x_table_owner
2493     and    syn.table_name  = x_ev_name
2494     and    syn.owner         <> 'PUBLIC';
2496 begin
2497   l_appsname := ad_zd.apps_schema;
2498   l_table_owner := trim(nvl(x_table_owner, l_appsname));
2499   log(C_MODULE, 'PROCEDURE', 'begin: '|| l_table_owner ||'.'||x_table_name);
2501   -- Verify table exists
2502   select  count(1)
2503       into   l_count
2504       from   dba_tables tab
2505       where  tab.owner      = l_table_owner
2506       and    tab.table_name = x_table_name;
2508   if (l_count = 0) then
2509     -- Table doesn't exist.
2510     if (x_upd_stmt is not null) then
2511       exec(x_upd_stmt, c_module, true);
2512     end if;
2513     X_DROPPED := 'Y';
2514   else
2515     l_ev_name := ad_zd_table.ev_view(x_table_name);
2517     -- Drop synonyms pointing to EV
2518     for synrec in c_synonyms(l_table_owner, l_ev_name) loop
2519       log(c_module, 'EVENT', 'Dropping synonym '||synrec.owner||'.'||synrec.name);
2520       exec ('drop synonym "' || synrec.owner||'"."'||synrec.name||'"', c_module, true);
2521     end loop;
2523     -- Drop Edition view
2524     log(c_module, 'EVENT', 'Drop EV '||l_table_owner||'.'||l_ev_name);
2525     exec('drop view "'||l_table_owner||'"."'||l_ev_name ||'"', c_module, true);
2527     -- (Deferred) drop table logic
2528     if ad_zd.get_edition_type = 'RUN' then
2529       -- Drop table
2530       log(c_module, 'EVENT', 'Drop table '||l_table_owner||'.'||x_table_name);
2531       begin
2532         exec(x_drop_stmt, c_module);
2534         -- Update dropped status
2535         if (x_upd_stmt is not null) then
2536           exec(x_upd_stmt, c_module, true);
2537         end if;
2539         X_DROPPED := 'Y';
2541       exception
2542         when others then
2543           if (sqlcode <> -942) then
2544             log(c_module, 'ERROR', 'Error while dropping table '
2545             ||l_table_owner||'.'||x_table_name || ': ' || substr(sqlerrm, 1, 2000));
2546             X_DROPPED := 'N';
2547           else
2548             -- Update dropped status
2549             if (x_upd_stmt is not null) then
2550               exec(x_upd_stmt, c_module, true);
2551             end if;
2553             X_DROPPED := 'Y';
2554           end if;
2555       end;
2557     else  -- If running from PATCH edition
2559       -- Defer drop table to next cleanup
2560       log (c_module, 'EVENT', 'Defer drop table ' ||
2561            l_table_owner||'.'||x_table_name|| ' to next cleanup');
2563       if (x_upd_stmt is not null) then
2564          l_defer_stmt := 'begin execute immediate '''|| regexp_replace(x_drop_stmt, '''', '''''')  || '''; ' ||
2565                            'execute immediate ''' || regexp_replace(x_upd_stmt, '''', '''''') ||
2566                          '''; exception when others then null; end;';
2568         ad_zd.load_ddl ('CLEANUP', l_defer_stmt);
2569       else
2570         ad_zd.load_ddl ('CLEANUP', x_drop_stmt);
2571       end if;
2573       -- Return 'N' as the table object is not deleted yet.
2574       X_DROPPED := 'N';
2575     end if;
2576   end if;
2578   log( c_module, 'PROCEDURE', 'end');
2579   commit;
2580 end DROP_TABLE;
2582 end AD_ZD_TABLE;