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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 104

5th Nov 1996	hparicha	40.19	413211. Updated deletion procedure
					with respect to latest configuration.
7th Nov 1996	hparicha	40.20	413211 - again...deletion procedure needs to
				        cleanup OLD formulae creating during upgrades.

10th July 1997  mmukherj   40.21     502307   Updated do_defined_balances
                                              procedure.Included business_group_id
                                              in where condition while checking
                                              pay_defined_balnce has already exist
                                              for that balance_name for that busines_
                                              group_id or not
21st July 1997  mmukherj   40.22              Put Version No in the comment above (
				              10th July 1997) and added  comment to
				              do_defined_balance procedure.
				              Changed the select statement of the
				              same proceduerto avoid using index on

7th Nov 1997    rpanchap   40.23     459552   Updated the function create_garnishment
                                              to Populate the text table, garn_base_iv_names,
                                              based on 2 categories (Support and
                                              the rest of the categories grouped as one)

9th Jan 1998    mmukherj   40.24     566328   delete_dedn procedure is modified to include
				              business_group_id in one a select(without cursor)
				              statement, which was selecting more than one row
			                      for a given element_name.

14th Jul 1998	 ssarma	   40.25     625442   Fee indirect result from calculator
					      formula now feeds the fee element
					      instead of the verifier element
					      incase of non-support invlountary

03rd Nov 1998   ssarma	   40.26     658479   Added run result Calc_Subprio to all associated
				              elements so that subpriority can be processed.
              				      Changed the processing priority of all Garnishment
	                    		      elements so that CS/AY/SS and TL process at the
		                              highest priority based on date served. followed by
			                      BO,CD/G,EL and ER.

01 Dec 1998	ssarma	   40.27     658479   Changed priority for Tax levy
	              			      calculation element to be equal to that of support
		              		      calculator elements. Added formula result rules
			              	      of Garn_fee in calculator. Added Diff_dedn_amt
              				      and Diff_fee_amt formula result rules to verifier
	              			      element. Added delete stmt to delete formula
		              		      result rules from pay_formula_result_rules_f
			              	      so that no unnecessary result rules are hanging !

04 Dec 1998 ssarma	   40.28     774717   Added back dedn at time of writ
					      to the tax levy element.

11 Dec 1998 ssarma    40.29     771631   Changed the processing priority of the tax
                                         calculator element to be equal with the support
                                         verifier element.

08-FEB-1999 ssarma    40.36              Max Per Period input value added in the base element
                                         and corresponging input values/FRR to indirect elmt.

05-MAR-1999 ahanda    40.37              Added dimension for assignment Inception to Date.
                                         Also changed the priority for Special Inputs for
                                         garnishment and edu. loan to process before
                                         base element.

23-SEP-1999 ssarma    40.39              Made change from = to like for old formula
                                         select statement.
21-APR-2000 fusman    40.43              New PTD Fee Balance,Month Fee Balance and
                                         Accrued Fee Balance are created.
                                         For Garnishment: Acc_Fee=>Garn.Cal=>
                                         Spl.Fee. PTD,Month=>Calculator
                                         For Child.Supp
                                         Spl.Features PTD,Month=>Chi.Sup.Cal
21-APR-2000 fusman    40.44              Changed the suffixes from database_item
                                         _suffixes to dimension names as names
                                         have index which will speed up
                                         the process when creating the balances.
24-APR-2000 fusman    40.45              Corrected the Dimension name
                                         Assignment-Level Current Run.
24-APR-2000 fusman    40.46              Removed the balances PTD and Month since
                                         only Accrued balance is used in two
03-MAY-2000 fusman    115.17             Changed the dates to fnd.canonical format.
24-Oct-2000 fusman    115.18             New dimensions PTD,ITD and Month has been
27-Dec-2000 fusman    115.19  1348004    Changed the priority of EL same as G,CD.
                              1498260    Added date check in the select stmt
                                         of input_value_id
03-Jan-2001 fusman    115.20             Added Compile_flag 'N' for Old formulas.
22-JAN-2002 ahanda    115.21             Added creation of _ASG_PAYMENTS defined
                                         balance ID.
19-Jul-2002 ekim      115.23             Added balance feed to 'Child Supp Total
                                         Amount' for bug 2374248.
21-Aug-2002 ekim      115.24             Chaged the formula result rule of the
                                         Calculator element.  The result of
                                         to_addl, and to_repl should feed Special
                                         Features element not Special Inputs
22-Aug-2002 ekim      115.25  2527761    Commented update of element_information12
                                         and element_information13 to keep bug
                                         980683 fix and remove setting not_taken
                                         to 0 in the calculator formula
                                         pyusgarnfedlycal.hdt for other wage attach
                                         and verifier formula pyusgarnchsupver
                                         for support.

                                         Added following balances for Special
                                         Features element with IV of Not Taken
                                         will feed to this balance.
                                           Support Not Taken Amount
                                           Other Garn Not Taken Amount
12-sep-2002 ekim      115.27              Removed elisa from trace message.
08-Oct-2002 ekim      115.28 2603525   Changed UOM to pass lookup code
                                       instead of meaning. (ex.M not Money)
                                       Changed to use p_uom_code to call
                                       and create_balance_type instead
                                       of p_uom.
10-Oct-2002 ekim      115.29           Removed default value from delete_dedn
                                       for GSCC warning.
07-Jan-2003 ekim      115.30           Made performance change for the query
                                       which gets l_count_already.
                                       Bug 2721714.
01-APR-2003 ahanda    115.31           Fixed the issue with the select stmt
                                       changed for bug 2721714.
01-APR-2003 ahanda    115.32           Changed the defined balance creation call
                                       to store _ASG_GRE_RUN as run balance.
26-JUN-2003 ahanda    115.33           Changed call to create_balance_type procedure
                                       to pass the balance name
                                       Added code to populate 'After-Tax Deductions'
                                       category for balances
18-MAR-2004 kvsankar  115.34  3311781  Changed call to create_balance_type procedure
                                       to pass the balance category as
                                       'Involuntary Deductions' instead of
                                       'After-Tax Deductions'.
09-JUN-2004 kvsankar  115.35  3622290   Changed the delete_dedn procedure to
                                        delete the elements based on the new
                                        architecture for Involuntary deductions
                                        element. The procedure does delete
                                        elements created using the old
17-JUN-2004 kvsankar  115.36  3682501   Added code for deleting the template
                                        created while creating an Involuntary
                                        Deduction element in the new
                                        architecture. Also modified the
                                        delete_dedn procedure to take into
                                        account 'Arrears' and 'Not Taken'
                                        balances for deletion.
18-AUG-2004 sdhole    115.37 3651755    Removed the balance category for the
                                        following balances Additional, Replacement
                                        Accrued Fees, Vol Dedns.
30-JAN-2006 kvsankar  115.38 4680388    Modified the delete_dedn procedure
                                        to use delete_user_structure for
                                        deleting elements created using
                                        template engine

FUNCTION create_garnishment (
	p_garn_name		IN VARCHAR2,
	p_garn_reporting_name	IN VARCHAR2,
	p_garn_description	IN VARCHAR2,
	p_category		IN VARCHAR2,
	p_bg_id			IN NUMBER,
	p_ele_eff_start_date	IN DATE) RETURN NUMBER IS

  c_end_of_time  CONSTANT DATE := fnd_date.canonical_to_date('4712/12/31 00:00:00');
Line: 521

select	bt.balance_type_id,
from	pay_balance_types	bt,
	pay_balance_classifications bc,
	pay_element_classifications ec
where	bt.balance_type_id = bc.balance_type_id
and	bc.classification_id = ec.classification_id
and       nvl(bc.business_group_id, p_bg_id) + 0  = p_bg_id
and	ec.classification_name = 'Involuntary Deductions'
and	ec.legislation_code = 'US'
order by bt.balance_name;
Line: 617

     update pay_element_types_f
     set processing_priority = p_ele_priority
     where element_type_id = ret
     and business_group_id + 0 = p_bg_id;
Line: 761

      select dimension_name, balance_dimension_id
      into dim_name, dim_id
      from pay_balance_dimensions
      where dimension_name = x_dimension_name(i)
      and legislation_code = g_template_leg_code;
Line: 768

/* added line to include business_group_id in the where clause of the select
statement below. So that it checkes the existence of data for a the given
business_group_id Bug No: 502307.
      hr_utility.trace('Defined Balance for '||p_bal_name||suffixes(i));
Line: 773

      SELECT  count(0)
        INTO  already_exists
        FROM  pay_defined_balances db
       WHERE  db.balance_type_id       = p_bal_id
         AND  db.balance_dimension_id  = dim_id
         AND  db.business_group_id + 0 = p_bg_id;
Line: 848

  SELECT 	FF.formula_text,
  INTO		v_skeleton_formula_text,
  FROM		ff_formulas_f	FF
  AND		FF.business_group_id 	IS NULL
  AND		FF.legislation_code	= 'US'
  AND		g_eff_start_date 	>= FF.effective_start_date
  AND		g_eff_start_date	<= FF.effective_end_date;
Line: 893

  SELECT 	ff_formulas_s.nextval
  INTO		v_new_ele_formula_id
  FROM	 	sys.dual;
Line: 901

  INSERT INTO ff_formulas_f (
values (
Line: 952

    UPDATE	ff_formulas_f
    SET		formula_text	= v_new_ele_formula_text
    WHERE	formula_id	= v_new_ele_formula_id
    AND		business_group_id+0 = p_ff_bg_id
    AND		g_eff_start_date BETWEEN effective_start_date
                                     AND effective_end_date;
Line: 964

select count(0)
into l_count_already
from ff_formulas_f fff, ff_formula_types ffft
where (upper(formula_name) like upper('OLD%_'||v_orig_ele_formula_name) or
         upper(formula_name) like upper(v_orig_ele_formula_name) or
         upper(formula_name) like upper('%'||v_orig_ele_formula_name)||'_EXP' or
        upper(formula_name) like upper('%'||v_orig_ele_formula_name)||'_OLD%' )
and   business_group_id+0 = p_ff_bg_id
and fff.legislation_code = 'US'
and ffft.formula_type_name = 'Oracle Payroll'
and ffft.formula_type_id = fff.formula_type_id;
Line: 988

  SELECT 	ff_formulas_s.nextval
  INTO		v_orig_ele_formula_id
  FROM	 	sys.dual;
Line: 994

 INSERT INTO ff_formulas_f (	FORMULA_ID,
values (
Line: 1042

  select	name
  into		v_bg_name
  from 		per_business_groups
  where		business_group_id + 0 = p_bg_id;
Line: 1054

  select classification_id,
  into   g_ele_class_id,
  from   pay_element_classifications
  where  UPPER(classification_name) = g_ele_classification
  and legislation_code = 'US';
Line: 1067

  SELECT	FF.formula_id
  INTO		g_skip_formula_id
  FROM		ff_formulas_f FF
  WHERE	FF.formula_name 	= 'WAT_SKIP'
  AND		FF.business_group_id 	IS NULL
  AND    legislation_code =  'US'
  AND 		p_ele_eff_start_date    >= FF.effective_start_date
  AND 		p_ele_eff_start_date	<= FF.effective_end_date;
Line: 1082

    SELECT 	balance_type_id
    INTO	g_voldedns_balance_id
    FROM	pay_balance_types
    WHERE 	balance_name = 'Voluntary Deductions'
    AND		business_group_id IS NULL
    AND		legislation_code = 'US';
Line: 1104

    SELECT 	balance_type_id
    INTO 	g_total_dedns_balance_id
    FROM	pay_balance_types
    WHERE 	balance_name = 'Garn Total Dedns'
    AND		business_group_id IS NULL
    AND		legislation_code = 'US';
Line: 1123

    SELECT 	balance_type_id
    INTO 	g_total_fees_balance_id
    FROM	pay_balance_types
    WHERE 	balance_name = 'Garn Total Fees'
    AND		business_group_id IS NULL
    AND		legislation_code = 'US';
Line: 1142

   SELECT      balance_type_id
    INTO        g_other_not_taken_bal_id
    FROM        pay_balance_types
    WHERE       balance_name = 'Other Garn Not Taken Amount'
    AND         business_group_id IS NULL
    AND         legislation_code = 'US';
Line: 1168

     SELECT 	balance_type_id
     INTO	g_tax_levies_balance_id
     FROM	pay_balance_types
     WHERE 	balance_name = 'Tax Levies'
     AND	business_group_id IS NULL
     AND	legislation_code = 'US';
Line: 1194

    SELECT 	balance_type_id
    INTO	g_childsupp_count_balance_id
    FROM	pay_balance_types
    WHERE 	balance_name = 'Child Supp Count'
    AND		business_group_id IS NULL
    AND		legislation_code = 'US';
Line: 1213

    SELECT 	balance_type_id
    INTO	g_total_dedns_balance_id
    FROM	pay_balance_types
    WHERE 	balance_name = 'Child Supp Total Dedns'
    AND		business_group_id IS NULL
    AND		legislation_code = 'US';
Line: 1232

   SELECT      balance_type_id
    INTO        g_total_amount_balance_id
    FROM        pay_balance_types
    WHERE       balance_name = 'Child Supp Total Amount'
    AND         business_group_id IS NULL
    AND         legislation_code = 'US';
Line: 1251

   SELECT      balance_type_id
    INTO        g_supp_not_taken_bal_id
    FROM        pay_balance_types
    WHERE       balance_name = 'Support Not Taken Amount'
    AND         business_group_id IS NULL
    AND         legislation_code = 'US';
Line: 1271

    SELECT 	balance_type_id
    INTO	g_total_fees_balance_id
    FROM	pay_balance_types
    WHERE 	balance_name = 'Child Supp Total Fees'
    AND		business_group_id IS NULL
    AND		legislation_code = 'US';
Line: 1291

    SELECT 	balance_type_id
    INTO 	g_wh_support_balance_id
    FROM	pay_balance_types
    WHERE 	balance_name = 'Total Withheld Support'
    AND		business_group_id IS NULL
    AND		legislation_code = 'US';
Line: 1310

    SELECT 	balance_type_id
    INTO 	g_wh_fee_balance_id
    FROM	pay_balance_types
    WHERE 	balance_name = 'Total Withheld Fee'
    AND		business_group_id IS NULL
    AND		legislation_code = 'US';
Line: 1330

    SELECT 	balance_type_id
    INTO 	g_net_balance_id
    FROM	pay_balance_types
    WHERE 	balance_name = 'Net'
    AND		business_group_id IS NULL
    AND		legislation_code = 'US';
Line: 1337

    SELECT 	balance_type_id
    INTO 	g_payments_balance_id
    FROM	pay_balance_types
    WHERE 	balance_name = 'Payments'
    AND		business_group_id IS NULL
    AND		legislation_code = 'US';
Line: 2443

    UPDATE pay_input_values_f
    SET    mandatory_flag 	= 'X'
    WHERE  element_type_id 	= v_ele_type_id
    AND    name 		= v_pay_value_name;
Line: 2453

    SELECT input_value_id
    INTO   v_payval_id
    FROM   pay_input_values_f
    WHERE  element_type_id 	= v_ele_type_id
    AND    name 		= v_pay_value_name
    AND   g_eff_end_date between effective_start_date
                 and effective_end_date; /*1498260*/
Line: 2470

    UPDATE 	pay_element_types_f
    SET		element_information_category 	= g_ele_info_cat,
		element_information1 		= p_category,
		element_information2		= g_partial_dedn,
		element_information3		= g_ele_runtype,
		element_information9		= garn_mix_category(i)
    WHERE	element_type_id 		= v_ele_type_id
    AND		business_group_id + 0 		= p_bg_id;
Line: 2486

    SELECT formula_id
    INTO   v_calc_formula_id
    FROM   ff_formulas_f
    WHERE  formula_name = garn_pay_formula(i)
    AND	   g_eff_start_date between effective_start_date
		        	and effective_end_date
    AND	   nvl(business_group_id, p_bg_id) + 0 = p_bg_id
    AND	   nvl(legislation_code, g_template_leg_code) = g_template_leg_code
    AND    rownum < 2;
Line: 2546

       UPDATE pay_status_processing_rules_f
       SET formula_id = v_calc_formula_id
       WHERE status_processing_rule_id = already_exists
       AND g_eff_start_date between effective_start_date
                                              and effective_end_date;
Line: 2606

		p_insert_update_flag	=> 'UPDATE',
		p_input_value_id 		=> garn_base_iv_ids(k),
		p_rowid 			    => NULL,
		p_recurring_flag 		=> 'N',
		p_mandatory_flag 		=> garn_base_iv_mand(k),
		p_hot_default_flag 		=> 'N',
		p_standard_link_flag 	=> 'N',
		p_classification_type 	=> 'N',
		p_name 			        => garn_base_iv_names(k),
		p_uom                   => garn_base_iv_uom(k),
		p_min_value 			=> NULL,
		p_max_value 			=> NULL,
		p_default_value 		=> garn_base_iv_dflt(k),
		p_lookup_type 			=> garn_base_iv_lkp(k),
		p_formula_id 			=> NULL,
		p_generate_db_items_flag  => garn_base_iv_dbi(k),
		p_warning_or_error 		=> NULL);
Line: 2672

		p_insert_update_flag		=> 'UPDATE',
		p_input_value_id 		=> garn_base_iv_ids(k),
		p_rowid 			=> NULL,
		p_recurring_flag 			=> 'N',
		p_mandatory_flag 		=> garn_base_iv_mand(k),
		p_hot_default_flag 		=> 'N',
		p_standard_link_flag 		=> 'N',
		p_classification_type 		=> 'N',
		p_name 			=> garn_base_iv_names(k),
		p_uom 				=> garn_base_iv_uom(k),
		p_min_value 			=> NULL,
		p_max_value 			=> NULL,
		p_default_value 			=> garn_base_iv_dflt(k),
		p_lookup_type 			=> garn_base_iv_lkp(k),
		p_formula_id 			=> NULL,
		p_generate_db_items_flag 	=> garn_base_iv_dbi(k),
		p_warning_or_error 		=> NULL);
Line: 2775

		p_insert_update_flag		=> 'UPDATE',
		p_input_value_id 		=> garn_calc_iv_ids(c),
		p_rowid 			=> NULL,
		p_recurring_flag 		=> 'N',
		p_mandatory_flag 		=> garn_calc_iv_mand(c),
		p_hot_default_flag 		=> 'N',
		p_standard_link_flag 		=> 'N',
		p_classification_type 		=> 'N',
		p_name 				=> garn_calc_iv_names(c),
		p_uom 				=> garn_calc_iv_uom(c),
		p_min_value 			=> NULL,
		p_max_value 			=> NULL,
		p_default_value 		=> garn_calc_iv_dflt(c),
		p_lookup_type 			=> garn_calc_iv_lkp(c),
		p_formula_id 			=> NULL,
		p_generate_db_items_flag 	=> garn_calc_iv_dbi(c),
		p_warning_or_error 		=> NULL);
Line: 2838

		p_insert_update_flag		=> 'UPDATE',
		p_input_value_id 		=> garn_calc_iv_ids(c),
		p_rowid 			=> NULL,
		p_recurring_flag 		=> 'N',
		p_mandatory_flag 		=> garn_calc_iv_mand(c),
		p_hot_default_flag 		=> 'N',
		p_standard_link_flag 		=> 'N',
		p_classification_type 		=> 'N',
		p_name 				=> garn_calc_iv_names(c),
		p_uom 				=> garn_calc_iv_uom(c),
		p_min_value 			=> NULL,
		p_max_value 			=> NULL,
		p_default_value 		=> garn_calc_iv_dflt(c),
		p_lookup_type 			=> garn_calc_iv_lkp(c),
		p_formula_id 			=> NULL,
		p_generate_db_items_flag 	=> garn_calc_iv_dbi(c),
		p_warning_or_error 		=> NULL);
Line: 2939

		p_insert_update_flag		=> 'UPDATE',
		p_input_value_id 		=> garn_verif_iv_ids(v),
		p_rowid 			=> NULL,
		p_recurring_flag 		=> 'N',
		p_mandatory_flag 		=> garn_verif_iv_mand(v),
		p_hot_default_flag 		=> 'N',
		p_standard_link_flag 		=> 'N',
		p_classification_type 		=> 'N',
		p_name 				=> garn_verif_iv_names(v),
		p_uom 				=> garn_verif_iv_uom(v),
		p_min_value 			=> NULL,
		p_max_value 			=> NULL,
		p_default_value 		=> NULL,
		p_lookup_type 			=> garn_verif_iv_dflt(v),
		p_formula_id 			=> NULL,
		p_generate_db_items_flag 	=> garn_verif_iv_dbi(v),
		p_warning_or_error 		=> NULL);
Line: 3002

		p_insert_update_flag		=> 'UPDATE',
		p_input_value_id 		=> garn_verif_iv_ids(v),
		p_rowid 			=> NULL,
		p_recurring_flag 		=> 'N',
		p_mandatory_flag 		=> garn_verif_iv_mand(v),
		p_hot_default_flag 		=> 'N',
		p_standard_link_flag 		=> 'N',
		p_classification_type 		=> 'N',
		p_name 				=> garn_verif_iv_names(v),
		p_uom 				=> garn_verif_iv_uom(v),
		p_min_value 			=> NULL,
		p_max_value 			=> NULL,
		p_default_value 		=> NULL,
		p_lookup_type 			=> garn_verif_iv_dflt(v),
		p_formula_id 			=> NULL,
		p_generate_db_items_flag 	=> garn_verif_iv_dbi(v),
		p_warning_or_error 		=> NULL);
Line: 3102

		p_insert_update_flag		=> 'UPDATE',
		p_input_value_id 		=> garn_si_iv_ids(siv),
		p_rowid 			=> NULL,
		p_recurring_flag 		=> 'N',
		p_mandatory_flag 		=> garn_si_iv_mand(siv),
		p_hot_default_flag 		=> 'N',
		p_standard_link_flag 		=> 'N',
		p_classification_type 		=> 'N',
		p_name 				=> garn_si_iv_names(siv),
		p_uom 				=> garn_si_iv_uom(siv),
		p_min_value 			=> NULL,
		p_max_value 			=> NULL,
		p_default_value 		=> NULL,
		p_lookup_type 			=> garn_si_iv_dflt(siv),
		p_formula_id 			=> NULL,
		p_generate_db_items_flag 	=> garn_si_iv_dbi(siv),
		p_warning_or_error 		=> NULL);
Line: 3165

		p_insert_update_flag		=> 'UPDATE',
		p_input_value_id 		=> garn_si_iv_ids(siv),
		p_rowid 			=> NULL,
		p_recurring_flag 		=> 'N',
		p_mandatory_flag 		=> garn_si_iv_mand(siv),
		p_hot_default_flag 		=> 'N',
		p_standard_link_flag 		=> 'N',
		p_classification_type 		=> 'N',
		p_name 				=> garn_si_iv_names(siv),
		p_uom 				=> garn_si_iv_uom(siv),
		p_min_value 			=> NULL,
		p_max_value 			=> NULL,
		p_default_value 		=> NULL,
		p_lookup_type 			=> garn_si_iv_dflt(siv),
		p_formula_id 			=> NULL,
		p_generate_db_items_flag 	=> garn_si_iv_dbi(siv),
		p_warning_or_error 		=> NULL);
Line: 3267

		p_insert_update_flag		=> 'UPDATE',
		p_input_value_id 		=> garn_sf_iv_ids(sfv),
		p_rowid 			=> NULL,
		p_recurring_flag 		=> 'N',
		p_mandatory_flag 		=> garn_sf_iv_mand(sfv),
		p_hot_default_flag 		=> 'N',
		p_standard_link_flag 		=> 'N',
		p_classification_type 		=> 'N',
		p_name 				=> garn_sf_iv_names(sfv),
		p_uom 				=> garn_sf_iv_uom(sfv),
		p_min_value 			=> NULL,
		p_max_value 			=> NULL,
		p_default_value 		=> NULL,
		p_lookup_type 			=> garn_sf_iv_dflt(sfv),
		p_formula_id 			=> NULL,
		p_generate_db_items_flag 	=> garn_sf_iv_dbi(sfv),
		p_warning_or_error 		=> NULL);
Line: 3330

		p_insert_update_flag		=> 'UPDATE',
		p_input_value_id 		=> garn_sf_iv_ids(sfv),
		p_rowid 			=> NULL,
		p_recurring_flag 		=> 'N',
		p_mandatory_flag 		=> garn_sf_iv_mand(sfv),
		p_hot_default_flag 		=> 'N',
		p_standard_link_flag 		=> 'N',
		p_classification_type 		=> 'N',
		p_name 				=> garn_sf_iv_names(sfv),
		p_uom 				=> garn_sf_iv_uom(sfv),
		p_min_value 			=> NULL,
		p_max_value 			=> NULL,
		p_default_value 		=> NULL,
		p_lookup_type 			=> garn_sf_iv_dflt(sfv),
		p_formula_id 			=> NULL,
		p_generate_db_items_flag 	=> garn_sf_iv_dbi(sfv),
		p_warning_or_error 		=> NULL);
Line: 3430

		p_insert_update_flag		=> 'UPDATE',
		p_input_value_id 		=> garn_fee_iv_ids(lfee),
		p_rowid 			=> NULL,
		p_recurring_flag 		=> 'N',
		p_mandatory_flag 		=> garn_fee_iv_mand(lfee),
		p_hot_default_flag 		=> 'N',
		p_standard_link_flag 		=> 'N',
		p_classification_type 		=> 'N',
		p_name 				=> garn_fee_iv_names(lfee),
		p_uom 				=> garn_fee_iv_uom(lfee),
		p_min_value 			=> NULL,
		p_max_value 			=> NULL,
		p_default_value 		=> NULL,
		p_lookup_type 			=> garn_fee_iv_dflt(lfee),
		p_formula_id 			=> NULL,
		p_generate_db_items_flag 	=> garn_fee_iv_dbi(lfee),
		p_warning_or_error 		=> NULL);
Line: 3493

		p_insert_update_flag		=> 'UPDATE',
		p_input_value_id 		=> garn_fee_iv_ids(lfee),
		p_rowid 			=> NULL,
		p_recurring_flag 		=> 'N',
		p_mandatory_flag 		=> garn_fee_iv_mand(lfee),
		p_hot_default_flag 		=> 'N',
		p_standard_link_flag 		=> 'N',
		p_classification_type 		=> 'N',
		p_name 				=> garn_fee_iv_names(lfee),
		p_uom 				=> garn_fee_iv_uom(lfee),
		p_min_value 			=> NULL,
		p_max_value 			=> NULL,
		p_default_value 		=> NULL,
		p_lookup_type 			=> garn_fee_iv_dflt(lfee),
		p_formula_id 			=> NULL,
		p_generate_db_items_flag 	=> garn_fee_iv_dbi(lfee),
		p_warning_or_error 		=> NULL);
Line: 3591

		p_insert_update_flag		=> 'UPDATE',
		p_input_value_id 		=> garn_vp_iv_ids(lvp),
		p_rowid 			=> NULL,
		p_recurring_flag 		=> 'N',
		p_mandatory_flag 		=> garn_vp_iv_mand(lvp),
		p_hot_default_flag 		=> 'N',
		p_standard_link_flag 		=> 'N',
		p_classification_type 		=> 'N',
		p_name 				=> garn_vp_iv_names(lvp),
		p_uom 				=> garn_vp_iv_uom(lvp),
		p_min_value 			=> NULL,
		p_max_value 			=> NULL,
		p_default_value 		=> NULL,
		p_lookup_type 			=> garn_vp_iv_dflt(lvp),
		p_formula_id 			=> NULL,
		p_generate_db_items_flag 	=> garn_vp_iv_dbi(lvp),
		p_warning_or_error 		=> NULL);
Line: 3654

		p_insert_update_flag		=> 'UPDATE',
		p_input_value_id 		=> garn_vp_iv_ids(lvp),
		p_rowid 			=> NULL,
		p_recurring_flag 		=> 'N',
		p_mandatory_flag 		=> garn_vp_iv_mand(lvp),
		p_hot_default_flag 		=> 'N',
		p_standard_link_flag 		=> 'N',
		p_classification_type 		=> 'N',
		p_name 				=> garn_vp_iv_names(lvp),
		p_uom 				=> garn_vp_iv_uom(lvp),
		p_min_value 			=> NULL,
		p_max_value 			=> NULL,
		p_default_value 		=> NULL,
		p_lookup_type 			=> garn_vp_iv_dflt(lvp),
		p_formula_id 			=> NULL,
		p_generate_db_items_flag 	=> garn_vp_iv_dbi(lvp),
		p_warning_or_error 		=> NULL);
Line: 4080

 hr_utility.trace('After inserting Calculated fee for non supported elements');
Line: 4257

  delete from pay_formula_result_rules_f
  where STATUS_PROCESSING_RULE_ID = garn_statproc_rule_id(1);
Line: 4302

  delete from pay_formula_result_rules_f
  where STATUS_PROCESSING_RULE_ID = garn_statproc_rule_id(2);
Line: 4349

  delete from pay_formula_result_rules_f
  where STATUS_PROCESSING_RULE_ID = garn_statproc_rule_id(7);
Line: 4396

  delete from pay_formula_result_rules_f
  where STATUS_PROCESSING_RULE_ID = garn_statproc_rule_id(3);
Line: 4818

    hr_utility.trace('Insert feeds for fee amount input val to balances fed by invol dedns');
Line: 4892

  UPDATE	pay_element_types_f
  SET		element_information5	= garn_ele_ids(2),
		element_information8	= garn_assoc_bal_ids(8),
		element_information10	= garn_assoc_bal_ids(1),
		element_information11	= garn_assoc_bal_ids(4),
                /* Not setting Arrears and Not Taken Balance for bug 980683
                   NotTaken and Arrears are set to 0 in the verifier formula
                   for bug 980683.  However, these balances are needed for
                   bug 2527761.  So, to make both work, the arrears and not taken
                   balance will be created but not set in the Further Element
                   Information Flexfield.

		element_information12	= garn_assoc_bal_ids(5),
		element_information13	= garn_assoc_bal_ids(6),
		element_information16	= garn_assoc_bal_ids(2),
		element_information17	= garn_assoc_bal_ids(3),
		element_information15	= garn_assoc_bal_ids(7) ,
		element_information18	= garn_ele_ids(4),
		element_information19	= garn_ele_ids(5),
		element_information20	= garn_ele_ids(3)
  WHERE	element_type_id	= garn_ele_ids(1);
Line: 4915

hr_utility.trace('Before final update Line:4513  garn_assoc_bal_id  '|| to_char(garn_assoc_bal_ids(7)));
Line: 4916

  UPDATE	pay_element_types_f
  SET		element_information10	= garn_assoc_bal_ids(7),
              element_information11   = garn_assoc_bal_ids(9)
  WHERE	element_type_id	= garn_ele_ids(6);
Line: 4958

PROCEDURE delete_dedn (p_business_group_id	in number,
			p_ele_type_id		in number,
			p_ele_name		in varchar2,
			p_ele_priority		in number,
			p_ele_info_10		in varchar2,
			p_ele_info_11		in varchar2,
			p_ele_info_12		in varchar2,
			p_ele_info_13		in varchar2,
			p_ele_info_14		in varchar2,
			p_ele_info_15		in varchar2,
			p_ele_info_16		in varchar2,
			p_ele_info_17		in varchar2,
			p_ele_info_18		in varchar2,
			p_ele_info_19		in varchar2,
			p_ele_info_20		in varchar2,
			p_ele_info_5		in varchar2,
			p_ele_info_8		in varchar2,
			p_del_sess_date		in date,
			p_del_val_start_date	in date,
			p_del_val_end_date	in date) IS
-- local constants
c_end_of_time  CONSTANT DATE := TO_DATE('31/12/4712','DD/MM/YYYY');
Line: 5024

SELECT	distinct ff.formula_id
FROM	pay_status_processing_rules_f spr, ff_formulas_f ff
WHERE	spr.element_type_id = l_ele_id
AND	ff.formula_id = spr.formula_id
AND	ff.business_group_id + 0 = p_business_group_id
AND	ff.legislation_code IS NULL;
Line: 5032

SELECT	distinct ff.formula_id
FROM	ff_formulas_f ff
WHERE	ff.formula_name like upper('OLD%'||p_ele_name||'_BALANCE_SETUP_FORMULA%')
AND	ff.business_group_id + 0 = p_business_group_id;
Line: 5038

SELECT	distinct status_processing_rule_id
FROM	pay_status_processing_rules_f
WHERE	element_type_id = l_ele_id;
Line: 5043

SELECT 	ele_payroll_freq_rule_id
FROM   	pay_ele_payroll_freq_rules
WHERE  	element_type_id = p_ele_type_id;
Line: 5051

SELECT  template_id
  FROM  pay_shadow_element_types
 WHERE  element_name = p_ele_name;
Line: 5062

SELECT element_type_id
  FROM  pay_element_types_f
 WHERE element_name = p_ele_name||' Priority'
   AND p_del_sess_date between effective_start_date
		             and effective_end_date
   AND business_group_id + 0 = p_business_group_id;
Line: 5074

SELECT balance_type_id
  FROM  pay_balance_types
 WHERE balance_name = p_ele_name || l_bal_name
   AND business_group_id + 0 = p_business_group_id;
Line: 5081

/** Bug 566328: The select statement below is modified to put business group id
     in the where clause. Because now it is allowing to enter deduction with
	  same name in different business groups( ref. Bug 502307), selection only by
	  element name will fetch more than one row and raise error.  **/

select element_type_id
, element_information11
into    l_fee_ele_id
, l_fee_accrued_bal_id
from  pay_element_types_f
where element_name = p_ele_name||' Fees'
and p_del_sess_date between effective_start_date
		             and effective_end_date
and business_group_id + 0 = p_business_group_id ;
Line: 5156

Line: 5164

Line: 5172

Line: 5180

Line: 5188

Line: 5194

Line: 5214

    DELETE FROM pay_freq_rule_periods
    WHERE ele_payroll_freq_rule_id = v_freqrule_id;
Line: 5223

    DELETE FROM pay_ele_payroll_freq_rules
    WHERE ele_payroll_freq_rule_id = v_freqrule_id;
Line: 5257

        DELETE FROM	ff_formulas_f
        WHERE		formula_id = v_ff_id;
Line: 5266

        DELETE FROM	ff_fdi_usages_f
        WHERE		formula_id = v_ff_id;
Line: 5275

        DELETE FROM	ff_compiled_info_f
        WHERE		formula_id = v_ff_id;
Line: 5291

      hr_utility.set_location('hr_us_garn_gen.delete_dedn', 10);
Line: 5294

		        p_delete_mode	        => v_del_mode,
		        p_val_session_date      => v_del_sess_date,
			p_val_start_date  	=> v_del_val_start,
			p_val_end_date     	=> v_del_val_end,
			p_startup_mode		=> v_startup_mode);
Line: 5318

    DELETE FROM	ff_formulas_f
    WHERE formula_id = v_ff_id;
Line: 5327

    DELETE FROM	ff_fdi_usages_f
    WHERE formula_id = v_ff_id;
Line: 5336

    DELETE FROM	ff_compiled_info_f
    WHERE formula_id = v_ff_id;
Line: 5358

    hr_utility.set_location('hr_us_garn_gen.delete_dedn', 50);
Line: 5364

    hr_utility.set_location('hr_us_garn_gen.delete_dedn', 60);
Line: 5365

    DELETE FROM pay_balance_types
    WHERE balance_type_id = assoc_bals(i);
Line: 5382

    select processing_priority
    into   v_assoc_ele_priority
    from   pay_element_types_f
    where  element_type_id = assoc_eles(j)
    and    v_del_sess_date between effective_start_date
                               and effective_end_date;
Line: 5389

    hr_utility.set_location('hr_us_garn_gen.delete_dedn', 20);
Line: 5398

    hr_utility.set_location('hr_us_garn_gen.delete_dedn', 30);
Line: 5401

		        p_delete_mode	        => v_del_mode,
		        p_val_session_date      => v_del_sess_date,
			p_val_start_date  	=> v_del_val_start,
			p_val_end_date     	=> v_del_val_end,
			p_startup_mode		=> v_startup_mode);
Line: 5410

    hr_utility.set_location('hr_us_garn_gen.delete_dedn', 35);
Line: 5411

    delete from PAY_ELEMENT_TYPES_F
    where 	element_type_id = assoc_eles(j);
Line: 5431

   hr_utility.set_location('hr_us_garn_gen.delete_dedn', 45);
Line: 5434

                              p_drop_formula_packages => TRUE
                             ,p_template_id => v_template_id);
Line: 5440

END delete_dedn;