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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 29

|     24-JUL-2003 K.Boussema    Updated the error messages                   |
|     26-AUG-2003 K.Boussema    Reviewd the generation of the extract to     |
|                               handle the use of line_number as source      |
|     10-SEP-2003 K.Boussema    Changed to fix bug3095206:Accounting Reversal|
|     17-SEP-2003 K.Boussema    Updated to Get je_category from cache:3109690|
|     09-OCT-2003 K.Boussema    Changed to accept AADs differents Extract    |
|                               specifcations                                |
|     27-OCT-2003 K.Boussema    Changed to raise Error when no data retrieved|
|                               by the extract, bug 3203657                  |
|     04-NOV-2003 K.Boussema    Added new accounting reversal indicator value|
|     01-DEC-2003 K.Boussema    Added the cache of Extract errors in code    |
|                               generated by the compiler                    |
|     12-DEC-2003 K.Boussema    Reviewed for bug 3042840                     |
|     18-DEC-2003 K.Boussema    Changed to fix bug 3042840,3307761,3268940   |
|                               3310291 and 3320689                          |
|     22-DEC-2003 K.Boussema    Replaced Extract Validations by a call to    |
|                               Extract Integrity Checker routine            |
|     02-FRB-2004 K.Boussema    Changed code generated, refer to bug 3274707 |
|     12-FEB-2004 K.Boussema    Changed to only display the extraxt error msg|
|                               of the alway_populated objects               |
|     19-FEB-2004 K.Boussema    Made changes for the FND_LOG.                |
|     12-MAR-2004 K.Boussema    Changed to incorporate the select of lookups |
|                               from the extract objects                     |
|     22-MAR-2004 K.Boussema    Added a parameter p_module to the TRACE calls|
|                               and the procedure.                           |
|     11-MAY-2004 K.Boussema  Removed the call to XLA trace routine from     |
|                             trace() procedure                              |
|     17-MAY-2004 W.Shen        Accounting Attribute Enhancement project     |
|                               check the dld for changed made to the package|
|     26-MAY-2004 W.Shen        change code for the error message            |
|     26-Jul-2004 W.Shen        bug 3786968. transaction reversal do not have|
|                               extract line. When call function             |
|                               xla_accounting_engine_pkg.CacheExtractErrors |
|                               The transaction reversal flag is passed.     |
|     23-Sep-2004 S.Singhania Made changes for the bulk peroformance. It has |
|                               changed the code at number of places.        |
|     05-Oct-2004 S.Singhania Bug 3931752: Modified constants C_EVENT_BODY   |
|                               C_BODY_LINES to set correct target_ledger_id.|
|     08-Oct-2004 S.Singhania Bug 3939231: Added code to C_EVENT_BODY to     |
|                               initialize xla_ae_lines_pkg.g_temp_line_num. |
|     12-Oct-2004 K.Boussema    Made changes for the Accounting Event Extract|
|                               Diagnostics feature.                         |
|     08-Dec-2004 K.Boussema  Updated to add diagnostic framework datamodel  |
|                             changes                                        |
|     27-DEC-2004 K.Boussema Changed the VARCHAR2 type by CLOB to handle the |
|                            large main procedure                            |
|     15-Feb-2005 W.Shen        change code ledger currency project          |
|                            remove alc object.                              |
|                            add the two calculate accounted amts, gain/loss |
|                               flags                                        |
|     07-Mar-2005 K.Boussema    Changed for ADR-enhancements.                |
|     29-Mar-2005 M.Asada       Changed for Reference Objects.               |
|     18-Jul-2005 W.Chan        4495733 - In GetEntityName, update length    |
|                               of l_name from 30 to 90                      |
|     21-JUL-2005 K.Boussema   Reviewed to handle the two cases:             |
|                                - no header Transaction objects and         |
|                                - no line Transaction objects               |
|     22-Sep-2005 S.Singhania  Bug 4544725. Implemented Business Flows and   |
|                                Reversals for Non-Upgraded JEs.             |
|     18-Oct-2005 V. Kumar    Removed code for Analytical Criteria           |
|     20-Jan-2006 A. Wan      4884853 -                                      |
|                             Modified GenerateAccRevBody to adjust Accrual  |
|                             Reversal Date before PostAccountingEngine.     |
|     10-Feb-2006 A. Wan      5019460 - redundant logic in C_EVENT_BODY      |
|     08-Mar-2006 V. Kumar    Modified C_MAIN_PROCEDURE                      |
|     09-May-2006 V. Kumar    5217187 Populating GL_DATE for Reversal        |
|     09-May-2006 A.WAn       5202219 - prevent trx rev error out.           |
|     19-May-2006 V. Kumar    5229264 Populating gl_date for Trx rev. case   |
|     09-Nov-2006 A.Wan       5648433 - init l_event_id for line_cursor.     |

--|                                                                          |
--|                                                                          |
--|                                                                          |
--|                                                                          |
--|                                                                          |
--|                                                                          |
--|                                                                          |
--|                                                                          |
--|                                                                          |
--|                                                                          |
--|                    AAD templates/Global constants                        |
--|                                                                          |
--|                                                                          |
--|                                                                          |
--|                                                                          |
--|                                                                          |
--|                                                                          |
--|                                                                          |
--|                                                                          |
--|                                                                          |
--| Template of the main function CreateHeadersAndLines
--|                                            |
--|  PRIVATE FUNCTION                          |
--|                                            |
FUNCTION CreateHeadersAndLines
       (p_application_id         IN NUMBER
       ,p_base_ledger_id         IN NUMBER
       ,p_target_ledger_id       IN NUMBER
       ,p_pad_start_date         IN DATE
       ,p_pad_end_date           IN DATE
       ,p_primary_ledger_id      IN NUMBER)
l_created                   BOOLEAN:=FALSE;
Line: 418

Line: 706

XLA_AE_JOURNAL_ENTRY_PKG.UpdateJournalEntryStatus (p_hdr_idx => hdr_idx);
Line: 724

   l_result := XLA_AE_LINES_PKG.InsertLines;
Line: 740

l_result := XLA_AE_HEADER_PKG.InsertHeaders ;
Line: 1025

l_result := XLA_AE_LINES_PKG.InsertLines ;
Line: 1074

XLA_AE_JOURNAL_ENTRY_PKG.updateJournalEntryStatus (p_hdr_idx => g_last_hdr_idx);
Line: 1118

C_INSERT_SOURCES_PROC                 CONSTANT      CLOB:= '
--         insert_sources_$EVENT_INDEX$
PROCEDURE insert_sources_$EVENT_INDEX$(
                                p_target_ledger_id       IN NUMBER
                              , p_language               IN VARCHAR2
                              , p_sla_ledger_id          IN NUMBER
                              , p_pad_start_date         IN DATE
                              , p_pad_end_date           IN DATE

C_EVENT_TYPE_CODE    CONSTANT  VARCHAR2(30)  := ''$event_type_code$'';
Line: 1141

      l_log_module := C_DEFAULT_MODULE||''.insert_sources_$EVENT_INDEX$'';
Line: 1146

         (p_msg      => ''BEGIN of insert_sources_$EVENT_INDEX$''
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE
         ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 1153

SELECT oracle_username
  INTO p_apps_owner
  FROM fnd_oracle_userid
 WHERE read_only_flag = ''U''
Line: 1171



IF (C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE >= g_log_level) THEN
         (p_msg      => ''END of insert_sources_$EVENT_INDEX$''
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE
         ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 1198

           (p_location => ''$package_name$.insert_sources_$EVENT_INDEX$'');
Line: 1199

END insert_sources_$EVENT_INDEX$;
Line: 1330

        , xpah.event_class_code
        , xpah.entity_code
        , xeca.calculate_acctd_amts_flag
        , xeca.calculate_g_l_amts_flag
  FROM  xla_prod_acct_headers     xpah
      , xla_event_types_b         xetb
      , xla_event_class_attrs     xeca
 WHERE  xpah.product_rule_code        = p_product_rule_code
   AND  xpah.product_rule_type_code   = p_product_rule_type_code
   AND  xpah.application_id           = p_application_id
   AND  xpah.amb_context_code         = p_amb_context_code
   AND  xpah.application_id           = xetb.application_id
   AND  xpah.entity_code              = xetb.entity_code
   AND  xpah.event_class_code         = xetb.event_class_code
   AND  (xetb.event_type_code         = xpah.event_type_code
         xetb.event_type_code         = xpah.event_class_code||'_ALL'
   AND  xetb.accounting_flag          = xpah.accounting_required_flag
   AND  xpah.accounting_required_flag = 'Y'
   AND  xpah.validation_status_code   = 'R'   -- Running
   AND  xetb.enabled_flag             = 'Y'
   AND  xeca.application_id           = xetb.application_id
   AND  xeca.event_class_code         = xetb.event_class_code
   AND  xeca.entity_code              = xetb.entity_code
ORDER BY xpah.event_type_code
Line: 1362

        , xpah.event_class_code
        , xpah.entity_code
        , xeca.calculate_acctd_amts_flag
        , xeca.calculate_g_l_amts_flag
  FROM  xla_prod_acct_headers     xpah
      , xla_event_types_b         xetb
      , xla_event_class_attrs     xeca
      , xla_aad_line_defn_assgns  xald
      , xla_line_definitions_b     xld
 WHERE  xpah.product_rule_code        = p_product_rule_code
   AND  xpah.product_rule_type_code   = p_product_rule_type_code
   AND  xpah.application_id           = p_application_id
   AND  xpah.amb_context_code         = p_amb_context_code
   AND  xpah.application_id           = xetb.application_id
   AND  xpah.entity_code              = xetb.entity_code
   AND  xpah.event_class_code         = xetb.event_class_code
   AND  (xetb.event_type_code         = xpah.event_type_code
         xetb.event_type_code         = xpah.event_class_code||'_ALL'
   AND  xetb.accounting_flag          = xpah.accounting_required_flag
   AND  xpah.accounting_required_flag = 'Y'
   AND  xpah.validation_status_code   = 'R'   -- Running
   AND  xetb.enabled_flag             = 'Y'
   AND  xeca.application_id           = xetb.application_id
   AND  xeca.event_class_code         = xetb.event_class_code
   AND  xeca.entity_code              = xetb.entity_code
   AND  xald.application_id          = xpah.application_id
   AND  xald.amb_context_code        = xpah.amb_context_code
   AND  xald.event_class_code        = xpah.event_class_code
   AND  xald.event_type_code         = xpah.event_type_code
   AND  xald.product_rule_type_code = xpah.product_rule_type_code
   AND  xald.product_rule_code       = xpah.product_rule_code
   AND xald.application_id         = xld.application_id
   AND xald.amb_context_code       = xld.amb_context_code
   AND xald.event_class_code       = xld.event_class_code
   AND xald.event_type_code        = xld.event_type_code
   AND xald.line_definition_owner_code = xld.line_definition_owner_code
   AND xald.line_definition_code  = xld.line_definition_code
   AND xld.budgetary_control_flag = 'Y'
 ORDER BY xpah.event_type_code;
Line: 1428

         (p_msg      => 'SQL - Select from xla_prod_acct_headers '
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
         ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 1508

  FROM  xla_prod_acct_headers xpah
      , xla_event_types_b     xetb
 WHERE  xpah.product_rule_code         = p_product_rule_code
   AND  xpah.product_rule_type_code    = p_product_rule_type_code
   AND  xpah.application_id            = p_application_id
   AND  xpah.amb_context_code          = p_amb_context_code
   AND  xpah.application_id            = xetb.application_id
   AND  xpah.entity_code               = xetb.entity_code
   AND  xpah.event_class_code          = xetb.event_class_code
   AND  xetb.event_type_code           = DECODE( xpah.event_type_code
                                               , xpah.event_class_code ||'_ALL',xetb.event_type_code
                                               , xpah.event_type_code
   AND  xetb.event_type_code           <> xetb.event_class_code || '_ALL'
   AND  xetb.accounting_flag           = 'Y'
   AND  xetb.enabled_flag              = 'Y'
   AND  (xpah.accounting_required_flag = 'N'
         xpah.validation_status_code   <> 'R')  -- not Running
Line: 1546

         (p_msg      => 'SQL - SELECT from xla_prod_acct_headers'
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
         ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 1602

  FROM  xla_event_types_b xetb
 WHERE  xetb.entity_code              = p_entity_code
   AND  xetb.event_class_code         = p_event_class_code
   AND  xetb.application_id           = p_application_id
   AND  xetb.accounting_flag          = 'Y'
   AND  xetb.enabled_flag             = 'Y'
   AND  xetb.event_type_code         <>  xetb.event_class_code || '_ALL'
 ORDER BY xetb.event_type_code
Line: 1626

         (p_msg      => 'SQL - SELECT from xla_event_types_b'
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
         ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 1696

   SELECT  REPLACE(xect.name , '''','''''')
     INTO  l_name
     FROM  xla_event_types_tl  xect
    WHERE  xect.application_id     = p_application_id
      AND  xect.entity_code        = p_entity_code
      AND  xect.event_class_code   = p_event_class_code
      AND  xect.event_type_code    = p_event_type_code
      AND  xect.language           = USERENV('LANG')
Line: 1754

  SELECT REPLACE(xett.name , '''','''''')
    INTO l_name
    FROM xla_entity_types_tl             xett
   WHERE  xett.application_id           = p_application_id
     AND  xett.entity_code              = p_entity
     AND  xett.LANGUAGE                 = USERENV('LANG')
Line: 1812

  SELECT  REPLACE(xect.name , '''','''''')
    INTO  l_name
    FROM  xla_event_classes_tl  xect
   WHERE  xect.application_id     = p_application_id
     AND  xect.entity_code        = p_entity_code
     AND  xect.event_class_code   = p_event_class_code
     AND  xect.language           = USERENV('LANG')
Line: 2049

SELECT      eca.accounting_attribute_code
          , eca.source_application_id
          , eca.source_type_code
          , eca.source_code
          , DECODE(nvl(xes.level_code, 'H'),'H','H','L')
  FROM xla_evt_class_acct_attrs   eca
     , xla_event_sources          xes
     , xla_acct_attributes_b      xasb
     , xla_sources_b              xsb
WHERE  eca.application_id             = p_application_id
   AND eca.event_class_code           = p_event_class
   AND xasb.accounting_attribute_code = eca.accounting_attribute_code
   AND xasb.assignment_level_code     = 'EVT_CLASS_ONLY'
   AND xes.application_id(+)          = p_application_id
   AND xes.entity_code(+)             = p_entity
   AND xes.event_class_code(+)        = p_event_class
   AND xes.source_application_id(+)   = eca.source_application_id
   AND xes.source_type_code(+)        = eca.source_type_code
   AND xes.source_code(+)             = eca.source_code
   AND xasb.journal_entry_level_code  = 'H'
   AND xes.active_flag(+)             = 'Y'
   AND xsb.application_id             = eca.source_application_id
   AND xsb.source_type_code           = eca.source_type_code
   AND xsb.source_code                = eca.source_code
SELECT      aha.accounting_attribute_code
          , aha.source_application_id
          , aha.source_type_code
          , aha.source_code
          , DECODE(xes.level_code,'H','H','L')
  FROM xla_aad_hdr_acct_attrs   aha
     , xla_event_sources        xes
     , xla_acct_attributes_b    xasb
     , xla_sources_b   xsb
WHERE  aha.application_id             = p_application_id
   AND aha.amb_context_code           = p_amb_context_code
   AND aha.product_rule_type_code     = p_product_rule_type_code
   AND aha.product_rule_code          = p_product_rule_code
   AND aha.event_class_code           = p_event_class
   AND aha.event_type_code            = p_event_type
   AND xasb.accounting_attribute_code = aha.accounting_attribute_code
   AND xasb.assignment_level_code     IN ('AAD_ONLY','EVT_CLASS_AAD')
   AND xes.application_id(+)          = p_application_id
   AND xes.entity_code(+)             = p_entity
   AND xes.event_class_code(+)        = p_event_class
   AND xes.source_application_id(+)   = aha.source_application_id
   AND xes.source_type_code(+)        = aha.source_type_code
   AND xes.source_code(+)             = aha.source_code
   AND xes.active_flag (+)            = 'Y'
   AND xsb.application_id             = aha.source_application_id
   AND xsb.source_type_code           = aha.source_type_code
   AND xsb.source_code                = aha.source_code
Line: 2228

SELECT      eca.accounting_attribute_code
          , eca.source_application_id
          , eca.source_type_code
          , eca.source_code
          , DECODE(nvl(xes.level_code, 'H'),'H','H','L')
  FROM xla_evt_class_acct_attrs   eca
     , xla_event_sources      xes
     , xla_acct_attributes_b  xasb
     , xla_sources_b   xsb
WHERE  eca.application_id             = p_application_id
   AND eca.event_class_code           = p_event_class
   AND xasb.accounting_attribute_code = eca.accounting_attribute_code
   AND xasb.assignment_level_code     = 'EVT_CLASS_ONLY'
   AND xes.application_id (+)         = p_application_id
   AND xes.entity_code (+)            = p_entity
   AND xes.event_class_code(+)        = p_event_class
   AND xes.source_application_id(+)   = eca.source_application_id
   AND xes.source_type_code(+)        = eca.source_type_code
   AND xes.source_code(+)             = eca.source_code
   AND xasb.journal_entry_level_code  in ('L', 'C')
   AND xes.active_flag(+)             = 'Y'
   AND xsb.application_id             = eca.source_application_id
   AND xsb.source_type_code           = eca.source_type_code
   AND xsb.source_code                = eca.source_code
Line: 2278

SELECT  count(xes.accounting_attribute_code)
  INTO  l_number
  FROM  xla_evt_class_acct_attrs xes
 WHERE  xes.application_id        =  p_application_id
--   AND  xes.entity_code           =  p_entity
   AND xes.event_class_code       =  p_event_class
--   AND xes.active_flag            = 'Y'
   AND xes.accounting_attribute_code = 'ACCOUNTING_REVERSAL_OPTION'
Line: 2294

         (p_msg      => 'SQL - SELECT from xla_event_sources and xla_acctg_sources_b'
         ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
         ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 2397

SELECT   xpah.description_code
       , xpah.description_type_code
    INTO l_description_code
       , l_description_type_code
    FROM xla_prod_acct_headers xpah
   WHERE xpah.product_rule_type_code    = p_product_rule_type_code
     AND xpah.product_rule_code         = p_product_rule_code
     AND xpah.entity_code               = p_entity
     AND xpah.event_class_code          = p_event_class
     AND xpah.event_type_code           = p_event_type
     AND xpah.application_id            = p_application_id
     AND xpah.amb_context_code          = p_amb_context_code
     AND xpah.accounting_required_flag  = 'Y'
Line: 2501

       , xldj.accounting_line_type_code
       , xldj.line_definition_code
       , xldj.line_definition_owner_code
    FROM xla_aad_line_defn_assgns xald
       , xla_line_defn_jlt_assgns xldj
       , xla_prod_acct_headers    xpah
       , xla_line_definitions_b   xld
   WHERE xldj.line_definition_owner_code = xald.line_definition_owner_code
     AND xldj.line_definition_code       = xald.line_definition_code
     AND xldj.event_class_code           = xald.event_class_code
     AND xldj.event_type_code            = xald.event_type_code
     AND xldj.application_id             = xald.application_id
     AND xldj.amb_context_code           = xald.amb_context_code
     AND xldj.active_flag                = 'Y'
     AND xld.line_definition_owner_code = xald.line_definition_owner_code
     AND xld.line_definition_code       = xald.line_definition_code
     AND xld.event_class_code           = xald.event_class_code
     AND xld.event_type_code            = xald.event_type_code
     AND xld.application_id             = xald.application_id
     AND xld.amb_context_code           = xald.amb_context_code
     AND xld.budgetary_control_flag     = XLA_CMP_PAD_PKG.g_bc_pkg_flag
     AND xald.product_rule_type_code     = xpah.product_rule_type_code
     AND xald.product_rule_code          = xpah.product_rule_code
     AND xald.event_class_code           = xpah.event_class_code
     AND xald.event_type_code            = xpah.event_type_code
     AND xald.application_id             = xpah.application_id
     AND xald.amb_context_code           = xpah.amb_context_code
     AND xpah.product_rule_type_code     = p_product_rule_type_code
     AND xpah.product_rule_code          = p_product_rule_code
     AND xpah.entity_code                = p_entity
     AND xpah.event_class_code           = p_event_class
     AND xpah.event_type_code            = p_event_type
     AND xpah.application_id             = p_application_id
     AND xpah.amb_context_code           = p_amb_context_code
     AND xpah.accounting_required_flag   = 'Y'
ORDER BY xldj.accounting_line_type_code, xldj.accounting_line_code
       , xldj.line_definition_owner_code, xldj.line_definition_code
Line: 4700

l_insert_sources                CLOB;
Line: 4701

l_array_insert_sources          DBMS_SQL.VARCHAR2S;
Line: 4943

l_insert_sources := C_INSERT_SOURCES_PROC;
Line: 4944

l_insert_sources := xla_cmp_string_pkg.replace_token(l_insert_sources,'$event_class_code$', nvl(p_event_class,' '));  -- 4417664
Line: 4945

l_insert_sources := xla_cmp_string_pkg.replace_token(l_insert_sources,'$event_type_code$',nvl(p_event_type,' '));  -- 4417664
Line: 4948

l_insert_sources := xla_cmp_string_pkg.replace_token(l_insert_sources,'$insert_header_sources$',
                           nvl(xla_cmp_extract_pkg.GenerateInsertHdrSources  (
                             p_array_table_name             => l_array_table_name
                           , p_array_parent_table_index           => l_array_parent_table_index
                           , p_array_table_hash             => l_array_table_hash
                           , p_array_table_type             => l_array_table_type
                           , p_array_populated_flag         => l_array_populated_flag
                           , p_array_ref_obj_flag           => l_array_ref_obj_flag
                           , p_array_join_condition         => l_array_join_condition
                           , p_array_h_source_index         => l_array_h_source_index
                           , p_array_h_table_index          => l_array_h_table_index
                           , p_array_h_mls_source_index     => l_array_h_mls_source_index
                           , p_array_h_mls_table_index      => l_array_h_mls_table_index
                           , p_array_application_id         => p_rec_sources.array_application_id
                           , p_array_source_code            => p_rec_sources.array_source_code
                           , p_array_source_type_code       => p_rec_sources.array_source_type_code
                           , p_array_flex_value_set_id      => p_rec_sources.array_flex_value_set_id
                           , p_array_lookup_type            => p_rec_sources.array_lookup_type
                           , p_array_view_application_id    => p_rec_sources.array_view_application_id
                           , p_procedure                    => p_procedure
                           ),' ')
Line: 4977

l_insert_sources := xla_cmp_string_pkg.replace_token(l_insert_sources, '$insert_line_sources$',
                           nvl(xla_cmp_extract_pkg.GenerateInsertLineSources (
                             p_array_table_name             => l_array_table_name
                           , p_array_parent_table_index           => l_array_parent_table_index
                           , p_array_table_hash             => l_array_table_hash
                           , p_array_table_type             => l_array_table_type
                           , p_array_populated_flag         => l_array_populated_flag
                           , p_array_ref_obj_flag           => l_array_ref_obj_flag
                           , p_array_join_condition         => l_array_join_condition
                           , p_array_l_source_index         => l_array_l_source_index
                           , p_array_l_table_index          => l_array_l_table_index
                           , p_array_l_mls_source_index     => l_array_l_mls_source_index
                           , p_array_l_mls_table_index      => l_array_l_mls_table_index
                           , p_array_application_id         => p_rec_sources.array_application_id
                           , p_array_source_code            => p_rec_sources.array_source_code
                           , p_array_source_type_code       => p_rec_sources.array_source_type_code
                           , p_array_flex_value_set_id      => p_rec_sources.array_flex_value_set_id
                           , p_array_lookup_type            => p_rec_sources.array_lookup_type
                           , p_array_view_application_id    => p_rec_sources.array_view_application_id
                           , p_procedure                    => p_procedure
                           )  ,' ')
Line: 5007

l_insert_sources:= xla_cmp_string_pkg.replace_token(l_insert_sources,'$EVENT_INDEX$'   ,TO_CHAR(l_ObjectIndex));  -- 4417664
Line: 5009

l_insert_sources:= xla_cmp_string_pkg.replace_token(l_insert_sources,'$package_name$'   ,g_package_name);   -- 4417664
Line: 5012

                      p_package_text  => l_insert_sources
                     ,p_array_string  => l_array_insert_sources
Line: 5027

             ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
             ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 5034

                                 p_array_string_1    => l_array_insert_sources
                                ,p_array_string_2    => l_array_event
Line: 5604


     IF ( g_diagnostics_mode =''Y'' ) THEN

         IF (C_LEVEL_STATEMENT >= g_log_level) THEN
              (p_msg      => ''CALL Transaction Objects Diagnostics''
              ,p_level    => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
              ,p_module   => l_log_module);
Line: 5616

                          p_target_ledger_id => p_target_ledger_id
                        , p_language         => l_language
                        , p_sla_ledger_id    => l_sla_ledger_id
                        , p_pad_start_date   => p_pad_start_date
                        , p_pad_end_date     => p_pad_end_date
Line: 5706

             l_call_event   := l_call_event || C_CALL_INSERT_EXT_SOURCES;
Line: 5732

               l_call_event   := l_call_event ||C_CALL_INSERT_EXT_SOURCES;