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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 196

      SELECT inventory_item_id
      INTO   l_inventory_item_id
      FROM   oe_order_lines
      WHERE  line_id = p_top_model_line_id;
Line: 207

  ELSIF p_operation = 'UPDATE' OR
        p_operation = 'DELETE' THEN

    IF l_debug_level > 0 THEN
       OE_DEBUG_PUB.Add('Operation is UPDATE/DELETE',3);
Line: 226

     SELECT mtl_msi.bom_item_type
     INTO   l_bom_item_type
     FROM  mtl_system_items mtl_msi
     WHERE mtl_msi.inventory_item_id = l_inventory_item_id
     AND   mtl_msi.organization_id=OE_SYS_PARAMETERS.Value('MASTER_ORGANIZATION_ID',p_org_id); --Bug 5524710
Line: 276

	SELECT top_model_line_id,ato_line_id
     	INTO   l_top_model_line_id,l_ato_line_id
	FROM   oe_order_lines
	WHERE  line_id = p_line_id;
Line: 291

	SELECT mtl_msi.config_model_type
        INTO   l_config_model_type
        FROM   mtl_system_items mtl_msi, oe_order_lines oe_l
	WHERE  oe_l.line_id      =  l_top_model_line_id
	AND    oe_l.inventory_item_id =  mtl_msi.inventory_item_id
        AND    mtl_msi.organization_id = OE_SYS_PARAMETERS.Value('MASTER_ORGANIZATION_ID',p_org_id);  --Bug 5524710
Line: 535

     (p_line_rec.operation=OE_GLOBALS.G_OPR_UPDATE AND
     NOT OE_Globals.Equal(p_line_rec.ordered_quantity,
                            p_old_line_rec.ordered_quantity)) OR
     p_line_rec.operation=OE_GLOBALS.G_OPR_DELETE) THEN

     IF ( p_line_rec.cancelled_flag = 'Y' AND p_line_rec.ordered_quantity = 0 AND (OE_CONFIG_UTIL.Cascade_Changes_Flag = 'Y' OR l_top_container_model = 'Y') )
        ( p_line_rec.ordered_quantity = 0 and nvl(p_line_rec.model_remnant_flag, 'N') = 'Y' )  --OR condition Added for fp bug 5662532

      	 IF l_debug_level > 0 THEN
      	    OE_DEBUG_PUB.Add('Note: Booked MACD Order Cancel Allowed',3);
Line: 579

  	SELECT nvl(comms_nl_trackable_flag, 'N')
  	INTO l_ib_trackable_flag
  	FROM mtl_system_items
  	WHERE inventory_item_id = p_line_rec.inventory_item_id
Line: 616

      p_line_rec.operation  =   OE_GLOBALS.G_OPR_UPDATE AND

      x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
Line: 639

  IF p_line_rec.operation = OE_GLOBALS.G_OPR_DELETE AND

     IF NVL(p_line_rec.booked_flag,'N')='N' THEN


	  INTO   l_delta
          FROM   cz_config_details_v
	  WHERE  config_delta = 0
          AND    config_hdr_id    =  p_line_rec.config_header_id
	  AND    config_rev_nbr   =  p_line_rec.config_rev_nbr
	  AND    config_item_id   =  p_line_rec.configuration_id;
Line: 658

	        OE_DEBUG_PUB.Add('ERRM: No Data Found when selecting config delta',3);
Line: 660

                SELECT description
                INTO l_description
                FROM cz_config_details_v cz_czv, mtl_system_items mtl_msi
                WHERE cz_czv.inventory_item_id = mtl_msi.inventory_item_id
                AND cz_czv.config_delta <> 0 --implies change
                AND cz_czv.config_hdr_id = p_line_rec.config_header_id
                AND cz_czv.config_rev_nbr = p_line_rec.config_rev_nbr
                AND cz_czv.config_item_id = p_line_rec.configuration_id;
Line: 674

Line: 678

              OE_DEBUG_PUB.Add('ERRM: Line changed in CZ, delete not allowed',3);
Line: 684

  END IF;	--operation=delete
Line: 699

     p_line_rec.operation=OE_GLOBALS.G_OPR_UPDATE  THEN

     x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
Line: 834

      SELECT cz_hdr.baseline_rev_nbr
      INTO   l_baseline_rev_nbr
      FROM   cz_config_hdrs cz_hdr, oe_order_lines oe_line,
             cz_config_items czi
      WHERE oe_line.top_model_line_id = p_top_model_line_id
      AND    czi.config_hdr_id     = oe_line.config_header_id
      AND    czi.config_rev_nbr    = oe_line.config_rev_nbr
      AND    czi.config_item_id    = oe_line.configuration_id
      AND    cz_hdr.config_hdr_id  = czi.instance_hdr_id
      AND    cz_hdr.config_rev_nbr = czi.instance_rev_nbr
      AND    cz_hdr.baseline_rev_nbr is not NULL
      AND    rownum = 1;
Line: 854

        SELECT czi.config_delta
        INTO   l_baseline_rev_nbr
        FROM   cz_config_hdrs cz_hdr, oe_order_lines oe_line,
               cz_config_items czi
        WHERE oe_line.top_model_line_id = p_top_model_line_id
        AND    czi.config_hdr_id     = oe_line.config_header_id
        AND    czi.config_rev_nbr    = oe_line.config_rev_nbr
        AND    czi.config_item_id    = oe_line.configuration_id
        AND    nvl(czi.config_delta, 0) > 0
        AND    cz_hdr.config_hdr_id  = czi.instance_hdr_id
        AND    cz_hdr.config_rev_nbr = czi.instance_rev_nbr
        AND    cz_hdr.baseline_rev_nbr is not NULL
        AND    rownum = 1;
Line: 892

      SELECT cz_hdr.baseline_rev_nbr
      INTO   l_baseline_rev_nbr
      FROM   cz_config_hdrs cz_hdr, oe_order_lines oe_line,
             cz_config_items czi
      WHERE  oe_line.line_id       = p_line_id
      AND    czi.config_hdr_id     = oe_line.config_header_id
      AND    czi.config_rev_nbr    = oe_line.config_rev_nbr
      AND    czi.config_item_id    = oe_line.configuration_id
      AND    cz_hdr.config_hdr_id  = czi.instance_hdr_id
      AND    cz_hdr.config_rev_nbr = czi.instance_rev_nbr
      AND    cz_hdr.baseline_rev_nbr is NOT NULL;
Line: 907

        SELECT czi.config_delta
        INTO   l_baseline_rev_nbr
        FROM   oe_order_lines oe_line,
               cz_config_items czi
        WHERE  oe_line.line_id       = p_line_id
        AND    czi.config_hdr_id     = oe_line.config_header_id
        AND    czi.config_rev_nbr    = oe_line.config_rev_nbr
        AND    czi.config_item_id    = oe_line.configuration_id
        AND    nvl(czi.config_delta, 0) > 0;
Line: 963

      SELECT cz_hdr.baseline_rev_nbr
      INTO   l_baseline_rev_nbr
      FROM   cz_config_hdrs cz_hdr, cz_config_items czi
      WHERE  czi.config_hdr_id     = p_line_rec.config_header_id
      AND    czi.config_rev_nbr    = p_line_rec.config_rev_nbr
      AND    czi.config_item_id    = p_line_rec.configuration_id
      AND    cz_hdr.config_hdr_id  = czi.instance_hdr_id
      AND    cz_hdr.config_rev_nbr = czi.instance_rev_nbr
      AND    cz_hdr.baseline_rev_nbr is NOT NULL;
Line: 980

        SELECT  czi.config_delta
        INTO   l_baseline_rev_nbr
	--bug3667985 fix
        --FROM   cz_config_hdrs cz_hdr, cz_config_items czi
	FROM cz_config_items czi
        WHERE  czi.config_hdr_id     = p_line_rec.config_header_id
        AND    czi.config_rev_nbr    = p_line_rec.config_rev_nbr
        AND    czi.config_item_id    = p_line_rec.configuration_id
        AND    nvl(czi.config_delta, 0) > 0;
Line: 1072

  SELECT oe_ol.line_id
  FROM   oe_order_lines oe_ol
	,cz_config_details_v cz_det
  WHERE  oe_ol.top_model_line_id = p_top_model_line_id
  AND    cz_det.config_delta = 0
  AND    cz_det.config_hdr_id = oe_ol.config_header_id
  AND    cz_det.config_rev_nbr = oe_ol.config_rev_nbr
  AND    cz_det.config_item_id = oe_ol.configuration_id
  AND    oe_ol.line_id <> oe_ol.top_model_line_id
  AND    oe_ol.open_flag = 'Y'
  ORDER BY option_number desc;
Line: 1127

     SELECT description
     INTO l_description
     FROM oe_order_lines oe_oel, mtl_system_items mtl_msi
     WHERE oe_oel.line_id = p_line_id
     AND oe_oel.inventory_item_id = mtl_msi.inventory_item_id
     AND oe_oel.org_id = mtl_msi.organization_id;
Line: 1187

     SELECT  config_header_id
     INTO   l_top_config_header_id
     FROM    oe_order_lines oe_l
     WHERE   oe_l.line_id = p_top_model_line_id;
Line: 1301

  SELECT line_id
  FROM  oe_order_lines
  WHERE header_id = p_header_id
  AND   top_model_line_id IS NOT NULL
  AND   line_id = top_model_line_id;
Line: 1488

       SELECT 'A'
       INTO   l_config_mode
       FROM   oe_order_lines
       WHERE  line_id = p_top_model_line_id
       AND    config_header_id IS NOT NULL;
Line: 1515

     SELECT creation_date
     INTO   l_config_creation_date
     FROM   oe_order_lines
     WHERE  line_id = p_top_model_line_id;
Line: 1525

          oe_debug_pub.add('Other exception in select from oe-order_lines',3);
Line: 1529

        oe_debug_pub.add('RMV: After select from order_lines...',3);
Line: 1647

              l_line_tbl(I).operation := 'UPDATE';
Line: 1707

            SELECT line_id
            INTO   l_line_tbl(I).line_id
            FROM   oe_order_lines
            WHERE  header_id = l_line_tbl(I).header_id
            AND    config_header_id = l_line_tbl(I).config_header_id
            AND    config_rev_nbr = l_line_tbl(I).config_rev_nbr;
Line: 1761

	  SELECT config_header_id
	  INTO   l_config_header_id
	  FROM   oe_order_lines
	  WHERE  line_id = p_top_model_line_id;
Line: 1773

		OE_DEBUG_PUB.Add('Error during select errmsg:'||sqlerrm,1);
Line: 1938

   SELECT line_id
   FROM   oe_order_lines_all
   WHERE  header_id = p_x_header_id
   AND    open_flag = 'Y'
   AND    top_model_line_id = line_id
Line: 2136

/*	If the p_header_id is passed it means that the header already exists in the system and the newely passed data should be inserted into existing order.

	We cannot use the procedure populate_tso_order_lines as that procedure creates container model for the newly passed instances,
    but actually the container may already exists in that order. We need to have the logic to identify the existance of the container
    model for the passed in instance, if the container exists then the instances should be added to the same or else create the new
    container. For example, container "A" was fulfilled and that created instances I1 to I10. First time if the user creates the
    order with instance I1, system should create the container "A" and added the I1 to the same. Later if user picks I4 from IB,
    system should add the I4 to the existing container model instead of creating a new vcontainer recored in that order.

	We will create an API named create_TSO_order_lines procedure to add the lines into existing order.*/

           IF l_debug_level > 0 THEN
              oe_debug_pub.add('Before calling oe_config_tso_pvt.create_tso_order_lines ',2);
Line: 2460

Line: 2467

Line: 2487

	  -- Delete the parent table and also clear the top model so that we do not carry the value.

	  l_top_model_line_Id := null;
Line: 2490

Line: 2494

	--If the model does not exists then transfer the record to l_no_paranet_instance_tbl and delete the record.

	  --commented for BUG#7376452
	  --The table type being evaluated is l_no_parent_instance_tbl and the conter we use is of l_parent_exists_instance_tbl
	  --so whenever we evaluate for any standard line only the last line is evaluated evrytime as the conter always remains at 0

	  --l_no_parent_instance_tbl(l_parent_exists_instance_tbl.count + 1) := l_instance_tbl(I);
Line: 2531

Line: 2681

	   IF nvl(p_macd_action, l_instance_tbl(I).action) = 'UPDATE' THEN
	       l_config_item_rec.operation := CZ_CF_API.bv_operation_update;
Line: 2683

	   Elsif nvl(p_macd_action, l_instance_tbl(I).action) = 'DELETE' THEN
	       l_config_item_rec.operation := CZ_CF_API.bv_operation_delete;
Line: 2686

	       l_config_item_rec.operation := CZ_CF_API.bv_operation_delete;
Line: 2736

  		IF nvl(p_macd_action, l_instance_tbl(j).action) = 'UPDATE' THEN
  		   l_config_item_rec.operation := CZ_CF_API.bv_operation_update;
Line: 2738

  		ELSIF nvl(p_macd_action, l_instance_tbl(j).action) = 'DELETE' THEN
  		   l_config_item_rec.operation := CZ_CF_API.bv_operation_delete;
Line: 2741

		   l_config_item_rec.operation := CZ_CF_API.bv_operation_delete;
Line: 2765

Line: 2770

Line: 2846

	   Select config_header_id, config_rev_nbr
	   Into l_top_config_header_id, l_top_config_rev_nbr
	   From oe_order_lines_all
	   Where line_id = l_top_model_line_id;
Line: 2853

          oe_debug_pub.add(' Line  SELECT: '|| SQLERRM , 1 ) ;
Line: 2877

	  -- Delete the parent table and also clear the top model so that we do not carry the value.

	  l_top_model_line_Id := null;
Line: 2880

Line: 2906

       IF nvl(p_macd_action, l_line_tbl(M).operation) in ('DELETE', 'DISCONTINUE') THEN

        -- If the config details are passed on the line record copy the same to local variables.
        -- Or else query the config details for the lines table.

	    l_config_header_id := l_line_tbl(M).config_header_id;
Line: 2921

	       Select config_header_id, config_rev_nbr, configuration_id
	       Into l_config_header_id, l_config_rev_nbr, l_config_item_id
	       From oe_order_lines_all
	       Where line_id = l_line_tbl(M).line_id;
Line: 2960

       END IF; -- Delete;
Line: 3025

         IF nvl(p_macd_action,p_x_line_tbl(J).operation) = 'UPDATE' THEN
            l_config_item_rec.operation := CZ_CF_API.bv_operation_update;
Line: 3027

         ELSIF nvl(p_macd_action,p_x_line_tbl(J).operation) = 'DELETE' THEN
            l_config_item_rec.operation := CZ_CF_API.bv_operation_delete;
Line: 3030

            l_config_item_rec.operation := CZ_CF_API.bv_operation_delete;
Line: 3076

               IF nvl(p_macd_action,p_x_line_tbl(J).operation) = 'UPDATE' THEN
                  l_config_item_rec.operation := CZ_CF_API.bv_operation_update;
Line: 3078

               ELSIF nvl(p_macd_action,p_x_line_tbl(J).operation) = 'DELETE' THEN
                  l_config_item_rec.operation := CZ_CF_API.bv_operation_delete;
Line: 3081

                  l_config_item_rec.operation := CZ_CF_API.bv_operation_delete;
Line: 3103

Line: 3109

Line: 3166

	     Select config_header_id, config_rev_nbr
	     Into l_top_config_header_id, l_top_config_rev_nbr
	     From oe_order_lines_all
	     Where line_id = l_top_model_line_id;
Line: 3190

	   -- Delete the parent table and also clear the top model so that we do not carry the value.
       IF x_return_status = FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR THEN
Line: 3198

Line: 3266

    Select  cz.config_hdr_id, cz.config_rev_nbr, substr(cz.component_code, 1,instr(cz.component_code,'-')-1),
    Into    l_config_hdr_id, l_config_rev_nbr,  L_item_id,x_top_model_line_id
    from cz_config_details_v cz, oe_order_lines_all oe
    where cz.instance_hdr_id = p_config_instance_hdr_id
    and   oe.config_header_id = cz.config_hdr_id
    and   oe.config_rev_nbr = cz.config_rev_nbr
    and   oe.top_model_line_id = oe.line_id
    and   oe.header_id  = p_header_id
    and  component_instance_type = 'I'
    and  rownum = 1;
Line: 3279

	Select 	config_hdr_id, config_rev_nbr, substr(component_code, 1,instr(component_code,'-')-1)
	Into  	l_config_hdr_id, l_config_rev_nbr,	L_item_id
	from cz_config_details_v
        where instance_hdr_id = p_config_instance_hdr_id
        and instance_rev_nbr = p_config_instance_rev_number
        and component_instance_type = 'I';
Line: 3298

     	Select top_model_line_id
	     Into    x_top_model_line_id
	     From oe_order_lines_all
	     Where header_id = p_header_id
--	     And config_header_id = l_config_hdr_id
--	     And config_rev_nbr = l_config_rev_nbr
         AND open_flag = 'Y'
         AND inventory_item_id = l_item_id
	     And top_model_line_id = line_id
         AND rownum = 1;
Line: 3370

     IF  p_macd_action in ('DELETE', 'DISCONTINUE') then


          SELECT cz_hdr.baseline_rev_nbr
          INTO   l_baseline_rev_nbr
          FROM   cz_config_hdrs cz_hdr, oe_order_lines oe_line,
                 cz_config_details_v czv
          WHERE  oe_line.top_model_line_id = p_top_model_line_id
          AND    oe_line.configuration_id = P_instance_item_id
          AND    czv.config_hdr_id     = oe_line.config_header_id
          AND    czv.config_rev_nbr    = oe_line.config_rev_nbr
          AND    czv.config_item_id    = oe_line.configuration_id
          AND    cz_hdr.config_hdr_id  = czv.instance_hdr_id
          AND    cz_hdr.config_rev_nbr = czv.instance_rev_nbr
          AND    cz_hdr.baseline_rev_nbr IS NOT NULL
          AND    rownum = 1;
Line: 3392

	      p_macd_action = 'DELETE'  THEN
            oe_debug_pub.add('Before raising error',2);
Line: 3408

         SELECT configuration_id, component_code
          INTO   x_config_item_id, x_component_code
          FROM   oe_order_lines_all oe_line
          WHERE  oe_line.top_model_line_id = p_top_model_line_id
          AND    oe_line.configuration_id = p_instance_item_id
          AND    rownum = 1;
Line: 3475

   If  p_macd_action in ('DELETE', 'DISCONTINUE')  then

	      SELECT cz_hdr.baseline_rev_nbr
	      INTO   l_baseline_rev_nbr
	      FROM   cz_config_hdrs cz_hdr, oe_order_lines oe_line,
	             cz_config_details_v czv
	      WHERE oe_line.line_id = p_line_id
	      AND    czv.config_hdr_id     = oe_line.config_header_id
	      AND    czv.config_rev_nbr    = oe_line.config_rev_nbr
	      AND    czv.config_item_id    = oe_line.configuration_id
	      AND    cz_hdr.config_hdr_id  = czv.instance_hdr_id
	      AND    cz_hdr.config_rev_nbr = czv.instance_rev_nbr
	      AND    cz_hdr.baseline_rev_nbr IS NOT NULL
	      AND    rownum = 1;
Line: 3493

         p_macd_action = 'DELETE'  THEN
          oe_debug_pub.add('Base line rev number greater than 0',2);