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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 19

         SELECT 'Y'
         FROM   per_all_people_f
         WHERE  full_name = p_resource_name
           and  rownum=1;
Line: 25

         SELECT 'Y'
     FROM   pa_party_resource_details_v
         WHERE  party_name = p_resource_name
           and  rownum=1;
Line: 116

              SELECT person_id
              FROM   per_all_people_f
              WHERE  full_name = p_resource_name
          AND    trunc(p_date) between trunc(effective_start_date)
                                       and trunc(effective_end_date);
Line: 133

     SELECT  pa_resource_utils.get_resource_id(p_resource_id)
     INTO l_pa_resource_id
     FROM dual;
Line: 138

             SELECT nvl(future_term_wf_flag,'N')
            INTO l_future_term_wf_flag
            FROM pa_resources
            WHERE resource_id = l_pa_resource_id;
Line: 160

           SELECT  DISTINCT(prd.person_id)
           INTO   x_resource_id
           FROM pa_resources_denorm prd
           WHERE prd.person_id = p_resource_id
           AND  trunc(p_date) > = (Select trunc(min(prd1.resource_effective_start_date))
                                   from pa_resources_denorm prd1
                                   where prd1.person_id = prd.person_id)
           AND (trunc(p_end_date) is null
                trunc(p_end_date) < = (Select trunc(max(prd2.resource_effective_end_date))
                                       from pa_resources_denorm prd2
                                       where prd2.person_id = prd.person_id) );
Line: 174

            SELECT per.person_id
                   -- type.system_person_type -- FP M CWK
                INTO   x_resource_id
                   -- l_sys_per_type
                FROM   per_all_people_f per
                               -- per_person_types type
                WHERE  per.person_id = p_resource_id
                        -- AND    per.person_type_id = type.person_type_id
            AND trunc(p_date) between trunc(per.effective_start_date) and trunc(per.effective_end_date)
            AND (p_end_date is null
                -- Start changes for Bug 6828493
                --(trunc(p_end_date) between trunc(per.effective_start_date) and trunc(per.effective_end_date))
                (trunc(p_end_date) < =     (Select trunc(max(per2.effective_end_date))
                                            from per_all_people_f per2
                                            where per2.person_id = p_resource_id
                                            AND (per2.current_employee_flag = 'Y' OR per2.current_npw_flag = 'Y')) -- AND Codn added for bug 6851095
                 AND trunc(p_end_date) > = (Select trunc(min(per3.effective_start_date))
                                            from per_all_people_f per3
                                            where per3.person_id = p_resource_id
                                            AND (per3.current_employee_flag = 'Y' OR per3.current_npw_flag = 'Y')))) -- AND Codn added for bug 6851095
                -- End changes for Bug 6828493
            AND (per.current_employee_flag = 'Y'
                 per.current_npw_flag = 'Y'); -- FP M CWK
Line: 208

/*                      SELECT type.system_person_type
                INTO   l_sys_per_type
                FROM   per_all_people_f per,
                               per_person_types type
                WHERE  per.person_id = x_resource_id
                        AND    per.person_type_id = type.person_type_id
            AND    trunc(p_date) between trunc(per.effective_start_date)
                                and trunc(per.effective_end_date)
            AND    (per.current_employee_flag = 'Y' OR -- Added this check for bug#2683266
                                per.current_npw_flag = 'Y'); -- FP M CWK */
Line: 245

/*                         SELECT type.system_person_type
                           INTO   l_sys_per_type
                           FROM   per_all_people_f per,
                                  per_person_types type
                           WHERE  per.person_id = x_resource_id
                           AND    per.person_type_id = type.person_type_id
                           AND    trunc(p_date) between trunc(per.effective_start_date) and trunc(per.effective_end_date)
            AND    (per.current_employee_flag = 'Y' OR -- Added this check for bug#2683266
                                per.current_npw_flag = 'Y'); -- FP M CWK */
Line: 265

        SELECT per.person_id
               -- type.system_person_type -- FP M CWK
            INTO   x_resource_id
               -- l_sys_per_type -- FP M CWK
            FROM   per_all_people_f per
                       -- per_person_types type -- FP M CWK
            WHERE  per.full_name = p_resource_name
                -- AND    per.person_type_id = type.person_type_id -- FP M CWK
        AND    trunc(p_date) between trunc(per.effective_start_date)
                                         and trunc(per.effective_end_date)
        AND (p_end_date is null OR (trunc(p_end_date) between trunc(per.effective_start_date) -- 3235018 Added end date condition
                      and trunc(per.effective_end_date)))
        AND    (per.current_employee_flag = 'Y' OR /* Added this check for bug#2683266 */
                        per.current_npw_flag = 'Y'); -- FP M CWK
Line: 289

           select resource_type_id
           into x_resource_type_id
           from pa_resource_types
           where resource_type_code = decode(l_sys_per_type,
Line: 296

    x_resource_type_id := l_resource_type_id; /* Added for bug#2683266 as the earlier select is commented */
Line: 305

                SELECT party_id
            INTO   x_resource_id
            FROM   pa_party_resource_details_v hz
            WHERE  hz.party_id = p_resource_id
        AND    trunc(p_date) between trunc(hz.start_date)
                   and trunc(nvl(hz.end_date, to_date('31-12-4712', 'DD-MM-YYYY')));
Line: 314

        SELECT party_id
            INTO   x_resource_id
            FROM   pa_party_resource_details_v hz
            WHERE  hz.party_name = p_resource_name
        AND    trunc(p_date) between trunc(hz.start_date)
                   and trunc(nvl(hz.end_date, to_date('31-12-4712', 'DD-MM-YYYY')));
Line: 376

      select jtf_resource_id
      into x_jtf_resource_id
      from pa_resources
      where resource_id = l_resource_id;
Line: 386

    select a.jtf_resource_id
    into x_jtf_resource_id
    from pa_resources a, pa_project_parties  b
    where a.resource_id = b.resource_id
    and b.project_party_id = l_project_player_id;
Line: 431

        resource_id = p_resource_id
    and     p_start_date between resource_effective_start_date
                                 and resource_effective_end_date;
Line: 470

             pa_project_types_all PT,
             pa_projects_all P,
             pa_implementations_all iprv,
             pa_implementations_all irecv
        WHERE P.project_type = PT.project_type
          AND NVL(P.template_flag, 'N') <> 'Y'
          --Bug2538692 AND pa_security.allow_query(P.project_id) = 'Y'
          AND ((iprv.business_group_id = irecv.business_group_id
          and pa_cross_business_grp.IsCrossBGProfile='N')
           OR pa_cross_business_grp.IsCrossBGProfile ='Y')
          -- bug 8967761 .. below 2 are changed to remove IS NULL
          --AND (irecv.org_id IS NULL OR irecv.org_id = P.org_id)
          --AND (PT.org_id IS NULL or PT.org_id = P.org_id)
          AND (irecv.org_id = P.org_id)
          AND (PT.org_id = P.org_id)
          AND PT.project_type <> 'AWARD_PROJECT'
          AND nvl(PT.cc_prvdr_flag, 'N') <> 'Y'
          AND PLE.organization_id (+) = iprv.org_id
          AND PLE.org_information_context (+) = 'Operating Unit Information'
          AND RLE.organization_id (+) = irecv.org_id
          AND RLE.org_information_context (+) = 'Operating Unit Information'
          AND ( P.org_id = iprv.org_id
              ( PLE.org_information2 = RLE.org_information2
                               WHERE CO.prvdr_org_id = iprv.org_id
                               AND   CO.recvr_org_id = irecv.org_id
                               AND   CO.prvdr_allow_cc_flag = 'Y')
                      (iprv.cc_allow_iu_flag = 'Y'
                       AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT null FROM
                                        PA_CC_ORG_RELATIONSHIPS CO
                                        WHERE CO.prvdr_org_id = iprv.org_id
                                        AND   CO.recvr_org_id = irecv.org_id
                                        AND   CO.prvdr_allow_cc_flag = 'N')
              ( PLE.org_information2 <> RLE.org_information2
                AND PT.project_type_class_code <> 'CAPITAL'
                             WHERE CO.prvdr_org_id = iprv.org_id
                             AND   CO.recvr_org_id = irecv.org_id
                             AND   CO.prvdr_allow_cc_flag = 'Y'
                             AND  (( CO.prvdr_project_id IS NOT NULL
                                   AND CO.vendor_site_id IS NOT NULL
                                   AND CO.cross_charge_code  = 'I')
                                   OR CO.cross_charge_code  = 'N' )
              AND P.project_id = p_project_id
              AND     iprv.org_id = l_prvdr_org_id;
Line: 583

         select 'X'
             from dual
             where exists (select res.resource_id
                           from   pa_resources_denorm res,
                                  pa_all_organizations org
                           where  org.pa_org_use_type  = 'EXPENDITURES'
                           and    org.inactive_date    IS NULL
                           and    org.organization_id  = res.resource_organization_id
                           and    res.resource_id      = p_resource_id
                           and    TRUNC(l_date) between TRUNC(res.resource_effective_start_date) and TRUNC(res.resource_effective_end_date));
Line: 668

         select 'X'
             from dual
             where exists (select res.resource_id
                           from   pa_resources_denorm res,
                                  pa_all_organizations org
                           where  org.pa_org_use_type  = 'EXPENDITURES'
                           and    org.inactive_date    IS NULL
                           and    org.organization_id  = res.resource_organization_id
                           and    res.resource_id      = p_resource_id
                           and    l_start_date_active between get_resource_start_date(p_resource_id) and get_resource_end_date(p_resource_id)
                           and    l_end_date_active <=  get_resource_end_date(p_resource_id));
Line: 709

PROCEDURE set_global_variables( p_selected_flag IN VARCHAR2
                               ,p_person_id     IN PA_EMPLOYEES.PERSON_ID%TYPE
                               ,p_version_id    IN PER_ORG_STRUCTURE_ELEMENTS.ORG_STRUCTURE_VERSION_ID%TYPE
                               ,p_start_org_id  IN PER_ORG_STRUCTURE_ELEMENTS.ORGANIZATION_ID_PARENT%TYPE

  G_SELECTED_FLAG := p_selected_flag;
Line: 727

FUNCTION get_selected_flag RETURN VARCHAR2
Line: 731

END get_selected_flag;
Line: 879

	SELECT name
	INTO l_org_name
	FROM hr_organization_units
	WHERE organization_id = p_org_id;
Line: 900

PROCEDURE insert_grant( p_person_id  IN NUMBER
                       ,p_org_id     IN NUMBER
                       ,p_role_name  IN VARCHAR2
                       ,x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895

Line: 1027

                    , p_procedure_name  => 'insert_grant'
                    , p_error_text      => SUBSTRB(SQLERRM,1,100));
Line: 1030

END insert_grant;
Line: 1035

PROCEDURE delete_grant( p_person_id  IN NUMBER
                        ,p_org_id     IN NUMBER
                        ,p_role_name  IN VARCHAR2
                        ,x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895

Line: 1140

                    , p_procedure_name  => 'delete_grant'
                    , p_error_text      => SUBSTRB(SQLERRM,1,100));
Line: 1143

END delete_grant;
Line: 1154

                distinct pg.grade_id,pg.sequence
                per_job_groups pjg,
                per_grades pg,
                per_valid_grades pvg
                pjg.master_flag = 'Y'
        and     pjg.job_group_id = P_Job_Grp_Id
        and     pvg.job_id = P_Job_Id
        and     pg.grade_id = pvg.grade_id
    and     trunc(sysdate) between pvg.date_from and nvl(pvg.date_to,trunc(sysdate))
                distinct pg.grade_id,pg.sequence
                per_valid_grades pvg,
                pa_job_relationships pjr,
                per_job_groups pjg,
                per_grades pg
                pjg.master_flag = 'Y'
        and     pjr.from_job_id = P_Job_Id
        and     pjr.to_job_id = pvg.job_id
        and     pjr.to_job_group_id = pjg.job_group_id
        and     pg.grade_id = pvg.grade_id
        and     trunc(sysdate) between pvg.date_from and nvl(pvg.date_to,trunc(sysdate))
                distinct pg.grade_id,pg.sequence
                per_valid_grades pvg,
                pa_job_relationships pjr,
                per_job_groups pjg,
                per_grades pg
                pjg.master_flag = 'Y'
        and     pjr.to_job_id = P_Job_Id
        and     pjr.from_job_id = pvg.job_id
        and     pjr.from_job_group_id = pjg.job_group_id
        and     pg.grade_id = pvg.grade_id
        and     trunc(sysdate) between pvg.date_from and nvl(pvg.date_to,trunc(sysdate))
                distinct pg.grade_id,pg.sequence
                per_job_groups pjg,
                per_grades pg,
                per_valid_grades pvg
        where   pjg.master_flag = 'N'
        and     pjg.job_group_id = P_Job_Grp_Id
        and     pvg.job_id = P_Job_Id
        and     pg.grade_id = pvg.grade_id
        and     not exists (select null
                            from per_job_groups
                            where master_flag = 'Y')
        and     trunc(sysdate) between pvg.date_from and nvl(pvg.date_to,trunc(sysdate));*/
Line: 1261

          select to_job_id
          into X_To_JobId
          from pa_job_relationships_view
          where from_job_group_id = P_From_Forecast_JobGrpId
          and   to_job_group_id = P_To_Proj_Cost_JobGrpId
          and   from_job_id = P_From_JobId;
Line: 1293

           SELECT name
           INTO   X_To_JobName
           FROM   per_jobs
           WHERE  job_id = P_From_JobId
           AND ROWNUM = 1;
Line: 1299

           select to_job_name
           into X_To_JobName
           from pa_job_relationships_view
           where from_job_group_id = P_From_Forecast_JobGrpId
           and   to_job_group_id = P_To_Proj_Cost_JobGrpId
           and   from_job_id = P_From_JobId;
Line: 1354

                    SELECT  distinct per.person_id
                    FROM   fnd_grants fg, wf_roles wfr, per_all_people_f per
                    WHERE  fg.object_id = objid
                    AND    fg.instance_pk1_value = TO_CHAR(orgid)
                    AND    fg.menu_id = roleid
                    AND    fg.instance_type = 'INSTANCE'
                    AND fg.grantee_key    = wfr.name
                    AND wfr.orig_system    = 'HZ_PARTY'
                    AND per.party_id = wfr.orig_system_id
                    AND sysdate between per.effective_start_date and
                    AND    trunc(SYSDATE) BETWEEN trunc(fg.start_date)
                                  AND     trunc(NVL(fg.end_date, SYSDATE+1));
Line: 1376

            SELECT 'Y'
            INTO  v_validated
            FROM  per_all_people_f -- Bug 4684198 - use base table not view
            WHERE person_id = P_PersonId
            AND   trunc(sysdate) BETWEEN effective_start_date
                                 AND     effective_end_date
            -- Bug 4684198 - remove nvl on effective_end_date - col is not null
            AND   rownum = 1;
Line: 1398

        SELECT organization_id
        INTO   v_orgid
        FROM   per_all_assignments_f -- Bug 4684198 - use base table not view
        WHERE  person_id = P_PersonId
        AND    trunc(sysdate) BETWEEN effective_start_date
                              AND     effective_end_date
        -- Bug 4684198 - remove nvl on effective_end_date - col is not null
        AND    primary_flag = 'Y'
    AND    assignment_type in ('E', 'C'); /* added for bug 2745823 */
Line: 1409

        SELECT distinct object_id
        INTO   v_objid
        FROM   fnd_objects
        WHERE  obj_name = v_objname;
Line: 1423

                SELECT  pep.person_id,
      --distinct to_number(substr(fg.grantee_key,instr(fg.grantee_key,':')+1)),
                INTO    P_PrimaryContactId,P_PrimaryContactName
                FROM   fnd_grants fg,
                       per_all_people_f pep, -- Bug 4684198 - use table
                       wf_roles wfr
                WHERE  fg.object_id = v_objid
                AND    fg.instance_pk1_value = TO_CHAR(v_orgid)
                AND    fg.menu_id = v_Primroleid
                AND    fg.instance_type = 'INSTANCE'
                AND wfr.orig_system    = 'HZ_PARTY'
                AND pep.party_id = wfr.orig_system_id
                -- AND    'PER:' || pep.person_id = fg.grantee_key
                -- AND    pep.person_id = substr(fg.grantee_key,instr(fg.grantee_key,':')+1)
                AND    trunc(SYSDATE) BETWEEN trunc(fg.start_date)
                                      AND     trunc(NVL(fg.end_date, SYSDATE+1))
                AND    trunc(sysdate) BETWEEN pep.effective_start_date
                                      AND     pep.effective_end_date
                AND    wfr.name = fg.grantee_key; -- added for perf bug 4887312
Line: 1471

                             SELECT full_name
                             INTO   P_ResourceAnalystTab(j)
                             FROM   per_all_people_f -- Bug 4684198
                             WHERE  person_id = P_ResourceIdTab(j)
                             AND    trunc(sysdate) BETWEEN effective_start_date
                                                   AND     effective_end_date;
Line: 1555

                SELECT  distinct pep.person_id -- changes for 11.5.10 security
                      --  to_number(substr(fg.grantee_key,instr(fg.grantee_key,':')+1))
                INTO    x_PrimaryContactId,x_PrimaryContactName
                FROM   fnd_grants fg,
                       per_all_people_f pep,  -- Bug 4684198 - use table
                       wf_roles wfr
                WHERE  fg.object_id = P_objid
                AND    fg.instance_pk1_value = to_char(P_orgid)
                AND    fg.menu_id = P_Primroleid
                AND    fg.instance_type = 'INSTANCE'
                AND    fg.grantee_key   = wfr.name
                AND    wfr.orig_system  = 'HZ_PARTY'
                AND    pep.party_id = wfr.orig_system_id
                AND    trunc(SYSDATE) BETWEEN trunc(fg.start_date)
                                      AND     trunc(NVL(fg.end_date, SYSDATE+1))
               -- AND    'PER:' || pep.person_id = fg.grantee_key --bug 2795616:perfomance
                -- AND    pep.person_id = substr(fg.grantee_key,instr(fg.grantee_key,':')+1)
                AND    p_start_date BETWEEN pep.effective_start_date
                                    AND     pep.effective_end_date
                and (PEP.current_employee_flag = 'Y' or PEP.current_npw_flag = 'Y');
Line: 1622

				SELECT assn.supervisor_id,pep.full_name
                INTO   x_ManagerId,x_ManagerName
                FROM   per_all_assignments_f assn,per_all_people_f pep
                WHERE  assn.person_id = P_personId
                AND    pep.person_id = assn.supervisor_id
                AND    trunc(p_start_date) BETWEEN assn.effective_start_date /*Bug 8817301 */
                                    AND     assn.effective_end_date
                AND    trunc(sysdate) BETWEEN pep.effective_start_date
                                      AND     pep.effective_end_date
                AND    primary_flag = 'Y'
		AND    assignment_type in ('C', 'E');
Line: 1649

              SELECT assn.supervisor_id,pep.full_name
              INTO   x_ManagerId,x_ManagerName
              FROM   per_all_assignments_f assn,
                                 per_all_people_f pep
              WHERE  assn.person_id = P_personId
              AND    pep.person_id = assn.supervisor_id
              AND    trunc(p_start_date) BETWEEN assn.effective_start_date /*Bug 8817301 */
                                  AND     assn.effective_end_date
              AND    trunc(sysdate) BETWEEN pep.effective_start_date
                                    AND     pep.effective_end_date
              AND    primary_flag = 'Y'
              AND    assignment_type = 'B';
Line: 1677

SELECT assn.supervisor_id,pep.full_name
                INTO   x_ManagerId,x_ManagerName
                FROM   per_all_assignments_f assn,per_all_people_f pep
                WHERE  assn.person_id = P_personId
                AND    pep.person_id = assn.supervisor_id
                AND    trunc(p_start_date) BETWEEN assn.effective_start_date /*Bug 8817301 */
                                    AND     assn.effective_end_date
                AND    trunc(sysdate) BETWEEN pep.effective_start_date
                                      AND     pep.effective_end_date
                AND    primary_flag = 'Y'
		AND    assignment_type in ('C', 'E') /* added for bug 2745823 */
                AND ((SELECT per_system_status
                      FROM per_assignment_status_types past
                      WHERE past.assignment_status_type_id = assn.assignment_status_type_id) IN ('ACTIVE_ASSIGN','ACTIVE_CWK')); --Bug#8879958
Line: 1732

        SELECT organization_id
        INTO   x_orgid
        FROM   per_all_assignments_f
        WHERE  person_id = P_personId
        AND    trunc(p_start_date)  BETWEEN effective_start_date --bug 9403051
                             AND     effective_end_date
        AND    primary_flag = 'Y'
    AND    assignment_type in ('E', 'C'); /* added for bug 2745823 */
Line: 1780

                SELECT Person_id
                INTO   x_personId
                FROM   pa_resource_txn_attributes
                WHERE  resource_id = P_ResourceId;
Line: 1797

                    SELECT 'Y'
                    INTO  v_validated
                    FROM  per_people_f
                    WHERE person_id = x_personId
                    AND   trunc(sysdate) BETWEEN effective_start_date
                    AND   NVL(effective_end_date,sysdate + 1)
                    AND   rownum = 1;
Line: 1859

        SELECT distinct object_id
        INTO   x_objid
        FROM   fnd_objects
        WHERE  obj_name = P_objname;
Line: 1927

              SELECT start_date
              INTO   l_start_date
              FROM   pa_project_assignments
              WHERE  assignment_id = p_assignment_id
Line: 2065

   SELECT resource_id
   INTO l_resource_id
   FROM pa_resource_txn_attributes
   WHERE person_id = p_person_id;
Line: 2089

  select count(*) into l_count
  from   pa_resources_denorm
  where  resource_organization_id   = p_org_id
  and    p_date between resource_effective_start_date and resource_effective_end_date;
Line: 2096

  select count(*) into l_count
  from   pa_resources_denorm
  where  resource_organization_id   = p_org_id
  and    p_date between resource_effective_start_date and resource_effective_end_date
Line: 2102

  select count(*) into l_count
  from   pa_resources_denorm
  where  resource_organization_id   = p_org_id
  and    p_date between resource_effective_start_date and resource_effective_end_date
Line: 2108

  select count(*) into l_count
  from   pa_resources_denorm
  where  resource_organization_id   = p_org_id
  and    p_date between resource_effective_start_date and resource_effective_end_date;
Line: 2155

        select org.child_organization_id c_org
        from   pa_org_hierarchy_denorm org,
               pa_implementations imp
        where  org.parent_organization_id         = p_org_id
        and    org.parent_level - org.child_level = 1
        and    org.pa_org_use_type                = 'REPORTING'
        and    org.org_hierarchy_version_id       = imp.org_structure_version_id
        and    nvl(org.org_id,nvl(to_number(decode(substr(userenv('client_info'),1,1),' ',null,
               substr(userenv('client_info'),1,10))), -99)) =
                 nvl(to_number(decode(substr(userenv('client_info'),1,1),' ',null,substr(userenv('client_info'),1,10))),-99)
        order by org.child_organization_id; */
Line: 2167

        select org.child_organization_id c_org
        from   pa_org_hierarchy_denorm org,
               pa_implementations imp
        where  org.parent_organization_id         = p_org_id
        and    org.parent_level - org.child_level = 1
        and    org.pa_org_use_type                = 'REPORTING'
        and    org.org_hierarchy_version_id       = imp.org_structure_version_id
        and    nvl(org.org_id,NVL(PA_MOAC_UTILS.GET_CURRENT_ORG_ID,-99)) = NVL(PA_MOAC_UTILS.GET_CURRENT_ORG_ID,-99)
        order by org.child_organization_id;
Line: 2189

      select glp.end_date into l_date
          from   gl_periods glp,
                 gl_sets_of_books glsob,
                 pa_implementations pai
          where  pai.set_of_books_id         = glsob.set_of_books_id
          and    glsob.period_set_name       = glp.period_set_name
          and    glsob.accounted_period_type = glp.period_type
          and    glp.period_name             = p_period_name;
Line: 2200

                       select pap.pa_end_date into l_date
                       from   pa_periods_v pap,
                              pa_implementations pai
                       where  pap.period_name     = p_period_name
                       and    pai.set_of_books_id = pap.set_of_books_id;
Line: 2207

            /* Select from pa_periods_v is replaced by view definition for Perfomance
               Bug 2634995        */
            SELECT pap.end_date
            INTO   l_date
            FROM   PA_PERIODS PAP,
                   GL_PERIOD_STATUSES GLP,
                   PA_IMPLEMENTATIONS PAIMP,
                   PA_LOOKUPS PAL
            WHERE PAP.period_name  = p_period_name
            AND   GLP.APPLICATION_ID = Pa_Period_Process_Pkg.Application_id
            AND   GLP.CLOSING_STATUS = PAL.LOOKUP_CODE /*Added for bug 5484203*/
Line: 2226

          select max(glp.end_date)
          into l_date
          from   gl_periods glp,
                 gl_sets_of_books glsob,
                 pa_implementations pai
          where  pai.set_of_books_id         = glsob.set_of_books_id
          and    glsob.period_set_name       = glp.period_set_name
          and    glsob.accounted_period_type = glp.period_type
          and    glp.period_year             = p_year;
Line: 2238

          select max(glp.end_date)
          into l_date
          from   gl_periods glp,
                 gl_sets_of_books glsob,
                 pa_implementations pai
          where  pai.set_of_books_id         = glsob.set_of_books_id
          and    glsob.period_set_name       = glp.period_set_name
          and    glsob.accounted_period_type = glp.period_type
          and    glp.quarter_num             = to_number(p_period_name)
          and    glp.period_year             = p_year;
Line: 2346

      select glp.start_date into l_date
          from   gl_periods glp,
                 gl_sets_of_books glsob,
                 pa_implementations pai
          where  pai.set_of_books_id         = glsob.set_of_books_id
          and    glsob.period_set_name       = glp.period_set_name
          and    glsob.accounted_period_type = glp.period_type
          and    glp.period_name             = p_period_name;
Line: 2358

           select pap.pa_start_date into l_date
          from   pa_periods_v pap,
                 pa_implementations pai
          where  pap.period_name     = p_period_name
          and    pai.set_of_books_id = pap.set_of_books_id;
Line: 2365

          /* Select from pa_periods_v is replaced by view definition for Perfomance
             Bug 2634995        */

            SELECT pap.start_date
            INTO   l_date
            FROM   PA_PERIODS PAP,
                   GL_PERIOD_STATUSES GLP,
                   PA_IMPLEMENTATIONS PAIMP,
                   PA_LOOKUPS PAL
            WHERE PAP.period_name  = p_period_name
            AND   GLP.APPLICATION_ID = Pa_Period_Process_Pkg.Application_id
Line: 2383

          select min(glp.start_date)
          into l_date
          from   gl_periods glp,
                 gl_sets_of_books glsob,
                 pa_implementations pai
          where  pai.set_of_books_id         = glsob.set_of_books_id
          and    glsob.period_set_name       = glp.period_set_name
          and    glsob.accounted_period_type = glp.period_type
          and    glp.period_year             = p_year;
Line: 2395

          select min(glp.start_date)
          into l_date
          from   gl_periods glp,
                 gl_sets_of_books glsob,
                 pa_implementations pai
          where  pai.set_of_books_id         = glsob.set_of_books_id
          and    glsob.period_set_name       = glp.period_set_name
          and    glsob.accounted_period_type = glp.period_type
          and    glp.quarter_num             = to_number(p_period_name)
          and    glp.period_year             = p_year;
Line: 2421

   SELECT employee_id
   INTO l_root_manager_id
   FROM  fnd_user
   WHERE user_id = p_user_id;
Line: 2457

     SELECT sum(capacity_quantity)
     INTO   capacity
     FROM   pa_forecast_items
     WHERE  resource_id      = res_id
     AND    delete_flag      = 'N'
     AND    forecast_item_type = 'U'
     AND    item_date  between week_start_date
                       and     week_start_date + 6;
Line: 2500

  SELECT proj.name || '(' || proj.segment1 || ')',
    INTO l_proj_name_number,
    FROM --pa_resources_denorm res,
         pa_project_assignments asgmt,
         pa_projects_all proj,
         pa_project_statuses ps
   WHERE --trunc(sysdate) between trunc(res.resource_effective_start_date)
         --               and trunc(res.resource_effective_end_date)
         --AND  res.resource_id = asgmt.resource_id
         --AND  res.resource_id = p_resource_id
	      asgmt.resource_id = p_resource_id
         AND  trunc(sysdate) BETWEEN trunc(asgmt.start_date) and trunc(asgmt.end_date)
         AND  asgmt.project_id = proj.project_id
         AND  asgmt.status_code  = ps.project_status_code
         AND  ps.project_system_status_code = 'STAFFED_ASGMT_CONF'
         AND  rownum=1;
Line: 2571

/* changed the select statement to be based on per_all_people_f and added
the sysdate condition for bug 2983491 */

                SELECT full_name
                INTO   x_person_name
                FROM   per_all_people_f
                WHERE  person_id   =  p_person_id
                                                WHERE  person_id   =  p_person_id
                                        and trunc(EFFECTIVE_END_DATE) >= trunc(sysdate));
Line: 2636

                SELECT address_line_1,
                INTO   x_address_line_1,
                FROM   hr_locations
                WHERE  location_id   = p_location_id;
Line: 2716

                SELECT to_number(ou.org_information1)
                INTO   x_default_ou
                FROM   hr_organization_information ou
                WHERE  ou.org_information_context = 'Exp Organization Defaults'
                AND    ou.organization_id         = p_organization_id
                AND    rownum                  = 1;
Line: 2728

                SELECT to_number(cal.org_information1)
                INTO   x_default_cal_id
                FROM   hr_organization_information cal-- R12 HR Org Info change
                WHERE  cal.organization_id         = p_organization_id
                AND    cal.org_information_context = 'Resource Defaults'
                AND    rownum                      = 1;
Line: 2795

                SELECT 'Y'
                INTO   x_valid
                FROM   pa_all_organizations o,
                       pa_implementations  i                 -- Added for bug 2673140
                WHERE  o.pa_org_use_type = 'EXPENDITURES'
                AND    o.inactive_date is null
                AND    o.organization_id = p_organization_id
                AND    rownum          = 1
                AND    o.org_id = i.org_id;                 -- Added for bug 2673140
Line: 2806

                  SELECT 'Y'
                  INTO   x_valid
                  FROM   pa_all_organizations
                  WHERE  pa_org_use_type = 'EXPENDITURES'
                  AND    inactive_date is null
                  AND    organization_id = p_organization_id
                  AND    rownum          = 1;
Line: 2865

                SELECT 'Y'
                INTO   x_valid
                FROM   pa_resource_txn_attributes
                WHERE  person_id = p_person_id
                AND    rownum          = 1;
Line: 2873

                SELECT 'Y'
                INTO   x_valid
                FROM   pa_resource_txn_attributes
                WHERE  party_id = p_party_id
                AND    rownum = 1;
Line: 2937

   select pa_security_pvt.get_menu_id(p_prim_role_name)
   into   l_menu_id
   from   dual;
Line: 2942

   SELECT pep.full_name,
   INTO  l_primary_contact_name,
   FROM  fnd_grants fg,
         fnd_objects fob,
         per_all_people_f pep, -- Bug 4684198 - use base table not secure view
         wf_roles wfr
  /* Bug# 2499051 - Moved the function call to fetch to a local variable at the start of the procedure
         (select pa_security_pvt.get_menu_id(p_prim_role_name) menu_id from dual) temp */
   WHERE  fg.object_id = fob.object_id
          AND  fob.obj_name = 'ORGANIZATION'
          AND  fg.instance_pk1_value = to_char(p_org_id)
/*        AND  fg.menu_id = temp.menu_id -- Bug# 2499051 - Using local variable */
          AND  fg.menu_id = l_menu_id /* Bug# 2499051 */
          AND  fg.instance_type = 'INSTANCE'
          AND  fg.grantee_type = 'USER'
          AND  trunc(SYSDATE) BETWEEN trunc(fg.start_date)
                              AND     trunc(NVL(fg.end_date, SYSDATE+1))
        --  AND  'PER:' || pep.person_id = fg.grantee_key --bug 2795616:perfomance
          AND    fg.grantee_key   = wfr.name
          AND    wfr.orig_system  = 'HZ_PARTY'
          AND    pep.party_id = wfr.orig_system_id -- Added for 11.5.10 security
          -- AND PEP.PERSON_ID  = substr(fg.grantee_key,instr(fg.grantee_key,':')+1)
          AND  sysdate BETWEEN pep.effective_start_date
               AND pep.effective_end_date
          AND (pep.current_employee_flag = 'Y' OR pep.current_npw_flag = 'Y'); -- Added for bug 4938392
Line: 3000

    SELECT min(resource_effective_start_date)
    INTO l_start_date
    FROM pa_resources_denorm
    WHERE resource_id = p_resource_id
Line: 3038

    SELECT min(resource_effective_start_date)
        INTO l_start_date
    FROM pa_resources_denorm
        WHERE resource_id = p_resource_id
        and resource_effective_start_date > sysdate
Line: 3076

    SELECT max(resource_effective_end_date)
    INTO l_end_date
    FROM pa_resources_denorm
    WHERE resource_id = p_resource_id ;
Line: 3113

    SELECT min(resource_effective_start_date)
    INTO   l_start_date
    FROM   pa_resources_denorm
    WHERE  resource_id = p_resource_id
Line: 3145

    SELECT min(resource_effective_start_date)
    INTO   l_start_date
    FROM   pa_resources_denorm
    WHERE  resource_id = p_resource_id
    and resource_effective_start_date > sysdate
Line: 3179

    SELECT max(resource_effective_end_date)
    INTO   l_end_date
    FROM   pa_resources_denorm
    WHERE  resource_id = p_resource_id
Line: 3250

    INTO   l_start_date
    WHERE  P.PERSON_ID = p_person_id
                            FROM PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F PP
                            WHERE PP.PERSON_ID = p_person_id
                            AND PP.EFFECTIVE_END_DATE >= SYSDATE)
                            AND (P.EMPLOYEE_NUMBER IS NOT NULL OR
                                     P.npw_number is not null); -- FP M CWK
Line: 3263

     INTO   l_start_date
         WHERE PP.PERSON_ID = p_person_id
               PP.npw_number is not null);-- FP M CWK
Line: 3304

     SELECT sum(capacity_quantity)
     INTO   l_capacity
     FROM   pa_forecast_items
     WHERE  resource_id      = p_resource_id
     AND    delete_flag      = 'N'
     AND    forecast_item_type = 'U'
     AND    item_date  between p_start_date
                       and     p_end_date;
Line: 3355

          SELECT resource_organization_id
          INTO   l_organization_id
          FROM   pa_resources_denorm
          WHERE  p_wk_date BETWEEN resource_effective_start_date AND resource_effective_end_date
          AND    resource_id = p_resource_id  ;
Line: 3384

           SELECT jcra.calendar_id
           INTO   l_calendar_id
           FROM   pa_resources par,
                  jtf_cal_resource_assign jcra
           WHERE  par.jtf_resource_id = jcra.resource_id
           AND    par.resource_id     = p_resource_id
           AND    p_wk_date between jcra.start_date_time and nvl(jcra.end_date_time,to_date('31-12-4712', 'DD-MM-YYYY'));
Line: 3405

        SELECT decode( to_char( p_wk_date,'D'),
                            SATURDAY_HOURS )
        INTO  x_capacity
        FROM  pa_schedules pas
        WHERE p_wk_date BETWEEN pas.start_date AND pas.end_date
        AND   pas.CALENDAR_ID        = l_calendar_id
Line: 3471

    select menu_name
    into   l_menu_name
    from   fnd_menus menu,
           fnd_responsibility resp
    where  resp.responsibility_id = fnd_global.resp_id
    and    resp.menu_id           = menu.menu_id
    and    resp.application_id = fnd_global.resp_appl_id ;
Line: 3535

     select pfi.global_exp_period_end_date,
     into   l_date,
  from   pa_forecast_items pfi
  where  pfi.forecast_item_type = 'A'
  and    pfi.delete_flag        = 'N'
  and    pfi.resource_id        = p_resource_id
  and    pfi.item_date          = p_week_date
  group by pfi.global_exp_period_end_date,
Line: 3598

     SELECT 'Y'
     FROM pa_resources_denorm
     WHERE sysdate    < resource_effective_end_date
     AND   manager_id = l_manager_id
     START WITH resource_id = l_resource_id
          prior manager_id = person_id
          and manager_id <> prior person_id
          and sysdate < resource_effective_end_date
          and sysdate < prior resource_effective_end_date;
Line: 3612

     SELECT 'Y'
     FROM pa_resources_denorm res,
          fnd_grants          fg,
          fnd_objects         fob,
          per_all_people_f    per,
      wf_roles            wfr,
          (select pa_security_pvt.get_menu_id('PA_PRM_RES_AUTH') menu_id
           from dual)         res_auth_menu
     WHERE fob.obj_name           = 'ORGANIZATION'
       and res.resource_id        = l_resource_id
       and trunc(sysdate)                < res.resource_effective_end_date --Bug 9403051
       and fg.instance_pk1_value  = to_char(res.resource_organization_id)
       and fg.instance_type       = 'INSTANCE'
       and fg.object_id           = fob.object_id
       and fg.grantee_type        = 'USER'
       and fg.menu_id             = res_auth_menu.menu_id
       and trunc(SYSDATE) between trunc(fg.start_date)
                          and     trunc(NVL(fg.end_date, SYSDATE+1))
       -- and fg.grantee_key         = 'PER:'|| per.person_id
       AND fg.grantee_key   = wfr.name
       AND wfr.orig_system  = 'HZ_PARTY'
       AND per.party_id     = wfr.orig_system_id -- Added for 11.5.10 security
       and trunc(SYSDATE) between per.effective_start_date and per.effective_end_date --Bug 9403051
       and per.person_id          <> res.manager_id
       and per.person_id          = l_manager_id;
Line: 3642

		SELECT 'Y' FROM pa_resources_denorm d
			 WHERE manager_id               =l_manager_id
			 START WITH resource_id        =l_resource_id
			 AND resource_effective_end_date =
			   (SELECT MAX(resource_effective_end_date)
			  FROM pa_resources_denorm t1
			  WHERE t1.resource_id = l_resource_id
			  CONNECT BY prior manager_id = person_id
				AND NVL(manager_id,-1)               <> prior person_id		-- Top most level manager's manager_id will be null.
				AND prior resource_effective_end_date between resource_effective_start_date
				and resource_effective_end_date; -- will pull the manager of resource at the	time of resource end date
Line: 3698

   SELECT person_id
   INTO l_person_id
   FROM pa_resource_txn_attributes
   WHERE resource_id = p_resource_id;
Line: 3726

   SELECT person_id
   INTO l_person_id
   FROM per_all_people_f
   WHERE party_id = p_party_id
   AND   trunc(sysdate) between trunc(effective_start_date)
                            and trunc(effective_end_date);
Line: 3744

    SELECT person_id
    FROM per_all_people_f
    WHERE party_id = p_party_id
    AND   trunc(sysdate) between trunc(effective_start_date)
                             and trunc(effective_end_date);
Line: 3752

    SELECT person_id
    FROM per_all_people_f
    WHERE party_id = p_party_id
    and trunc(effective_end_date) =
    (select max(trunc(effective_end_date))
     from per_all_people_f
      WHERE   trunc(sysdate) not between trunc(effective_start_date)
                             and trunc(effective_end_date)
      and party_id = p_party_id);
Line: 3800

   select 'Y'
   from per_all_people_f per
   where per.person_id             = p_person_id
     and (per.current_employee_flag = 'Y' OR per.current_npw_flag = 'Y')
     and p_effective_start_date between per.effective_start_date
                                    and per.effective_end_date;
Line: 3847

   select person_id
   from per_people_f per,
        per_person_types ptype
   where per.person_id             = p_person_id
   and   per.person_type_id        = ptype.person_type_id
   and   (ptype.system_person_type  = 'EMP'
          OR ptype.system_person_type = 'EMP_APL');
Line: 3861

   select person_id
   from per_all_people_f per
   where per.person_id             = p_person_id
     and (per.current_employee_flag = 'Y' OR per.current_npw_flag = 'Y');
Line: 3868

   select asgn.assignment_id
   from per_all_assignments_f asgn,
        per_assignment_status_types status,
        (select person_id, actual_termination_date
           from per_periods_of_service
         union all
         select person_id, actual_termination_date
           from per_periods_of_placement) po -- FP M CWK
   where asgn.person_id                  = p_person_id
   and   nvl(po.actual_termination_date, trunc(sysdate)) >= trunc(sysdate)
   and   asgn.person_id                  = po.person_id
   and   po.person_id                    = p_person_id
   and   asgn.assignment_status_type_id  = status.assignment_status_type_id
   and   status.per_system_status in ('ACTIVE_ASSIGN', 'ACTIVE_CWK')
   and   p_start_date between asgn.effective_start_date
                          and asgn.effective_end_date
   and   asgn.assignment_type in ('E', 'C'); /* Bug 2777643 */
Line: 3888

   select asgn.assignment_id
   from per_all_assignments_f asgn,
        (select person_id, actual_termination_date
           from per_periods_of_service
         union all
         select person_id, actual_termination_date
           from per_periods_of_placement) po -- FP M CWK
   where asgn.person_id            = p_person_id
   and   asgn.primary_flag         = 'Y'
   and   po.person_id              = p_person_id
   and   nvl(po.actual_termination_date, trunc(sysdate)) >= trunc(sysdate)
   and   asgn.person_id            = po.person_id
   -- and   po.period_of_service_id  = asgn.period_of_service_id
   and   p_start_date  between asgn.effective_start_date and asgn.effective_end_date
   and   asgn.assignment_type in ('E', 'C'); /* Bug 2777643 */
Line: 3906

   select asgn.job_id
   from per_all_assignments_f asgn,
        (select person_id, actual_termination_date
           from per_periods_of_service
         union all
         select person_id, actual_termination_date
           from per_periods_of_placement) po -- FP M CWK
   where asgn.person_id            = p_person_id
   and   asgn.primary_flag         = 'Y'
   and   po.person_id              = p_person_id
   and   nvl(po.actual_termination_date, trunc(sysdate)) >= trunc(sysdate)
   and   asgn.person_id            = po.person_id
   -- and   pos.period_of_service_id  = asgn.period_of_service_id
   and   asgn.job_id is not null
   and   p_start_date between asgn.effective_start_date
                          and asgn.effective_end_date
   and   asgn.assignment_type in ('E', 'C'); /* Bug 2777643 */
Line: 3925

   select person_id
   from   pa_resources_denorm
   where  person_id = p_person_id
   and    p_start_date between resource_effective_start_date
                           and resource_effective_end_date;
Line: 4022

   SELECT party_id
   INTO l_party_id
   FROM pa_resource_txn_attributes
   WHERE resource_id = p_resource_id;
Line: 4042

   SELECT resource_type_code
   INTO l_resource_type
   FROM pa_resources pr, pa_resource_types pt
   WHERE pr.resource_id = p_resource_id
     AND pr.resource_type_id = pt.resource_type_id;
Line: 4205

      SELECT employee_id, customer_id
      INTO   l_emp_id, l_cust_id
      FROM   fnd_user
      WHERE  user_name = nvl(p_user_name, user_name)
      AND    user_id = nvl(p_user_id, user_id);
Line: 4213

      SELECT employee_id,person_party_id
      INTO l_emp_id,l_cust_id
      FROM fnd_user
      WHERE user_name = nvl(p_user_name,user_name)
      AND user_id =nvl(p_user_id,user_id);*/
Line: 4220

        SELECT employee_id, person_party_id
        INTO   l_emp_id, l_cust_id
        FROM   fnd_user
        WHERE  user_id = p_user_id;
Line: 4225

        SELECT employee_id, person_party_id
        INTO   l_emp_id, l_cust_id
        FROM   fnd_user
        WHERE  user_name = p_user_name;
Line: 4230

        SELECT employee_id, person_party_id
        INTO   l_emp_id, l_cust_id
        FROM   fnd_user
        WHERE  user_name = p_user_name
        AND user_id = p_user_id;
Line: 4242

         SELECT resource_id
         INTO l_res_id
         FROM pa_resource_txn_attributes
         WHERE party_id = l_cust_id;
Line: 4274

         SELECT resource_type_code
         INTO l_resource_type_code
         FROM pa_resource_types
         WHERE resource_type_id = p_resource_type_id;
Line: 4286

         SELECT hzp.party_name
         INTO l_name
         FROM per_all_people_f peo, hz_parties hzp
         WHERE peo.person_id = p_resource_source_id
         AND   sysdate BETWEEN peo.effective_start_date AND
         AND   peo.party_id = hzp.party_id;
Line: 4298

         SELECT hzp.party_name
         INTO l_name
         FROM hz_parties hzp
         WHERE hzp.party_id = p_resource_source_id;
Line: 4326

      SELECT name
      INTO l_name
      FROM pa_resources
      WHERE resource_id = p_resource_id;
Line: 4359

    select menu_name, resp.menu_id
    into   l_menu_name, l_menu_id
    from   fnd_menus menu,
           fnd_responsibility resp
    where  resp.responsibility_id = fnd_global.resp_id
    and    resp.menu_id           = menu.menu_id
    and    resp.application_id    = fnd_global.resp_appl_id ;
Line: 4367

    select function_id
    into l_function_id
    from fnd_form_functions
    where function_name='PA_RES_LIST';
Line: 4394

 /* Updated following code since the menu got changed and
    'PA_RES_LIST' is not loger direct under the main menu.
           menu_name          => l_menu_name,
           sub_menu_name      => '',
           function_name      => 'PA_RES_LIST') */
    elsif FND_FUNCTION.Is_function_on_menu (
          p_menu_id       => l_menu_id,
          p_function_id       => l_function_id )
           l_pa_logged_resp := 'SU';
Line: 4436

     SELECT person_id, resource_name
     INTO x_person_id, x_person_name
     FROM pa_resources_denorm
     WHERE resource_name like p_person_name
       AND rownum=1;
Line: 4499

             select /* +index PA_RESOURCES_DENORM PA_RESOURCES_DENORM_N2 */
                    manager_id into x_manager_id
             from pa_resources_denorm --pa_rep_res_mgr_v
             where manager_name = l_manager_name
             and rownum = 1; -- to stop multiple rows error
Line: 4509

             select distinct manager_id into x_manager_id
             from pa_managers_v
             where manager_full_name = l_manager_name;
Line: 4523

             select manager_id into x_manager_id
             from pa_resources_denorm --pa_rep_res_mgr_v
             where manager_name = l_manager_name
               and manager_id   = l_manager_id
               and rownum = 1;
Line: 4530

             select distinct manager_id into x_manager_id
             from pa_managers_v
             where manager_full_name = l_manager_name
               and manager_id        = l_manager_id;
Line: 4579

   SELECT full_name
     INTO l_person_name
     FROM per_all_people_f
    WHERE person_id = p_person_id
      AND effective_end_date = (SELECT MAX(effective_end_date)
                                  FROM per_all_people_f
                                 WHERE person_id = p_person_id);
Line: 4614

   SELECT NVL(pp.projected_termination_date, asg.projected_assignment_end)	-- Bug#14594489
     INTO l_term_date
     FROM per_all_assignments_f asg,
          per_periods_of_placement pp
    WHERE asg.person_id = p_person_id
      AND pp.person_id = p_person_id
      AND asg.primary_flag = 'Y'
      AND asg.assignment_type = 'C'
      AND asg.period_of_placement_date_start = pp.date_start
      AND trunc(SYSDATE) BETWEEN trunc(asg.effective_start_date)
                             AND trunc(asg.effective_end_date);
Line: 4669

                  SELECT start_date
                  INTO   l_start_date
                  FROM   pa_project_assignments
                  WHERE  assignment_id = p_assignment_id
Line: 4714

                        select effective_start_date into l_manager_start_date from pa_employees
                        where person_id=x_ManagerId
                        and active='*';
Line: 4765

   INTO   l_in_use
                  FROM   pa_resource_list_members
                  WHERE  vendor_id = p_supplier_id
                  UNION ALL
                  SELECT 'Y'
                  FROM   pa_rbs_elements
                  WHERE  supplier_id = p_supplier_id);
Line: 4806

   SELECT formula_id
   FROM   ff_formulas_f
   --WHERE  business_group_id+0 = 0  -- commented as part of bug 7613549
   WHERE  nvl(business_group_id,0) = 0 -- added as part of bug 7613549
   AND    SYSDATE BETWEEN effective_start_date AND effective_end_date
   AND    formula_name = 'HR_PA_MOVE'
   AND    formula_type_id
               = HR_PERSON_FLEX_LOGIC.GetFormulaTypeID('Oracle Payroll');
Line: 4817

SELECT leaving_reason
FROM (SELECT leaving_reason
      FROM per_periods_of_service
      WHERE person_id = c_person_id
      AND actual_termination_date IS NOT NULL
      ORDER BY actual_termination_date DESC)
Line: 4827

SELECT termination_reason
FROM (SELECT termination_reason
      FROM per_periods_of_placement
      WHERE person_id = c_person_id
      AND actual_termination_date IS NOT NULL
      ORDER BY actual_termination_date DESC)
Line: 4838

SELECT  distinct(resource_person_type)
FROM    pa_resources_denorm
WHERE   person_id = c_person_id;
Line: 4855

    /*SELECT  distinct(resource_person_type)
    INTO    l_resource_person_type
    FROM    pa_resources_denorm
    WHERE   person_id = p_person_id;*/
Line: 4971

                SELECT max(resource_effective_end_date)
		INTO l_resource_effective_end_date
		FROM pa_resources_denorm
                WHERE person_id = G_TERM_PERSON_ID; --l_person_id
Line: 4976

		UPDATE pa_resources_denorm
		SET resource_effective_end_date = G_FTE_DATE,
                last_update_date      = sysdate,
                last_updated_by       = fnd_global.user_id,
                last_update_login     = fnd_global.login_id
		WHERE person_id = G_TERM_PERSON_ID --l_person_id
		AND resource_effective_end_date = l_resource_effective_end_date;
Line: 4992

		   PA_HR_UPDATE_PA_ENTITIES.create_fte_sync_wf(p_person_id => G_TERM_PERSON_ID,
		                                               p_wait_days => l_wait_days,
		                                               x_return_status => x_return_status,
							       x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
							       x_msg_data => x_msg_data);
Line: 5096

       UPDATE pa_resources
       SET future_term_wf_flag = p_future_term_wf_flag,
         last_update_date      = sysdate,
         last_updated_by       = fnd_global.user_id,
         last_update_login     = fnd_global.login_id
         resource_id = l_resource_id;
Line: 5162

       SELECT pa_resources.future_term_wf_flag
       INTO l_future_term_wf_flag
       FROM pa_resources
       WHERE resource_id = l_resource_id;
Line: 5230

    SELECT  distinct(resource_person_type)
    INTO    l_resource_person_type
    FROM    pa_resources_denorm
    WHERE   person_id = p_person_id;
Line: 5237

         SELECT TRUNC (NVL( MAX(actual_termination_date), SYSDATE ))
	 INTO l_end_date
	 FROM per_periods_of_service
         WHERE person_id = p_person_id
	 AND actual_termination_date IS NOT NULL;
Line: 5245

	 SELECT TRUNC (NVL( MAX(actual_termination_date), SYSDATE ))
	 INTO l_end_date
	 FROM per_periods_of_placement
         WHERE person_id = p_person_id
         AND actual_termination_date IS NOT NULL;
Line: 5325

       SELECT TRUNC (MAX (resource_effective_end_date))
       INTO l_max_res_denorm_end_date
       FROM pa_resources_denorm
       WHERE person_id = p_person_id;
Line: 5383

(SELECT MAX(actual_termination_date)"ACT_TERM_DATE"
 FROM per_periods_of_service
 WHERE person_id = c_person_id
 AND actual_termination_date IS NOT NULL
 SELECT MAX(actual_termination_date)"ACT_TERM_DATE"
 FROM per_periods_of_placement
 WHERE person_id = c_person_id
 AND actual_termination_date IS NOT NULL )