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Line 16: FUNCTION Allow_Project_Info_Change ( p_po_distribution_id IN po_distributions_all.po_distribution_id%type)

12: Arguments : p_po_distribution_id - Purchase order distribution on which project information needs to be changed.
13: Return : 'Y', if project information on the purchase order distribution can be updated.
14: 'N', if project information on the purchase order distribution cannot be updated.
15: */
16: FUNCTION Allow_Project_Info_Change ( p_po_distribution_id IN po_distributions_all.po_distribution_id%type)
17: RETURN varchar2 IS
19: l_sum_amount_interfaced number := 0;
20: l_uninterfaced_to_pa number := 0;

Line 56: ,po_distributions_all podist/*Bug 3905697*/

52: FROM dual
54: (SELECT 1 FROM rcv_transactions rcv_txn,
55: rcv_receiving_sub_ledger rcv_sub
56: ,po_distributions_all podist/*Bug 3905697*/
57: where rcv_txn.po_distribution_id = l_po_distribution_id
58: and podist.po_distribution_id=rcv_txn.po_distribution_id/*Bug 3905697*/
59: and rcv_sub.code_combination_id = podist.code_combination_id/*Bug 3905697*/
60: and rcv_sub.rcv_transaction_id = rcv_txn.transaction_id

Line 94: ,po_distributions_all podist/*Bug 3905697*/

90: FROM dual
92: (SELECT 1 FROM rcv_transactions rcv_txn,
93: rcv_receiving_sub_ledger rcv_sub
94: ,po_distributions_all podist/*Bug 3905697*/
95: where rcv_txn.po_distribution_id = l_po_distribution_id
96: and podist.po_distribution_id=rcv_txn.po_distribution_id/*Bug 3905697*/
97: and rcv_sub.code_combination_id = podist.code_combination_id/*Bug 3905697*/
98: and rcv_sub.rcv_transaction_id = rcv_txn.transaction_id

Line 183: /*l_project_id po_distributions_all.project_id%type; Bug 5585218 */

179: p_rcv_transaction_id IN NUMBER,
180: p_po_distribution_id IN NUMBER,
181: p_accounting_event_id IN NUMBER)
182: IS
183: /*l_project_id po_distributions_all.project_id%type; Bug 5585218 */
184: l_po_distribution_id po_distributions_all.po_distribution_id%type;
185: l_rcv_transaction_id rcv_receiving_sub_ledger.rcv_transaction_id%type;
186: l_processed Number := 0;

Line 184: l_po_distribution_id po_distributions_all.po_distribution_id%type;

180: p_po_distribution_id IN NUMBER,
181: p_accounting_event_id IN NUMBER)
182: IS
183: /*l_project_id po_distributions_all.project_id%type; Bug 5585218 */
184: l_po_distribution_id po_distributions_all.po_distribution_id%type;
185: l_rcv_transaction_id rcv_receiving_sub_ledger.rcv_transaction_id%type;
186: l_processed Number := 0;
188: PROCEDURE net_zero_adj_po IS

Line 347: po_distributions_all po_dist1

343: ( pa_nl_installed.is_nl_installed = 'Y' --EIB trackable items
345: FROM mtl_system_items si,
346: po_lines_all pol,
347: po_distributions_all po_dist1
348: WHERE po_dist1.po_line_id = pol.po_line_id
349: AND po_dist1.po_distribution_id = rcv_txn.po_distribution_id
350: AND si.inventory_item_id = pol.item_id
351: AND po_dist1.project_id IS NOT NULL

Line 462: select distinct project_id from po_distributions_all

458: l_proj_id NUMBER := 0;
459: l_user_c NUMBER :=0;
461: cursor c_proj is
462: select distinct project_id from po_distributions_all
463: where po_header_id = x_po_header_id
464: and project_id is not NULL; /* added condition for 8920005 */
466: BEGIN

Line 571: FROM po_distributions_all pod ,

567: --Cursor to check the budget which is defined for the Old supplier.
569: CURSOR c_transf_budg_tonewsupp(p_po_header_id IN NUMBER, p_vendor_id IN NUMBER) IS
570: SELECT DISTINCT ppa.segment1 -- Added for the bug 13617899
571: FROM po_distributions_all pod ,
572: pa_budget_versions pbv ,
573: pa_budgetary_control_options pbco,
574: pa_budget_entry_methods pbe ,
575: pa_budget_lines pbl ,

Line 602: PO_Distributions_all po_dist ,

598: CURSOR c_pending_receipts(p_po_header_id IN NUMBER) IS
599: SELECT DISTINCT rsh.receipt_num, rsh.creation_date -- Added for the bug 13617899
600: FROM Rcv_Transactions rcv_txn ,
601: rcv_shipment_headers rsh ,
602: PO_Distributions_all po_dist ,
603: rcv_receiving_sub_ledger rcv_sub1
604: WHERE po_dist.po_header_id =p_po_header_id
605: AND rcv_txn.destination_type_code ='EXPENSE'
606: AND rcv_txn.PO_DISTRIBUTION_ID = po_dist.po_distribution_id

Line 787: po_distributions_all pod,

784: SELECT NVL(pp.pji_source_flag,'N')
785: INTO l_pji_source_flag
786: FROM po_headers_all poh,
787: po_distributions_all pod,
788: pa_projects_all pp
789: WHERE poh.po_header_id=l_po_header_id
790: AND poh.po_header_id =pod.po_header_id
791: AND pod.project_id =pp.project_id;