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Line 591: l_src_application_id cz_properties.src_application_id%TYPE;

587: elementValue cz_exv_apc_properties.default_value%TYPE; --bug 10207827;
588: l_val VARCHAR2(4000);
589: l_flag PLS_INTEGER;
590: position NUMBER;
591: l_src_application_id cz_properties.src_application_id%TYPE;
592: l_item_catalog_group_id cz_exv_item_master.item_catalog_group_id%TYPE;
593: l_database_column cz_exv_apc_properties.database_column%TYPE;
594: l_attr_group_id cz_exv_apc_properties.attr_group_id%TYPE;
595: l_attr_id cz_exv_apc_properties.attr_id%TYPE;

Line 599: FROM cz_properties p, cz_item_property_values v

595: l_attr_id cz_exv_apc_properties.attr_id%TYPE;
597: BEGIN
598: FOR c_prop IN (SELECT name, data_type, property_value, property_num_value , p.src_application_id
599: FROM cz_properties p, cz_item_property_values v
600: WHERE p.deleted_flag = FLAG_NOT_DELETED
601: AND p.orig_sys_ref IS NOT NULL
602: AND v.deleted_flag = FLAG_NOT_DELETED
603: AND v.item_id = tabItemId(j)

Line 608: FROM cz_properties p

604: AND p.property_id = v.property_id
605: AND p.data_type NOT IN(TL_TEXT_TYPE)
606: UNION
607: SELECT name, data_type,def_value as property_value,def_num_value as property_num_value,src_application_id
608: FROM cz_properties p
609: WHERE p.property_id IN(
610: SELECT it.property_id FROM cz_item_type_properties it
611: WHERE it.item_type_id IN(SELECT im.item_type_id FROM CZ_ITEM_MASTERS im
612: WHERE im.item_id=tabItemId(j) AND