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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 91

  l_last_update_login NUMBER(15,0) := 0;
Line: 112

   SELECT 	lng.language_code
   FROM		fnd_languages lng
   WHERE	lng.language_code = l_language_code;
Line: 118

  SELECT count (language_code)
  FROM   fnd_languages
  WHERE  installed_flag IN ('I', 'B')
  AND language_code not in
                   (SELECT language
                    FROM   gr_safety_phrases_TL
                    WHERE  safety_phrase_code = p_phrase_code);
Line: 127

  SELECT count (language_code)
  FROM   fnd_languages
  WHERE  installed_flag IN ('I', 'B')
  AND language_code not in
                   (SELECT language
                    FROM   gr_risk_phrases_TL
                    WHERE  risk_phrase_code = p_phrase_code);
Line: 136

  SELECT safety_phrase_code
  FROM	gr_safety_phrases_b
  WHERE	safety_phrase_code = p_phrase_code;
Line: 142

  FROM   gr_safety_phrases_TL
  WHERE  safety_phrase_code = p_phrase_code
  AND language = p_language;
Line: 148

  SELECT risk_phrase_code
  FROM	gr_risk_phrases_b
  WHERE	risk_phrase_code = p_phrase_code;
Line: 154

  FROM   gr_risk_phrases_TL
  WHERE  risk_phrase_code = p_phrase_code
  AND language = p_language;
Line: 223

          (p_commit               => 'T',
           p_called_by_form       => 'F',
	   p_safety_phrase_code   => p_phrase_code,
	   p_additional_text_type => 'N',
           p_lookup_type          => NULL  ,
	   p_lookup_code 	  => NULL 	,
	   p_attribute_category   => p_attribute_category 	,
	   p_attribute1 	  => p_attribute1  	,
	   p_attribute2 	  => p_attribute2 	,
	   p_attribute3 	  => p_attribute3 	,
	   p_attribute4 	  => p_attribute4 	,
	   p_attribute5 	  => p_attribute5 	,
	   p_attribute6 	  => p_attribute6 	,
	   p_attribute7 	  => p_attribute7 	,
	   p_attribute8 	  => p_attribute8  	,
	   p_attribute9 	  => p_attribute9  	,
	   p_attribute10 	  => p_attribute10 	,
	   p_attribute11 	  => p_attribute11 	,
	   p_attribute12 	  => p_attribute12 	,
	   p_attribute13 	  => p_attribute13 	,
	   p_attribute14 	  => p_attribute14 	,
	   p_attribute15 	  => p_attribute15 	,
	   p_attribute16 	  => p_attribute16 	,
	   p_attribute17 	  => p_attribute17 	,
	   p_attribute18 	  => p_attribute18 	,
	   p_attribute19 	  => p_attribute19 	,
	   p_attribute20 	  => p_attribute20	,
	   p_attribute21 	  => p_attribute21 	,
	   p_attribute22	  => p_attribute22 	,
	   p_attribute23 	  => p_attribute23 	,
	   p_attribute24 	  => p_attribute24 	,
	   p_attribute25 	  => p_attribute25 	,
	   p_attribute26 	  => p_attribute26 	,
	   p_attribute27 	  => p_attribute27 	,
	   p_attribute28 	  => p_attribute28 	,
	   p_attribute29 	  => p_attribute29      ,
	   p_attribute30 	  => p_attribute30      ,
	   p_created_by           => FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
	   p_creation_date        => SYSDATE,
	   p_last_updated_by      => FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
	   p_last_update_date     => SYSDATE,
	   p_last_update_login    => l_last_update_login,
	   x_rowid  		  => row_id,
	   x_return_status	  => return_status,
	   x_oracle_error	  => oracle_error,
	   x_msg_data		  => msg_data);
Line: 277

         gr_safety_phrases_tl_pkg.insert_row(p_commit 			=> 'T',
					    p_called_by_form 		=> 'F',
					    p_safety_phrase_code 	=> p_phrase_code,
					    p_language 			=> p_language,
					    p_source_language 		=> p_source_language,
					    p_safety_phrase_description => p_phrase_text,
					    p_created_by                => fnd_global.user_id,
				  	    p_creation_date   		=> sysdate,
				  	    p_last_updated_by  		=> fnd_global.user_id,
				  	    p_last_update_date 		=> sysdate,
				  	    p_last_update_login  	=> l_last_update_login,
				 	    x_rowid  			=> row_id,
				            x_return_status		=> return_status,
					    x_oracle_error		=> oracle_error,
					    x_msg_data			=> msg_data);
Line: 346

         gr_safety_phrases_tl_pkg.insert_row(p_commit 			=> 'T',
					    p_called_by_form 		=> 'F',
					    p_safety_phrase_code 	=> p_phrase_code,
					    p_language 			=> p_language,
					    p_source_language 		=> p_source_language,
					    p_safety_phrase_description => p_phrase_text,
					    p_created_by                => fnd_global.user_id,
				  	    p_creation_date   		=> sysdate,
				  	    p_last_updated_by  		=> fnd_global.user_id,
				  	    p_last_update_date 		=> sysdate,
				  	    p_last_update_login  	=> l_last_update_login,
				 	    x_rowid  			=> row_id,
				            x_return_status		=> return_status,
					    x_oracle_error		=> oracle_error,
					    x_msg_data			=> msg_data);
Line: 385

          (p_commit               => 'T',
           p_called_by_form       => 'F',
	   p_risk_phrase_code     => p_phrase_code,
	   p_additional_text_indicator => 'N',
           p_lookup_type          => NULL  ,
	   p_lookup_code 	  => NULL 	,
	   p_attribute_category   => p_attribute_category 	,
	   p_attribute1 	  => p_attribute1  	,
	   p_attribute2 	  => p_attribute2 	,
	   p_attribute3 	  => p_attribute3 	,
	   p_attribute4 	  => p_attribute4 	,
	   p_attribute5 	  => p_attribute5 	,
	   p_attribute6 	  => p_attribute6 	,
	   p_attribute7 	  => p_attribute7 	,
	   p_attribute8 	  => p_attribute8  	,
	   p_attribute9 	  => p_attribute9  	,
	   p_attribute10 	  => p_attribute10 	,
	   p_attribute11 	  => p_attribute11 	,
	   p_attribute12 	  => p_attribute12 	,
	   p_attribute13 	  => p_attribute13 	,
	   p_attribute14 	  => p_attribute14 	,
	   p_attribute15 	  => p_attribute15 	,
	   p_attribute16 	  => p_attribute16 	,
	   p_attribute17 	  => p_attribute17 	,
	   p_attribute18 	  => p_attribute18 	,
	   p_attribute19 	  => p_attribute19 	,
	   p_attribute20 	  => p_attribute20	,
	   p_attribute21 	  => p_attribute21 	,
	   p_attribute22	  => p_attribute22 	,
	   p_attribute23 	  => p_attribute23 	,
	   p_attribute24 	  => p_attribute24 	,
	   p_attribute25 	  => p_attribute25 	,
	   p_attribute26 	  => p_attribute26 	,
	   p_attribute27 	  => p_attribute27 	,
	   p_attribute28 	  => p_attribute28 	,
	   p_attribute29 	  => p_attribute29      ,
	   p_attribute30 	  => p_attribute30      ,
	   p_created_by           => FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
	   p_creation_date        => SYSDATE,
	   p_last_updated_by      => FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
	   p_last_update_date     => SYSDATE,
	   p_last_update_login    => l_last_update_login,
	   x_rowid  		  => row_id,
	   x_return_status	  => return_status,
	   x_oracle_error	  => oracle_error,
	   x_msg_data		  => msg_data);
Line: 439

         gr_risk_phrases_tl_pkg.insert_row(p_commit 			=> 'T',
					    p_called_by_form 		=> 'F',
					    p_risk_phrase_code 		=> p_phrase_code,
					    p_language 			=> p_language,
					    p_source_language 		=> p_source_language,
					    p_risk_description 		=> p_phrase_text,
					    p_created_by                => fnd_global.user_id,
				  	    p_creation_date   		=> sysdate,
				  	    p_last_updated_by  		=> fnd_global.user_id,
				  	    p_last_update_date 		=> sysdate,
				  	    p_last_update_login  	=> l_last_update_login,
				 	    x_rowid  			=> row_id,
				            x_return_status		=> return_status,
					    x_oracle_error		=> oracle_error,
					    x_msg_data			=> msg_data);
Line: 508

         gr_risk_phrases_tl_pkg.insert_row(p_commit 			=> 'T',
					    p_called_by_form 		=> 'F',
					    p_risk_phrase_code 		=> p_phrase_code,
					    p_language 			=> p_language,
					    p_source_language 		=> p_source_language,
					    p_risk_description 		=> p_phrase_text,
					    p_created_by                => fnd_global.user_id,
				  	    p_creation_date   		=> sysdate,
				  	    p_last_updated_by  		=> fnd_global.user_id,
				  	    p_last_update_date 		=> sysdate,
				  	    p_last_update_login  	=> l_last_update_login,
				 	    x_rowid  			=> row_id,
				            x_return_status		=> return_status,
					    x_oracle_error		=> oracle_error,
					    x_msg_data			=> msg_data);
Line: 544

        SET attribute_category = p_attribute_category 	,
	   attribute1 	  = p_attribute1  	,
	   attribute2 	  = p_attribute2 	,
	   attribute3 	  = p_attribute3 	,
	   attribute4 	  = p_attribute4 	,
	   attribute5 	  = p_attribute5 	,
	   attribute6 	  = p_attribute6 	,
	   attribute7 	  = p_attribute7 	,
	   attribute8 	  = p_attribute8  	,
	   attribute9 	  = p_attribute9  	,
	   attribute10 	  = p_attribute10 	,
	   attribute11 	  = p_attribute11 	,
	   attribute12 	  = p_attribute12 	,
	   attribute13 	  = p_attribute13 	,
	   attribute14 	  = p_attribute14 	,
	   attribute15 	  = p_attribute15 	,
	   attribute16 	  = p_attribute16 	,
	   attribute17 	  = p_attribute17 	,
	   attribute18 	  = p_attribute18 	,
	   attribute19 	  = p_attribute19 	,
	   attribute20 	  = p_attribute20	,
	   attribute21 	  = p_attribute21 	,
	   attribute22	  = p_attribute22 	,
	   attribute23 	  = p_attribute23 	,
	   attribute24 	  = p_attribute24 	,
	   attribute25 	  = p_attribute25 	,
	   attribute26 	  = p_attribute26 	,
	   attribute27 	  = p_attribute27 	,
	   attribute28 	  = p_attribute28 	,
	   attribute29 	  = p_attribute29      ,
	   attribute30 	  = p_attribute30      ,
	   last_updated_by      = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
	   last_update_date     = SYSDATE,
	   last_update_login    = l_last_update_login
        WHERE safety_phrase_code = p_phrase_code;
Line: 614

	SET safety_phrase_description = p_phrase_text,
            source_lang 		= p_source_language,
            last_updated_by	        = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
            last_update_date		= SYSDATE,
	    last_update_login		= l_last_update_login
        WHERE safety_phrase_code      = p_phrase_code
	AND language = p_language;
Line: 639

        SET  attribute_category = p_attribute_category 	,
	   attribute1 	  = p_attribute1  	,
	   attribute2 	  = p_attribute2 	,
	   attribute3 	  = p_attribute3 	,
	   attribute4 	  = p_attribute4 	,
	   attribute5 	  = p_attribute5 	,
	   attribute6 	  = p_attribute6 	,
	   attribute7 	  = p_attribute7 	,
	   attribute8 	  = p_attribute8  	,
	   attribute9 	  = p_attribute9  	,
	   attribute10 	  = p_attribute10 	,
	   attribute11 	  = p_attribute11 	,
	   attribute12 	  = p_attribute12 	,
	   attribute13 	  = p_attribute13 	,
	   attribute14 	  = p_attribute14 	,
	   attribute15 	  = p_attribute15 	,
	   attribute16 	  = p_attribute16 	,
	   attribute17 	  = p_attribute17 	,
	   attribute18 	  = p_attribute18 	,
	   attribute19 	  = p_attribute19 	,
	   attribute20 	  = p_attribute20	,
	   attribute21 	  = p_attribute21 	,
	   attribute22	  = p_attribute22 	,
	   attribute23 	  = p_attribute23 	,
	   attribute24 	  = p_attribute24 	,
	   attribute25 	  = p_attribute25 	,
	   attribute26 	  = p_attribute26 	,
	   attribute27 	  = p_attribute27 	,
	   attribute28 	  = p_attribute28 	,
	   attribute29 	  = p_attribute29      ,
	   attribute30 	  = p_attribute30      ,
	   last_updated_by      = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
	   last_update_date     = SYSDATE,
	   last_update_login    = l_last_update_login
        WHERE risk_phrase_code = p_phrase_code;
Line: 709

	SET risk_description   = p_phrase_text,
            source_lang        = p_source_language,
            last_updated_by    = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
            last_update_date   = SYSDATE,
	    last_update_login  = l_last_update_login
        WHERE risk_phrase_code = p_phrase_code
	AND language = p_language;
Line: 723

  ELSE -- action is D (delete)
    IF p_phrase_type = 'S' THEN
      OPEN c_get_safety_phrase_code;
Line: 736

        DELETE FROM gr_safety_phrases_tl
        WHERE safety_phrase_code = p_phrase_code;
Line: 739

        DELETE FROM gr_safety_phrases_b
        WHERE safety_phrase_code = p_phrase_code;
Line: 776

	DELETE  gr_safety_phrases_tl
	WHERE  safety_phrase_code  = p_phrase_code
	and language = p_language;
Line: 796

        DELETE FROM gr_risk_phrases_tl
        WHERE risk_phrase_code = p_phrase_code;
Line: 799

        DELETE FROM gr_risk_phrases_b
        WHERE risk_phrase_code = p_phrase_code;
Line: 836

	DELETE  gr_risk_phrases_tl
	WHERE  risk_phrase_code  = p_phrase_code
	and language = p_language;