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APPS.AME_APU_INS dependencies on AME_APU_SHD

Line 83: (p_rec in out nocopy ame_apu_shd.g_rec_type

79: --
80: -- {End Of Comments}
81: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
82: Procedure dt_insert_dml
83: (p_rec in out nocopy ame_apu_shd.g_rec_type
84: ,p_effective_date in date
85: ,p_datetrack_mode in varchar2
86: ,p_validation_start_date in date
87: ,p_validation_end_date in date

Line 96: and t.start_date = ame_apu_shd.g_old_rec.start_date

92: select t.creation_date
93: from ame_approver_type_usages t
94: where t.approver_type_id = p_rec.approver_type_id
95: and t.action_type_id = p_rec.action_type_id
96: and t.start_date = ame_apu_shd.g_old_rec.start_date
97: and t.end_date = p_validation_start_date;
98: --
99: Cursor C_Sel2 Is
100: select created_by

Line 135: ame_apu_shd.get_object_version_number

131: --
132: -- Get the object version number for the insert
133: --
134: p_rec.object_version_number :=
135: ame_apu_shd.get_object_version_number
136: (p_approver_type_id => p_rec.approver_type_id
137: ,p_action_type_id => p_rec.action_type_id
138: );
139: --

Line 225: ame_apu_shd.constraint_error

221: Exception
222: When hr_api.check_integrity_violated Then
223: -- A check constraint has been violated
224: --
225: ame_apu_shd.constraint_error
226: (p_constraint_name => hr_api.strip_constraint_name(SQLERRM));
227: When hr_api.unique_integrity_violated Then
228: -- Unique integrity has been violated
229: --

Line 230: ame_apu_shd.constraint_error

226: (p_constraint_name => hr_api.strip_constraint_name(SQLERRM));
227: When hr_api.unique_integrity_violated Then
228: -- Unique integrity has been violated
229: --
230: ame_apu_shd.constraint_error
231: (p_constraint_name => hr_api.strip_constraint_name(SQLERRM));
232: When Others Then
233: --
234: Raise;

Line 241: (p_rec in out nocopy ame_apu_shd.g_rec_type

237: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
238: -- |------------------------------< insert_dml >------------------------------|
239: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
240: Procedure insert_dml
241: (p_rec in out nocopy ame_apu_shd.g_rec_type
242: ,p_effective_date in date
243: ,p_datetrack_mode in varchar2
244: ,p_validation_start_date in date
245: ,p_validation_end_date in date

Line 304: (p_rec in out nocopy ame_apu_shd.g_rec_type

300: --
301: -- {End Of Comments}
302: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
303: Procedure pre_insert
304: (p_rec in out nocopy ame_apu_shd.g_rec_type
305: ,p_effective_date in date
306: ,p_datetrack_mode in varchar2
307: ,p_validation_start_date in date
308: ,p_validation_end_date in date

Line 405: (p_rec in ame_apu_shd.g_rec_type

401: --
402: -- {End Of Comments}
403: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
404: Procedure post_insert
405: (p_rec in ame_apu_shd.g_rec_type
406: ,p_effective_date in date
407: ,p_datetrack_mode in varchar2
408: ,p_validation_start_date in date
409: ,p_validation_end_date in date

Line 489: ,p_rec in ame_apu_shd.g_rec_type

485: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
486: Procedure ins_lck
487: (p_effective_date in date
488: ,p_datetrack_mode in varchar2
489: ,p_rec in ame_apu_shd.g_rec_type
490: ,p_validation_start_date out nocopy date
491: ,p_validation_end_date out nocopy date
492: ) is
493: --

Line 534: ,p_rec in out nocopy ame_apu_shd.g_rec_type

530: -- |---------------------------------< ins >----------------------------------|
531: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
532: Procedure ins
533: (p_effective_date in date
534: ,p_rec in out nocopy ame_apu_shd.g_rec_type
535: ) is
536: --
537: l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package||'ins';
538: l_datetrack_mode varchar2(30) := hr_api.g_insert;

Line 616: l_rec ame_apu_shd.g_rec_type;

612: ,p_start_date out nocopy date
613: ,p_end_date out nocopy date
614: ) is
615: --
616: l_rec ame_apu_shd.g_rec_type;
617: l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package||'ins';
618: --
619: Begin
620: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 5);

Line 626: ame_apu_shd.convert_args

622: -- Call conversion function to turn arguments into the
623: -- p_rec structure.
624: --
625: l_rec :=
626: ame_apu_shd.convert_args
627: (p_approver_type_id
628: ,p_action_type_id
629: ,null
630: ,null