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1 package body pay_us_dedn_template_wrapper as
2 /* $Header: pytmpdde.pkb 120.1 2005/07/28 18:33:08 rpinjala noship $ */
4    g_proc constant varchar2(150) := 'pay_us_dedn_template_wrapper';
6 -- =============================================================================
7 -- create_deduction_element:
8 -- =============================================================================
9 function create_deduction_element
10          (p_element_name          in varchar2
11          ,p_reporting_name        in varchar2
12          ,p_description           in varchar2
13          ,p_classification_name   in varchar2
14          ,p_ben_class_id          in number
15          ,p_category              in varchar2
16          ,p_processing_type       in varchar2
17          ,p_processing_priority   in number
18          ,p_standard_link_flag    in varchar2
19          ,p_processing_runtype    in varchar2
20          ,p_start_rule            in varchar2
21          ,p_stop_rule             in varchar2
22          ,p_amount_rule           in varchar2
23          ,p_series_ee_bond        in varchar2
24          ,p_payroll_table         in varchar2
25          ,p_paytab_column         in varchar2
26          ,p_rowtype_meaning       in varchar2
27          ,p_arrearage             in varchar2
28          ,p_deduct_partial        in varchar2
29          ,p_employer_match        in varchar2
30          ,p_aftertax_component    in varchar2
31          ,p_ele_eff_start_date    in date
32          ,p_ele_eff_end_date      in date
33          ,p_business_group_id     in number
34          ,p_srs_plan_type         in varchar2
35          ,p_srs_buy_back          in varchar2
36          ,p_roth_contribution     in varchar2
37          ,p_userra_contribution   in varchar2
38          ,p_catchup_processing    in varchar2
39          ,p_termination_rule      in varchar2
40          )
41   return number is
43    l_architecture  varchar2(20);
44    l_ele_type_id   number;
45    l_proc          varchar2(80);
46    l_upgrade_stat  varchar2(10);
47    --
48    -- Get the value for US_ADVANCED_WAGE_ATTACHMENT from pay_action_parameters
49    --
50    cursor c_architecture is
51    select parameter_value
52      from pay_action_parameters
53     where parameter_name = 'US_ADVANCED_WAGE_ATTACHMENT';
54    --
55    -- Get the status of UPGRADE GARNISHMENT PROCESS Bug 3549298
56    --
57    cursor c_get_upg_stat(cp_business_group_id number) is
58    select status
59      from pay_upgrade_definitions pud,
60           pay_upgrade_status pus
61     where pud.short_name = 'US_INV_DEDN_UPGRADE'
62       and pus.upgrade_definition_id = pud.upgrade_definition_id
63       and pus.business_group_id = cp_business_group_id;
65   begin
66    --
67    l_proc := g_proc||'.create_deduction_element';
68    hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc, 5);
69    --
70    -- Involuntary Deductions
71    --
72    if p_classification_name = 'Involuntary Deductions' then
73       -- Bug 3777810
74       l_architecture := null;
75       l_upgrade_stat := null;
77        open c_architecture;
78       fetch c_architecture into l_architecture;
79       close c_architecture;
81        open c_get_upg_stat(p_business_group_id);
82       fetch c_get_upg_stat into l_upgrade_stat;
84       if c_get_upg_stat%FOUND then -- Upgrade Started
85          l_architecture := 'Y';
86       end if;
88       close c_get_upg_stat;
90       l_architecture := upper(substr(l_architecture,1,1));
92       if l_architecture is not null and l_architecture = 'N' then
93         -- Bug 3650283
94         if p_category = 'DCIA' then
95            hr_utility.set_location (l_proc,5);
96            hr_utility.set_message(801,'PAY_US_DCIA_ERROR');
97            hr_utility.raise_error;
98         end if;
99         l_ele_type_id :=
100            hr_us_garn_gen.create_garnishment
101            (p_garn_name           => p_element_name
102            ,p_garn_reporting_name => p_reporting_name
103            ,p_garn_description    => p_description
104            ,p_category            => p_category
105            ,p_bg_id               => p_business_group_id
106            ,p_ele_eff_start_date  => p_ele_eff_start_date
107            );
108          hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 15);
109       else
110          l_ele_type_id :=
111            pay_us_user_init_dedn.create_user_init_template
112            (p_ele_name                 => p_element_name
113            ,p_ele_reporting_name       => p_reporting_name
114            ,p_ele_description          => p_description
115            ,p_ele_classification       => p_classification_name
116            ,p_ele_category             => p_category
117            ,p_ele_processing_type      => p_processing_type
118            ,p_ele_priority             => p_processing_priority
119            ,p_ele_standard_link        => p_standard_link_flag
120            ,p_ele_proc_runtype         => p_processing_runtype
121            ,p_ele_calc_rule            => p_amount_rule
122            ,p_ele_start_rule           => p_start_rule
123            ,p_ele_stop_rule            => p_stop_rule
124            ,p_ele_partial_deduction    => p_deduct_partial
125            ,p_ele_arrearage            => p_arrearage
126            ,p_ele_eff_start_date       => p_ele_eff_start_date
127            ,p_ele_eff_end_date         => p_ele_eff_end_date
128            ,p_employer_match           => p_employer_match
129            ,p_after_tax_component      => p_aftertax_component
130            ,p_ele_srs_plan_type        => p_srs_plan_type
131            ,p_ele_srs_buy_back         => p_srs_buy_back
132            ,p_roth_contribution        => p_roth_contribution
133            ,p_userra_contribution      => p_userra_contribution
134            ,p_bg_id                    => p_business_group_id
135            ,p_catchup_processing       => p_catchup_processing
136            ,p_termination_rule         => p_termination_rule
137            ,p_ben_class_id             => p_ben_class_id
138            );
139          hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 20);
140       end if;
141    --
142    -- Pre-Tax Deductions
143    --
144    elsif p_classification_name in ('Pre-Tax Deductions') then
145       /*
146           If the category is not in Health Care 125 and Dependent Care 125 THEN
147           call the new deduction template else
148           call the old deduction driver template
150           Changes made by Tarun Mehra for inclusion of Def Comp 401k
151           on 04-Jan-2000
153           Changes made by Kumar Thirmiya for inclusion of User Defined Category
154           on 28-Jun-2001
156           -- old code
157           -- p_category in ('E','G','Deferred Comp 403b','Deferred Comp 457')
158              THEN
159           -- p_category in ('E','G','D','Deferred Comp 401k','Deferred Comp
160              403b','Deferred Comp 457') THEN
161        */
163       /* commented for bug 2400648
164          Dependent Care and Health Care will be using the new template
165             p_classification_name = 'Pre-Tax Deductions' AND
166             p_category not in ('H','S','Health Care 125','Dependent Care 125')
167       */
169       l_ele_type_id :=
170         pay_us_user_init_dedn.create_user_init_template
171         (p_ele_name                 => p_element_name
172         ,p_ele_reporting_name       => p_reporting_name
173         ,p_ele_description          => p_description
174         ,p_ele_classification       => p_classification_name
175         ,p_ele_category             => p_category
176         ,p_ele_processing_type      => p_processing_type
177         ,p_ele_priority             => p_processing_priority
178         ,p_ele_standard_link        => p_standard_link_flag
179         ,p_ele_proc_runtype         => p_processing_runtype
180         ,p_ele_calc_rule            => p_amount_rule
181         ,p_ele_start_rule           => p_start_rule
182         ,p_ele_stop_rule            => p_stop_rule
183         ,p_ele_partial_deduction    => p_deduct_partial
184         ,p_ele_arrearage            => p_arrearage
185         ,p_ele_eff_start_date       => p_ele_eff_start_date
186         ,p_ele_eff_end_date         => p_ele_eff_end_date
187         ,p_employer_match           => p_employer_match
188         ,p_after_tax_component      => p_aftertax_component
189         ,p_ele_srs_plan_type        => p_srs_plan_type
190         ,p_ele_srs_buy_back         => p_srs_buy_back
191         ,p_roth_contribution        => p_roth_contribution
192         ,p_userra_contribution      => p_userra_contribution
193         ,p_bg_id                    => p_business_group_id
194         ,p_catchup_processing       => p_catchup_processing
195         ,p_termination_rule         => p_termination_rule
196         ,p_ben_class_id             => p_ben_class_id
197         );
198       hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 30);
199    --
200    -- Voluntary Deductions
201    --
202    else
203       l_ele_type_id :=
204         hr_user_dedn_drv.ins_deduction_template
205         (p_ele_name             => p_element_name
206         ,p_ele_reporting_name   => p_reporting_name
207         ,p_ele_description      => p_description
208         ,p_ele_classification   => p_classification_name
209         ,p_ben_class_id         => p_ben_class_id
210         ,p_ele_category         => p_category
211         ,p_ele_processing_type  => p_processing_type
212         ,p_ele_priority         => p_processing_priority
213         ,p_ele_standard_link    => p_standard_link_flag
214         ,p_ele_proc_runtype     => p_processing_runtype
215         ,p_ele_start_rule       => p_start_rule
216         ,p_ele_stop_rule        => p_stop_rule
217         ,p_ele_ee_bond          => p_series_ee_bond
218         ,p_ele_amount_rule      => p_amount_rule
219         ,p_ele_paytab_name      => p_payroll_table
220         ,p_ele_paytab_col       => p_paytab_column
221         ,p_ele_paytab_row_type  => p_rowtype_meaning
222         ,p_ele_arrearage        => p_arrearage
223         ,p_ele_partial_dedn     => p_deduct_partial
224         ,p_mix_flag             => null
225         ,p_ele_er_match         => p_employer_match
226         ,p_ele_at_component     => p_aftertax_component
227         ,p_ele_eff_start_date   => p_ele_eff_start_date
228         ,p_ele_eff_end_date     => p_ele_eff_end_date
229         ,p_bg_id                => p_business_group_id
230         ,p_termination_rule     => p_termination_rule
231          );
233       hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 40);
234       --
235    end if;
236    --
237    return (l_ele_type_id);
238    --
239    hr_utility.set_location('Leaving '||l_proc, 50);
240    --
241 END create_deduction_element;
242 --
243 --
244 -- =============================================================================
245 -- delete_deduction_element: To delete a user created template.
246 -- =============================================================================
247 PROCEDURE delete_deduction_element
248          (p_business_group_id       in  number
249          ,p_element_type_id         in  number
250          ,p_element_name            in  varchar2
251          ,p_classification_name     in  varchar2
252          ,p_category                in  varchar2
253          ,p_processing_priority     in  number
254          ,p_amount_rule             in  varchar2
255          ,p_series_ee_bond          in  varchar2
256          ,p_arrearage               in  varchar2
257          ,p_stop_rule               in  varchar2
258          ,p_calculation_ele_id      in  number
259          ,p_vol_dedns_baltype_id    in  number
260          ,p_primary_baltype_id      in  number
261          ,p_accrued_baltype_id      in  number
262          ,p_arrears_baltype_id      in  number
263          ,p_not_taken_baltype_id    in  number
264          ,p_tobondpurch_baltype_id  in  number
265          ,p_able_baltype_id         in  number
266          ,p_additional_baltype_id   in  number
267          ,p_replacement_baltype_id  in  number
268          ,p_special_inputs_ele_id   in  number
269          ,p_special_features_ele_id in  number
270          ,p_verifier_ele_id         in  number
271          ,p_eff_start_date          in  date
272          ,p_eff_end_date            in  date
273          ) IS
274    --
275    l_proc           varchar2(80);
276    l_template_based number;
277    --
278    cursor c1 is
279    select template_id
280      from pay_element_templates
281     where base_name         = p_element_name
282       and business_group_id = p_business_group_id
283       and template_type     = 'U';
284    --
285    cursor c2 is
286    select element_type_extra_info_id
287          ,object_version_number
288      from pay_element_type_extra_info
289     where element_type_id          = p_element_type_id
290       and information_type         = 'PQP_US_PRE_TAX_DEDUCTIONS'
291       and eei_information_category = 'PQP_US_PRE_TAX_DEDUCTIONS';
292    --
293   begin
294    l_proc := g_proc||'.delete_deduction_element';
295    hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc, 5);
297    if p_classification_name = 'Pre-Tax Deductions' then
298       for c1_rec in c1 loop
299           l_template_based := c1_rec.template_id;
300       end loop;
301    end if;
302    hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 10);
303    --
304    if p_classification_name = 'Involuntary Deductions' then
305       --
306       hr_us_garn_gen.delete_dedn
307      (p_business_group_id  => p_business_group_id
308      ,p_ele_type_id        => p_element_type_id
309      ,p_ele_name           => p_element_name
310      ,p_ele_priority       => p_processing_priority
311      ,p_ele_info_10        => p_primary_baltype_id
312      ,p_ele_info_11        => p_accrued_baltype_id
313      ,p_ele_info_12        => p_arrears_baltype_id
314      ,p_ele_info_13        => p_not_taken_baltype_id
315      ,p_ele_info_14        => p_tobondpurch_baltype_id
316      ,p_ele_info_15        => p_able_baltype_id
317      ,p_ele_info_16        => p_additional_baltype_id
318      ,p_ele_info_17        => p_replacement_baltype_id
319      ,p_ele_info_18        => p_special_inputs_ele_id
320      ,p_ele_info_19        => p_special_features_ele_id
321      ,p_ele_info_20        => p_verifier_ele_id
322      ,p_ele_info_5         => p_calculation_ele_id
323      ,p_ele_info_8         => p_vol_dedns_baltype_id
324      ,p_del_sess_date      => p_eff_start_date
325      ,p_del_val_start_date => p_eff_start_date
326      ,p_del_val_end_date   => p_eff_end_date
327       );
328       --
329       hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 20);
330       --
331    elsif p_classification_name = 'Pre-Tax Deductions' and
332          l_template_based is not null then
334       pay_us_user_init_dedn.delete_user_init_template
335      (p_business_group_id  => p_business_group_id
336      ,p_ele_type_id        => p_element_type_id
337      ,p_ele_name           => p_element_name
338      ,p_effective_date     => p_eff_start_date
339       );
340      -- Delete entry for Catch-up Processing (if present)
341      -- from pay_element_type_extra_info table.
342      for c2_rec in c2 loop
343          pay_element_extra_info_api.delete_element_extra_info
344         (p_validate                   => false
345         ,p_element_type_extra_info_id => c2_rec.element_type_extra_info_id
346         ,p_object_version_number      => c2_rec.object_version_number
347             );
348      end loop;
349      --
350      hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 30);
351      --
352    else
353       hr_user_init_dedn.do_deletions
354      (p_business_group_id  => p_business_group_id
355      ,p_ele_type_id        => p_element_type_id
356      ,p_ele_name           => p_element_name
357      ,p_ele_priority       => p_processing_priority
358      ,p_ele_amount_rule    => p_amount_rule
359      ,p_ele_ee_bond        => p_series_ee_bond
360      ,p_ele_arrearage      => p_arrearage
361      ,p_ele_stop_rule      => p_stop_rule
362      ,p_ele_info_10        => p_primary_baltype_id
363      ,p_ele_info_11        => p_accrued_baltype_id
364      ,p_ele_info_12        => p_arrears_baltype_id
365      ,p_ele_info_13        => p_not_taken_baltype_id
366      ,p_ele_info_14        => p_tobondpurch_baltype_id
367      ,p_ele_info_15        => p_able_baltype_id
368      ,p_ele_info_16        => p_additional_baltype_id
369      ,p_ele_info_17        => p_replacement_baltype_id
370      ,p_ele_info_18        => p_special_inputs_ele_id
371      ,p_ele_info_19        => p_special_features_ele_id
372      ,p_ele_info_20        => p_verifier_ele_id
373      ,p_del_sess_date      => p_eff_start_date
374      ,p_del_val_start_date => p_eff_start_date
375      ,p_del_val_end_date   => p_eff_end_date);
376      --
377      hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 40);
378    end if;
379    --
380    hr_utility.set_location('Leaving '||l_proc, 50);
381    --
382   end delete_deduction_element;
383 --
384 --
385 END pay_us_dedn_template_wrapper;