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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 370

select nvl((max(resource_seq_num) + 10),10)
into l_resource_seq_num
from wip_operation_resources
where wip_entity_id = l_workorder
and operation_seq_num = l_operation;
Line: 401

select distinct full_name
   into l_employee_name
   where person_id = p_instance_id
Line: 428

select organization_id
into l_organization_id
from wip_entities
where wip_entity_id = l_workorder;
Line: 453

select resource_code , unit_of_measure
into l_resource_code , l_uom
from bom_resources
where resource_id = l_resource
and organization_id = l_organization_id ;
Line: 480

select distinct department_code
into l_charge_department_code
from bom_departments
where organization_id = l_organization_id
and department_id = l_charge_department;
Line: 611

                 p_api_version        =>  1.0
                ,p_init_msg_list      => fnd_api.g_false
                ,p_commit             => fnd_api.g_false
                ,p_validation_level   => fnd_api.g_valid_level_full
                ,p_wip_entity_id      => l_workorder
                ,p_operation_seq_num  => l_operation
                ,p_organization_id    => l_organization_id
                ,p_transaction_qty    => l_measure
                ,p_transaction_date   => l_start_time
                ,p_resource_seq_num   => l_resource_seq_num
                ,p_uom                => l_uom
                ,p_resource_code      => l_resource_code
                ,p_reason_name        => null
                ,p_reference          => null
                ,p_instance_id        => l_instance_id
                ,p_serial_number      => null
                ,p_charge_dept_id     => l_charge_dept_id
                ,p_actual_resource_rate => l_actual_resource
                ,p_employee_id        => l_emp_id
                ,p_employee_number    => l_emp_no
                ,x_return_status      => l_return_status1
                ,x_msg_count          => l_msg_count1
                ,x_msg_data           => l_msg_data1);
Line: 645

g_msg := 'Insert into WCTI - SUCCESS';
Line: 654

g_msg := 'Insert into WCTI failed';
Line: 665

 	 g_msg := 'Work order details no found - skip resource insertion';
Line: 674

fnd_message.set_name('EAM', 'EAM_WO_INVALID_RES_SELECTED');
Line: 1067

l_deleted                       VARCHAR2(1);
Line: 1229

   l_deleted := HXC_USER_TYPE_DEFINITION_GRP.t_detail_bld_blks(l_cnt).deleted;
Line: 1236

   g_msg := 'Building Block Status :  Changed ' || l_changed || ' Deleted : ' || l_deleted;
Line: 1256

 if( l_deleted = 'N') and (l_changed = 'N') then

  g_msg := 'Before get_attribute_id - NEW (N,N)-> (Delete,Change)';
Line: 1274

  g_msg := 'After get_attribute_id - NEW (N,N)-> (Delete,Change)';
Line: 1290

  g_msg := 'After Resource Txn - (N,N)-> (Delete,Change)';
Line: 1310

  if( l_deleted = 'Y') and (l_changed = 'Y') then

  -- t_temp_attr_index := l_last_att_index;
Line: 1314

  g_msg := 'Before get_attribute_id - NEW (Y,Y)-> (Delete,Change)';
Line: 1317

  g_msg := 'Update OTL Timecard. Resource Transaction reversed.';
Line: 1332

  g_msg := 'After get_attribute_id - NEW (Y,Y)-> (Delete,Change)';
Line: 1336

  g_msg := 'Before get_attribute_id - OLD (Y,Y)-> (Delete,Change)';
Line: 1352

 g_msg := 'After get_attribute_id - OLD (Y,Y)-> (Delete,Change)';
Line: 1371

g_msg := 'After Reversing Resource Txn - (Y,Y)-> (Delete,Change)';
Line: 1388

if( l_deleted = 'Y') and (l_changed = 'N') then

g_msg := 'Before get_attribute_id - NEW (Y,N)-> (Delete,Change)';
Line: 1405

g_msg := 'After get_attribute_id - NEW (Y,N) -> (Delete,Change)';
Line: 1423

if( l_deleted = 'N') and (l_changed = 'Y') then

-- t_temp_attr_index := l_last_att_index;
Line: 1427

   g_msg := 'Before get_attribute_id - NEW (N,Y)-> (Delete,Change)';
Line: 1445

      g_msg := 'After get_attribute_id - NEW (N,Y) -> (Delete,Change)';
Line: 1449

     g_msg := 'Before get_attribute_id - OLD (N,Y)-> (Delete,Change)';
Line: 1466

       g_msg := 'After get_attribute_id - OLD (N,Y)-> (Delete,Change)';
Line: 1485

      g_msg := 'After Reversing Resource Txn - (N,Y)-> (Delete,Change)';
Line: 1498

   g_msg := 'After Resource Txn - (N,Y)-> (Delete,Change)';
Line: 1543

    (p_process               => 'Maintenance Retrieval Process'
    ,p_status                => 'SUCCESS'
    ,p_exception_description => 'Building Block Processed Successfully'
    ,p_rollback              => FALSE);
Line: 1569

    (p_process               => 'Maintenance Retrieval Process'
    ,p_status                => 'ERRORS'
    ,p_exception_description => SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,200)
    ,p_rollback              => FALSE);
Line: 1591

 select to_char(employee_id)
 into l_person_id
 from fnd_user
 where user_id = l_user_id;
Line: 1636

    select days_off,days_on, (days_off+days_on) as total_days
     from bom_workday_patterns
     where calendar_code = l_calendar_code
     and shift_num is null
     and seq_num is not null
     order by seq_num;
Line: 1646

select calendar_code
into l_calendar_code
from mtl_parameters
where organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 1652

select SUM(days_off + days_on)
into l_day_block
from bom_workday_patterns
where calendar_code = l_calendar_code
and shift_num is null
and seq_num is not null
group by calendar_code;
Line: 1661

select calendar_start_date,
into l_start_date,
from bom_calendars
where calendar_code = l_calendar_code;
Line: 1670

select nvl(exception_type,2)
into l_exception_type
from bom_calendar_exceptions
where calendar_code = l_calendar_code
and exception_date = p_date;
Line: 1808

Line: 1926

							select wip_entity_name into l_wip_entity_name
							from wip_entities
							where wip_entity_id = l_wip_entity_id
							and organization_id = l_org_id;
Line: 1933

							select distinct msik.concatenated_segments into l_asset_group_name
							from mtl_system_items_b_kfv msik, mtl_parameters mp
							where msik.inventory_item_id = l_asset_group
							and mp.maint_organization_id = l_org_id
                                                        and mp.organization_id = msik.organization_id;
Line: 1941

							select department_code into l_dept_name from
							bom_departments where
							department_id = l_dept_id
							and organization_id = l_org_id;
Line: 1949

							select department_code into l_charge_dept_name from
							bom_departments where
							department_id = l_charge_dept
							and organization_id = l_org_id;
Line: 1958

							select resource_code into l_resource_name from
							bom_resources where
							resource_id = l_resource_id and
							organization_id = l_org_id;
Line: 1973

						select job_type into l_job_type from wip_discrete_jobs where
						wip_entity_id = l_wip_entity_id
						and organization_id = l_org_id;
Line: 1995

						select count(*) into l_count from wip_discrete_jobs where
						wip_entity_id = l_wip_entity_id and
						organization_id = l_org_id and
						nvl(asset_group_id,rebuild_item_id) = l_asset_group;
Line: 2018

						select count(*) into l_count from csi_item_instances where
						serial_number = l_asset_number and
						inventory_item_id = l_asset_group;
Line: 2040

						select count(*) into l_count from wip_discrete_jobs where
						nvl(asset_number,rebuild_serial_number) = l_asset_number and
						wip_entity_id = l_wip_entity_id and
						organization_id = l_org_id;
Line: 2062

						select count(*) into l_count from wip_operations where
						wip_entity_id = l_wip_entity_id and
						organization_id = l_org_id and
						operation_seq_num = l_operation_number;
Line: 2085

						select count(*) into l_count from wip_operations where
						wip_entity_id = l_wip_entity_id and
						operation_seq_num = l_operation_number and
						organization_id = l_org_id and
						department_id = l_dept_id;
Line: 2109

						select count(*) into l_count from (select  br.resource_code,
                                                2 autocharge_type,
                                                br.unit_of_measure uom_code,
                                                br.unit_of_measure uom,
                                                br.default_basis_type basis_type, ca.activity_id,
                                                to_char(bdr.department_id) as department_id,
                                                (select meaning from mfg_lookups m1 where m1.lookup_type like 'BOM_RESOURCE_TYPE' and  m1.lookup_code =  2) meaning,
                                                to_char(br.resource_id) as res_id
                                                from cst_activities ca,
                                                bom_department_resources bdr,
                                                bom_resources br
                                                where br.resource_id = bdr.resource_id and
                                                br.default_activity_id = ca.activity_id (+) and
                                                nvl(ca.disable_date(+),sysdate+1) > sysdate and
                                                nvl(br.disable_date,sysdate+1) > sysdate and   (ca.organization_id is
                                                null or ca.organization_id = br.organization_id)
                                                order by br.resource_code
						where res_id = l_resource_id
						and department_id = l_dept_id;
Line: 2155

						select count(*) into l_count from (select distinct bd.department_code,
						to_char(bdri.department_id) as department_id,
						to_char(ppf.person_id) as person_id,
						bdri.resource_id as resource_id
						from bom_dept_res_instances bdri,
						bom_departments bd,
						bom_resource_employees bre,
						per_people_f ppf
						where bdri.instance_id = bre.instance_id
						and ppf.person_id = bre.person_id
						and bd.department_id = bdri.department_id
						and sysdate >= ppf.effective_start_date
						and sysdate <= ppf.effective_end_date
						select distinct bd.department_code,
						to_char(bdr.department_id) as department_id,
						to_char(ppf.person_id) as person_id,
						bdri.resource_id as resource_id
						from bom_dept_res_instances bdri,
						bom_departments bd,
						bom_resource_employees bre,
						bom_department_resources bdr,
						per_people_f ppf
						where bdri.instance_id = bre.instance_id
						and ppf.person_id = bre.person_id
						and sysdate >= ppf.effective_start_date and sysdate <= ppf.effective_end_date
						and bd.department_id = bdr.department_id
						and bdr.share_from_dept_id = bdri.department_id
						and bdr.resource_id = bdri.resource_id

						where department_id = l_charge_dept
						and resource_id = l_resource_id;
Line: 2220

						select nvl(min(period_start_date), (sysdate - 200000)),
						nvl(max(schedule_close_date),(sysdate + 200000))
						into l_min_acct_period_date,l_max_acct_period_date
						from org_acct_periods
						where organization_id = l_org_id
						and upper(open_flag) = 'Y';
Line: 2288

                                select date_released into l_wo_released_date
                                from wip_discrete_jobs
                                where wip_entity_id = l_wip_entity_id
                                and organization_id = l_org_id;