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2 /* $Header: EAMPASAS.pls 120.0 2005/05/25 09:19:30 appldev noship $ */
3 /*#
4  * This package is used for the INSERT / UPDATE of asset areas.
5  * It defines 2 key procedures insert_asset_areas, update_asset_areas
6  * which first validates and massages the IN parameters
7  * and then carries out the respective operations.
8  * @rep:scope public
9  * @rep:product EAM
10  * @rep:lifecycle active
11  * @rep:displayname Asset Areas
13  */
15 -- Start of comments
17 --	Type		: Public
18 --	Function	: insert_dept_appr, update_dept_appr
19 --	Pre-reqs	: None.
20 --	Parameters	:
21 --	IN		:	p_api_version           IN NUMBER	Required
22 --				p_init_msg_list		IN VARCHAR2 	Optional
23 --					Default = FND_API.G_FALSE
24 --				p_commit	    	IN VARCHAR2	Optional
25 --					Default = FND_API.G_FALSE
26 --				p_validation_level	IN NUMBER	Optional
27 --					Default = FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
28 --				parameter1
29 --				parameter2
30 --				.
31 --				.
32 --	OUT		:	x_return_status		OUT	VARCHAR2(1)
33 --				x_msg_count		OUT	NUMBER
34 --				x_msg_data		OUT	VARCHAR2(2000)
35 --				parameter1
36 --				parameter2
37 --				.
38 --				.
39 --	Version	: Current version	x.x
40 --				Changed....
41 --			  previous version	y.y
42 --				Changed....
43 --			  .
44 --			  .
45 --			  previous version	2.0
46 --				Changed....
47 --			  Initial version 	1.0
48 --
49 --	Notes		: Note text
50 --
51 -- End of comments
52 /*#
53  * This procedure is used to insert records in MTL_EAM_LOCATIONS.
54  * It is used to create Asset Areas.
55  * @param p_api_version  Version of the API
56  * @param p_init_msg_list Flag to indicate initialization of message list
57  * @param p_commit Flag to indicate whether API should commit changes
58  * @param p_validation_level Validation Level of the API
59  * @param x_return_status Return status of the procedure call
60  * @param x_msg_count Count of the return messages that API returns
61  * @param x_msg_data The collection of the messages.
62  * @param p_location_codes Asset Area Code
63 * @param p_start_date Effective start date of the area
64 * @param p_end_date Effective end date of the area
65 * @param p_organization_id Organization identifier of the Area
66 * @param p_description Description of the Area
67 * @param p_creation_organization_id Creation Organization Identifier
68  * @return Returns the status of the procedure call as well as the return messages
69  * @rep:scope public
70  * @rep:displayname Insert Asset Area
71  */
74 PROCEDURE insert_asset_areas
75 (
76 	p_api_version           	IN	NUMBER				,
77   	p_init_msg_list			IN	VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE	,
78 	p_commit	    		IN  	VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE	,
79 	p_validation_level		IN 	NUMBER	 := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
81 	x_return_status			OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2		  	,
82 	x_msg_count			OUT NOCOPY NUMBER				,
83 	x_msg_data			OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2			,
85 	p_location_codes	        IN 	varchar2,
86 	p_start_date	        	IN 	date:=null,
87 	p_end_date		        IN 	date:=null,
88 	p_organization_id	        IN 	number,
89 	p_description	        	IN 	varchar2:=null,
90 	p_creation_organization_id	IN      number
91 );
93 /*#
94  * This procedure is used to update the existing records in MTL_EAM_LOCATIONS .
95  * It is used to update Asset Areas.
96  * @param p_api_version  Version of the API
97  * @param p_init_msg_list Flag to indicate initialization of message list
98  * @param p_commit Flag to indicate whether API should commit changes
99  * @param p_validation_level Validation Level of the API
100  * @param x_return_status Return status of the procedure call
101  * @param x_msg_count Count of the return messages that API returns
102  * @param x_msg_data The collection of the messages.
103  * @param p_location_id Primary Key of the asset location
104  * @param p_location_codes Asset Area Code
105 * @param p_start_date Effective start date of the area
106 * @param p_end_date Effective end date of the area
107 * @param p_organization_id Organization identifier of the Area
108 * @param p_description Description of the Area
109 * @param p_creation_organization_id Creation Organization Identifier
110  * @return Returns the status of the procedure call as well as the return messages
111  * @rep:scope public
112  * @rep:displayname Update Asset Area
113  */
115 PROCEDURE update_asset_areas
116 (
117 	p_api_version           	IN	NUMBER				,
118   	p_init_msg_list			IN	VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE	,
119 	p_commit	    		IN  	VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE	,
120 	p_validation_level		IN 	NUMBER	 := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
122 	x_return_status			OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2		  	,
123 	x_msg_count			OUT NOCOPY NUMBER				,
124 	x_msg_data			OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2			,
126 	p_location_id	        	IN 	number,
127 	p_location_codes	        IN 	varchar2,
128 	p_start_date	        	IN 	date:=null,
129 	p_end_date		        IN 	date:=null,
130 	p_organization_id	        IN 	number,
131 	p_description	        	IN 	varchar2:=null,
132 	p_creation_organization_id	IN      number
133 );
135 END;