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Line 9: award_id gms_awards_all.award_id%type,

5: L_DEBUG varchar2(1) := NVL(FND_PROFILE.value('GMS_ENABLE_DEBUG_MODE'), 'N');
7: Type Bal_rec is RECORD(Exp_item_id pa_expenditure_items_all.expenditure_item_id%type,
8: adl gms_award_distributions.adl_line_num%type,
9: award_id gms_awards_all.award_id%type,
10: Project_id gms_event_attribute.project_id%type,
11: Task_Id gms_event_attribute.actual_task_id%type,
12: Amount gms_event_attribute.bill_amount%type,
13: Reason Varchar2(200));

Line 314: from gms_awards_all -- Bug 4732065

310: l_stage := 'intialize_revenue_records: Get Award Project Id';
312: Select award_project_id
313: into l_award_project_id
314: from gms_awards_all -- Bug 4732065
315: where award_id = p_award_id;
317: l_stage := 'intialize_revenue_records: Delete gms_billing_cancellations';

Line 463: FROM gms_awards_all -- Bug 4732065 : modified to use _all

459: WHERE project_id = x_project_id;
461: SELECT nvl(preaward_date,start_date_active), end_date_active
462: INTO x_award_start_date,x_award_end_date
463: FROM gms_awards_all -- Bug 4732065 : modified to use _all
464: WHERE award_id = x_award_id;
466: IF (x_entry_level_code = 'P') THEN

Line 568: , gms_awards_all ga

564: , gbc.rowid
565: from gms_budget_versions gbv
566: , gms_bc_packets gbc
567: , pa_budget_entry_methods pbm
568: , gms_awards_all ga
569: where gbc.status_code = x_status_code --Bug 2138376 : Replaced 'A' with x_status_code
570: and gbc.packet_id = nvl(x_packet_id, packet_id)
571: and gbv.budget_version_id = gbc.budget_version_id
572: and gbv.budget_entry_method_code = pbm.budget_entry_method_code

Line 614: gms_awards_all ga, -- Bug 4732065 : To run the process across org

610: Cursor Cur_records is
611: select distinct ga.award_id award_id, gspf.project_id project_id,imp.set_of_books_id
612: from gms_summary_project_fundings gspf,
613: gms_installments gi,
614: gms_awards_all ga, -- Bug 4732065 : To run the process across org
615: pa_implementations_all imp -- Bug 4732065 :
616: where gspf.installment_id = gi.installment_id
617: and gi.award_id = ga.award_id
618: and ga.revenue_distribution_rule='COST'

Line 635: from gms_awards_all ga,

631: --Bug 4732065 : To fetch sob when called from baseline
633: Cursor c_get_sob (p_award_id IN NUMBER) IS
634: select set_of_books_id
635: from gms_awards_all ga,
636: pa_implementations_all imp
637: where ga.award_id = p_award_id
638: and imp.org_id = ga.org_id;

Line 930: x_amount_type gms_awards_all.amount_type%type := null;

926: x_start_date date;
927: x_end_date date;
929: x_set_of_books_id number;
930: x_amount_type gms_awards_all.amount_type%type := null;
931: x_boundary_code gms_awards_all.boundary_code%type := null;
932: x_resource_list_member_id number(30);
933: St_Err_Buff varchar2(2000) := null;
934: x_e_code number;

Line 931: x_boundary_code gms_awards_all.boundary_code%type := null;

927: x_end_date date;
929: x_set_of_books_id number;
930: x_amount_type gms_awards_all.amount_type%type := null;
931: x_boundary_code gms_awards_all.boundary_code%type := null;
932: x_resource_list_member_id number(30);
933: St_Err_Buff varchar2(2000) := null;
934: x_e_code number;
935: x_stage varchar2(100);

Line 1093: From gms_awards_all

1089: Begin
1090: if (nvl(x_old_award_id,-1) <> l_award_id_tbl(i)) then --added for the bug 5481465
1091: Select amount_type, boundary_code
1092: Into x_amount_type, x_boundary_code
1093: From gms_awards_all
1094: Where award_id = l_award_id_tbl(i); --p_award_id; for bug 5481465
1096: End If; /* for bug 5481465 */
1097: Exception