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1 package body pay_kr_yea_magtape_fun_pkg as
2 /* $Header: pykryean.pkb 120.9 2011/03/02 11:11:44 pnethaga ship $ */
3 --
4 -- Constants
5 --
6 c_package constant varchar2(31) := '  pay_kr_yea_magtape_fun_pkg.';
7 --
8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 procedure invalid_argument(
10         p_procedure     in varchar2,
11         p_argument      in varchar2,
12         p_value         in varchar2)
13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
14 is
15 begin
16         fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'FORM_INVALID_ARGUMENT');
17         fnd_message.set_token('PROCEDURE', p_procedure);
18         fnd_message.set_token('ARGUMENT', p_argument);
19         fnd_message.set_token('VALUE', p_value);
20         fnd_message.raise_error;
21 end invalid_argument;
22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
23 procedure populate_b(p_bp_number in varchar2,p_tax_office_code in varchar2)
24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
25 is
26         l_proc  varchar2(61) := c_package || 'populate_b';
27         --
28         cursor csr_b1 is
29                 select  count(*)
30                 from    pay_assignment_actions          paa,
31                         pay_payroll_actions             ppa,
32                         hr_organization_units           bp,
33 			hr_organization_information     hoi1,
34 			hr_organization_information     hoi2
35                 where   hoi1.org_information2         = p_bp_number          --Bug# 2822459
36                 and     hoi2.org_information9         = p_tax_office_code
37                 and     hoi1.organization_id          = hoi2.organization_id
38                 and     hoi1.organization_id          = bp.organization_id
39                 and     hoi2.org_information_context  = 'KR_INCOME_TAX_OFFICE'
40                 and     hoi1.org_information_context  = 'KR_BUSINESS_PLACE_REGISTRATION'
41                 and     ppa.report_type               = 'YEA'
42                 and     ppa.report_qualifier          = 'KR'
43                 -- Bug 3248513
44                 and     ( (ppa.report_category in (pay_kr_yea_magtape_pkg.g_normal_yea, pay_kr_yea_magtape_pkg.g_interim_yea, pay_kr_yea_magtape_pkg.g_re_yea)) or (ppa.payroll_action_id = pay_kr_yea_magtape_pkg.g_payroll_action_id) )
45                 and     to_number(to_char(ppa.effective_date, 'YYYY')) = pay_kr_yea_magtape_pkg.g_target_year
46                 --
47                 and     ppa.action_type in ('B','X')
48                 and     paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
49 		and     ppa.payroll_action_id         = ppa.payroll_action_id
50 		-- Bug 3248513
51 		and	((pay_kr_yea_magtape_pkg.g_assignment_set_id is null) or (hr_assignment_set.assignment_in_set(pay_kr_yea_magtape_pkg.g_assignment_set_id, paa.assignment_id) = 'Y'))
52 		and     ((pay_kr_yea_magtape_pkg.g_re_yea <> 'R') or (pay_kr_yea_magtape_fun_pkg.latest_yea_action(paa.assignment_action_id,  pay_kr_yea_magtape_pkg.g_payroll_action_id, pay_kr_yea_magtape_pkg.g_target_year) = 'Y'))
53 		--
54                 and     paa.tax_unit_id = bp.organization_id
55                 and     paa.action_status = 'C';
57         cursor csr_b3 (p_user_entity_id in ff_user_entities.user_entity_id%type) is
58                 select  nvl(sum(greatest(to_number(i1.value), 0)), 0)
59                 from    ff_archive_items                i1,
60                         pay_assignment_actions          paa,
61                         pay_payroll_actions             ppa,
62                         hr_organization_units           bp,
63 			hr_organization_information     hoi1,
64 			hr_organization_information     hoi2
65                 where   hoi1.org_information2         = p_bp_number          --Bug# 2822459
66                 and     hoi2.org_information9         = p_tax_office_code
67                 and     hoi1.organization_id          = hoi2.organization_id
68                 and     hoi1.organization_id          = bp.organization_id
69                 and     hoi2.org_information_context  = 'KR_INCOME_TAX_OFFICE'
70                 and     hoi1.org_information_context  = 'KR_BUSINESS_PLACE_REGISTRATION'
71                 and     ppa.report_type               = 'YEA'
72                 and     ppa.report_qualifier          = 'KR'
73                 -- Bug 3248513
74                 and     ( (ppa.report_category in (pay_kr_yea_magtape_pkg.g_normal_yea, pay_kr_yea_magtape_pkg.g_interim_yea, pay_kr_yea_magtape_pkg.g_re_yea)) or (ppa.payroll_action_id = pay_kr_yea_magtape_pkg.g_payroll_action_id) )
75                 and     to_number(to_char(ppa.effective_date, 'YYYY')) = pay_kr_yea_magtape_pkg.g_target_year
76                 --
77                 and     ppa.action_type in ('B','X')
78                 and     paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
79 		and     ppa.payroll_action_id         = ppa.payroll_action_id
80 		-- Bug 3248513
81 		and	((pay_kr_yea_magtape_pkg.g_assignment_set_id is null) or (hr_assignment_set.assignment_in_set(pay_kr_yea_magtape_pkg.g_assignment_set_id, paa.assignment_id) = 'Y'))
82 		and     ((pay_kr_yea_magtape_pkg.g_re_yea <> 'R') or (pay_kr_yea_magtape_fun_pkg.latest_yea_action(paa.assignment_action_id, pay_kr_yea_magtape_pkg.g_payroll_action_id, pay_kr_yea_magtape_pkg.g_target_year) = 'Y'))
83 		--
84                 and     paa.tax_unit_id = bp.organization_id
85                 and     paa.action_status = 'C'
86                 and     i1.context1(+) = paa.assignment_action_id
87                 and     i1.user_entity_id(+) = p_user_entity_id;
89        cursor csr_b2 is
90                 select
91                         count(*)
92                 from    per_assignment_extra_info       aei,
93                         pay_assignment_actions          paa,
94                         pay_payroll_actions             ppa,
95                         hr_organization_units           bp,
96 			hr_organization_information     hoi1,
97 			hr_organization_information     hoi2
98                 where   hoi1.org_information2         = p_bp_number          --Bug# 2822459
99                 and     hoi2.org_information9         = p_tax_office_code
100                 and     hoi1.organization_id          = hoi2.organization_id
101                 and     hoi1.organization_id          = bp.organization_id
102                 and     hoi2.org_information_context  = 'KR_INCOME_TAX_OFFICE'
103                 and     hoi1.org_information_context  like 'KR_BUSINESS_PLACE_REGISTRATION'
104                 and     ppa.report_type = 'YEA'
105                 and     ppa.report_qualifier = 'KR'
106                 -- Bug 3248513
107                 and     ( (ppa.report_category in (pay_kr_yea_magtape_pkg.g_normal_yea, pay_kr_yea_magtape_pkg.g_interim_yea, pay_kr_yea_magtape_pkg.g_re_yea)) or (ppa.payroll_action_id = pay_kr_yea_magtape_pkg.g_payroll_action_id) )
108                 and     to_number(to_char(ppa.effective_date, 'YYYY')) = pay_kr_yea_magtape_pkg.g_target_year
109                 --
110                 and     ppa.action_type in ('B','X')
111                 and     paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
112 		and     ppa.payroll_action_id         = ppa.payroll_action_id
113 		-- Bug 3248513
114 		and	((pay_kr_yea_magtape_pkg.g_assignment_set_id is null) or (hr_assignment_set.assignment_in_set(pay_kr_yea_magtape_pkg.g_assignment_set_id, paa.assignment_id) = 'Y'))
115 		and     ((pay_kr_yea_magtape_pkg.g_re_yea <> 'R') or (pay_kr_yea_magtape_fun_pkg.latest_yea_action(paa.assignment_action_id, pay_kr_yea_magtape_pkg.g_payroll_action_id, pay_kr_yea_magtape_pkg.g_target_year) = 'Y'))
116 		--
117                 and     paa.tax_unit_id = bp.organization_id
118                 and     paa.action_status = 'C'
119                 and     aei.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
120                 and     aei.information_type = 'KR_YEA_PREV_ER_INFO'
121                 and     to_number(to_char(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(aei.aei_information1), 'YYYY')) = pay_kr_yea_magtape_pkg.g_target_year;
122 begin
123 --            if g_b_record.tax_unit_id is null or g_b_record.tax_unit_id <> p_tax_unit_id then
124 --               g_b_record.tax_unit_id := p_tax_unit_id;
125                 --
126                 open csr_b1;
127                 fetch csr_b1 into g_b_record.c_records;
128                 close csr_b1;
130                 open csr_b3(pay_kr_yea_magtape_pkg.g_taxable_id);
131                 fetch csr_b3 into g_b_record.taxable;
132                 close csr_b3;
134                 open csr_b3(pay_kr_yea_magtape_pkg.g_annual_itax_id);
135                 fetch csr_b3 into g_b_record.annual_itax;
136                 close csr_b3;
138                 open csr_b3(pay_kr_yea_magtape_pkg.g_annual_rtax_id);
139                 fetch csr_b3 into g_b_record.annual_rtax;
140                 close csr_b3;
142                 open csr_b3(pay_kr_yea_magtape_pkg.g_annual_stax_id);
143                 fetch csr_b3 into g_b_record.annual_stax;
144                 close csr_b3;
146                 --
147                 open csr_b2;
148                 fetch csr_b2 into g_b_record.d_records;
149                 close csr_b2;
150 --        end if;
151 end populate_b;
152 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
153 function b_data(
154         p_bp_number        in varchar2,
155         p_tax_office_code  in varchar2,
156         p_item_name        in varchar2) return varchar2
157 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
158 is
159         l_proc  varchar2(61) := c_package || 'b_data';
160 begin
161         populate_b(p_bp_number,p_tax_office_code);
162         --
163         if p_item_name = 'C_RECORDS' then
164                 return to_char(g_b_record.c_records);
165         elsif p_item_name = 'TAXABLE' then
166                 return to_char(g_b_record.taxable);
167         elsif p_item_name = 'ANNUAL_ITAX' then
168                 return to_char(g_b_record.annual_itax);
169         elsif p_item_name = 'ANNUAL_RTAX' then
170                 return to_char(g_b_record.annual_rtax);
171         elsif p_item_name = 'ANNUAL_STAX' then
172                 return to_char(g_b_record.annual_stax);
173         elsif p_item_name = 'D_RECORDS' then
174                 return to_char(g_b_record.d_records);
175         else
176                 invalid_argument(l_proc, 'P_ITEM_NAME', p_item_name);
177         end if;
178 end b_data;
179 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
180 procedure populate_c(p_assignment_id in number)
181 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
182 is
183         l_proc  varchar2(61) := c_package || 'populate_c';
184         --
185         cursor csr_c is
186                 select
187                         count(*)
188                 from    per_assignment_extra_info       aei
189                 where   aei.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
190                 and     aei.information_type = 'KR_YEA_PREV_ER_INFO'
191                 and     to_number(to_char(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(aei.aei_information1), 'YYYY')) = pay_kr_yea_magtape_pkg.g_target_year;
192 begin
193         if g_c_record.assignment_id is null or g_c_record.assignment_id <> p_assignment_id then
194                 g_c_record.assignment_id := p_assignment_id;
195                 --
196                 open csr_c;
197                 fetch csr_c into g_c_record.d_records_per_c;
198                 close csr_c;
199         end if;
200 end populate_c;
201 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
202 function c_data(
203         p_assignment_id in number,
204         p_item_name     in varchar2) return varchar2
205 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
206 is
207         l_proc  varchar2(61) := c_package || 'c_data';
208 begin
209         populate_c(p_assignment_id);
210         --
211         if p_item_name = 'D_RECORDS_PER_C' then
212                 return to_char(g_c_record.d_records_per_c);
213         else
214                 invalid_argument(l_proc, 'P_ITEM_NAME', p_item_name);
215         end if;
216 end c_data;
218 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
219 -- Bug 3248513 Function latest_yea_action created to get the latest
220 --             Re-YEA action if e-file is printed for re-yea
221 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
222 function latest_yea_action(
223 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
224 	p_asg_action_id  in  pay_assignment_actions.assignment_action_id%type,
225         p_pact           in  number,
226         p_target_year    in  number
227 )  return varchar2
228 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
229 is
231   l_is_latest   varchar2(1);
233   Cursor is_latest is
234 	Select 'Y'
235           from pay_assignment_actions paa,
236                pay_payroll_actions    ppa
237          where paa.assignment_action_id = p_asg_action_id
238            and ppa.payroll_action_id    = paa.payroll_action_id
239            and not exists
240                       ( Select assignment_action_id
241                           from pay_assignment_actions paa1,
242                                pay_payroll_actions    ppa1
243                          where paa1.assignment_id      = paa.assignment_id
244                            and ppa1.payroll_action_id  = paa1.payroll_action_id
245                            and ppa1.action_type        in ('B', 'X')
246                            and paa1.action_status      = 'C'
247                            and ppa1.report_type        = 'YEA'
248                            and ppa1.report_qualifier   = 'KR'
249                            and ppa1.report_category    = 'R'
250                            and to_number(to_char(ppa1.effective_date, 'YYYY')) = p_target_year -- Bug 4726974
251                            and paa1.action_sequence > paa.action_sequence);
252 begin
253 	if p_pact is not null then -- Bug 4726974
254 		return 'Y';
255 	else
256 		open is_latest;
257 		fetch is_latest into l_is_latest;
258 		close is_latest;
260 		return nvl(l_is_latest, 'N');
261 	end if;
262 end;
263 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
264 -- Bug : 4738717
265 -- This function returns the count of the dependents
266 -- who are elilgible for exemptions
267 function e_record_count( p_ass_id      in varchar2,
268                          p_eff_date    in date ) return number
269 is
270     cursor csr_e_count( p_assignment_id varchar2, p_effective_date date ) is
271  -- Bug 5654127
272  -- Bug 5872042
273  -- Bug 7661820
274  select count(*)
275   from pay_kr_cont_details_v        pkc,
276        per_contact_extra_info_f     cei     -- Bug 5879106
277   where pkc.assignment_id              = p_assignment_id
278    and p_effective_date between pkc.emp_start_date and pkc.emp_end_date
279    and pay_kr_ff_functions_pkg.is_exempted_dependent(pkc.contact_type, pkc.cont_information11, pkc.national_identifier, pkc.cont_information2,
280            pkc.cont_information3,
281            pkc.cont_information4,
282            pkc.cont_information7,
283            pkc.cont_information8,
284            p_effective_date,
285            pkc.cont_information10,
286            pkc.cont_information12,
287            pkc.cont_information13,
288            pkc.cont_information14,
289 	   cei.contact_extra_info_id) = 'Y'
290    and to_char(cei.effective_start_date(+), 'yyyy') = to_char(p_effective_date,'yyyy')
291    and cei.information_type(+) = 'KR_DPNT_EXPENSE_INFO'
292    and cei.contact_relationship_id(+) = pkc.contact_relationship_id
293    and p_effective_date between nvl(pkc.date_start, p_effective_date)
294             and decode(pkc.cont_information9, 'D',trunc(add_months(nvl(pkc.date_end, p_effective_date),12),'YYYY')-1,
295                 nvl(pkc.date_end, p_effective_date) )
296    and p_effective_date	between nvl(ADDRESS_START_DATE, p_effective_date) and nvl(ADDRESS_END_DATE, p_effective_date)
297    and p_effective_date between pkc.CONT_START_DATE and pkc.CONT_END_DATE;
298   -- End of Bug 5872042
299   -- End of Bug 5654127
300     l_count number;
302 begin
304     open csr_e_count(p_ass_id,p_eff_date);
305     fetch csr_e_count into l_count;
306     close csr_e_count;
308     return l_count+1;       -- Bug 5654127: Added 1 for the employee details record
310 end e_record_count;
311 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
312 -- Bug 9213683: Created a new function to fetch the non-taxable earnings
313 --              values for the Previous employer.
314 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
315 function prev_non_tax_values(
316                              p_assignment_id 	in varchar2,
317                              p_bp_number	in varchar2,
318                              p_code		in varchar2,
319                              p_effective_date   in date) return number
320 is
321 --
322 l_dummy number := 0;
324 cursor csr_aei is
325 SELECT nvl(aei_information5,   0) VALUE
326 FROM per_assignment_extra_info
327 WHERE assignment_id = p_assignment_id
328  AND aei_information4 = p_bp_number
329  AND aei_information2 = p_code
330  AND information_type = 'KR_YEA_NON_TAXABLE_EARN_DETAIL'
331  AND TRUNC(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(aei_information1),   'YYYY') = TRUNC(p_effective_date,   'YYYY');
332 --
333 begin
334 --
335 open csr_aei;
336 fetch csr_aei into l_dummy;
337 if csr_aei%NOTFOUND then
338    l_dummy := 0;
339 end if;
340 close csr_aei;
342 return l_dummy;
343 --
344 end;
345 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
346 -- Bug 10184055
347 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
348 function f_record_count ( p_ass_id      in varchar2,
349                          p_eff_date    in date,
350 			 p_assignment_action_id in varchar2) return number
351 is
353 l_count number := 0;
355  cursor csr_f_count (p_assignment_id varchar2, p_effective_date date, p_assignment_action_id in varchar2 ) is
356  select count(*)
357  from per_assignment_extra_info
358  where
360  and assignment_id = p_ass_id
361  and trunc(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(aei_information1), 'YYYY') = trunc(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')
362  and pay_kr_yea_magtape_fun_pkg.get_sep_pen_eligible(p_assignment_id,p_assignment_action_id,
363 	                                        p_effective_date, information_type,aei_information6) > 0;
366 begin
368 open csr_f_count (p_ass_id,p_eff_date,p_assignment_action_id);
369 fetch csr_f_count into l_count;
370 if csr_f_count%NOTFOUND then
371  l_count := 0;
372 end if;
373 close csr_f_count;
375 return l_count;
376 end f_record_count;
377 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
378 function get_sep_pen_exem_amount(
379                p_archive in varchar2,
380 	       p_row_count in number) return number
381 is
383 l_exem_amount number := 0;
384 l_dummy varchar2(300);
386 begin
388    if nvl(p_row_count,1) = 1 then
389      l_exem_amount := to_number(substr(p_archive,1,instr(p_archive,'X',1,1)-1));
391     else
392      l_dummy := instr(p_archive,'X',1,p_row_count-1)+1;
393      l_exem_amount := to_number (substr(p_archive,l_dummy,instr(p_archive,'X',1,p_row_count)-l_dummy));
394    end if;
395   return l_exem_amount;
396 end get_sep_pen_exem_amount;
397 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
398 function get_sep_pen_eligible ( p_assignment_id in varchar2, p_assignment_action_id in varchar2,
399                                 p_effective_date in date, p_information_type in varchar2, p_aei_information6 in varchar2 ) return number is
401 g_archive_item_value number;
402 g_ex_archive_item_value varchar2(300);
403 p_row_count number;
405 cursor csr(p_information_type in varchar2, p_assignment_id in varchar2, p_effective_date in date) is
406        select aei_information6
407           from per_assignment_extra_info
408 	where   information_type = p_information_type
409 	and    assignment_id = p_assignment_id
410 	and	trunc(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(aei_information1), 'YYYY') = trunc(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')
411         order by to_number(aei_information6);
413                --------------------------------------------------------
414                 function archive_item_value(p_user_entity_name in varchar2) return varchar2
415                 --------------------------------------------------------
416                 is
417                         value        varchar2(300);
418                 begin
419                         select  ffai.value
420                         into    value
421                         from    ff_user_entities ffue, ff_archive_items ffai
422                         where   ffue.user_entity_name = p_user_entity_name
423                         and     ffue.legislation_code = 'KR'
424                         and     ffue.creator_type = 'X'
425 			and     ffai.user_entity_id =  ffue.user_entity_id
426 			and     ffai.context1 = p_assignment_action_id;
427                         --
428                         return value;
429                 end archive_item_value;
431 begin
432  p_row_count := 0;
433  g_archive_item_value := 0;
435   for rec in csr(p_information_type,p_assignment_id,p_effective_date) loop
436   p_row_count := p_row_count + 1;
437   if rec.aei_information6 = p_aei_information6 then
438     exit;
439   end if;
440   end loop;
442 if p_information_type = 'KR_YEA_SEP_PEN_DETAILS' then
443     if p_row_count = 1 then
444      g_archive_item_value := to_number(archive_item_value ('X_YEA_SEP_PEN_EXEM_AMT1'));
445     elsif p_row_count = 2 then
446      g_archive_item_value := to_number(archive_item_value ('X_YEA_SEP_PEN_EXEM_AMT2'));
447     elsif p_row_count > 2 then
448      g_ex_archive_item_value := archive_item_value ('X_YEA_SEP_PEN_EXEM_AMT_ARCHIVE');
449      g_archive_item_value := get_sep_pen_exem_amount(g_ex_archive_item_value,p_row_count-2);
450     end if;
451  elsif p_information_type = 'KR_YEA_PEN_SAVING_DETAILS' then
452     if p_row_count = 1 then
453      g_archive_item_value := to_number(archive_item_value ('X_YEA_PEN_SAV_EXEM_AMT1'));
454     elsif p_row_count = 2 then
455      g_archive_item_value := to_number(archive_item_value ('X_YEA_PEN_SAV_EXEM_AMT2'));
456     elsif p_row_count > 2 then
457      g_ex_archive_item_value := archive_item_value ('X_YEA_PEN_SAV_EXEM_AMT_ARCHIVE');
458      g_archive_item_value := get_sep_pen_exem_amount(g_ex_archive_item_value,p_row_count-2);
459     end if;
460    elsif p_information_type = 'KR_YEA_HOU_SAVING_DETAILS' then
461       if p_row_count = 1 then
462      g_archive_item_value := to_number(archive_item_value ('X_YEA_HOU_SAV_EXEM_AMT1'));
463     elsif p_row_count = 2 then
464      g_archive_item_value := to_number(archive_item_value ('X_YEA_HOU_SAV_EXEM_AMT2'));
465     elsif p_row_count = 3 then
466      g_archive_item_value := to_number(archive_item_value ('X_YEA_HOU_SAV_EXEM_AMT3'));
467     elsif p_row_count > 3 then
468      g_ex_archive_item_value := archive_item_value ('X_YEA_HOU_SAV_EXEM_AMT_ARCHIVE');
469      g_archive_item_value := get_sep_pen_exem_amount(g_ex_archive_item_value,p_row_count-3);
470     end if;
471    elsif p_information_type = 'KR_YEA_LT_STOCK_SAVING_DETAILS' then
472       if p_row_count = 1 then
473      g_archive_item_value := to_number(archive_item_value ('X_YEA_LT_STCK_SAV_EXEM_AMT1'));
474     elsif p_row_count = 2 then
475      g_archive_item_value := to_number(archive_item_value ('X_YEA_LT_STCK_SAV_EXEM_AMT2'));
476     elsif p_row_count = 3 then
477      g_archive_item_value := to_number(archive_item_value ('X_YEA_LT_STCK_SAV_EXEM_AMT3'));
478     elsif p_row_count > 3 then
479      g_ex_archive_item_value := archive_item_value ('X_YEA_LT_STCK_SAV_EXEM_AMT_ARCHIVE');
480      g_archive_item_value := get_sep_pen_exem_amount(g_ex_archive_item_value,p_row_count-3);
481     end if;
482    end if;
484 return g_archive_item_value;
486 end get_sep_pen_eligible;
488 end pay_kr_yea_magtape_fun_pkg;