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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 17

    select distinct bis.request_set_name Name, cr.phase_code Phase, cr.request_id request, cr.requested_start_date s_date
    from bis_request_set_objects bis, fnd_request_sets fnd , fnd_concurrent_requests cr
    where bis.request_set_name = fnd.request_set_name
      and bis.set_app_id = fnd.application_id
      and cr.phase_code = 'R'
      and to_char(fnd.application_id) = cr.argument1
      and to_char(fnd.request_set_id) = cr.argument2
      and cr.argument4 is null;
Line: 28

    SELECT obj.object_name Name, req.request_id request
    FROM fnd_concurrent_programs prog, fnd_concurrent_requests req, bis_obj_properties obj
    WHERE (prog.concurrent_program_name = 'BIS_MV_REFRESH_STANDALONE' OR prog.concurrent_program_name = 'BIS_MV_REFRESH')
     AND prog.application_id = 191
     AND prog.concurrent_program_id = req.concurrent_program_id
     AND req.phase_code = 'R'
	 AND obj.object_type = 'MV'
	 AND req.argument2 = obj.object_name;
Line: 39

    SELECT currmvname name
    FROM v$mvrefresh mv,  bis_obj_properties obj
    WHERE obj.object_name = currmvname;
Line: 136

    select object_name, BIS_CREATE_REQUESTSET.get_object_owner(object_name, object_type) obj_owner
    from bis_obj_properties
    where (object_type = 'TABLE' OR object_type = 'MV');
Line: 142

    select log_table, log_owner
    where log.master = obj_name
    and log.log_owner = obj_owner;
Line: 185

        l_stmt := 'select /*+ FIRST_ROWS */ 1 from '|| log_table_rec.log_owner ||'.'|| log_table_rec.log_table ||' where rownum=1';