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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 32

select org_id
from   ozf_claims_all
where  claim_id = p_id;
Line: 37

select org_id
from   ozf_funds_utilized_all_b
where  utilization_id = p_id;
Line: 133

select claim_id
from   ozf_claim_lines_all
where  claim_line_id = cv_claim_line_id;
Line: 139

select ct.gl_id_ded_clearing       -- vendor clearing account
,      ct.gl_id_ded_adj_clearing   -- receivables clearing account
from   ozf_claim_types_all_b ct
,      ozf_claims_all c
where  ct.claim_type_id = c.claim_type_id
and    c.claim_id = cv_claim_id;
Line: 148

select osp.gl_id_ded_adj            -- expense account
,      osp.gl_id_accr_promo_liab    -- accrual liability account
,      osp.gl_id_ded_clearing       -- vendor clearing account
,      osp.gl_rec_clearing_account  -- receivables clearing account
FROM   ozf_sys_parameters_all osp
,      ozf_claims_all oc
WHERE  osp.org_id = NVL(oc.org_id, -99)
AND    oc.claim_id = p_id;
Line: 160

SELECT l.claim_currency_amount
,      l.acctd_amount
,      c.currency_code
,      c.claim_id
FROM   ozf_claim_lines_all l
,      ozf_claims_all c
WHERE  l.claim_id = c.claim_id
--AND    l.earnings_associated_flag = 'T'
AND    l.claim_line_id = p_id;
Line: 174

select u.plan_curr_amount
,      u.acctd_amount
--,      u.currency_code
,      u.utilization_id
,      u.fund_id
,      u.component_type
,      u.component_id
,      u.object_type
,      u.object_id
,      u.product_level_type
,      u.product_id
,      u.price_adjustment_id
,      u.cust_account_id
,      u.plan_id
,      u.object_type
,      u.object_id
,      u.exchange_rate
,      u.exchange_rate_type
,      u.exchange_rate_date
from   ozf_funds_utilized_all_b u
where  u.utilization_id = p_id;
Line: 199

select u.amount
,      u.utilized_acctd_amount
,      u.currency_code
,      u.utilization_id
,      u.claim_line_util_id
,      f.fund_id
,      f.component_type
,      f.component_id
,      f.object_type
,      f.object_id
,      f.product_level_type
,      f.product_id
,      f.price_adjustment_id
,      f.cust_account_id
from   ozf_claim_lines_util_all u
,      ozf_claim_lines_all l
,      ozf_claims_all c
,      ozf_funds_utilized_all_b f
where  u.claim_line_id = l.claim_line_id
and    u.utilization_id = f.utilization_id
and    l.claim_id = c.claim_id
and    c.claim_id = p_id
order by u.claim_line_util_id asc;
Line: 541

SELECT f.fund_type
,      f.ledger_id
,      g.period_set_name
FROM   ozf_funds_all_b f
,      gl_sets_of_books g
,      ozf_funds_utilized_all_b u
WHERE  f.ledger_id = g.set_of_books_id
AND    f.fund_id = u.fund_id
AND    u.utilization_id = p_id;
Line: 552

SELECT c.claim_class
,      c.set_of_books_id
,      g.period_set_name
FROM   ozf_claims_all c
,      gl_sets_of_books g
WHERE  c.set_of_books_id = g.set_of_books_id
AND    c.claim_id = p_id;
Line: 689

   SELECT tax_for
   FROM ozf_claim_sttlmnt_methods_all csm,ozf_claims_all c
   WHERE csm.settlement_method = c.payment_method
   AND c.claim_id =p_claim_id
   AND csm.org_id = c.org_id;
Line: 821

select o.offer_code
from   ozf_funds_utilized_all_b fu
,      ozf_offers o
where  fu.plan_type = 'OFFR'
and    fu.plan_id = o.qp_list_header_id
and    fu.utilization_id = cv_utilization_id;
Line: 829

select f.fund_number
from   ozf_funds_utilized_all_b fu
,      ozf_funds_all_b f
where  fu.fund_id = f.fund_id
and    fu.utilization_id = cv_utilization_id;
Line: 836

select claim_number
from   ozf_claims_all
where  claim_id = cv_claim_id;
Line: 955

   SELECT cla.source_object_class
     FROM ozf_claims_all cla
    WHERE claim_id = p_claim_id;
Line: 1243

SELECT G.period_name
FROM gl_period_statuses G
WHERE G.application_id = 101
AND G.closing_status in ('O', 'F')
AND NVL(G.adjustment_period_flag, 'N') = 'N'
AND G.set_of_books_id = p_sob_id
AND trunc(p_acc_date) between G.start_date and G.end_date;
Line: 1284

select gl_date
,      claim_date
,      org_id
from   ozf_claims_all
where  claim_id = p_id;
Line: 1291

select gl_date
from   ozf_funds_utilized_all_b
where  utilization_id = p_id;
Line: 1296

SELECT gl_date_type
FROM ozf_sys_parameters_all
WHERE org_id = NVL(p_id, -99);
Line: 1356

select org_id
from   ozf_claims_all
where  claim_id = p_id;
Line: 1361

select org_id
from   ozf_funds_utilized_all_b
where  utilization_id = p_id;
Line: 1451

select  meaning
from    fnd_lookup_types_tl
where   lookup_type = p_type;
Line: 1537

select code_combination_id_gain
from   ar_system_parameters_all
where org_id = p_org_id;
Line: 1542

select code_combination_id_loss
from   ar_system_parameters_all
where org_id = p_org_id;
Line: 1547

SELECT SUM(u.amount)
,      SUM(u.fxgl_acctd_amount)
,      c.currency_code
FROM   ozf_claim_lines_util_all u
,      ozf_claim_lines_all l
,      ozf_claims_all c
WHERE  l.claim_id = c.claim_id
AND    l.earnings_associated_flag = 'T'
AND    l.claim_line_id = u.claim_line_id
AND    c.claim_id = p_claim_id
GROUP BY c.currency_code;
Line: 1968

   SELECT TO_NUMBER(hou.default_legal_context_id) legal_entity,
          TO_NUMBER(hou.set_of_books_id) ledger_id
Line: 1975

   SELECT org_id, gl_date,adjustment_type
     FROM ozf_funds_utilized_all_b
    WHERE utilization_id = p_utilization_id;
Line: 1980

   SELECT entity_code
     FROM xla_event_types_vl
    WHERE application_id  = 682
      AND event_type_Code = cv_event_type_code;
Line: 2119


                  ,NVL (fnd_global.user_id, -1)
                  ,NVL (fnd_global.user_id, -1)
                  ,NVL (fnd_global.conc_login_id, -1)
Line: 2171

    WHEN DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX THEN --bug 13517522 - raise and catch error if duplicate value is inserted for column UTILIZATION_ID
        ROLLBACK TO Create_SLA_Accrual_Extract;
Line: 2283

   SELECT TO_NUMBER(hou.default_legal_context_id) legal_entity,
          TO_NUMBER(hou.set_of_books_id) ledger_id
Line: 2289

   SELECT cla.gl_date, cla.org_id, cla.claim_date, osp.gl_date_type,cla.payment_method
     FROM ozf_claims_all cla, ozf_sys_parameters_all osp
    WHERE claim_id = p_claim_id
      AND cla.org_id = osp.org_id;
Line: 2295

  SELECT count(*)
    FROM ozf_claim_lines_util_all
   WHERE claim_line_id IN (SELECT claim_line_id
                               FROM ozf_claim_lines_all
                              WHERE claim_id = p_id);
Line: 2302

  SELECT clu.claim_line_util_id
    FROM ozf_claim_lines_util_all clu,
         ozf_claim_lines_all cln
   WHERE clu.claim_line_id = cln.claim_line_id
     AND cln.claim_id = p_claim_id;
Line: 2310

Line: 2315

   SELECT entity_code
     FROM xla_event_types_vl
    WHERE application_id  = 682
      AND event_type_Code = cv_event_type_code;
Line: 2322

    SELECT event_id,xla_claim_header_id
     FROM ozf_xla_claim_headers
    WHERE claim_id  = p_claim_id
    AND event_type_code <> 'CLAIM_SETTLEMENT_REVERSAL'
    order by event_id desc;
Line: 2329

  SELECT cancelled_date
    FROM ap_invoices_all ap,
         ozf_claims_all oc
   WHERE claim_id = cv_claim_id
     AND TO_NUMBER(ap.reference_key1) = oc.claim_id
     AND ap.vendor_id = oc.vendor_id
     AND ap.vendor_site_id = oc.vendor_site_id
     ORDER BY ap.creation_date desc;
Line: 2486

        UPDATE ozf_xla_claim_headers
        SET related_event_id = l_xla_event_id
        WHERE xla_claim_header_id = l_parent_header_id;
Line: 2502


       VALUES (l_xla_claim_hed_seq
                  ,NVL (fnd_global.user_id, -1)
                  ,NVL (fnd_global.user_id, -1)
                  ,NVL (fnd_global.conc_login_id, -1)
                  ,l_related_event_id -- Fix for Bug#13542516
Line: 2541

            OZF_Utility_PVT.debug_message('Before Inserting l_actg_tbl.count:' || l_actg_tbl.count);
Line: 2562


                    ,NVL (fnd_global.user_id, -1)
                    ,NVL (fnd_global.user_id, -1)
                    ,NVL (fnd_global.conc_login_id, -1)
Line: 2695

SELECT NVL(osp.post_to_gl, 'F')
,      NVL(osp.gl_acct_for_offinv_flag, 'F'),plan_curr_amount, --ninarasi fix for bug 13054588
       plan_curr_amount_remaining -- Fix for Bug 13596344
FROM   ozf_sys_parameters_all osp
,      ozf_funds_utilized_all_b ofa
WHERE  osp.org_id = ofa.org_id
AND    ofa.utilization_id = p_id;
Line: 2704

SELECT NVL(osp.post_to_gl, 'F')
FROM   ozf_sys_parameters_all osp
,      ozf_claims_all oc
WHERE  osp.org_id = oc.org_id
AND    oc.claim_id = p_id;
Line: 2712

SELECT offer_type FROM
        ozf_offers a,
        ozf_funds_utilized_all_b b
WHERE   a.qp_list_header_id = b.plan_id
AND     b.utilization_id = p_id;
Line: 3114

select event_status_code
from   ozf_acctng_events_all
where  accounting_event_id = p_id;
Line: 3227

   UPDATE ozf_acctng_events_all
   SET    event_status_code = 'ACCOUNTED'
   where  accounting_event_id = l_accounting_event_id;
Line: 3361

    SELECT accounting_event_id
         , event_number
         , event_status_code
         , event_type_code
         , source_id
         , source_table
         , org_id
         , accounting_date
         , object_version_number
    from ozf_acctng_events_all
    where source_table = 'OZF_CLAIMS_ALL'
    and source_id = p_source_id;
Line: 3376

   select ae_header_id
         , ae_category
         , cross_currency_flag
         , description
         , gl_reversal_flag
         , period_name
         , set_of_books_id
         , gl_transfer_flag
         , org_id
         , object_version_number
   from ozf_ae_headers_all
   where accounting_event_id = p_accounting_event_id;
Line: 3391

   select ae_line_id
          , object_version_number
   from ozf_ae_lines_all
   where ae_header_id = p_ae_header_id;
Line: 3399

   select accounted_cr
         , accounted_dr
         , entered_cr
         , entered_dr
         , ae_line_number
         , ae_line_type_code
         , code_combination_id
         , currency_code
         , description
         , source_id
         , source_table
         , org_id
         , reference2
         , reference3
   from ozf_ae_lines_all
   where ae_header_id = p_ae_header_id;
Line: 3418

SELECT closing_status
FROM   gl_period_statuses a
     , ozf_sys_parameters b
WHERE  application_id = 222
  AND  a.set_of_books_id = b.set_of_books_id
  AND  l_acct_date BETWEEN start_date AND end_date
  AND  NVL(adjustment_period_flag,'N') = 'N';
Line: 3429

SELECT MIN(start_date)
FROM   gl_period_statuses a
     , ozf_sys_parameters b
WHERE  a.application_id = 222
AND    a.set_of_books_id =  b.set_of_books_id
AND    nvl(a.adjustment_period_flag,'N') = 'N'
AND    a.closing_status IN ( 'O','F');
Line: 3658

      UPDATE ozf_ae_headers_all
         SET gl_reversal_flag = 'Y'
      WHERE ae_header_id = l_ae_header_id;
Line: 3664

         OZF_Utility_PVT.debug_message('Not transferred to GL, delete SLA entries');
Line: 3677

                  p_api_version_number    => 1.0,
                  p_init_msg_list         => FND_API.G_FALSE,
                  p_commit                => FND_API.G_FALSE,
                  p_validation_level      => FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
                  x_return_status         => x_return_status,
                  x_msg_count             => x_msg_count,
                  x_msg_data              => x_msg_data,
                  p_ae_line_id            => l_ae_line_id,
                  p_object_version_number => l_ael_object_version_num);
Line: 3698

         OZF_Utility_PVT.debug_message('Deleted lines');
Line: 3702

            p_api_version_number    => 1.0,
            p_init_msg_list         => FND_API.G_FALSE,
            p_commit                => FND_API.G_FALSE,
            p_validation_level      => FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
            x_return_status         => x_return_status,
            x_msg_count             => x_msg_count,
            x_msg_data              => x_msg_data,
            p_ae_header_id          => l_ae_header_id,
            p_object_version_number => l_aeh_object_version_num);
Line: 3721

         OZF_Utility_PVT.debug_message('Deleted header');
Line: 3725

            p_api_version_number    => 1.0,
            p_init_msg_list         => FND_API.G_FALSE,
            p_commit                => FND_API.G_FALSE,
            p_validation_level      => FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
            x_return_status         => x_return_status,
            x_msg_count             => x_msg_count,
            x_msg_data              => x_msg_data,
            p_accounting_event_id   => l_accounting_event_id,
            p_object_version_number => l_ae_object_version_num);
Line: 3744

         OZF_Utility_PVT.debug_message('Deleted header');
Line: 4001

   SELECT tax_for
   FROM ozf_claim_sttlmnt_methods_all csm,ozf_claims_all c
   WHERE csm.settlement_method = c.payment_method
   AND c.claim_id =p_claim_id
   AND csm.org_id = c.org_id;