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Line 452: -- fnd_profile_options.profile_option_name, which is 80

448: -- 5) Attributes:
449: -- profile_option_name - mandatory for creating a new profile option value
450: -- at the new responsibility level or at the new user level.
451: -- Length cannot exceed the length of
452: -- fnd_profile_options.profile_option_name, which is 80
453: -- characters. This should be the internal name, NOT the
454: -- fnd_profile_options_tl.user_profile_option_name.
455: -- For example, for the "HR: User Type" profile option, the value
456: -- to use should be "HR_USER_TYPE", the internal name.

Line 454: -- fnd_profile_options_tl.user_profile_option_name.

450: -- at the new responsibility level or at the new user level.
451: -- Length cannot exceed the length of
452: -- fnd_profile_options.profile_option_name, which is 80
453: -- characters. This should be the internal name, NOT the
454: -- fnd_profile_options_tl.user_profile_option_name.
455: -- For example, for the "HR: User Type" profile option, the value
456: -- to use should be "HR_USER_TYPE", the internal name.
457: --
458: -- profile_option_value - mandatory for creating a new profile option value

Line 555: -- profile_option_name = fnd_profile_options.profile_option_name. In this

551: -- fnd_responsibility_tbl.new_resp_app_id value.
552: --
553: -- Example 1: To add a profile option value for the profile option name
554: -- 'PER_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID' at the responsibility level:
555: -- profile_option_name = fnd_profile_options.profile_option_name. In this
556: -- case is 'PER_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID'.
557: -- profile_option_value = whatever business group id value
558: -- profile_level_name = 'RESP' for responsibility
559: -- profile_level_value = the responsibility_key in this example.

Line 571: -- profile_option_name = fnd_profile_options.profile_option_name. In this

567: -- Example 2: To add a profile option value for the profile option name
568: -- ---------
569: -- 'HR_TIPS_TEST_MODE' at the user level, you would fill out
570: -- the following values:
571: -- profile_option_name = fnd_profile_options.profile_option_name. In this
572: -- case is 'HR_TIPS_TEST_MODE'.
573: -- profile_option_value = 'Y' or 'N', the quick code value for the quick code
574: -- type "YES_NO".
575: -- profile_level_name = 'USER' for user level.

Line 585: (profile_option_name fnd_profile_options.profile_option_name%type

581: --
583: -- ==============================================
584: TYPE fnd_profile_opt_val_rec IS RECORD
585: (profile_option_name fnd_profile_options.profile_option_name%type
586: ,profile_option_value
587: fnd_profile_option_values.profile_option_value%type
588: ,profile_level_name varchar2(2000)
589: ,profile_level_value varchar2(30)