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1 package BODY GMS_PO_API2_GRP as
2 --$Header: gmsgpo2b.pls 120.0.12020000.2 2012/07/18 09:31:29 admarath ship $
4     -- Start of comments
5     -- Declare package variables used for FND_API calls.
6     -- End of comments
7     -- ------------------
9     G_api_version	CONSTANT NUMBER         := 1.0 ;
10     G_pkg_name	        CONSTANT varchar2(45)   := 'GMS_PO_API2_GRP' ;
11     G_file_name         CONSTANT varchar2(45)   := 'gmsgpo2b.pls';
14     -- start of comments
15     -- --------------------
16     -- Standard Parameters    : Standard parameters descriptions
17     -- p_api_version	      : This parameter is used by the api to compare the version
18     --			        numbers of incoming calls to its current version number.
19     --			        return an unexpected error if they are incompatible.
20     -- p_init_msg_list	      : This allows api called to request that the API does
21     --                          the initialization of the message list on their behalf,
22     --                          thus reducing the number of calls required by a caller
23     --                          in order to execute an API.
24     --
25     -- p_commit	              : p_commit parameter is used by api caller to ask the API
26     --                          to commit on their behalf after performing its function.
27     --
28     -- p_validation_level     : APIs use the parameter to determine which validation steps
29     --                          should be executed and which steps should be skipped.
30     --			        value 0 = none validations
31     --                          value 100 = FULL validations.
32     --
33     -- x_return_status	      : out varchar2
34     --                          represents the result of all the operations performed by
35     --                          the API and must have one of the following values.
36     --                          G_RET_STS_SUCCESS    = 'S'
37     --                          G_RET_STS_ERROR      = 'E'
38     --                          G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR= 'U'
39     --
40     -- x_msg_count            : OUT NUMBER
41     --                          the message count holds the number of messages in the
42     --                          API message list. If this number is one then message data
43     --                          holds the message in an encoded format.
44     -- x_msg_data             : OUT number
45     --                          message data holds the message in an encoded format.
46     -- end of comments
47     -- -----------------
49     -- Start of comments
50     -- -----------------
51     -- API Name		: common_code
52     -- Type		: This is a private package program unit.
53     -- Pre Reqs		: None
54     -- Function		: This API is for validating standard API compatibility
55     --                    checks.
56     -- Calling API      : Local program units.
57     -- Parameters 	:
58     -- 			: Standard parameters
59     --			  p_api_version, p_commit, p_init_msg_list,
60     --			  p_validation_level, x_msg_count, x_msg_data,
61     --			  x_return_status
62     -- IN
63     --			: p_api_name
64     --                     The name of the API calling it.
65     -- End of comments
66     -- ----------------
67    PROCEDURE common_code ( p_api_version      in         NUMBER,
68                            p_init_msg_list    in         varchar2,
69 	                   p_commit           in         varchar2,
70 		           p_validation_level in         NUMBER,
71 			   x_msg_count        out nocopy number,
72 			   x_msg_data         out nocopy varchar2,
73 			   x_return_status    out nocopy varchar2,
74                            p_api_name         IN         varchar2 ) is
76       l_msg_count	NUMBER ;
77       l_msg_data 	varchar2(2000) ;
78       l_return_status   varchar2(1)   := fnd_api.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
79    BEGIN
81     	-- Standrad call to check API compatibility.
82     	IF NOT FND_API.Compatible_API_Call( G_api_version,
83     					    p_api_version,
84     					    p_api_name,
85     					    G_pkg_name) THEN
88     	END IF ;
90     	-- Initialize message list if p_init_msg_list is set to TRUE
91     	--
92     	IF FND_API.to_boolean( p_init_msg_list) THEN
94     	   FND_MSG_PUB.initialize ;
96     	END IF ;
98     	-- Initialize API return status to success.
99     	--
100     	l_return_status  := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS ;
102     	--
103     	-- Determine the validation level
104     	--
105     	IF p_validation_level >= FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL THEN
107     	   -- No validation logic required for this API.
108     	   --
109     	   NULL ;
110     	END IF ;
112     	-- Program logic begins here
113 	-- Program Logic ends here
115            x_msg_count     := l_msg_count ;
116            x_msg_data      := l_msg_data  ;
117            x_return_status := l_return_status ;
120            WHEN FND_API.G_EXC_ERROR then
121     	    x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR ;
122     	    FND_MSG_PUB.count_and_get ( p_encoded => fnd_api.g_false,
123 					p_count   => x_msg_count ,
124     					p_data    => x_msg_data ) ;
127     	    x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR ;
128     	    FND_MSG_PUB.count_and_get ( p_encoded => fnd_api.g_false,
129 					p_count   => x_msg_count ,
130     					p_data    => x_msg_data ) ;
131            WHEN OTHERS THEN
132     	    x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR ;
134     	    IF FND_MSG_PUB.check_msg_level( fnd_msg_pub.g_msg_lvl_unexp_error) THEN
135     		fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg( G_pkg_name, p_api_name ) ;
136     	    END IF ;
138     	    FND_MSG_PUB.count_and_get ( p_encoded => fnd_api.g_false,
139 					p_count   => x_msg_count ,
140     					p_data    => x_msg_data ) ;
141    END common_code ;
144     -- Start of comments
145     -- -----------------
146     -- API Name		: create_bulk_adl
147     -- Type		: This is a private package program unit.
148     -- Pre Reqs		: None
149     -- Function		: This is used to create award distribution lines
150     --                    using the bulk processing.
151     -- Logic		: Loop thru all the elements of the object record
152     --			  and create award distribution lines.
153     -- Parameters 	:
154     -- OUT 		: x_msg_count 	OUT	NUMBER
155     --			                Holds no. of messages in the API
156     --					message lists.
157     --			: x_msg_data    OUT	Varchar2
158     --					Holds the message in an encoded format.
159     --			: x_return_status OUT	varchar2
160     --					Holds the result of all the operations
161     --					performed by the API.
162     --					values - G_RET_STS_SUCESS = 'S'
163     --					         G_RET_STS_ERROR  = 'E'
164     --						 G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR = 'U'
165     --			: p_interface_obj IN OUT gms_po_interface_type
166     --			    SQL object that holds the value of distribution_ID,
167     --			    distribution number, project, task, award set id
168     --			    for bulk processing.
169     -- End of comments
170     -- ----------------
171     PROCEDURE create_bulk_adl
172         (
173           x_msg_count       out nocopy number,
174           x_msg_data        out nocopy varchar2,
175           x_return_status   out nocopy varchar2,
176           p_interface_obj   in out nocopy gms_po_interface_type)  is
178           l_dummy  NUMBER ;
179     BEGIN
181     x_return_status := fnd_api.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS ;
183     IF NVL(p_interface_obj.distribution_id.COUNT,0) <= 0 then
184 	return ;
185     END IF ;
187     FORALL i in p_interface_obj.distribution_id.FIRST..p_interface_obj.distribution_id.LAST
188          INSERT into gms_award_distributions
189                 (  award_set_id ,
190                    adl_line_num,
191                    funding_pattern_id,
192                    distribution_value ,
193 	           raw_cost,
194                    document_type,
195                    project_id                 ,
196                    task_id                    ,
197                    award_id                   ,
198                    expenditure_item_id        ,
199                    cdl_line_num               ,
200                    ind_compiled_set_id        ,
201                    gl_date                    ,
202                    request_id                 ,
203                    line_num_reversed          ,
204                    resource_list_member_id    ,
205                    output_vat_tax_id          ,
206                    output_tax_exempt_flag     ,
207                    output_tax_exempt_reason_code  ,
208                    output_tax_exempt_number   ,
209                    adl_status                 ,
210                    fc_status                  ,
211                    line_type                  ,
212                    capitalized_flag           ,
213                    capitalizable_flag         ,
214                    reversed_flag              ,
215                    revenue_distributed_flag   ,
216                    billed_flag                ,
217                    bill_hold_flag             ,
218                    distribution_id            ,
219                    po_distribution_id         ,
220                    invoice_distribution_id    ,
221                    parent_award_set_id        ,
222                    invoice_id                 ,
223                    parent_adl_line_num         ,
224                    distribution_line_number   ,
225                    burdenable_raw_cost        ,
226                    cost_distributed_flag      ,
227                    last_update_date           ,
228                    last_updated_by             ,
229                    created_by                 ,
230                    creation_date              ,
231                    last_update_login          ,
232                    billable_flag
233            )
234          SELECT gms_awards_dist_pkg.get_award_set_id  ,
235                      1, --adl_line_num,
236                    funding_pattern_id,
237                    distribution_value ,
238                    raw_cost,
239                    'PO' , --document_type,
240                    project_id                 ,
241                    task_id                    ,
242                    award_id                   ,
243                    NULL, --expenditure_item_id        ,
244                    cdl_line_num               ,
245                    NULL, --ind_compiled_set_id        ,
246                    gl_date                    ,
247                    p_interface_obj.distribution_num(i), --request_id                 ,
248                    line_num_reversed          ,
249                    NULL, --resource_list_member_id    ,
250                    output_vat_tax_id          ,
251                    output_tax_exempt_flag     ,
252                    output_tax_exempt_reason_code  ,
253                    output_tax_exempt_number   ,
254                    'A', --adl_status                 ,
255                    'N', --fc_status                  ,
256                    line_type                  ,
257                    capitalized_flag           ,
258                    capitalizable_flag         ,
259                    reversed_flag              ,
260                    revenue_distributed_flag   ,
261                    billed_flag                ,
262                    bill_hold_flag             ,
263                    NULL, --distribution_id            ,
264                    p_interface_obj.distribution_id(i), --po_distribution_id         ,
265                    NULL, --invoice_distribution_id    ,
266                    parent_award_set_id        ,
267                    NULL, --invoice_id                 ,
268                    parent_adl_line_num         ,
269                    NULL, --distribution_line_number   ,
270                    NULL, --burdenable_raw_cost        ,
271                    cost_distributed_flag      ,
272                    SYSDATE, --last_update_date           ,
273                    fnd_global.user_id , --last_updated_by             ,
274                    fnd_global.user_id , --created_by                 ,
275                    SYSDATE, --creation_date              ,
276                    last_update_login          ,
277          	    billable_flag
278      from gms_award_distributions
279      where award_set_id =   p_interface_obj.award_set_id_in(i)
280        and adl_line_num = 1 ;
282      FOR i in 1..p_interface_obj.distribution_id.count LOOP
284             select award_set_id
285               into l_dummy
286               from gms_award_distributions
287              where po_distribution_id = p_interface_obj.distribution_id(i)
288                and document_type = 'PO'
289                and adl_status = 'A'
290                and fc_status = 'N'  ;
292             p_interface_obj.award_set_id_out(i) := l_dummy ;
294      END LOOP;
296    END create_bulk_adl;
300     -- Start of comments
301     -- -----------------
302     -- API Name		: CREATE_ADLS
303     -- Type		: This is a Public package program unit.
304     -- Pre Reqs		: None
305     -- Function		: This API is for creating Award Distribution Lines for new Purchase
306     --			  Order Distributions created through Copy Document feature in PO.,
307     --        2		: This API is for creating Award Distribution Lines for new Purchase
308     --			  Order Distributions created through AUTOCREATE function
309     --        3		: This API is for creating Award Distribution Lines for new Purchase
310     --			  Order Distributions created through Create release concurrent process
311     --                    function
312     --
313     -- Logic		: Copy award distribution line from the award set id passed.
314     -- Calling API      : po_interface_s.create_distributions
315     -- Calling API      : PO_RELGEN_PKG.create_release_distribution
316     -- Calling API      : PO_COPYDOC_S1.insert_distribution
317     -- Parameters 	:
318     -- 			: Standard parameters
319     --			  p_api_version, p_commit, p_init_msg_list,
320     --			  p_validation_level, x_msg_count, x_msg_data,
321     --			  x_return_status
322     -- IN OUT
323     --			: p_interface_obj gms_po_interface_type
324     --                     This is a SQL object having a following table
325     --			   elements.
326     --                     distribution_id - Holds distribution ID
327     --		           distribution_num  Holds distribution number
328     --                     project_id        Holds Project ID
329     --                     task_id           Holds Task ID
330     --                     award_set_id_in   Holds Award Set Id Reference
331     --                     award_set_id_out  Holds return value of new
332     --                                       award distribution line
333     --                                       reference.
334     --  IN                p_calling_module -
335     --                      This tells calling API for create_adls.
336     --                      COPYDOC, AUTOCREATE, CREATE_RELEASE, CHANGE_PO
337     -- End of comments
338     -- ----------------
341         ( p_api_version      in           number,
342           p_init_msg_list    in           varchar2,
343           p_commit           in           varchar2,
344           p_validation_level in           number,
345           x_msg_count       out    nocopy number,
346           x_msg_data        out    nocopy varchar2,
347           x_return_status   out    nocopy varchar2,
348           p_calling_module   in           varchar2,
349           p_interface_obj   in out nocopy gms_po_interface_type)  is
351           l_msg_count	    NUMBER ;
352           l_msg_data 	    varchar2(4000) ;
353           l_return_status  varchar2(1)   := fnd_api.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
354           l_api_name        varchar2(45) := 'create_adls' ;
355     begin
357        -- API standards requires a standard code to validate
358        -- api versions and init message list etc.
359        -- Common code must be added to all the program unit.
360        --
361        common_code ( p_api_version ,
362                      p_init_msg_list,
363 	             p_commit       ,
364 	             p_validation_level ,
365 		     l_msg_count    ,
366 		     l_msg_data     ,
367 		     l_return_status ,
368                      l_api_name ) ;
370     	-- Program logic begins here
371 	-- Program Logic ends here
373 	IF not gms_install.enabled then
374 	   return ;
375 	END IF ;
377         IF l_return_status =  FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS THEN
378            -- =================================================
379 	   -- Bulk processing to create award distribution
380 	   -- lines.
381 	   -- =================================================
382            create_bulk_adl
383            ( l_msg_count ,
384              l_msg_data  ,
385              l_return_status ,
386              p_interface_obj )  ;
388 	END IF ;
390         x_msg_count     := l_msg_count ;
391         x_msg_data      := l_msg_data  ;
392         x_return_status := l_return_status ;
394     end CREATE_ADLS ;
395     -- =====================
397     -- Start of comments
398     -- -----------------
399     -- API Name         : validate_po_purge
400     -- Type             : This is a Public package program unit.
401     -- Pre Reqs         : None
402     -- Function         : This api will determine if document can be purged
403     --                    or not. The structure will hold the value 'N' to disallow
404     --                    the purge.
405     -- Logic            : A structure indicating whether PO documents can be purged
406     --                    or corresponding entry in x_out_rec.purge_allowed will indicate
407     --                    whether the document is purgable or not. e.g., If
408     --                    x_out_rec.purge_allowedNi) is 'Y', it means that
409     --                    the document specified in ip_in_rec.entity_ids(i) will not be purged.
410     --                    The number of records in x_out_rec.purge_allowed should always
411     --                    one that grants do not want to purge.
413     -- Calling API      : ???????????
414     -- Parameters       :
415     --                  : Standard parameters
416     --                    p_api_version, p_commit, p_init_msg_list,
417     --                    p_validation_level, x_msg_count, x_msg_data,
418     --                    x_return_status
419     --IN OUT:
420     --p_in_rec
421     --                    A structure that holds PO information
422     --                    p_in_rec.entity_name will expect 'PO_HEADERS',
423     --                    while p_in_rec.entity_ids will be a table of all document
424     --                    header ids that PO are about to be purged
425     --OUT:
426     --x_out_rec
427     --                    A structure indicating whether PO documents can be purged
428     --                    or corresponding entry in x_out_rec.purge_allowed will indicate
429     --                    whether the document is purgable or not. e.g., If
430     --                    x_out_rec.purge_allowedNi) is 'Y', it means that
431     --                    the document specified in ip_in_rec.entity_ids(i) will not be purged.
432     --                    The number of records in x_out_rec.purge_allowed should always
433     --                    one that grants do not want to purge.
434     -- End of comments
435     -- ----------------
436     PROCEDURE validate_po_purge ( p_api_version   IN         NUMBER,
437                                   p_init_msg_list IN         VARCHAR2,
438                                   p_commit        IN         VARCHAR2,
439           			  p_validation_level in      NUMBER,
440                                   x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
441                                   x_msg_count     OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
442                                   x_msg_data      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
443                                   p_in_rec        IN         PURGE_IN_RECTYPE,
444                                   x_out_rec       OUT NOCOPY PURGE_OUT_RECTYPE
445                                 ) is
447           l_msg_count	    NUMBER ;
448           l_msg_data 	    varchar2(4000) ;
449           l_return_status   varchar2(1)   := fnd_api.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
450           l_api_name        varchar2(45)  := 'validate_po_purge' ;
451     begin
453        -- Standrad call to check API compatibility.
454        -- API standards requires a standard code to validate
455        -- api versions and init message list etc.
456        -- Common code must be added to all the program unit.
457        --
458        common_code ( p_api_version ,
459                      p_init_msg_list,
460 	             p_commit       ,
461 	             p_validation_level ,
462 		     l_msg_count    ,
463 		     l_msg_data     ,
464 		     l_return_status ,
465                      l_api_name ) ;
467     	-- Program logic begins here
468 	-- Program Logic ends here
470         -- x_out_rec
471         -- Notice that purge_out_rectype will have entity_ids table as well, specifying the documents
472         -- that the caller needs to take "action" for, while action specifies the type of action. The stubbed
473         -- procedure will not need to set anything to this OUT parameter at all (nor will the PO
474         -- Purge program before calling validate_purge); but when the actual code is being implemented
475         -- in this procedure, for now the requirement is to populate entity_ids with documents GMS does
476         -- not allow to purge, with value 'N' in the corresponding entry in action. PO will not purge documents
477         -- coming out form x_out_rec.entity_ids, with the corresponding action = 'N'.
481 	-- PURGEABLE.
483            x_msg_count     := l_msg_count ;
484            x_msg_data      := l_msg_data  ;
485            x_return_status := l_return_status ;
487     END validate_po_purge ;
490     -- Start of comments
491     -- -----------------
492     -- API Name         : po_purge
493     -- Type             : This is a Public package program unit.
494     -- Pre Reqs         : None
495     -- Function         : This will delette award distribution lines.
496     -- Logic            : A structure indicating whether PO documents can be purged
497     --                    or not For each entry in p_in_rec.entity_ids, the
498     --                    corresponding entry in x_out_rec.purge_allowed will indicate
499     --                    whether the document is purgable or not. e.g., If
500     --                    x_out_rec.purge_allowed(i) is 'Y', it means that
501     --                    p_in_rec.entity_ids(i) can be purged.
502     --                    If x_out_rec.purge_allowed(i) is 'N', the document specified in
503     --                    p_in_rec.entity_ids(i) will not be purged.
504     --                    The number of records in x_out_rec.purge_allowed should always
505     --                    be the  same as that for p_in_rec.entity_ids
507     -- Calling API      : ???????????
508     -- Parameters:
509     -- IN:
510     -- p_in_rec
511     --                    A structure that holds PO information
512     --                    p_in_rec.entity_name will expect 'PO_HEADERS', while
513     --                    p_in_rec.entity_ids
514     --                    will be a table of all document header ids that PO are
515     --                    about to be purged
516     -- End of comments
517     -- -----------------
519     PROCEDURE po_purge ( p_api_version  IN        NUMBER,
520   			 p_init_msg_list IN        VARCHAR2,
521                          p_commit        IN        VARCHAR2,
522                          p_validation_level IN     NUMBER,
523   			 x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
524    			 x_msg_count    OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
525   			 x_msg_data      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
526   			 p_in_rec        IN        PURGE_IN_RECTYPE
527  		      ) is
528           l_msg_count	    NUMBER ;
529           l_msg_data 	    varchar2(4000) ;
530           l_return_status   varchar2(1)   := fnd_api.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
531           l_api_name        varchar2(45) := 'po_purge' ;
532     begin
534        -- Standrad call to check API compatibility.
535        -- API standards requires a standard code to validate
536        -- api versions and init message list etc.
537        -- Common code must be added to all the program unit.
538        --
539        common_code ( p_api_version ,
540                      p_init_msg_list,
541 	             p_commit       ,
542 	             p_validation_level ,
543 		     l_msg_count    ,
544 		     l_msg_data     ,
545 		     l_return_status ,
546                      l_api_name ) ;
548         IF l_return_status =  FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS THEN
549 	   -- Program logic begins here
550 	   IF  p_in_rec.entity_ids.COUNT > 0 THEN
551 	       FORALL i in p_in_rec.entity_ids.first.. p_in_rec.entity_ids.last
552 		      delete from gms_award_distributions adl
553 		       where ( award_set_id , po_distribution_id) in
554 				  ( select pod.award_id, po_distribution_id
555 				      from po_distributions_all  pod
556 				     where pod.po_header_id = p_in_rec.entity_ids(i)
557 				       and pod.award_id is not NULL )
558 		      and document_type = 'PO' ;
559 	   END IF ;
560 	END IF ;
561 	-- Program Logic ends here
563         x_msg_count     := l_msg_count ;
564         x_msg_data      := l_msg_data  ;
565         x_return_status := l_return_status ;
567    END PO_PURGE ;
570     -- Start of comments
571     -- -----------------
572     -- API Name		: get_award_number
573     -- Type		: This is a Public package program unit.
574     -- Pre Reqs		: None
575     -- Function		: This API is for deriving the award number for the award_set_id
576     --                    passed to the api. This is used in PO Fundscheck code to
577     --                    populate reference column in gl bc packet with award number.
578     -- Logic		: get the award number from the adl and gms_awards_all..
579     -- Calling API      : PO funds check code PL/SQL Version.
580     -- Parameters 	:
581     -- 			: Standard parameters
582     --			  p_api_version, p_commit, p_init_msg_list,
583     --			  p_validation_level, x_msg_count, x_msg_data,
584     --			  x_return_status
585     -- IN
586     --			: p_award_set_id_tbl
587     --                      The list of award set IDs.
588     -- OUT                x_award_num_tbl
589     --                      The list of award number sent out.
590     -- End of comments
591     -- ----------------
593     PROCEDURE get_award_number ( p_api_version      in         NUMBER,
594 		                 p_init_msg_list    in         varchar2,
595 	                         p_commit           in         varchar2,
596 		                 p_validation_level in         NUMBER,
597 			         x_msg_count        out nocopy number,
598 			         x_msg_data         out nocopy varchar2,
599 			         x_return_status    out nocopy varchar2,
600 			         p_award_set_id_tbl IN         tbl_num,
601 			         x_award_num_tbl    OUT nocopy tbl_v15) is
603           l_msg_count	    NUMBER ;
604           l_msg_data 	    varchar2(2000) ;
605           l_return_status   varchar2(1)   := fnd_api.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
606           l_api_name        varchar2(45) := 'get_award_number' ;
607 	  l_award_set_id    NUMBER ;
608 	  l_award_number    gms_awards_all.award_number%TYPE ;
609 	  l_count           NUMBER ;
610     begin
612        -- Standrad call to check API compatibility.
613        -- API standards requires a standard code to validate
614        -- api versions and init message list etc.
615        -- Common code must be added to all the program unit.
616        --
617        common_code ( p_api_version ,
618                      p_init_msg_list,
619 	             p_commit       ,
620 	             p_validation_level ,
621 		     l_msg_count    ,
622 		     l_msg_data     ,
623 		     l_return_status ,
624                      l_api_name ) ;
626     	-- Program logic begins here
627        IF l_return_status =  FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS THEN
628           IF p_award_set_id_tbl.count > 0 THEN
630 	       FOR l_index in 1..p_award_set_id_tbl.count LOOP
631 	           l_award_set_id := p_award_set_id_tbl(l_index) ;
632 	           l_count        := l_index ;
634 	           select awd.award_number
635 		     into l_award_number
636 		     from gms_awards_all awd, gms_award_distributions adl
637                     where adl.award_set_id = l_award_set_id
638 		      and adl.award_id     = awd.award_id ;
640                     x_award_num_tbl(l_index) := l_award_number ;
642 	       END LOOP ;
643           END IF ;
644        END IF ;
645        -- Program Logic ends here
646        x_msg_count     := l_msg_count ;
647        x_msg_data      := l_msg_data  ;
648        x_return_status := l_return_status ;
652     	    x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR ;
654     	    IF FND_MSG_PUB.check_msg_level( fnd_msg_pub.g_msg_lvl_unexp_error) THEN
655     		fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg( G_pkg_name, l_api_name ) ;
656     	    END IF ;
658     	    FND_MSG_PUB.count_and_get ( p_encoded => fnd_api.g_false,
659 					p_count   => x_msg_count ,
660     					p_data    => x_msg_data ) ;
661    END get_award_number ;