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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 58

  select pppmf.personal_payment_method_id
  from   pay_personal_payment_methods_f     pppmf
  ,      hr_organization_information        hou
  ,      per_all_assignments_f              paaf
  where  paaf.assignment_id                 = p_assignment_id
  and    pppmf.payee_type                   = 'O'
  and    pppmf.payee_id                     = hou.organization_id
  and    pppmf.assignment_id                = paaf.assignment_id
  and    upper(p_super_fund_name)           = upper(hou.org_information2)
  and    p_effective_date                   between pppmf.effective_start_date and pppmf.effective_end_date
  and    p_effective_date                   between paaf.effective_start_date and paaf.effective_end_date;
Line: 108

  select legislation_code
  from   per_business_groups
  where  business_group_id      = p_business_group_id;
Line: 189

  select piv.input_value_id
  ,      piv.name
  from   pay_input_values_f         piv
  where  piv.element_type_id        = p_element_type_id
  and    p_effective_date           between piv.effective_start_date and piv.effective_end_date;
Line: 198

  select pet.element_type_id
  from   pay_element_types_f  pet
  where  pet.element_name    = g_super_element   -- Bug: 3648796
  and    p_effective_date    between pet.effective_start_date and pet.effective_end_date
  and    legislation_code    = g_legislation_code;
Line: 269

procedure update_super_contribution
(p_validate                         in      boolean
,p_assignment_id                    in      number
,p_session_date                     in      date
,p_mode                             in      varchar2
,p_business_group_id                in      number
,p_element_entry_id                 in      number
,p_super_fund_name                  in      varchar2
,p_attribute_category               in      varchar2
,p_attribute1                       in      varchar2
,p_attribute2                       in      varchar2
,p_attribute3                       in      varchar2
,p_attribute4                       in      varchar2
,p_attribute5                       in      varchar2
,p_attribute6                       in      varchar2
,p_attribute7                       in      varchar2
,p_attribute8                       in      varchar2
,p_attribute9                       in      varchar2
,p_attribute10                      in      varchar2
,p_attribute11                      in      varchar2
,p_attribute12                      in      varchar2
,p_attribute13                      in      varchar2
,p_attribute14                      in      varchar2
,p_attribute15                      in      varchar2
,p_attribute16                      in      varchar2
,p_attribute17                      in      varchar2
,p_attribute18                      in      varchar2
,p_attribute19                      in      varchar2
,p_attribute20                      in      varchar2
,p_pay_value                        in      number
,p_member_number                    in      varchar2
,p_sg_amount                        in      number
,p_sg_percent                       in      number
,p_non_sg_amount                    in      number
,p_non_sg_percent                   in      number
,p_effective_start_date                out NOCOPY date
,p_effective_end_date                  out NOCOPY date
,p_update_warning                      out NOCOPY boolean
) is
  l_inp_value_id_table              number_table;
Line: 327

  select pee.element_entry_id
  ,      object_version_number
  from   pay_element_entries_f      pee
  ,      pay_element_entry_values_f pev
  where  pee.assignment_id          = p_assignment_id
  and    l_session_date             between pee.effective_start_date and pee.effective_end_date
  and    pee.element_link_id        = p_element_link
  and    pev.element_entry_id       = pee.element_entry_id
  and    l_session_date             between pev.effective_start_date and pev.effective_end_date
  and    pee.element_entry_id       = p_element_entry_id
  and    pev.input_value_id         = p_inp_val;
Line: 340

  l_procedure    := 'update_super_contribution'; -- Bug: 3648796
Line: 403

  (p_validate                     => p_validate
  ,p_datetrack_update_mode        => p_mode
  ,p_effective_date               => l_session_date
  ,p_business_group_id            => p_business_group_id
  ,p_element_entry_id             => l_element_entry_id
  ,p_object_version_number        => l_object_version_number
  ,p_personal_payment_method_id   => l_super_fund_id
  ,p_attribute_category           => p_attribute_category
  ,p_attribute1                   => p_attribute1
  ,p_attribute2                   => p_attribute2
  ,p_attribute3                   => p_attribute3
  ,p_attribute4                   => p_attribute4
  ,p_attribute5                   => p_attribute5
  ,p_attribute6                   => p_attribute6
  ,p_attribute7                   => p_attribute7
  ,p_attribute8                   => p_attribute8
  ,p_attribute9                   => p_attribute9
  ,p_attribute10                  => p_attribute10
  ,p_attribute11                  => p_attribute11
  ,p_attribute12                  => p_attribute12
  ,p_attribute13                  => p_attribute13
  ,p_attribute14                  => p_attribute14
  ,p_attribute15                  => p_attribute15
  ,p_attribute16                  => p_attribute16
  ,p_attribute17                  => p_attribute17
  ,p_attribute18                  => p_attribute18
  ,p_attribute19                  => p_attribute19
  ,p_attribute20                  => p_attribute20
  ,p_input_value_id1              => l_inp_value_id_table(1)
  ,p_input_value_id2              => l_inp_value_id_table(2)
  ,p_input_value_id3              => l_inp_value_id_table(3)
  ,p_input_value_id4              => l_inp_value_id_table(4)
  ,p_input_value_id5              => l_inp_value_id_table(5)
  ,p_input_value_id6              => l_inp_value_id_table(6)
  ,p_entry_value1                 => p_pay_value
  ,p_entry_value2                 => p_member_number
  ,p_entry_value3                 => p_sg_amount
  ,p_entry_value4                 => p_sg_percent
  ,p_entry_value5                 => p_non_sg_amount
  ,p_entry_value6                 => p_non_sg_percent
  ,p_effective_start_date         => l_effective_start_date
  ,p_effective_end_date           => l_effective_end_date
  ,p_override_user_ent_chk	  => 'Y'
  ,p_update_warning               => p_update_warning
Line: 452

end update_super_contribution;