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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 33

         SELECT *
           FROM gme_batch_steps
          WHERE batch_id = v_batch_id;
Line: 39

         SELECT *
           FROM gme_material_details
          WHERE batch_id = v_batch_id
            FOR UPDATE OF actual_qty NOWAIT;
Line: 50

      error_update_row        EXCEPTION;
Line: 97

      IF NOT gme_batch_header_dbl.update_row
                                         (p_batch_header      => x_batch_header_rec) THEN
         RAISE error_update_row;
Line: 103

      x_batch_header_rec.last_updated_by := gme_common_pvt.g_user_ident;
Line: 104

      x_batch_header_rec.last_update_date := gme_common_pvt.g_timestamp;
Line: 105

      x_batch_header_rec.last_update_login := gme_common_pvt.g_login_id;
Line: 111

            ,p_update_inventory_ind       => x_batch_header_rec.update_inventory_ind
            ,p_create_resv_pend_lots      => p_create_resv_pend_lots
            ,p_from_batch                 => TRUE
            ,x_return_status              => x_return_status);
Line: 138

               gme_debug.put_line ('In DB date is '||TO_CHAR(l_in_batch_step_rec.last_update_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
Line: 149

            ,p_update_inventory_ind       => x_batch_header_rec.update_inventory_ind
            ,p_create_resv_pend_lots      => NULL
            ,p_from_unrelease_batch       => 1
            ,x_batch_step_rec             => l_batch_step_rec
            ,x_return_status              => x_return_status);
Line: 164

      ( p_api_version   =>    1.0,
        p_init_msg_list =>    FND_API.G_FALSE,
        p_batch_id      =>    x_batch_header_rec.batch_id,
        x_return_status =>    x_return_status,
        x_msg_count     =>    l_message_count,
        x_msg_data      =>    l_message_list);
Line: 203

      WHEN error_update_row THEN
         gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_UNEXPECTED_ERROR', 'ERROR'
Line: 226

     ,p_update_inventory_ind    IN       VARCHAR2
     ,p_create_resv_pend_lots   IN       NUMBER
     ,p_from_batch              IN       BOOLEAN
     ,x_return_status           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)
      l_api_name      CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (30)          := 'unrelease_material';
Line: 244

      error_update_row         EXCEPTION;
Line: 305

         IF     p_update_inventory_ind = 'Y'
            AND l_item_rec.mtl_transactions_enabled_flag = 'Y'
            AND l_material_detail_rec.actual_qty <> 0 THEN
            -- delete all transactions for this material

                         (p_material_detail_rec        => l_material_detail_rec
                         ,p_create_resv_pend_lots      => p_create_resv_pend_lots
                         ,p_ignore_transactable        => FALSE
                         ,x_actual_qty                 => l_actual_qty
                         ,x_exception_material_tbl     => l_exception_material_tbl
                         ,x_return_status              => x_return_status);
Line: 327

         END IF;       -- IF x_batch_header_rec.update_inventory_ind = 'Y' AND
Line: 336

      IF NOT gme_material_details_dbl.update_row (l_material_detail_rec) THEN
         RAISE error_update_row;
Line: 345

      WHEN error_update_row OR error_fetch_batch THEN
         gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_UNEXPECTED_ERROR', 'ERROR'
Line: 393

        SELECT i.lot_control_code, i.concatenated_segments, i.inventory_item_id, i.reservable_type
        FROM   mtl_system_items_kfv i
        WHERE  i.organization_id = v_organization_id
               AND i.inventory_item_id = v_inventory_item_id;
Line: 541

                              ' calling gme_transactions_pvt.delete_material_txn with trxn_id= '||l_mmt_rec.transaction_id);
Line: 548

                            (p_transaction_id      => l_mmt_rec.transaction_id
                            ,p_trans_date          => l_trans_date
                            ,p_txns_pair           => NULL
                            ,x_return_status       => x_return_status);
Line: 559

                           || ' gme_transactions_pvt.delete_material_txn returned '||l_return_status
                           || ' but p_ignore_transactable is set to TRUE; so moving to the next transaction');
Line: 565

                           || ' gme_transactions_pvt.delete_material_txn returned '||l_return_status
                           || ' but p_ignore_transactable is set to FALSE; raising exception');
Line: 570

        ELSE  -- delete was successful; recreate resv / pplot if requested
Line: 573

            gme_debug.put_line(g_pkg_name|| '.'|| l_api_name || ' delete loop; actual_qty = '||x_actual_qty);
Line: 574

            gme_debug.put_line(g_pkg_name|| '.'|| l_api_name || ' delete loop; trans qty fromm mmt = '||l_mmt_rec.transaction_quantity);
Line: 584

            gme_debug.put_line(g_pkg_name|| '.'|| l_api_name || 'after trxn delete loop; actual_qty = '||x_actual_qty);
Line: 676

            SELECT *
            FROM mtl_material_transactions mmt
            WHERE transaction_id = v_transaction_id;
Line: 883

      SELECT count(1)
      FROM   gme_batch_steps
      WHERE  step_status NOT IN (gme_common_pvt.g_step_pending, gme_common_pvt.g_step_wip)
      AND    batch_id = v_batch_id;