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1 PACKAGE BODY gl_coa_seg_val_imp_pkg AS
2 /* $Header: GLSVISPB.pls 120.5.12020000.2 2012/08/28 20:58:12 phmullap ship $ */
3   /***********************************************************************************************
4     Created By     :  Somnath Mukherjee
5     Date Created By:  01-AUG-2008
6     Purpose        :  This package has the 2 sub processes, which will be called from
7                       Chart of Accounts Segment Values API.
8                       process 1 : create_gl_coa_flex_values
9                                     Imports GL COA flex values (segment values)
10                       process 2 : create_gl_coa_flex_values_nh
11 		                    Imports Child ranges for the segment values.
13     Known limitations,enhancements,remarks:
14     Change History (in reverse chronological order)
15     Who         When            What
16       ********************************************************************************************** */
18   g_n_user_id fnd_flex_values.created_by%TYPE := NVL(fnd_global.user_id,-1);          -- Stores the User Id
19   g_n_login_id fnd_flex_values.last_update_login%TYPE := NVL(fnd_global.login_id,-1); -- Stores the Login Id
20   g_n_sysdate DATE := SYSDATE;
22    --PL/SQL table to store the unique flex value set ids.
23    TYPE flex_vl_set_id_tbl_type IS TABLE OF fnd_flex_values.flex_value_set_id%TYPE INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
24       flex_vl_set_id_tab flex_vl_set_id_tbl_type;
26   --Cursor to verify that the Value set name passed is valid.
27   CURSOR c_fnd_flex_values ( cp_flex_value_set_name fnd_flex_value_sets.flex_value_set_name%TYPE) IS
28      SELECT ffvs.rowid,ffvs.*
30      WHERE FLEX_VALUE_SET_NAME = cp_flex_value_set_name;
32      l_cur_co c_fnd_flex_values%ROWTYPE;
34   FUNCTION isexists(p_flex_value_set_id IN fnd_flex_values.flex_value_set_id%TYPE,
35                   p_tab_flex_value_set_id  IN flex_vl_set_id_tbl_type) RETURN BOOLEAN AS
36   /***********************************************************************************************
37     Created By     :  sommukhe
38     Date Created By:  01-AUG-2008.
39     Purpose        :  This utility procedure is to check if a flex Value Set id exists in a pl/sql table
41     Known limitations,enhancements,remarks:
42     Change History (in reverse chronological order)
43     Who         When            What
44   ***********************************************************************************************/
45   BEGIN
46     FOR i in 1..p_tab_flex_value_set_id.count LOOP
47        IF p_flex_value_set_id = p_tab_flex_value_set_id(i) THEN
49        END IF;
50     END LOOP;
52   END isexists;
54     PROCEDURE set_msg(p_c_msg_name IN VARCHAR2,
55                     p_c_token IN VARCHAR2
56                     )AS
57   /***********************************************************************************************
58     Created By     :  Sommukhe
59     Date Created By:  01-AUG-2008
60     Purpose        :  This procedure sets the particular message in the  message stack.
61                       Based upon the input arguments this procedure does the following functions
62                       -- if the p_c_msg_name is null then returns immediately
64     Known limitations,enhancements,remarks:
65     Change History (in reverse chronological order)
66     Who         When            What
67   ********************************************************************************************** */
68   l_n_count NUMBER;
69   BEGIN
70     -- If the message name is null, then return false
71     IF p_c_msg_name IS NULL THEN
72       RETURN;
73     END IF;
75     FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME('GL',p_c_msg_name);
76       IF p_c_token IS NOT NULL THEN
77           FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN('PARAM',p_c_token);
78        END IF;
81   END set_msg;
83   --Create process for fnd_flex_values
84   PROCEDURE create_gl_coa_flex_values(
85           p_gl_flex_values_tbl IN OUT NOCOPY gl_coa_seg_val_imp_pub.gl_flex_values_tbl_type,
86           p_c_rec_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
87           p_validation_level   IN NUMBER DEFAULT FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL  /* DRM: Added */
89   ) AS
90   /***********************************************************************************************
91     Created By     :  Sommukhe
92     Date Created By: 01-AUG-2008
93     Purpose        :  This procedure is a sub process to import records of s.
95     Known limitations,enhancements,remarks:
96     Change History (in reverse chronological order)
97     Who         When            What
98     SOMMUKHE    28-JAN-2009     Bug#8208641 Included manual updates to fnd_flex_values as suugested by ATG in 7668121/7528069
99     SOMMUKHE    10-Nov-2011     Bug#13249707 Included checks to avoid nullifying of the DFF data during update operation.
100   ********************************************************************************************** */
101      l_insert_update      VARCHAR2(1);
102      v_message_name       VARCHAR2(30);
103      v_compiled_value_attribute_s   VARCHAR2(2000);
104      req_id    NUMBER;
105      result    BOOLEAN;
106      row_count NUMBER;
107      vsid      NUMBER;
108      --cursor to fetch the existing data
109      CURSOR c_fnd_flex_val ( cp_flex_value_set_id fnd_flex_values.flex_value_set_id%TYPE,
110                              cp_flex_value fnd_flex_values.flex_value%TYPE) IS
111      SELECT ffvs.rowid,ffvs.*
112      FROM   fnd_flex_values ffvs
113      WHERE flex_value_set_id = cp_flex_value_set_id
114      AND flex_value = cp_flex_value;
116      rec_fnd_flex_val c_fnd_flex_val%ROWTYPE;
118     /* Private Procedures for create_gl_coa_flex_values */
119     PROCEDURE trim_values ( gl_coa_flex_values_rec IN OUT NOCOPY gl_coa_seg_val_imp_pub.gl_flex_values_rec_type ) AS
120     BEGIN
122       gl_coa_flex_values_rec.value_set_name := trim(gl_coa_flex_values_rec.value_set_name);
123       gl_coa_flex_values_rec.flex_value := trim(gl_coa_flex_values_rec.flex_value);
124       gl_coa_flex_values_rec.flex_desc := trim(gl_coa_flex_values_rec.flex_desc);
125       gl_coa_flex_values_rec.parent_flex_value := trim(gl_coa_flex_values_rec.parent_flex_value);
126       gl_coa_flex_values_rec.summary_flag := trim(gl_coa_flex_values_rec.summary_flag);
127       gl_coa_flex_values_rec.roll_up_group := trim(gl_coa_flex_values_rec.roll_up_group);
128       gl_coa_flex_values_rec.hierarchy_level := trim(gl_coa_flex_values_rec.hierarchy_level);
129       gl_coa_flex_values_rec.allow_budgeting := trim(gl_coa_flex_values_rec.allow_budgeting);
130       gl_coa_flex_values_rec.allow_posting := trim(gl_coa_flex_values_rec.allow_posting);
131       gl_coa_flex_values_rec.account_type := trim(gl_coa_flex_values_rec.account_type);
132       gl_coa_flex_values_rec.reconcile := trim(gl_coa_flex_values_rec.reconcile);
133       gl_coa_flex_values_rec.third_party_control_account := trim(gl_coa_flex_values_rec.third_party_control_account);
134       gl_coa_flex_values_rec.enabled_flag := trim(gl_coa_flex_values_rec.enabled_flag);
135       gl_coa_flex_values_rec.effective_from := gl_coa_flex_values_rec.effective_from;
136       gl_coa_flex_values_rec.effective_to := gl_coa_flex_values_rec.effective_to;
138     END trim_values;
140    --Check the validity of the Value set name and derive the Flex_value_set_id
141    PROCEDURE validate_derivations ( gl_coa_flex_values_rec IN OUT NOCOPY gl_coa_seg_val_imp_pub.gl_flex_values_rec_type ) AS
142     BEGIN
143       OPEN c_fnd_flex_values(gl_coa_flex_values_rec.value_set_name);
144        FETCH c_fnd_flex_values INTO l_cur_co;
145        IF c_fnd_flex_values%NOTFOUND THEN
146 	 CLOSE c_fnd_flex_values;
147 	 set_msg('GL_COA_SVI_INV_VSET', gl_coa_flex_values_rec.value_set_name);
148          gl_coa_flex_values_rec.status := 'E';
149        ELSE
150 	 CLOSE c_fnd_flex_values;
151        END IF;
153     END validate_derivations;
155     -- validate parameters passed.
156     PROCEDURE validate_parameters ( gl_coa_flex_values_rec IN OUT NOCOPY gl_coa_seg_val_imp_pub.gl_flex_values_rec_type  ) AS
157     BEGIN
159             /* Check for Mandatory Parameters */
160       IF gl_coa_flex_values_rec.value_set_name IS NULL  THEN
161         set_msg('GL_COA_SVI_SEG_VAL_MAND', 'VALUE_SET_NAME');
162         gl_coa_flex_values_rec.status := 'E';
163       END IF;
164       IF gl_coa_flex_values_rec.flex_value IS NULL  THEN
165        	set_msg('GL_COA_SVI_SEG_VAL_MAND', 'FLEX_VALUE');
166         gl_coa_flex_values_rec.status := 'E';
167       END IF;
169      END validate_parameters;
172     -- Check for Update. If the flex value passed is already existing then certain validations need to be performed.
173     FUNCTION check_insert_update ( gl_coa_flex_values_rec IN OUT NOCOPY gl_coa_seg_val_imp_pub.gl_flex_values_rec_type  ) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS
176     BEGIN
177        OPEN c_fnd_flex_val(l_cur_co.flex_value_set_id,gl_coa_flex_values_rec.flex_value);
178        FETCH c_fnd_flex_val INTO rec_fnd_flex_val;
179        IF c_fnd_flex_val%NOTFOUND THEN
180 	 CLOSE c_fnd_flex_val;
181 	 RETURN 'I';
182        ELSE
183 	 CLOSE c_fnd_flex_val;
184 	 RETURN 'U';
185        END IF;
186        EXCEPTION
188 	 CLOSE c_fnd_flex_values;
189 	 fnd_message.set_name( 'GL', 'GL_COA_SVI_REC_LOCK');
190 	 fnd_msg_pub.add;
191 	 gl_coa_flex_values_rec.status := 'E';
193     END check_insert_update;
195   -- Assign default values to the parameters passed.
196   PROCEDURE assign_defaults ( gl_coa_flex_values_rec IN OUT NOCOPY gl_coa_seg_val_imp_pub.gl_flex_values_rec_type, p_insert IN VARCHAR2) IS
197     -- Cursor to check if child ranges exist for the flex value passed
198     CURSOR c_fnd_flex_value_nh_exists(cp_flex_value_set_id fnd_flex_value_sets.flex_value_set_id%TYPE,
199                                       cp_parent_flex_value fnd_flex_value_norm_hierarchy.parent_flex_value%TYPE ) IS
200     SELECT 'X'
201     FROM fnd_flex_value_norm_hierarchy
202     WHERE flex_value_set_id = cp_flex_value_set_id
203     AND parent_flex_value = cp_parent_flex_value;
205     rec_fnd_flex_value_nh_exists c_fnd_flex_value_nh_exists%ROWTYPE;
206     BEGIN
207       --Insert Operation
208       IF p_insert = 'I' THEN
209          --Default summary_flag to N
210 	 IF ( gl_coa_flex_values_rec.summary_flag IS NULL ) THEN
211 	  gl_coa_flex_values_rec.summary_flag := 'N';
212 	 END IF;
214          --Default enabled_flag to N
215          IF ( gl_coa_flex_values_rec.enabled_flag IS NULL ) THEN
216 	  gl_coa_flex_values_rec.enabled_flag := 'N';
217 	 END IF;
218       END IF;
220        --Update Operation
221       IF p_insert = 'U' THEN
222          --Default summary_flag to the db value
223 	 IF ( gl_coa_flex_values_rec.summary_flag IS NULL ) THEN
224 	  gl_coa_flex_values_rec.summary_flag := rec_fnd_flex_val.summary_flag;
225 	 END IF;
227 	 --If update is being performed and summary_flag is changed to 'N' then delete the children.
228          IF ( gl_coa_flex_values_rec.summary_flag = 'N' AND rec_fnd_flex_val.summary_flag = 'Y') THEN
229 	    OPEN c_fnd_flex_value_nh_exists(l_cur_co.flex_value_set_id,gl_coa_flex_values_rec.flex_value);
230             FETCH c_fnd_flex_value_nh_exists INTO rec_fnd_flex_value_nh_exists;
231 	    IF c_fnd_flex_value_nh_exists%NOTFOUND THEN
232 	      CLOSE c_fnd_flex_value_nh_exists;
233 	    ELSE
234 	      CLOSE c_fnd_flex_value_nh_exists;
235               DELETE FROM FND_FLEX_VALUE_NORM_HIERARCHY  WHERE FLEX_VALUE_SET_ID =  l_cur_co.flex_value_set_id  AND PARENT_FLEX_VALUE =  gl_coa_flex_values_rec.flex_value;
236 	    END IF;
237 	 END IF;
239 	 --Default enabled_flag to the db value
240          IF ( gl_coa_flex_values_rec.enabled_flag IS NULL ) THEN
241 	  gl_coa_flex_values_rec.enabled_flag := rec_fnd_flex_val.enabled_flag;
242 	 END IF;
243       END IF;
246     END assign_defaults;
249 -- Carry out business validations
250     PROCEDURE validate_flex_values ( gl_coa_flex_values_rec IN OUT NOCOPY gl_coa_seg_val_imp_pub.gl_flex_values_rec_type  ) AS
251     -- Cursor to validate the Roll up group information
252     CURSOR c_roll_up_group ( cp_flex_value_set_id    IN  fnd_flex_hierarchies.flex_value_set_id%TYPE,
253                              cp_hierarchy_code       IN  fnd_flex_hierarchies.hierarchy_code%TYPE) IS
254       SELECT'X'
255       FROM fnd_flex_hierarchies
256       WHERE FLEX_VALUE_SET_ID =cp_flex_value_set_id
257       AND HIERARCHY_CODE =cp_hierarchy_code;
258       rec_roll_up_group c_roll_up_group%ROWTYPE;
260     -- Cursor to validate the flex qualifiers and to form appropriate compiled_value_attribute
261     CURSOR c_flex_val_qual ( cp_flex_value_set_id    IN  fnd_flex_hierarchies.flex_value_set_id%TYPE,
262                              cp_id_flex_code         IN   fnd_flex_validation_qualifiers.id_flex_code%TYPE,
263 			     cp_id_flex_application_id IN  fnd_flex_validation_qualifiers.id_flex_application_id%TYPE) IS
264       SELECT segment_attribute_type,value_attribute_type
265       FROM fnd_flex_validation_qualifiers
266       WHERE id_flex_code = cp_id_flex_code
267       AND id_flex_application_id = cp_id_flex_application_id
268       AND flex_value_set_id = cp_flex_value_set_id
269       ORDER BY assignment_date, value_attribute_type;
271       rec_flex_val_qual c_flex_val_qual%ROWTYPE;
273     BEGIN
275     -- DRM Change: perform validations only if p_validation_level is FULL
276     IF p_validation_level = FND_API.g_valid_level_full
277     THEN
279       IF gl_coa_flex_values_rec.summary_flag IS NOT NULL AND gl_coa_flex_values_rec.summary_flag  NOT IN ('N','Y') THEN
280 	set_msg('GL_COA_SVI_Y_OR_N', 'SUMMARY_FLAG');
281         gl_coa_flex_values_rec.status := 'E';
282       END IF;
284       IF gl_coa_flex_values_rec.roll_up_group IS NOT NULL  THEN
285          OPEN c_roll_up_group(l_cur_co.flex_value_set_id,gl_coa_flex_values_rec.roll_up_group);
286          FETCH c_roll_up_group INTO rec_roll_up_group;
287          IF c_fnd_flex_values%NOTFOUND THEN
288 	   CLOSE c_roll_up_group;
290            gl_coa_flex_values_rec.status := 'E';
291          ELSE
292 	   CLOSE c_roll_up_group;
293          END IF;
295       END IF;
297       IF gl_coa_flex_values_rec.allow_budgeting IS NOT NULL AND gl_coa_flex_values_rec.allow_budgeting  NOT IN ('N','Y') THEN
298         set_msg('GL_COA_SVI_Y_OR_N', 'ALLOW_BUDGETING');
299         gl_coa_flex_values_rec.status := 'E';
300       END IF;
302       IF gl_coa_flex_values_rec.allow_posting IS NOT NULL AND gl_coa_flex_values_rec.allow_posting  NOT IN ('N','Y') THEN
303         set_msg('GL_COA_SVI_Y_OR_N', 'ALLOW_POSTING');
304         gl_coa_flex_values_rec.status := 'E';
305       END IF;
307       IF gl_coa_flex_values_rec.account_type IS NOT NULL AND gl_coa_flex_values_rec.account_type  NOT IN ('A','L','R','E','O') THEN
308         fnd_message.set_name('GL','GL_COA_SVI_INV_AC_TYPE');
309         fnd_msg_pub.add;
310         gl_coa_flex_values_rec.status := 'E';
311       END IF;
313       IF gl_coa_flex_values_rec.reconcile IS NOT NULL AND gl_coa_flex_values_rec.reconcile  NOT IN ('N','Y') THEN
314         set_msg('GL_COA_SVI_Y_OR_N', 'RECONCILE');
315         gl_coa_flex_values_rec.status := 'E';
316       END IF;
318       IF gl_coa_flex_values_rec.third_party_control_account IS NOT NULL AND gl_coa_flex_values_rec.third_party_control_account  NOT IN ('N','Y') THEN
319         set_msg('GL_COA_SVI_Y_OR_N', 'THIRD_PARTY_CONTROL_ACCOUNT');
320         gl_coa_flex_values_rec.status := 'E';
321       END IF;
323     END IF; -- DRM Change: End of conditional validation
325         /* Validation for compiled value attributes*/
326         v_compiled_value_attribute_s := NULL; -- DRM: Added
327         FOR rec_c_flex_val_qual IN c_flex_val_qual(l_cur_co.flex_value_set_id,'GL#',101)
328         LOOP
329             IF rec_c_flex_val_qual.value_attribute_type = 'DETAIL_BUDGETING_ALLOWED' AND gl_coa_flex_values_rec.allow_budgeting IS NOT NULL THEN
330                 -- DRM: Changed
331                 -- v_compiled_value_attribute_s := gl_coa_flex_values_rec.allow_budgeting;
332                 v_compiled_value_attribute_s := LTrim(v_compiled_value_attribute_s||FND_GLOBAL.newline||
333                             gl_coa_flex_values_rec.allow_budgeting,FND_GLOBAL.newline);
334             END IF;
336             IF rec_c_flex_val_qual.value_attribute_type = 'DETAIL_POSTING_ALLOWED' AND gl_coa_flex_values_rec.allow_posting IS NOT NULL THEN
337                 -- DRM: Changed
338                 -- v_compiled_value_attribute_s := v_compiled_value_attribute_s||FND_GLOBAL.newline||gl_coa_flex_values_rec.allow_posting;
339                 v_compiled_value_attribute_s := LTrim(v_compiled_value_attribute_s||FND_GLOBAL.newline||
340                         gl_coa_flex_values_rec.allow_posting,FND_GLOBAL.newline);
341             END IF;
343             IF rec_c_flex_val_qual.value_attribute_type = 'GL_ACCOUNT_TYPE' AND gl_coa_flex_values_rec.account_type IS NOT NULL THEN
344                 -- DRM: Changed
345                 -- v_compiled_value_attribute_s := v_compiled_value_attribute_s||FND_GLOBAL.newline||gl_coa_flex_values_rec.account_type;
346                 v_compiled_value_attribute_s := LTrim(v_compiled_value_attribute_s||FND_GLOBAL.newline||
347                         gl_coa_flex_values_rec.account_type,FND_GLOBAL.newline);
348             END IF;
350             IF rec_c_flex_val_qual.value_attribute_type = 'RECONCILIATION FLAG' AND gl_coa_flex_values_rec.reconcile IS NOT NULL THEN
351                 -- DRM: Changed
352                 -- v_compiled_value_attribute_s := v_compiled_value_attribute_s||FND_GLOBAL.newline||gl_coa_flex_values_rec.reconcile;
353                 v_compiled_value_attribute_s := LTrim(v_compiled_value_attribute_s||FND_GLOBAL.newline||
354                         gl_coa_flex_values_rec.reconcile,FND_GLOBAL.newline);
355             END IF;
357             IF rec_c_flex_val_qual.value_attribute_type = 'GL_CONTROL_ACCOUNT' AND gl_coa_flex_values_rec.third_party_control_account IS NOT NULL THEN
358                 -- DRM: Changed
359                 --v_compiled_value_attribute_s := v_compiled_value_attribute_s||FND_GLOBAL.newline||gl_coa_flex_values_rec.third_party_control_account;
360                 v_compiled_value_attribute_s := LTrim(v_compiled_value_attribute_s||FND_GLOBAL.newline||
361                         gl_coa_flex_values_rec.third_party_control_account,FND_GLOBAL.newline);
362             END IF;
363         END LOOP;
366     END validate_flex_values;
369   /* Main Flex Values Sub Process */
370   BEGIN
372     v_compiled_value_attribute_s := NULL;
373     IF (fnd_log.level_procedure >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
374       fnd_log.string( fnd_log.level_procedure, 'gl.plsql.gl_coa_seg_val_imp_pkg.create_gl_coa_flex_values.start_logging_for','Fnd Flex Values');
375     END IF;
377     p_c_rec_status := 'S';
378     FOR I in 1..p_gl_flex_values_tbl.LAST LOOP
379       IF p_gl_flex_values_tbl.EXISTS(I) THEN
381         p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).status := 'S';
382         p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).msg_from := fnd_msg_pub.count_msg;
383 	trim_values(p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I) );
385     -- DRM Change: Added IF condition, fetch value set properties for the first value
386     -- and after that only when value-set changes
387     IF I=1 OR l_cur_co.flex_value_set_name = p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).value_set_name
388     THEN
389         validate_derivations( p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I) );
390     END IF;
392 	IF p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).status = 'S'  THEN
393         -- DRM Change: Conditional validation
394         IF p_validation_level = FND_API.g_valid_level_full THEN
395             validate_parameters(p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I));
396         END IF;
398       IF (fnd_log.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
399 	     fnd_log.string( fnd_log.level_statement, 'gl.plsql.gl_coa_seg_val_imp_pkg.create_gl_coa_flex_values.Status_after_validate_parameters',
400 	     'Value Set Name:'||p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).value_set_name||'  '||'Parent Flex Value:'||p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).parent_flex_value||'  '||'Flex Value:'
401 	     ||p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).flex_value||'  '||'Status:'||p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).status );
402           END IF;
403         END IF;
405 	--Find out whether it is insert/update of record
406         l_insert_update:='I';
407         IF p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).status = 'S' THEN
408             l_insert_update:= check_insert_update(p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I));
409 	  IF (fnd_log.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
410 	     fnd_log.string( fnd_log.level_statement, 'gl.plsql.gl_coa_seg_val_imp_pkg.create_gl_coa_flex_values.Insert_update',
411 	     'Value Set Name:'||p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).value_set_name||'  '||'Parent Flex Value:'||p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).parent_flex_value||'  '||'Flex Value:'
412 	     ||p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).flex_value||'  '||'Insert_update:'||l_insert_update);
413           END IF;
414         END IF;
416 	 --Defaulting depending upon insert or update
417 	IF p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).status = 'S' THEN
418 	  assign_defaults(p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I),l_insert_update);
419 	   IF (fnd_log.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
420 	     fnd_log.string( fnd_log.level_statement, 'gl.plsql.gl_coa_seg_val_imp_pkg.create_gl_coa_flex_values.Status_after_assign_defaults',
421 	     'Value Set Name:'||p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).value_set_name||'  '||'Parent Flex Value:'||p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).parent_flex_value||'  '||'Flex Value:'
422 	     ||p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).flex_value||'  '||'Status:'||p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).status );
423           END IF;
424 	END IF;
426 	/* Business Validations */
427 	IF p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).status = 'S'  THEN
428           validate_flex_values( p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I) );
429           IF (fnd_log.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
430 	     fnd_log.string( fnd_log.level_statement, 'gl.plsql.gl_coa_seg_val_imp_pkg.create_gl_coa_flex_values.Status_after_Business_Val',
431 	     'Value Set Name:'||p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).value_set_name||'  '||'Parent Flex Value:'||p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).parent_flex_value||'  '||'Flex Value:'
432 	     ||p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).flex_value||'  '||'Status:'||p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).status );
433           END IF;
434         END IF;
436          IF p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).status = 'S'  THEN
437 	  BEGIN
438 	  IF (fnd_log.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
439 	    fnd_log.string( fnd_log.level_statement, 'gl.plsql.gl_coa_seg_val_imp_pkg.create_gl_coa_flex_values.Creation_values',
440 	    'Value Set Name:'||p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).value_set_name||'  '||'Parent Flex Value:'||p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).parent_flex_value||'  '||'Flex Value:'
441 	    ||p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).flex_value||'  '||'enabled_flag:'||p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).enabled_flag||'  '||'summary_flag:'||
442 	    p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).summary_flag||'  '||'roll_up_group:'||p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).roll_up_group
443 	    ||'  '||'hierarchy_level:'||p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).hierarchy_level
444 	    ||'  '||'compiled_value_attribute_s:'||v_compiled_value_attribute_s
445 	    ||'  '||'flex_desc:'||p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).flex_desc);
446           END IF;
448 	  --introduced for the bug 13249707
449           IF l_insert_update = 'I' THEN
450               rec_fnd_flex_val.VALUE_CATEGORY := NULL;
451 	      rec_fnd_flex_val.ATTRIBUTE1 := NULL;
452 	      rec_fnd_flex_val.ATTRIBUTE2 := NULL;
453 	      rec_fnd_flex_val.ATTRIBUTE3 := NULL;
454 	      rec_fnd_flex_val.ATTRIBUTE4 := NULL;
455 	      rec_fnd_flex_val.ATTRIBUTE5 := NULL;
456 	      rec_fnd_flex_val.ATTRIBUTE6 := NULL;
457 	      rec_fnd_flex_val.ATTRIBUTE7 := NULL;
458 	      rec_fnd_flex_val.ATTRIBUTE8 := NULL;
459 	      rec_fnd_flex_val.ATTRIBUTE9 := NULL;
460 	      rec_fnd_flex_val.ATTRIBUTE10 := NULL;
461 	      rec_fnd_flex_val.ATTRIBUTE11 := NULL;
462 	      rec_fnd_flex_val.ATTRIBUTE12 := NULL;
463 	      rec_fnd_flex_val.ATTRIBUTE13 := NULL;
464 	      rec_fnd_flex_val.ATTRIBUTE14 := NULL;
465 	      rec_fnd_flex_val.ATTRIBUTE15 := NULL;
466 	      rec_fnd_flex_val.ATTRIBUTE16 := NULL;
467 	      rec_fnd_flex_val.ATTRIBUTE17 := NULL;
468 	      rec_fnd_flex_val.ATTRIBUTE18 := NULL;
469 	      rec_fnd_flex_val.ATTRIBUTE19 := NULL;
470 	      rec_fnd_flex_val.ATTRIBUTE20 := NULL;
471 	      rec_fnd_flex_val.ATTRIBUTE21 := NULL;
472 	      rec_fnd_flex_val.ATTRIBUTE22 := NULL;
473 	      rec_fnd_flex_val.ATTRIBUTE23 := NULL;
474 	      rec_fnd_flex_val.ATTRIBUTE24 := NULL;
475 	      rec_fnd_flex_val.ATTRIBUTE25 := NULL;
476 	      rec_fnd_flex_val.ATTRIBUTE26 := NULL;
477 	      rec_fnd_flex_val.ATTRIBUTE27 := NULL;
478 	      rec_fnd_flex_val.ATTRIBUTE28 := NULL;
479 	      rec_fnd_flex_val.ATTRIBUTE29 := NULL;
480 	      rec_fnd_flex_val.ATTRIBUTE30 := NULL;
481 	      rec_fnd_flex_val.ATTRIBUTE31 := NULL;
482 	      rec_fnd_flex_val.ATTRIBUTE32 := NULL;
483 	      rec_fnd_flex_val.ATTRIBUTE33 := NULL;
484 	      rec_fnd_flex_val.ATTRIBUTE34 := NULL;
485 	      rec_fnd_flex_val.ATTRIBUTE35 := NULL;
486 	      rec_fnd_flex_val.ATTRIBUTE36 := NULL;
487 	      rec_fnd_flex_val.ATTRIBUTE37 := NULL;
488 	      rec_fnd_flex_val.ATTRIBUTE38 := NULL;
489 	      rec_fnd_flex_val.ATTRIBUTE39 := NULL;
490 	      rec_fnd_flex_val.ATTRIBUTE40 := NULL;
491 	      rec_fnd_flex_val.ATTRIBUTE41 := NULL;
492 	      rec_fnd_flex_val.ATTRIBUTE42 := NULL;
493 	      rec_fnd_flex_val.ATTRIBUTE43 := NULL;
494 	      rec_fnd_flex_val.ATTRIBUTE44 := NULL;
495 	      rec_fnd_flex_val.ATTRIBUTE45 := NULL;
496 	      rec_fnd_flex_val.ATTRIBUTE46 := NULL;
497 	      rec_fnd_flex_val.ATTRIBUTE47 := NULL;
498 	      rec_fnd_flex_val.ATTRIBUTE48 := NULL;
499 	      rec_fnd_flex_val.ATTRIBUTE49 := NULL;
500 	      rec_fnd_flex_val.ATTRIBUTE50 := NULL;
501 	   END IF;
504 	  fnd_flex_loader_apis.up_value_set_value
505 		     (p_upload_phase                    => 'BEGIN',
506 		      p_upload_mode                     => NULL,
507 		      p_custom_mode                     => 'FORCE',
508 		      p_flex_value_set_name             => p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).value_set_name,
509 		      p_parent_flex_value_low           => p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).parent_flex_value,
510 		      p_flex_value                      => p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).flex_value,
511 		      p_owner                           => NULL,
512 		      p_last_update_date                => to_char(g_n_sysdate,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS'),
513 		      p_enabled_flag                    => p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).enabled_flag,
514 		      p_summary_flag                    => p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).summary_flag,
515 		      p_start_date_active               => to_char(p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).effective_from,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS'),
516 		      p_end_date_active                 => to_char(p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).effective_to,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS'),
517 		      p_parent_flex_value_high          => NULL,
518 		      p_rollup_flex_value_set_name      => NULL,
519 		      p_rollup_hierarchy_code           => p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).roll_up_group,
520 		      p_hierarchy_level                 => p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).hierarchy_level,
521 		      p_compiled_value_attributes       => v_compiled_value_attribute_s,
522                       p_value_category                  => rec_fnd_flex_val.value_category,
523 		      p_attribute1                      => rec_fnd_flex_val.attribute1,
524 		      p_attribute2                      => rec_fnd_flex_val.attribute2,
525 		      p_attribute3                      => rec_fnd_flex_val.attribute3,
526 		      p_attribute4                      => rec_fnd_flex_val.attribute4,
527 		      p_attribute5                      => rec_fnd_flex_val.attribute5,
528 		      p_attribute6                      => rec_fnd_flex_val.attribute6,
529 		      p_attribute7                      => rec_fnd_flex_val.attribute7,
530 		      p_attribute8                      => rec_fnd_flex_val.attribute8,
531 		      p_attribute9                      => rec_fnd_flex_val.attribute9,
532 		      p_attribute10                     => rec_fnd_flex_val.attribute10,
533 		      p_attribute11                     => rec_fnd_flex_val.attribute11,
534 		      p_attribute12                     => rec_fnd_flex_val.attribute12,
535 		      p_attribute13                     => rec_fnd_flex_val.attribute13,
536 		      p_attribute14                     => rec_fnd_flex_val.attribute14,
537 		      p_attribute15                     => rec_fnd_flex_val.attribute15,
538 		      p_attribute16                     => rec_fnd_flex_val.attribute16,
539 		      p_attribute17                     => rec_fnd_flex_val.attribute17,
540 		      p_attribute18                     => rec_fnd_flex_val.attribute18,
541 		      p_attribute19                     => rec_fnd_flex_val.attribute19,
542 		      p_attribute20                     => rec_fnd_flex_val.attribute20,
543 		      p_attribute21                     => rec_fnd_flex_val.attribute21,
544 		      p_attribute22                     => rec_fnd_flex_val.attribute22,
545 		      p_attribute23                     => rec_fnd_flex_val.attribute23,
546 		      p_attribute24                     => rec_fnd_flex_val.attribute24,
547 		      p_attribute25                     => rec_fnd_flex_val.attribute25,
548 		      p_attribute26                     => rec_fnd_flex_val.attribute26,
549 		      p_attribute27                     => rec_fnd_flex_val.attribute27,
550 		      p_attribute28                     => rec_fnd_flex_val.attribute28,
551 		      p_attribute29                     => rec_fnd_flex_val.attribute29,
552 		      p_attribute30                     => rec_fnd_flex_val.attribute30,
553 		      p_attribute31                     => rec_fnd_flex_val.attribute31,
554 		      p_attribute32                     => rec_fnd_flex_val.attribute32,
555 		      p_attribute33                     => rec_fnd_flex_val.attribute33,
556 		      p_attribute34                     => rec_fnd_flex_val.attribute34,
557 		      p_attribute35                     => rec_fnd_flex_val.attribute35,
558 		      p_attribute36                     => rec_fnd_flex_val.attribute36,
559 		      p_attribute37                     => rec_fnd_flex_val.attribute37,
560 		      p_attribute38                     => rec_fnd_flex_val.attribute38,
561 		      p_attribute39                     => rec_fnd_flex_val.attribute39,
562 		      p_attribute40                     => rec_fnd_flex_val.attribute40,
563 		      p_attribute41                     => rec_fnd_flex_val.attribute41,
564 		      p_attribute42                     => rec_fnd_flex_val.attribute42,
565 		      p_attribute43                     => rec_fnd_flex_val.attribute43,
566 		      p_attribute44                     => rec_fnd_flex_val.attribute44,
567 		      p_attribute45                     => rec_fnd_flex_val.attribute45,
568 		      p_attribute46                     => rec_fnd_flex_val.attribute46,
569 		      p_attribute47                     => rec_fnd_flex_val.attribute47,
570 		      p_attribute48                     => rec_fnd_flex_val.attribute48,
571 		      p_attribute49                     => rec_fnd_flex_val.attribute49,
572 		      p_attribute50                     => rec_fnd_flex_val.attribute50,
573 		      p_flex_value_meaning              => NULL,
574 		      p_description                     => p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).flex_desc);
575           ---As suggested by the Flex team in  the bug 7668121 going ahead with the direct update on the LUD
576 	  ---As approved by Flex Dev team in the bug 13345598
577            IF l_insert_update = 'U' THEN
578               UPDATE fnd_flex_values
579 	      SET last_update_date = sysdate,
580 	          last_updated_by = g_n_user_id,
581 		  last_update_login = g_n_login_id
582 	      WHERE rowid = rec_fnd_flex_val.rowid ;
583 	   ELSE
584 	      UPDATE fnd_flex_values
585 	      SET last_update_date = sysdate ,
586 	          last_updated_by = g_n_user_id,
587 		  created_by = g_n_user_id,
588 		  creation_date = sysdate
589 	      WHERE flex_value_set_id = l_cur_co.flex_value_set_id
590 	      AND flex_value = p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).flex_value;
591 	   END IF;
595 	       IF (fnd_log.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
596 	         fnd_log.string( fnd_log.level_statement, 'gl.plsql.gl_coa_seg_val_imp_pkg.create_gl_coa_flex_values.Error_in_flex_API',
597 	         'Value Set Name:'||p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).value_set_name||'  '||'Parent Flex Value:'||p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).parent_flex_value||'  '||'Flex Value:'
598 	         ||p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).flex_value||'  '||'Error_Message:'||FND_MESSAGE.GET
599 		 ||'  '||'Unhandled Exception :'||sqlerrm);
600                END IF;
601 	       fnd_message.set_name( 'GL', 'GL_COA_SVI_FLEX_UN_EX');
602 	       fnd_msg_pub.add;
603 	       p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).status := 'E';
604 	   END;
606          END IF;--insert/update
608       IF  p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).status = 'S' THEN
609 	 p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).msg_from := NULL;
610 	 p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).msg_to := NULL;
612 	 IF flex_vl_set_id_tab.count = 0 THEN
613            flex_vl_set_id_tab(flex_vl_set_id_tab.count+1) :=l_cur_co.flex_value_set_id;
614          ELSE
615 	   IF NOT isExists(l_cur_co.flex_value_set_id,flex_vl_set_id_tab) THEN
616 	   flex_vl_set_id_tab(flex_vl_set_id_tab.count+1) :=l_cur_co.flex_value_set_id;
617           END IF;
618 	 END IF;
620        ELSE
621          IF p_c_rec_status = 'S' THEN
622   	    p_c_rec_status := p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).status;
623 	 END IF;
624 	 p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).msg_from := p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).msg_from+1;
625 	 p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).msg_to := fnd_msg_pub.count_msg;
626   	 IF p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).status = 'E' THEN
627 	   NULL;--RETURN;
628 	 END IF;
629         END IF;
631      END IF;--exists
632    END LOOP;
634    /* Fork the Compile value set hierarchies Program for the Distinct Set of Value set ids having at least one successful create*/
635    FOR i in 1..flex_vl_set_id_tab.count LOOP
636       result := fnd_request.set_options('NO', 'NO', NULL, NULL);
637       req_id := fnd_request.submit_request(
638                 'FND', 'FDFCHY', '', '', FALSE,
639                 TO_CHAR(flex_vl_set_id_tab(i)), chr(0),
640                 '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
641                 '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
642                 '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
643                 '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
644                 '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
645                 '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
646                 '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
647                 '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
648                 '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
649                 '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
650        IF (fnd_log.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
651 	    fnd_log.string( fnd_log.level_statement, 'gl.plsql.gl_coa_seg_val_imp_pkg.create_gl_coa_flex_values.Triggered_FDFCHY',
652 	    'Value Set id:'||TO_CHAR(flex_vl_set_id_tab(i))||'  '||'Request id:'||req_id);
653        END IF;
654        IF (req_id = 0) THEN
655          IF (fnd_log.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
656 	    fnd_log.string( fnd_log.level_statement, 'gl.plsql.gl_coa_seg_val_imp_pkg.create_gl_coa_flex_values.Error_in_FDFCHY',
657 	    'Value Set Name:'||p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).value_set_name||'  '||'Parent Flex Value:'||p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).parent_flex_value||'  '||'Flex Value:'
658 	    ||p_gl_flex_values_tbl(I).flex_value||'  '||'Value_set_id:'||TO_CHAR(flex_vl_set_id_tab(i))||'  '||'Error_Message:'||
659 	    FND_MESSAGE.GET);
660          END IF;
661 	 fnd_message.set_name ( 'GL', 'GL_COA_SVI_COM_HIER_ERR' );
662 	 fnd_msg_pub.add;
663       END IF;
664    END LOOP;
666    flex_vl_set_id_tab.delete;
668     IF (fnd_log.level_procedure >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
669       fnd_log.string( fnd_log.level_procedure, 'gl.plsql.gl_coa_seg_val_imp_pkg.create_gl_coa_flex_values.status_after_import',p_c_rec_status);
670     END IF;
671  END create_gl_coa_flex_values;
673  PROCEDURE create_gl_coa_flex_values_nh(
674           p_gl_flex_values_nh_tbl IN OUT NOCOPY gl_coa_seg_val_imp_pub.gl_flex_values_nh_tbl_type,
675           p_c_rec_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
676           p_validation_level   IN NUMBER DEFAULT FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL  /* DRM: Added */
678   ) AS
679   /***********************************************************************************************
680     Created By     :  Sommukhe
681     Date Created By: 01-AUG-2008
682     Purpose        :  This procedure is a sub process to import records of s.
684     Known limitations,enhancements,remarks:
685     Change History (in reverse chronological order)
686     Who         When            What
687   ********************************************************************************************** */
688      l_insert_update      VARCHAR2(1);
689      v_message_name       VARCHAR2(30);
690      req_id    NUMBER;
691      result    BOOLEAN;
692      row_count NUMBER;
693      vsid      NUMBER;
694      l_nh_exists BOOLEAN;
695      flex_vl_set_id_del_tab flex_vl_set_id_tbl_type;
697     /* Private Procedures for create_gl_coa_flex_values_nh */
698     PROCEDURE trim_values ( gl_coa_flex_values_nh_rec IN OUT NOCOPY gl_coa_seg_val_imp_pub.gl_flex_values_nh_rec_type ) AS
699     BEGIN
700       gl_coa_flex_values_nh_rec.value_set_name := trim(gl_coa_flex_values_nh_rec.value_set_name);
701       gl_coa_flex_values_nh_rec.parent_flex_value := trim(gl_coa_flex_values_nh_rec.parent_flex_value);
702       gl_coa_flex_values_nh_rec.range_attribute := trim(gl_coa_flex_values_nh_rec.range_attribute);
703       gl_coa_flex_values_nh_rec.child_flex_value_low := trim(gl_coa_flex_values_nh_rec.child_flex_value_low);
704       gl_coa_flex_values_nh_rec.child_flex_value_high := trim(gl_coa_flex_values_nh_rec.child_flex_value_high);
706     END trim_values;
708     PROCEDURE validate_derivations ( gl_coa_flex_values_nh_rec IN OUT NOCOPY gl_coa_seg_val_imp_pub.gl_flex_values_nh_rec_type, p_nh_exists OUT BOOLEAN ) AS
709     --Cursor to check if child ranges already exist
710     CURSOR c_fnd_flex_value_nh_exists(cp_flex_value_set_id fnd_flex_value_sets.flex_value_set_id%TYPE
711                                       /*DRM Removed: ,cp_parent_flex_value fnd_flex_value_norm_hierarchy.parent_flex_value%TYPE*/
712                                       ) IS
713     SELECT 'X'
714     FROM fnd_flex_value_norm_hierarchy
715     WHERE flex_value_set_id = cp_flex_value_set_id;
716     /*DRM Removed: AND parent_flex_value = cp_parent_flex_value;*/
718     rec_fnd_flex_value_nh_exists c_fnd_flex_value_nh_exists%ROWTYPE;
720     BEGIN
721       --Validate the Value set name
722       OPEN c_fnd_flex_values(gl_coa_flex_values_nh_rec.value_set_name);
723        FETCH c_fnd_flex_values INTO l_cur_co;
724        IF c_fnd_flex_values%NOTFOUND THEN
725 	 CLOSE c_fnd_flex_values;
726 	 fnd_message.set_name('GL','GL_COA_SVI_INVALID_VALUE');
727          fnd_msg_pub.add;
728          gl_coa_flex_values_nh_rec.status := 'E';
729        ELSE
730 	 CLOSE c_fnd_flex_values;
731        END IF;
733        OPEN c_fnd_flex_value_nh_exists(l_cur_co.flex_value_set_id);/* DRM removed: ,gl_coa_flex_values_nh_rec.parent_flex_value);*/
734        FETCH c_fnd_flex_value_nh_exists INTO rec_fnd_flex_value_nh_exists;
735        IF c_fnd_flex_value_nh_exists%NOTFOUND THEN
736 	 CLOSE c_fnd_flex_value_nh_exists;
737 	 p_nh_exists := FALSE;
738        ELSE
739 	 CLOSE c_fnd_flex_value_nh_exists;
740 	 p_nh_exists := TRUE;
741        END IF;
743     END validate_derivations;
745     -- validate parameters passed.
746     PROCEDURE validate_parameters ( gl_coa_flex_values_nh_rec IN OUT NOCOPY gl_coa_seg_val_imp_pub.gl_flex_values_nh_rec_type  ) AS
747     BEGIN
749       IF gl_coa_flex_values_nh_rec.value_set_name IS NULL  THEN
750         set_msg('GL_COA_SVI_SEG_VAL_MAND', 'VALUE_SET_NAME');
751         gl_coa_flex_values_nh_rec.status := 'E';
752       END IF;
754       IF gl_coa_flex_values_nh_rec.parent_flex_value IS NULL  THEN
755        	 set_msg('GL_COA_SVI_SEG_VAL_MAND', 'PARENT_FLEX_VALUE');
756         gl_coa_flex_values_nh_rec.status := 'E';
757       END IF;
759       IF gl_coa_flex_values_nh_rec.range_attribute IS NULL THEN
760         set_msg('GL_COA_SVI_SEG_VAL_MAND', 'RANGE_ATTRIBUTE');
761         gl_coa_flex_values_nh_rec.status := 'E';
762       END IF;
764       IF gl_coa_flex_values_nh_rec.child_flex_value_low IS NULL  THEN
765        	 set_msg('GL_COA_SVI_SEG_VAL_MAND', 'CHILD_FLEX_VALUE_LOW');
766         gl_coa_flex_values_nh_rec.status := 'E';
767       END IF;
769       IF gl_coa_flex_values_nh_rec.child_flex_value_high IS NULL  THEN
770        	 set_msg('GL_COA_SVI_SEG_VAL_MAND', 'CHILD_FLEX_VALUE_HIGH');
771         gl_coa_flex_values_nh_rec.status := 'E';
772       END IF;
774     END validate_parameters;
776     -- Validate Database Constraints
777     PROCEDURE validate_db_cons (gl_coa_flex_values_nh_rec IN OUT NOCOPY gl_coa_seg_val_imp_pub.gl_flex_values_nh_rec_type  ) AS
778     --Cursor to validate the parent flex value
779     CURSOR c_fnd_flex_value_exists(cp_flex_value_set_id fnd_flex_value_sets.flex_value_set_id%TYPE,
780                                       cp_parent_flex_value fnd_flex_value_norm_hierarchy.parent_flex_value%TYPE ) IS
781     SELECT summary_flag
782     FROM fnd_flex_values
783     WHERE flex_value_set_id = cp_flex_value_set_id
784     AND flex_value = cp_parent_flex_value;
786     rec_fnd_flex_value_exists c_fnd_flex_value_exists%ROWTYPE;
787     BEGIN
788     -- Parent Flex Value should be valid
789     OPEN c_fnd_flex_value_exists(l_cur_co.flex_value_set_id,gl_coa_flex_values_nh_rec.parent_flex_value);
790        FETCH c_fnd_flex_value_exists INTO rec_fnd_flex_value_exists;
791        IF c_fnd_flex_value_exists%NOTFOUND THEN
792 	 CLOSE c_fnd_flex_value_exists;
793 	 set_msg('GL_COA_SVI_INV_P_FLEX', gl_coa_flex_values_nh_rec.parent_flex_value);
794 	 gl_coa_flex_values_nh_rec.status := 'E';
795        ELSE
796          IF rec_fnd_flex_value_exists.summary_flag <> 'Y' THEN
797            set_msg('GL_COA_SVI_NO_SUM_FLG', gl_coa_flex_values_nh_rec.parent_flex_value);
798 	   gl_coa_flex_values_nh_rec.status := 'E';
799 	 END IF;
800 	 CLOSE c_fnd_flex_value_exists;
801        END IF;
802     END validate_db_cons;
804     -- Carry out business validations
805     PROCEDURE validate_nh ( gl_coa_flex_values_nh_rec IN OUT NOCOPY gl_coa_seg_val_imp_pub.gl_flex_values_nh_rec_type  ) AS
806     BEGIN
808      --If Range Attribute should be in ('C','P')
809      IF gl_coa_flex_values_nh_rec.range_attribute NOT IN ('C','P') THEN
811         gl_coa_flex_values_nh_rec.status := 'E';
812       END IF;
814      -- Child Flex Value Low should be less than Child Flex Value high
815      IF gl_coa_flex_values_nh_rec.child_flex_value_low > gl_coa_flex_values_nh_rec.child_flex_value_high THEN
816         fnd_message.set_name('GL','GL_COA_SVI_CFH_LESS_CFL');
817         fnd_msg_pub.add;
818         gl_coa_flex_values_nh_rec.status := 'E';
819       END IF;
821       --Loop detected if Range Attribute is 'P' and the parent flex value falls in between child_flex_value_low and child_flex_value_high
822       IF gl_coa_flex_values_nh_rec.range_attribute = 'P' THEN
823         IF gl_coa_flex_values_nh_rec.parent_flex_value BETWEEN gl_coa_flex_values_nh_rec.child_flex_value_low AND gl_coa_flex_values_nh_rec.child_flex_value_high THEN
824 	  set_msg('GL_COA_SVI_FLEX_HIER_LOOP', gl_coa_flex_values_nh_rec.parent_flex_value);
825 	  gl_coa_flex_values_nh_rec.status := 'E';
826 	END IF;
827       END IF;
829     END validate_nh;
833   /* Main Child ranges Sub Process */
834   BEGIN
835     IF (fnd_log.level_procedure >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
836       fnd_log.string( fnd_log.level_procedure, 'gl.plsql.gl_coa_seg_val_imp_pkg.create_gl_coa_flex_values_nh.start_logging_for','Child ranges');
837     END IF;
839     p_c_rec_status := 'S';
840     l_nh_exists := NULL;
841     FOR I in 1..p_gl_flex_values_nh_tbl.LAST LOOP
842       IF p_gl_flex_values_nh_tbl.EXISTS(I) THEN
844         p_gl_flex_values_nh_tbl(I).status := 'S';
845         p_gl_flex_values_nh_tbl(I).msg_from := fnd_msg_pub.count_msg;
846 	trim_values(p_gl_flex_values_nh_tbl(I) );
847     -- DRM Change: Added IF condition, fetch value set properties for the first value
848     -- and after that only when value-set changes
849     IF I=1 OR l_cur_co.flex_value_set_name = p_gl_flex_values_nh_tbl(I).value_set_name
850     THEN
851         validate_derivations(p_gl_flex_values_nh_tbl(I),l_nh_exists );
852     END IF;
854 	--Check for the presence of the mandatory parameters
855 	IF p_gl_flex_values_nh_tbl(I).status = 'S' THEN
856         -- DRM Change: Conditional validation
857         IF p_validation_level = FND_API.g_valid_level_full THEN
858             validate_parameters ( p_gl_flex_values_nh_tbl(I) );
859         END IF;
860 	END IF;
862         --Parent Flex Value should be valid
863 	IF p_gl_flex_values_nh_tbl(I).status = 'S' THEN
864         -- DRM Change: Conditional validation
865         IF p_validation_level = FND_API.g_valid_level_full THEN
866             validate_db_cons (p_gl_flex_values_nh_tbl(I));
867         END IF;
868 	END IF;
870 	--Business Validations for the fnd_flex_value_norm_hierarchy entities
871 	IF p_gl_flex_values_nh_tbl(I).status = 'S' THEN
872         -- DRM Change: Conditional validation
873         IF p_validation_level = FND_API.g_valid_level_full THEN
874             validate_nh ( p_gl_flex_values_nh_tbl(I) );
875         END IF;
876 	END IF;
878         /* Delete the already existing child ranges records*/
879         -- DRM Change: bug in deletion of hierarchies
880         --IF flex_vl_set_id_del_tab.count = 0
881         --THEN
882         --    IF l_nh_exists
883         --    THEN
884         --        flex_vl_set_id_del_tab(flex_vl_set_id_del_tab.count+1) := l_cur_co.flex_value_set_id;
885         --        DELETE fnd_flex_value_norm_hierarchy
886         --         WHERE flex_value_set_id = l_cur_co.flex_value_set_id
887         --           AND parent_flex_value = p_gl_flex_values_nh_tbl(I).parent_flex_value;
888         --    END IF;
889         --ELSE
890             IF NOT isExists(l_cur_co.flex_value_set_id,flex_vl_set_id_del_tab)
891             THEN
892         --        IF l_nh_exists
893         --        THEN
894                     flex_vl_set_id_del_tab(flex_vl_set_id_del_tab.count+1) := l_cur_co.flex_value_set_id;
895                     DELETE FROM fnd_flex_value_norm_hierarchy
896                     WHERE flex_value_set_id =l_cur_co.flex_value_set_id;
897         --            AND parent_flex_value =p_gl_flex_values_nh_tbl(I).parent_flex_value;
898         --        END IF;
899             END IF;
900         --END IF;
902          IF p_gl_flex_values_nh_tbl(I).status = 'S'  THEN
903            BEGIN
904 	   fnd_flex_loader_apis.up_vset_value_hierarchy
905 		  (p_upload_phase                 => 'BEGIN' ,
906 		   p_upload_mode                  => NULL,
907 		   p_custom_mode                  => 'FORCE',
908 		   p_flex_value_set_name          => p_gl_flex_values_nh_tbl(I).value_set_name,
909 		   p_parent_flex_value            => p_gl_flex_values_nh_tbl(I).parent_flex_value,
910 		   p_range_attribute              => p_gl_flex_values_nh_tbl(I).range_attribute,
911 		   p_child_flex_value_low         => p_gl_flex_values_nh_tbl(I).child_flex_value_low,
912 		   p_child_flex_value_high        => p_gl_flex_values_nh_tbl(I).child_flex_value_high,
913 		   p_owner                        => NULL,
914 		   p_last_update_date             => NULL,
915 		   p_start_date_active            => NULL,
916 		   p_end_date_active              => NULL);
917 	  ---As approved by Flex Dev team in the bug 13345598
918               UPDATE fnd_flex_value_norm_hierarchy
919 	      SET last_update_date = sysdate,
920 	          last_updated_by = g_n_user_id,
921 		  created_by = g_n_user_id,
922 		  creation_date = sysdate,
923 		  last_update_login = g_n_login_id
924 	      WHERE flex_value_set_id = l_cur_co.flex_value_set_id
925 	      AND parent_flex_value = p_gl_flex_values_nh_tbl(I).parent_flex_value
926 	      AND child_flex_value_low = p_gl_flex_values_nh_tbl(I).child_flex_value_low
927 	      AND child_flex_value_high = p_gl_flex_values_nh_tbl(I).child_flex_value_high
928 	      AND range_attribute= p_gl_flex_values_nh_tbl(I).range_attribute;
929            EXCEPTION
931 	       fnd_message.set_name( 'GL', 'GL_COA_SVI_FLEX_UN_EX');
932 	       fnd_msg_pub.add;
933 	       p_gl_flex_values_nh_tbl(I).status := 'E';
934 	   END;
935          END IF;
937       IF  p_gl_flex_values_nh_tbl(I).status = 'S' THEN
938 	 p_gl_flex_values_nh_tbl(I).msg_from := NULL;
939 	 p_gl_flex_values_nh_tbl(I).msg_to := NULL;
941 	 IF flex_vl_set_id_tab.count = 0 THEN
942            flex_vl_set_id_tab(flex_vl_set_id_tab.count+1) :=l_cur_co.flex_value_set_id;
943          ELSE
944 	   IF NOT isExists(l_cur_co.flex_value_set_id,flex_vl_set_id_tab) THEN
945 	   flex_vl_set_id_tab(flex_vl_set_id_tab.count+1) :=l_cur_co.flex_value_set_id;
946           END IF;
947 	 END IF;
949        ELSE
950          IF p_c_rec_status = 'S' THEN
951   	    p_c_rec_status := p_gl_flex_values_nh_tbl(I).status;
952 	 END IF;
953 	 p_gl_flex_values_nh_tbl(I).msg_from := p_gl_flex_values_nh_tbl(I).msg_from+1;
954 	 p_gl_flex_values_nh_tbl(I).msg_to := fnd_msg_pub.count_msg;
955   	 IF p_gl_flex_values_nh_tbl(I).status = 'E' THEN
956 	   NULL;--RETURN;
957 	 END IF;
958         END IF;
960         END IF;-- if exists
963    END LOOP;
965     /* Fork the Compile value set hierarchies Program for the Distinct Set of Value set ids having at least one successful create*/
966      FOR i in 1..flex_vl_set_id_tab.count LOOP
967       result := fnd_request.set_options('NO', 'NO', NULL, NULL);
968       req_id := fnd_request.submit_request(
969                 'FND', 'FDFCHY', '', '', FALSE,
970                 TO_CHAR(flex_vl_set_id_tab(i)), chr(0),
971                 '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
972                 '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
973                 '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
974                 '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
975                 '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
976                 '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
977                 '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
978                 '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
979                 '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
980                 '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
981        IF (req_id = 0) THEN
982          fnd_message.set_name ( 'GL', 'GL_COA_SVI_COM_HIER_ERR' );
983 	 fnd_msg_pub.add;
984       END IF;
985     END LOOP;
987     flex_vl_set_id_tab.delete;
989     IF (fnd_log.level_procedure >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
990       fnd_log.string( fnd_log.level_procedure, 'gl.plsql.gl_coa_seg_val_imp_pkg.create_gl_coa_flex_values_nh.status_after_import',p_c_rec_status);
991     END IF;
993  END create_gl_coa_flex_values_nh;
995 END gl_coa_seg_val_imp_pkg;