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1 Package body irc_create_notification_pkg as
2 /* $Header: ircnrpkg.pkb 120.0 2006/06/22 07:43:04 narvenka noship $ */
4 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 -- |-------------------------< create_notification >--------------------------|
6 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 procedure create_notification (errbuf  out nocopy varchar2
8                               ,retcode out nocopy number
9                               ,p_process_number in varchar2
10                               ,p_max_number_proc in varchar2
11                               ,p_table_owner in varchar2
12                               ,p_batch_size in varchar2
13                               )is
14 --
15 l_worker_id            number := to_number(nvl(p_process_number,'1'));
16 l_num_workers          number := to_number(p_max_number_proc);
17 l_batch_size           number := to_number(p_batch_size);
18 l_any_rows_to_process  boolean;
19 l_rows_processed       number := 0;
21 l_unique_upd_name      varchar2(30);
22 l_update_name          varchar2(30) := 'IRCRUPCREATENOTIFCP';
23 l_table_name           varchar2(30);
24 l_table_owner          varchar2(30);
25 l_status               varchar2(255);
26 l_industry             varchar2(255);
27 l_dummy                boolean;
28 l_party_id             per_all_people_f.party_id%TYPE := null;
29 --
30 --
31 type person_id_t is table of per_all_assignments_f.person_id%type index by binary_integer;
32 l_person_ids person_id_t;
33 --
34 type party_id_t is table of per_all_people_f.party_id%TYPE index by binary_integer;
35 l_party_ids party_id_t;
36 --
37 type l_rowid_type is table of rowid index by binary_integer;
38 l_rowid                l_rowid_type;
39 l_start_rowid          rowid;
40 l_end_rowid            rowid;
41 --
43 -- **************************************************
44 -- *** Use ROWID hint to ensure ROWID access path ***
45 -- **************************************************
47 --
48 -- This cursor picks all the applicants who do not have a notification
49 -- preferences record.
50 --
51  cursor csr_get_appl_with_no_notif(start_rowid rowid, end_rowid rowid) is
52 SELECT /*+ ROWID(ppf1) */
53         ppf1.person_id person_id
54        ,ppf1.rowid
55        ,ppf1.party_id party_id
56    FROM per_all_people_f ppf1
57   WHERE trunc(sysdate) between ppf1.effective_start_date and ppf1.effective_end_date
58     AND ppf1.rowid BETWEEN start_rowid and end_rowid
59     AND person_id = (select min(person_id)
60                        from per_all_assignments_f paaf
61                       where paaf.assignment_type = 'A'
62                         and trunc(sysdate) between paaf.effective_start_date and paaf.effective_end_date
63                         and person_id in (select ppf.person_id
64                                            from per_all_people_f ppf
65                                           where ppf.party_id = ppf1.party_id
66                                             and trunc(sysdate) between ppf.effective_start_date
67                                                                    and ppf.effective_end_date
68                                           AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT /*+ no_unnest */ 1
69                                                              FROM irc_notification_preferences inp
70                                                                  ,per_all_people_f ppf2
71                                                             WHERE ppf.party_id = ppf2.party_id
72                                                               AND ppf2.person_id = inp.person_id
73                                                               AND trunc(sysdate) between ppf2.effective_start_date
74                                                                                      and ppf2.effective_end_date
75                                                          )
76                                          )
77                     );
78 --
80 --
81 begin
82 --
83   l_table_name := 'PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F';
84   l_dummy:=fnd_installation.get_app_info(
85               application_short_name=>'PER'
86               ,status                =>l_status
87               ,industry              =>l_industry
88               ,oracle_schema         =>l_table_owner);
89 --
90   if ((l_dummy = FALSE)
91       OR
92      (l_table_owner is null))
93   then
94      raise_application_error(-20001,'Cannot get schema name for product : '|| 'PER');
95   end if;
96 --
97   ad_parallel_updates_pkg.initialize_rowid_range(
98             ad_parallel_updates_pkg.ROWID_RANGE,
99             l_table_owner,
100             l_table_name,
101             l_update_name,
102             l_worker_id,
103             l_num_workers,
104             l_batch_size,
105             0);
107   ad_parallel_updates_pkg.get_rowid_range(
108            l_start_rowid,
109            l_end_rowid,
110            l_any_rows_to_process,
111            l_batch_size,
112            TRUE);
113 --
114   while (l_any_rows_to_process = TRUE)
115   loop
116     --
117     open csr_get_appl_with_no_notif(l_start_rowid,l_end_rowid);
118       fetch csr_get_appl_with_no_notif bulk collect into l_person_ids
119                                                         ,l_rowid
120                                                         ,l_party_ids;
122     l_rows_processed := csr_get_appl_with_no_notif%ROWCOUNT;
124     close csr_get_appl_with_no_notif;
125     --
126     if(l_rows_processed > 0)
127     then
128       forall i in l_person_ids.first..l_person_ids.last
129       --
130         insert into irc_notification_preferences
132          ,PERSON_ID
133          ,PARTY_ID
134          ,MATCHING_JOBS
135          ,MATCHING_JOB_FREQ
136          ,RECEIVE_INFO_MAIL
137          ,ALLOW_ACCESS
138          ,LAST_UPDATE_DATE
139          ,LAST_UPDATED_BY
140          ,LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN
141          ,CREATED_BY
142          ,CREATION_DATE
144         values
145         ( IRC_NOTIFICATION_PREFS_S.nextval
146          ,l_person_ids(i)
147          ,l_party_ids(i)
148          ,'N'
149          ,'1'
150          ,'N'
151          ,'Y'
152          ,sysdate
153          ,1
154          ,null
155          ,1
156          ,sysdate
157          ,1);
158       --
159       -- end FORALL
160       --
161     --
162     commit;
163     end if;
164     --
165     l_person_ids.delete;
166     l_rowid.delete;
167     l_party_ids.delete;
168     --
169     -- mark a range of rowids as processed
170     --
171     ad_parallel_updates_pkg.processed_rowid_range
172     ( l_rows_processed
173      ,l_end_rowid
174     );
175     --
176     -- get new range of rowids
177     --
178     ad_parallel_updates_pkg.get_rowid_range
179     ( l_start_rowid
180      ,l_end_rowid
181      ,l_any_rows_to_process
182      ,l_batch_size
183      ,FALSE
184     );
185     --
186   end loop;
187 --
188   end create_notification;
189 --
190 end irc_create_notification_pkg;