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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 29

  select displayed_field
  from   ap_lookup_codes
  where  (lookup_code = LookupCode)
  and    (lookup_type = LookupType);
Line: 71

        select  FC.minimum_accountable_unit, FC.precision
        into    l_minimum_acct_unit, l_precision
        from    fnd_currencies FC
        where   FC.currency_code = P_Currency_Code;
Line: 94

      select  FC.minimum_accountable_unit, FC.precision
      into    l_minimum_acct_unit, l_precision
      from    fnd_currencies FC
      where   FC.currency_code = P_Currency_Code;
Line: 138

         order to use a stored function in the select-list of a
         query.  Therefore, I am commenting it out NOCOPY and simply
         returning null if no record is retrieved.
        raise_application_error(-20000,'APUT002/No such currency ' ||
Line: 197

  SELECT SP.base_currency_code,
  INTO   l_func_currency,
  FROM   ap_system_parameters SP,
         fnd_currencies FC
  WHERE  FC.currency_code = P_Currency_Code;
Line: 317

  SELECT FC.precision,
  INTO   l_fc_precision,
  FROM   fnd_currencies FC
  WHERE  FC.currency_code = P_Currency_Code;
Line: 379

  select  decode(P_Min_unit,
            null, round(P_Amount, P_Precision),
                  round(P_Amount/P_Min_unit) * P_Min_unit)
  into    l_rounded_amount
  from    sys.dual;
Line: 403

    SELECT period_name
      FROM gl_period_statuses GLPS,
           ap_system_parameters_all SP
     WHERE application_id = 200
       AND sp.org_id = P_Org_Id
       AND GLPS.set_of_books_id = SP.set_of_books_id
       AND trunc(P_Date) BETWEEN start_date AND end_date
       AND closing_status in ('O', 'F')
       AND NVL(adjustment_period_flag, 'N') = 'N';
Line: 490

      SELECT period_name
        FROM gl_period_statuses GLPS,
	     ap_system_parameters_all SP
       WHERE application_id = 200
         AND sp.org_id = p_org_id
         AND GLPS.set_of_books_id = SP.set_of_books_id
         /* Bug 5368685 */
         AND trunc(P_Date) BETWEEN start_date AND end_date
         AND NVL(adjustment_period_flag, 'N') = 'N';
Line: 530

      SELECT MIN(start_date),
        FROM gl_period_statuses GLPS,
             ap_system_parameters_all SP
       WHERE application_id = 200
         AND sp.org_id = P_Org_Id
         AND GLPS.set_of_books_id = SP.set_of_books_id
         AND end_date >= P_Date --Bug6809792
         AND closing_status in ('O', 'F')
         AND NVL(adjustment_period_flag, 'N') = 'N'
       GROUP BY period_name
       ORDER BY MIN(start_date);
Line: 632

      SELECT MIN(start_date),
        FROM gl_period_statuses GLPS,
             ap_system_parameters_all SP  --8281653
       WHERE application_id = 200
         AND SP.org_id = P_Org_Id
         AND GLPS.set_of_books_id = SP.set_of_books_id
         AND (start_date > P_Date OR
              P_Date BETWEEN start_date AND end_date)
         AND closing_status = 'O'
         AND NVL(adjustment_period_flag, 'N') = 'N'
       GROUP BY period_name
       ORDER BY MIN(start_date);
Line: 695

         order to use a stored function in the select-list of a
         query.  Therefore, I am commenting it out NOCOPY and simply
         returning null if no record is retrieved.

      if (SQLCODE <> -20001) then
Line: 754

 SELECT responsibility_name
 INTO l_wnd_context
 FROM fnd_responsibility_vl
 WHERE application_id = l_application_id
 AND   responsibility_id = l_resp_id;
Line: 779

  SELECT 	nvl(multi_org_flag, 'N')
  ,		nvl(multi_currency_flag, 'N')
  INTO 		l_multi_org
  ,		l_multi_cur
  FROM		fnd_product_groups;
Line: 806

      select 	substrb((g.SHORT_NAME || decode(g.mrc_sob_type_code, 'N', NULL,
                                  decode(l_multi_cur, 'N', NULL,
                                         ': ' || substr(g.currency_code, 1, 5)))),1,60)
      into 	l_wnd_context
      from 	gl_sets_of_books g
      ,	 	ap_system_parameters aps
      where	aps.SET_OF_BOOKS_ID = g.SET_OF_BOOKS_ID;
Line: 848

      select 	substrb((substr(h.Name, 1, 53)
                || decode(g.mrc_sob_type_code, 'N', NULL,
                            decode(l_multi_cur, 'N', NULL,
                                   ': ' || substr(g.currency_code, 1, 5)))),1,60)
      into 	l_wnd_context
      from      gl_sets_of_books g,
                ap_system_parameters aps,
                hr_operating_units h
      where 	h.organization_id = to_number(l_id)
	--Bug 13975870
      and h.organization_id = aps.org_id
	--Bug 13975870
      and       aps.set_of_books_id = g.set_of_books_id;
Line: 919

  debug_info := 'Select Charts of Account';
Line: 923

      SELECT chart_of_accounts_id
        INTO l_chart_of_accounts_id
        FROM gl_sets_of_books
       WHERE set_of_books_id = p_set_of_books_id;
Line: 1307

  debug_info := 'Select Charts of Account';
Line: 1311

      SELECT chart_of_accounts_id
        INTO l_chart_of_accounts_id
        FROM gl_sets_of_books
       WHERE set_of_books_id = p_set_of_books_id;
Line: 1668

  debug_info := 'Select Charts of Account';
Line: 1670

      SELECT chart_of_accounts_id
        INTO l_chart_of_accounts_id
        FROM gl_sets_of_books
       WHERE set_of_books_id = p_set_of_books_id;
Line: 1773

     SELECT nvl(enabled_flag,'N')
     INTO   l_enabled_flag
     FROM   gl_code_combinations
     WHERE  code_combination_id = p_ccid
     AND    chart_of_accounts_id = p_chart_of_accounts_id
      -- Bug 3486932 - Added the following conditions to verify if GL account
      -- is valid and summary flag and template id are proper.

     -- Bug 3379623 deleted the previous AND stmt and added the below two.
     AND    NVL(start_date_active, TRUNC(p_date))   <= TRUNC(p_date)
     AND    NVL(end_date_active,
                TO_DATE('12/31/4012','MM/DD/YYYY')) >= TRUNC(p_date)
     AND    summary_flag = 'N'
     AND    template_id is NULL;
Line: 1820

  select inventory_organization_id
  into   inv_org_id
  from   financials_system_parameters
  where  org_id = p_org_id;
Line: 1910

   SELECT DISTINCT primary_set_of_books_id
   INTO   l_primary_sob_id
   FROM   gl_mc_reporting_options
   WHERE  reporting_set_of_books_id = P_SOB_ID
   AND    application_id = 200;
Line: 2004

         SELECT match_status_flag
         FROM   ap_invoice_distributions_all
         WHERE  invoice_id = p_invoice_id
         SELECT 'N'
         FROM   ap_invoice_distributions_all
         WHERE  invoice_id = p_invoice_id
         AND    match_status_flag IS NULL
         AND EXISTS
                (SELECT 'There are both untested and tested lines'
                 FROM   ap_invoice_distributions_all
                 WHERE  invoice_id = p_invoice_id
                 AND    match_status_flag IN ('T','A'))
	UNION  -- Bug 6866672
	FROM ap_invoice_lines_all ail, ap_invoices_all ai
	WHERE ai.invoice_id = p_invoice_id
	AND ai.invoice_id = ail.invoice_id
	AND ai.cancelled_date is NULL
		 FROM ap_invoice_distributions_all
		 WHERE invoice_id = p_invoice_id
		 AND invoice_line_number = ail.line_number)
	AND ail.amount <> 0;	 -- Bug 6911199. Should ignore 0 Line Amounts.(Also one test case is an open issue)
Line: 2039

         SELECT org_id
         INTO l_org_id
         FROM ap_invoices_all
         WHERE invoice_id = p_invoice_id;
Line: 2051

           SELECT NVL(purch_encumbrance_flag,'N')
           INTO   encumbrance_flag
           FROM   financials_system_params_all
           WHERE  NVL(org_id, -99) = NVL(l_org_id, -99);
Line: 2061

         SELECT count(*)
         INTO   invoice_holds
         FROM   ap_holds_all
         WHERE  invoice_id = p_invoice_id
         AND    release_lookup_code is NULL;
Line: 2073

           SELECT nvl(ai.force_revalidation_flag, 'N')
             INTO l_force_revalidation_flag
             FROM ap_invoices_all ai
            WHERE ai.invoice_id = p_invoice_id;
Line: 2188

         SELECT nvl((0 - sum(AIL.amount)),0)
         INTO l_prepay_amount
         FROM ap_invoice_lines_all AIL
         WHERE AIL.invoice_id = p_invoice_id
         AND nvl(AIL.invoice_includes_prepay_flag,'N') = 'N'
         AND (AIL.line_type_lookup_code = 'PREPAY'
           OR (AIL.line_type_lookup_code = 'TAX'
             AND AIL.prepay_invoice_id IS NOT NULL
             AND AIL.prepay_line_number IS NOT NULL));
Line: 2198

         SELECT nvl(AI.invoice_amount,0)- l_prepay_amount
                - nvl(AP_INVOICES_UTILITY_PKG.get_amount_withheld(p_invoice_id),0)
         INTO l_net_inv_amount
         FROM ap_invoices_all AI
         WHERE AI.invoice_id = p_invoice_id;
Line: 2253

   SELECT set_of_books_id,
          nvl(liability_post_lookup_code, 'NONE')
   INTO   l_primary_sob_id,
   FROM   ap_system_parameters
   where org_id = nvl(AP_UTILITIES_PKG.g_org_id,org_id); /*Bug11720134*/
Line: 2260

   SELECT chart_of_accounts_id
   INTO   l_chart_of_accts_id
   FROM   gl_sets_of_books
   WHERE  set_of_books_id = l_primary_sob_id;
Line: 2416

   SELECT set_of_books_id,
          nvl(liability_post_lookup_code, 'NONE')
   INTO   l_primary_sob_id,
   FROM   ap_system_parameters;
Line: 2425

   SELECT chart_of_accounts_id
   INTO   l_chart_of_accts_id
   FROM   gl_sets_of_books
   WHERE  set_of_books_id = l_primary_sob_id;
Line: 2592

FUNCTION delete_invoice_from_interface(p_invoice_id_table in number_table_type,
                                       p_invoice_line_id_table in number_table_type,
                                       p_calling_sequence VARCHAR2) return boolean as

  current_calling_sequence        VARCHAR2(2000);
Line: 2601

Line: 2602

  debug_info := 'Delete records from rejection and interface tables';
Line: 2604

  /* Delete invoices from interface */
  forall i in nvl(p_invoice_id_table.first,0)..nvl(p_invoice_id_table.last,0)
    delete from ap_invoices_interface where invoice_id = p_invoice_id_table(i);
Line: 2607

  /* Delete invoice lines from interface */
  forall i in nvl(p_invoice_id_table.first,0)..nvl(p_invoice_id_table.last,0)
    delete from ap_invoice_lines_interface where invoice_id = p_invoice_id_table(i);
Line: 2611

  /* Delete invoice rejections from the rejections table */
  forall i in nvl(p_invoice_id_table.first,0)..nvl(p_invoice_id_table.last,0)
    delete from ap_interface_rejections
           where parent_id = p_invoice_id_table(i) and
                 parent_table = 'AP_INVOICES_INTERFACE';
Line: 2617

  /* Delete invoice lines rejections from the rejections table */
  forall i in nvl(p_invoice_line_id_table.first,0)..nvl(p_invoice_line_id_table.last,0)
    delete from ap_interface_rejections
           where parent_id = p_invoice_line_id_table(i) and
                 parent_table = 'AP_INVOICE_LINES_INTERFACE';
Line: 2632

 END delete_invoice_from_interface ;
Line: 2645

    SELECT nvl(calc_user_xrate, 'N')
      INTO l_calc_user_xrate
      FROM ap_system_parameters;
Line: 2673

             SELECT jb.name INTO ret_val
             FROM gl_je_batches jb
             WHERE JB.je_batch_id IN (SELECT IR.je_batch_id
                                    FROM   gl_import_references IR
                                    WHERE  IR.gl_sl_link_id = P_GL_SL_link_id
                                    AND    IR.gl_sl_link_table = 'APECL');
Line: 2683

            SELECT '-999' into ret_val
            FROM DUAL
            WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 'this link id exists in IR'
                              FROM gl_import_references IR
                              WHERE IR.gl_sl_link_id=P_gl_sl_link_id
                              AND IR.gl_sl_link_table = 'APECL');
Line: 2696

           SELECT jb.name INTO ret_val
           FROM gl_je_batches jb
           WHERE JB.je_batch_id = P_batch_id
           and P_GL_SL_link_id IN
                             (SELECT IR.gl_sl_link_id
                              FROM   gl_import_references IR, gl_je_headers JEH
                              WHERE  IR.je_header_id = JEH.je_header_id
                              AND    JEH.ledger_id = P_Ledger_id
                              AND    JEH.je_batch_id = P_batch_id
                              AND    IR.gl_sl_link_table = 'APECL');
Line: 2728

  SELECT meaning
  FROM   fnd_lookups
  WHERE  (lookup_code = LookupCode)
  AND    (lookup_type = LookupType);
Line: 2849

   p_default_last_updated_by   IN            NUMBER,
   p_default_last_update_login IN            NUMBER,
   p_pa_default_dist_ccid         OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
   p_pa_concatenated_segments	  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
   p_debug_Info                   OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
   p_debug_Context                OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
   p_calling_sequence          IN            VARCHAR2,
   p_default_dist_ccid         IN  AP_INVOICE_LINES.DEFAULT_DIST_CCID%TYPE --bug 5386396
   procedure_billable_flag       	VARCHAR2(60) := '';
Line: 3116

    SELECT bill_to_location_id,
    INTO   l_bill_to_location_id,
    FROM   po_vendor_sites
    WHERE  vendor_site_id = p_vendor_site_id;
Line: 3157

SELECT account_owner_org_id
INTO   l_legal_entity_id
FROM   ce_bank_accounts cba,
       ce_bank_acct_uses_all cbau
WHERE  cbau.bank_account_id = cba.bank_account_id
AND    cbau.bank_acct_use_id = p_bank_acct_use_id;
Line: 3200

    SELECT bill_to_location_id,
    INTO   l_bill_to_location_id,
    FROM   po_vendor_sites
    WHERE  vendor_site_id = p_vendor_site_id;
Line: 3242

PROCEDURE Delete_AP_Profiles
     (P_Profile_Option_Name          IN            VARCHAR2)
Line: 3252

END Delete_AP_Profiles;
Line: 3262

      SELECT GLPS.closing_status
        FROM gl_period_statuses GLPS,
             ap_system_parameters SP
       WHERE GLPS.application_id = 200
         AND GLPS.set_of_books_id = SP.set_of_books_id
         AND TRUNC(p_gl_date) BETWEEN GLPS.start_date AND GLPS.end_date
         AND NVL(GLPS.adjustment_period_flag, 'N') = 'N';
Line: 3331

      SELECT GLPS.closing_status
        FROM gl_period_statuses GLPS,
             ap_system_parameters SP
       WHERE GLPS.application_id = 8721
         AND SP.org_id = P_Org_Id
         AND GLPS.set_of_books_id = SP.set_of_books_id
         AND TRUNC(p_gl_date) BETWEEN GLPS.start_date AND GLPS.end_date
         AND NVL(GLPS.adjustment_period_flag, 'N') = 'N';
Line: 3409

   SELECT sum(nvl(ael.accounted_cr,0) - nvl(ael.accounted_dr,0) )
     FROM (SELECT DISTINCT old_distribution_id, encumbered_flag, org_id
            WHERE po_distribution_id = p_po_distribution_id
          ) aid,
          financials_system_parameters fsp
    WHERE 1=1 --aid.po_distribution_id = P_po_distribution_id --commented for bug12962585
      AND aid.old_distribution_id = ael.invoice_distribution_id -- added for bug12962585
      -- AND aid.invoice_distribution_id = ael.invoice_distribution_id --commented for bug12962585
      AND ( ( p_start_gl_date is not null
              and p_start_gl_date <= ael.accounting_date ) or
            ( p_start_gl_date is null ) )
      AND ( (p_end_gl_date is not null
             and  p_end_gl_date >= ael.accounting_date ) or
            (p_end_gl_date is null ) )
      --AND ael.encumbrance_line_type not in ('IPV', 'ERV', 'QV','AV') --commented for bug12962585
      AND  nvl(aid.org_id,-1) =  nvl(fsp.org_id,-1)
      AND  ael.encumbrance_type_id =  fsp.purch_encumbrance_type_id
      --added below condition for bug12962585
      AND ( (ael.ae_header_id is null and aid.encumbered_flag = 'Y' ) or
            (ael.ae_header_id is not null and
             'Y' = ( select gl_transfer_flag
                     from ap_ae_headers aeh
                     where aeh.ae_header_id = ael.ae_header_id ) )
Line: 3442

   SELECT sum (nvl(nvl(aid.base_amount,aid.amount),0) -
               nvl(aid.base_invoice_price_variance ,0) -
               nvl(aid.exchange_rate_variance,0) -
     FROM   ap_invoice_dists_arch aid, --bug12962585, changed to old table
            po_distributions pd,
            financials_system_parameters fs
    where aid.po_distribution_id = p_po_distribution_id
      and aid.po_distribution_id = pd.po_distribution_id
      and nvl(aid.org_id,-1) = nvl(fs.org_id,-1)
      /* and fs.inv_encumbrance_type_id <> fs.purch_encumbrance_type_id Bug 14063588*/
      and NVL(PD.accrue_on_receipt_flag,'N') = 'N'
      AND AID.po_distribution_id is not null
      AND nvl(aid.match_status_flag, 'N') = 'A'
      AND nvl(aid.encumbered_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
      /* AND nvl(aid.historical_flag, 'N') = 'Y' Bug 14063588*/
      AND aid.line_type_lookup_code NOT IN ('IPV', 'ERV', 'TIPV', 'TERV', 'TRV', 'QV', 'AV')
      AND (aid.accrual_posted_flag = 'Y' or aid.cash_posted_flag = 'Y')
      AND (( p_start_gl_date is not null and p_start_gl_date <= aid.accounting_date) or (p_start_gl_date is null))
      AND ((p_end_gl_date is not null and p_end_gl_date >= aid.accounting_date) or (p_end_gl_date is null))
      AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 'release 11.5 encumbrance'
                        from ap_encumbrance_lines_all ael
                       where ael.invoice_distribution_id = aid.invoice_distribution_id)
      -- bug 7225570
      AND aid.bc_event_id is null
      AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 'release 11.5 encumbrance tax'
              from ap_encumbrance_lines_all ael
              where ael.invoice_distribution_id = aid.charge_applicable_to_dist_id);
Line: 3600

        SELECT book_type_code
        INTO l_asset_book
        FROM fa_book_controls fc
        WHERE fc.book_class = 'CORPORATE' -- bug 8843743: modify
        AND fc.set_of_books_id = p_ledger_id
        AND fc.date_ineffective  IS NULL;
Line: 3618

      SELECT book_type_code
      INTO l_asset_book
      FROM fa_book_controls fc
      WHERE fc.book_class = 'CORPORATE' -- bug 8843743: modify
      AND fc.set_of_books_id = p_ledger_id
      AND fc.date_ineffective  IS NULL;
Line: 3752

    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'SELECT '|| l_segment_num ||
    		' from gl_code_combinations where code_combination_id = :a '
    INTO l_nat_account USING p_ccid;
Line: 3804

   select bal_seg_value_option_code
    into l_bal_seg_value_option_code
    from gl_ledgers
   where ledger_id = p_set_of_books_id;
Line: 3813

        SELECT 'Y'
          INTO l_valid
          FROM gl_ledger_segment_values glsv
         WHERE glsv.segment_value = p_balancing_segment_value
           AND glsv.segment_type_code = 'B'
           AND glsv.ledger_id = p_set_of_books_id
           AND p_date BETWEEN NVL(glsv.start_date, p_date)
                          AND NVL(glsv.end_date, p_date)
           AND rownum = 1;
Line: 3882

  SELECT NVL(P_Batch_GL_Date,
    INTO l_current_date
    FROM ap_system_parameters_all SP  --5126689
   WHERE sp.org_id = p_org_id;
Line: 3928

    SELECT period_name
      FROM gl_period_statuses GLPS,
           ap_system_parameters_all SP
     WHERE application_id = 200
       AND sp.org_id = P_Org_Id
       AND GLPS.set_of_books_id = SP.set_of_books_id
       AND trunc(P_Date) BETWEEN start_date AND end_date
       AND closing_status in ('O', 'F')
       AND NVL(adjustment_period_flag, 'N') = 'N';
Line: 3968

      SELECT MIN(start_date),
        FROM gl_period_statuses GLPS,
             ap_system_parameters_all SP
       WHERE application_id = 200
         AND sp.org_id = P_Org_Id
         AND GLPS.set_of_books_id = SP.set_of_books_id
         AND end_date >= P_Date --Bug6809792
         AND closing_status in ('O', 'F')
         AND NVL(adjustment_period_flag, 'N') = 'N'
       GROUP BY period_name
       ORDER BY MIN(start_date);