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Line 231: mtl_txn_request_lines mtrl,

227: SELECT mtrh.header_id,
228: mtrh.move_order_type,
229: mtrl.line_id
230: FROM mtl_txn_request_headers mtrh,
231: mtl_txn_request_lines mtrl,
232: wsh_delivery_details wdd
233: WHERE mtrh.header_id = mtrl.header_id
234: AND mtrl.line_id = wdd.move_order_line_id
235: AND wdd.delivery_detail_id = p_delivery_detail_id;

Line 250: l_move_order_line_id mtl_txn_request_lines.line_id%TYPE;

246: l_batch_id NUMBER;
247: l_request_id NUMBER;
248: l_move_order_header_id mtl_txn_request_headers.header_id%TYPE;
249: l_move_order_type mtl_txn_request_headers.move_order_type%TYPE;
250: l_move_order_line_id mtl_txn_request_lines.line_id%TYPE;
251: l_trolin_tbl INV_MOVE_ORDER_PUB.Trolin_Tbl_Type;
252: l_trolin_old_tbl INV_MOVE_ORDER_PUB.Trolin_Tbl_Type;
253: l_trolin_out_tbl INV_MOVE_ORDER_PUB.Trolin_Tbl_Type;
254: l_mmtt_tbl INV_MO_LINE_DETAIL_UTIL.G_MMTT_Tbl_Type;

Line 486: -- Step 1. Update the QUANTITY_DETAILED = transfer quantity in MTL_TXN_REQUEST_LINES_TABLE using Process_Move_Order_Line.

483: --***************************************************************************************************************
484: -- The Move order which is created and released using the above APIs , will now be in allocated status
485: -- and can be transacted. The Transaction of Move Order will be done based on the Transfer Quantity passed by the user.
486: -- Step 1. Update the QUANTITY_DETAILED = transfer quantity in MTL_TXN_REQUEST_LINES_TABLE using Process_Move_Order_Line.
487: -- Step 2. Transact the Move Order by using pick_confirm API ( By Updating primary_quantity and transaction_quantity
488: -- with transfer_quantity in mtl_material_transactions_temp )
489: --***************************************************************************************************************

Line 778: FROM mtl_txn_request_lines

775: CURSOR c_line_status(p_line_id IN NUMBER)
776: IS
777: SELECT line_status
778: FROM mtl_txn_request_lines
779: WHERE line_id = p_line_id;
781: CURSOR c_open_lines(p_header_id IN NUMBER)
782: IS

Line 784: FROM mtl_txn_request_lines

781: CURSOR c_open_lines(p_header_id IN NUMBER)
782: IS
783: SELECT line_id
784: FROM mtl_txn_request_lines
785: WHERE header_id = p_header_id
786: AND line_status not in (5, 6);
788: l_request_number mtl_txn_request_headers.request_number%TYPE;

Line 822: UPDATE mtl_txn_request_lines

818: -- Initialize return status to success
819: x_retcode := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
822: UPDATE mtl_txn_request_lines
823: SET quantity_detailed = NULL
824: WHERE line_id = p_intra_line_id;
826: -- *******************************************************

Line 844: ( p_line_id => p_intra_line_id, -- mtl_txn_request_lines.line_id

840: -- ****************************************************************************************
841: -- Calling the inv_replenish_detail_pub.line_details_pub API , to replenish the Move Order
842: -- ****************************************************************************************
843: INV_REPLENISH_DETAIL_PUB.line_details_pub
844: ( p_line_id => p_intra_line_id, -- mtl_txn_request_lines.line_id
845: x_number_of_rows => l_number_of_rows,
846: x_detailed_qty => l_detailed_qty,
847: x_return_status => x_retcode,
848: x_msg_count => l_msg_count,

Line 856: p_transaction_header_id => p_intra_order_id, -- mtl_txn_request_lines.header_id

852: x_transfer_to_location => l_transfer_to_location,
853: x_lot_number => l_lot_number,
854: x_expiration_date => l_expiration_date,
855: x_transaction_temp_id => l_transaction_temp_id,
856: p_transaction_header_id => p_intra_order_id, -- mtl_txn_request_lines.header_id
857: p_transaction_mode => 1, -- INSERT
858: p_move_order_type => l_move_order_type,
859: p_serial_flag => NULL,
860: p_plan_tasks => FALSE,

Line 952: UPDATE mtl_txn_request_lines

948: -- Updating the Quantity_Detailed Column in Move Order Lines Table with the value present
949: -- in Quantity_Delivered Column as per the standard functionality.
950: -- ****************************************************************************************
952: UPDATE mtl_txn_request_lines
953: SET quantity_detailed = quantity_delivered
954: WHERE line_id = p_intra_line_id;

Line 1152: mtl_txn_request_lines mtrl,

1148: SELECT mtrh.request_number,
1149: mtrh.header_id,
1150: mtrl.line_id
1151: FROM mtl_txn_request_headers mtrh,
1152: mtl_txn_request_lines mtrl,
1153: mtl_kanban_cards mkc,
1154: mtl_kanban_card_activity mkca
1155: WHERE mtrh.header_id = mkca.document_header_id
1156: AND mtrl.line_id = mkca.document_detail_id

Line 1501: l_intra_line_id mtl_txn_request_lines.line_id%TYPE;

1497: l_header_id oe_order_headers_all.header_id%TYPE;
1498: l_line_id oe_order_lines_all.line_id%TYPE;
1499: l_intra_order_num mtl_txn_request_headers.request_number%TYPE;
1500: l_intra_order_id mtl_txn_request_headers.header_id%TYPE;
1501: l_intra_line_id mtl_txn_request_lines.line_id%TYPE;
1502: l_organization_id mtl_kanban_cards.organization_id%TYPE;
1503: l_source_type mtl_kanban_cards.source_type%TYPE;
1504: l_kanban_size mtl_kanban_cards.kanban_size%TYPE;