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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 19

hxc_time_building_blocks htbb,
hxc_approval_styles has
htbb.time_building_block_id = p_timecard_id      and
htbb.object_version_number = p_timecard_ovn      and
htbb.approval_style_id = has.approval_style_id;
Line: 32

select text
from wf_resources
where name = 'WF_ADMIN_ROLE';
Line: 46

	--if OTL Admin Role is not found i.e. if user doen't select any OTL Workflow adminstrator in the form
	--then we shall return Workflow Administrator.
	    if g_debug then
		hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 20);
Line: 83

hxc_time_building_blocks htbb,
hxc_approval_styles has
htbb.time_building_block_id = p_timecard_id  and
htbb.object_version_number = p_timecard_ovn  and
htbb.approval_style_id = has.approval_style_id;
Line: 95

select text
from wf_resources
where name = 'WF_ADMIN_ROLE';
Line: 109

	--if OTL Error Admin Role is not found i.e. if user doen't select any OTL Error Workflow adminstrator in
                          --the form then we shall return Workflow Administrator.

	 if g_debug then
		hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 20);
Line: 142

select employee_id
from fnd_user
where user_id = p_user_id;
Line: 152

select distinct last_updated_by
from hxc_time_building_blocks
where last_update_date =  (select  max(last_update_date)
			   where  date_to=hr_general.END_of_time
			   connect by prior  time_building_block_id=parent_building_block_id
			   start with  time_building_block_id=p_timecard_id)
and date_to=hr_general.END_of_time
connect by prior  time_building_block_id=parent_building_block_id
start with  time_building_block_id=p_timecard_id;
Line: 219

select orig_system,orig_system_id,display_name
from wf_local_roles
where name= p_role_name;
Line: 226

select full_name
from per_all_people_f
where person_id = p_system_id
and p_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 281

      select supervisor_id
      from per_all_assignments_f
      where person_id = (select resource_id
	 	         from hxc_time_building_blocks
		         where time_building_block_id=p_timecard_id
		     	 and object_version_number =p_timecard_ovn)
       and assignment_type in ('E','C')
       and primary_flag = 'Y'
       and sysdate between effective_start_date and effective_END_Date;
Line: 326

select resource_id
from hxc_time_building_blocks
where time_building_block_id=p_timecard_id
and object_version_number =p_timecard_ovn;
Line: 433

    select supervisor_id
    from per_all_assignments_f
    where person_id = p_resource_id
    and assignment_type in ('E','C')
    and primary_flag = 'Y'
    and sysdate between effective_start_date and effective_END_Date;
Line: 480

select approval_comp_id
from hxc_app_period_summary
where application_period_id = p_app_bb_id;
Line: 486

select happs.approval_comp_id
from hxc_tc_ap_links htal, hxc_app_period_summary happs
where htal.timecard_id =  p_app_bb_id
and happs.application_period_id = htal.application_period_id
and rownum <2;
Line: 494

select hac.approval_comp_id
from hxc_approval_comps hac,
     hxc_approval_styles has,
    hxc_time_building_blocks htb
where htb.time_building_block_id =p_bb_id
and htb.object_version_number = p_bb_ovn
and htb.approval_style_id = has.approval_style_id
and has.approval_style_id = hac.APPROVAL_STYLE_ID
and hac.approval_mechanism = 'PROJECT_MANAGER'
and hac.parent_comp_id is null
and hac.parent_comp_ovn is null;
Line: 606

    select 'Y'
      into l_dummy
      from wf_item_attribute_values
     where item_type = p_item_type
       and item_key = p_item_key
       and name = p_name;
Line: 743

select 'Y'
from hxc_app_comp_notifications hacn,
     hxc_app_comp_notif_usages hacnu
where hacnu.comp_notification_id = hacn.comp_notification_id
      and hacnu.comp_notification_ovn = hacn.object_version_number
      and hacnu.approval_comp_id = p_approval_comp_id
      and hacn.notification_action_code = p_action_code
      and hacn.notification_recipient_code = p_recipient_code
      and hacnu.enabled_flag = 'Y';
Line: 757

  select adl.time_building_block_id,
    from hxc_ap_detail_links adl
   where adl.application_period_id = p_application_period_id;
Line: 766

select wias.item_key,
          wna3.text_value bb_id
   from wf_notifications wn,
           wf_notification_attributes wna1,
           wf_notification_attributes wna2,
           wf_notification_attributes wna3,
           wf_item_activity_statuses wias
 where wn.message_name = 'HXC_GENERIC_NOTIF_MESSAGE'
     and wn.message_type = 'HXCEMP'
     and (wn.recipient_role = p_recipient_role OR wn.original_recipient = p_recipient_role)
     and wna1.notification_id = wn.notification_id
     and wna2.notification_id = wn.notification_id
     and wna3.notification_id = wn.notification_id
     and wna1.name = 'FYI_ACTION_CODE'
     and wna1.text_value  = p_action_code
     and wna2.name = 'FYI_RECIPIENT_CODE'
     and wna2.text_value = p_recipient_code
     and wna3.name = 'APP_BB_ID'
     and wn.notification_id = wias.notification_id
     and wias.item_type = 'HXCEMP'
     and wias.item_key in (
                     select ts.approval_item_key item_key
                       from hxc_timecard_summary ts
                     where ts.timecard_id = p_timecard_id
                     select aps.approval_item_key item_key
                       from hxc_tc_ap_links tcl,
                               hxc_app_period_summary aps
                    where tcl.timecard_id = p_timecard_id
                       and tcl.application_period_id = aps.application_period_id

Line: 803

select d.approval_mechanism
from hxc_ap_detail_links a,
hxc_latest_details b,
hxc_app_period_summary c,
hxc_approval_comps d
where a.time_building_block_id in (select time_building_block_id
				from hxc_ap_detail_links
				where application_period_id =p_app_period_id)
and a.application_period_id <>p_app_period_id
and b.time_building_block_id = a.time_building_block_id
and b.object_version_number = a.time_building_block_ovn
and c.application_period_id = a.application_period_id
and c.approval_comp_id = d.approval_comp_id
and d.approval_mechanism <>'AUTO_APPROVE';
Line: 820

select start_time,stop_time
from hxc_app_period_summary
where application_period_id = p_app_bb_id;
Line: 826

select start_time,stop_time
from hxc_timecard_summary
where timecard_id = p_timecard_id;
Line: 977

select tk_audit_item_key
into l_tk_audit_item_key
from hxc_timecard_summary
where timecard_id= p_timecard_id;
Line: 1068

        SELECT tcsum.resource_id,
          FROM hxc_timecard_summary tcsum
         WHERE  tcsum.timecard_id = p_tc_bbid;
Line: 1078

select hts.timecard_id,hts.timecard_ovn
from  hxc_tc_ap_links tcl, hxc_timecard_summary hts
where tcl.application_period_id = p_app_bb_id
and tcl.timecard_id = hts.timecard_id;
Line: 1710

select aps.application_period_id
from hxc_tc_ap_links tcl,
       hxc_app_period_summary aps
where  tcl.timecard_id = p_timecard_id
and tcl.application_period_id = aps.application_period_id ;*/
Line: 1718

select text_value
from wf_item_attribute_values
where item_type = itemtype
and item_key = itemkey
and name = 'RESULT';
Line: 1741

	update hxc_app_period_summary
	    set approval_status = 'SUBMITTED'
	where application_period_id = l_app_bb_id
	and application_period_ovn = l_app_bb_ovn;