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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 35

        select value
	into utl_dir
	from v$parameter
	where name = 'utl_file_dir';
Line: 85

     select distinct upper(trim(v.queue_handler)) qhandler
     from (
           select queue_handler
           from  wf_agents
           where  queue_handler is not null and
      )v, user_objects uo
     where uo.object_name = v.queue_handler
     and   uo.object_type = 'PACKAGE BODY'
     and   uo.status = 'VALID';
Line: 100

     select to_char(sysdate,'DDMONYYYYHH24MISS')
     into l_timestamp
     from dual;
Line: 255

       select distinct upper(trim(v.function)) function
       from (
            select upper(substr(we.generate_function,1,instr(we.generate_function, '.')-1)) package_name,
                   we.generate_function function
            from  wf_events we
            where we.generate_function is not null and
           ) v, user_objects uo
        where uo.object_name = nvl(v.package_name,v.function) and
              uo.object_type = decode(v.package_name,null,'FUNCTION','PACKAGE BODY') and
              uo.status = 'VALID';
Line: 268

       select distinct upper(trim(v.function)) function
       from (
            select upper(substr(wes.rule_function,1,instr(wes.rule_function, '.')-1)) package_name,
                   wes.rule_function function
            from  wf_events we,wf_event_subscriptions wes
            where we.guid = wes.event_filter_guid and
                  instr(upper(we.name),p_corrid)=1 and
                  wes.rule_function is not null and
                  upper(wes.rule_function) not like 'WF_RULE%' and
                  upper(wes.rule_function) not like 'WF_XML%'
            ) v, user_objects uo
        where uo.object_name = nvl(v.package_name,v.function)  and
	      uo.object_type = decode(v.package_name,null,'FUNCTION','PACKAGE BODY') and
	      uo.status = 'VALID';
Line: 284

       select distinct upper(trim(v.function)) function
       from (
            select upper(substr(wes.rule_function,1,instr(wes.rule_function, '.')-1)) package_name,
                   wes.rule_function function
            from  wf_events we,wf_event_subscriptions wes
            where we.guid = wes.event_filter_guid and
                  wes.rule_function is not null and
                   upper(wes.rule_function) like 'WF_RULE%' or
                   upper(wes.rule_function) like 'WF_XML%'
            ) v, user_objects uo
        where uo.object_name = nvl(v.package_name,v.function)  and
	      uo.object_type = decode(v.package_name,null,'FUNCTION','PACKAGE BODY') and
	      uo.status = 'VALID';
Line: 303

        select to_char(sysdate,'DDMONYYYYHH24MISS')
        into l_timestamp
        from dual;