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APPS.PV_MATCH_V2_PUB dependencies on DUAL

Line 714: FROM DUAL;

710: SELECT decode ( p_attr_operator_tbl(attr_seq) , g_null_opr, 'Is Null'
711: , g_not_null_opr, 'Is Not Null'
712: , g_not_equals_opr, 'Not Equals')
713: INTO l_opr_meaning
716: fnd_message.Set_Name('PV', 'PV_OPERATOR_NOT_SUPPORTED');
717: fnd_message.Set_Token('P_OPERATOR',l_opr_meaning );
718: fnd_msg_pub.Add;

Line 724: -- Individual inner SQL statement. Each name-value pair constitutues one or more

720: END IF;
723: -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
724: -- Individual inner SQL statement. Each name-value pair constitutues one or more
725: -- inner SQL statements. Attributes that have multiple values (e.g. country =
726: -- 'US', 'GB') will have multiple inner SQL statements, one for each OR condition.
727: -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
728: l_bind_count := l_bind_count + 1;

Line 765: -- break up the attribute value into individual values.

763: -- -------------------------------------------------------------------
764: -- If there are more than one OR condition in the attribute value,
765: -- break up the attribute value into individual values.
766: -- -------------------------------------------------------------------
767: l_delm_cnt := get_no_of_delimiter(p_attr_value_tbl(attr_no),p_att_delmter);

Line 777: -- Attr Value will be broken down into individual elements in PL/SQL table

773: l_delm_length := length(p_att_delmter);
775: IF l_delm_cnt > 0 THEN
776: -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
777: -- Attr Value will be broken down into individual elements in PL/SQL table
778: -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
779: tokenize
780: (
781: p_attr_value => l_attr_value,

Line 2104: from dual

2100: incumbent_partner_flag number) is
2101: select sum(flagvalue) flagcount
2102: from (
2103: select rejected_oppty_flag flagvalue
2104: from dual
2105: where exists
2106: (select rejected_oppty_flag
2107: from pv_lead_assignments pval
2108: where pval.lead_id = pc_lead_id

Line 2114: from dual

2110: and pval.partner_id = pc_partner_id
2111: )
2112: union
2113: select incumbent_partner_flag flagvalue
2114: from dual
2115: where pc_partner_id = pc_incumbent_pt_party_id
2116: );
2118: cursor lc_duplicate_pt_count

Line 2175: where pvpp_partner_id in (SELECT * FROM THE(select CAST(p_matched_id AS JTF_NUMBER_TABLE) from dual))

2171: pv_attribute_codes_vl pvac, hz_relationships hzr ,
2172: hz_organization_profiles HZOP,
2173: (SELECT rownum idx, column_value
2174: FROM (SELECT column_value FROM TABLE (CAST(p_matched_id AS JTF_NUMBER_TABLE)))) x_partner
2175: where pvpp_partner_id in (SELECT * FROM THE(select CAST(p_matched_id AS JTF_NUMBER_TABLE) from dual))
2176: and pvpp.partner_id = x_partner.column_value
2177: and hzr.party_id = pvpp.partner_id
2178: and hzr.subject_id = hzp.party_id
2179: and hzr.object_id = HZOP.party_id